Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1967)
n ^er Falk A modification of policy regard- ng applications for admission to Graduate College of Texas A&M University has been an- lounced by Assistant Dean Has- ;ell Monroe. scores. Dr. Monroe said applications Previously, applicants might AY OVER" 3 AT tomplete lin lltn arcry' ishes, canvas boards — just the artist. Chapman's Paint Ics north of Weingurtens at 811 S. l;ge Avenue. 470tl liby crib with mattress, trood condition ; ill occasional chair, 846-6063. 477t4 LIRE RDAY THE fasher-Dryer combination, illion. 822-3731. 'olkswagon 11,400 miles, radio, rain aldi, parcel tray, P. O. windows, W/S/W >. Call 846-4148. 476t4 1 CMC pick-up. V-6 Iwb 4 speed, ichanical condition. Call 846- ullent mechani 1 liter 6 :00. 3UT” I DAY [NES "RE” use 110c for 20 minutes, 25c for 1 lited in Room B of sound proof dice rooms on lower level of OLIC p. m. AY OAD” i & UE LUEDECKE ROCK SHOP Wings, Stones & Equipment Jones Bridge Road Next to West Runway Jastervvood Airport — 846-7474 lPE” ENT” ion ES” ECIAL THE 5” RS” N” Grad Admissions Change Announced will not be processed, nor will students be permitted to take courses for graduate degree credit until they submit acceptable Graduate Record Examination be permitted to enroll in graduate study, pending submission of scores. Under the new policy, Monroe explained, all students must score total of 1,000 on the aptitude portion of the GRE and have earned a grade point ratio of at least 2.0 for the last two years of work. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES " 1< per word each Minimu , . . 4^ per word additional day Claas im charge— ified Disph -50<f 90(f per column inch h inserl DEADLINE each ertion 4 p.m. day before publication FOR SALE ne of art supplies ; Shiva oils, ylics, water colors, pastels, as boards — just everything Store, 2 terrier puppies 2 four month olds. by fox 6 weeks old. 589-2201 after 477tl iveyour figure salon at home. Stauffer [Ins machine. 846-6741, 476t2 Excellent 476tfn Vo Gentle Mares, good for kids and linners. Call 822-3980. W lot beef for your food locker or lefreezer. Best in town. Frank Smith, 4)17. 469tfn SPECIAL NOTICE bin operated electric typewriters avail- ! lor use in Memorial Student Center. Me r t out key at main lower 1 in desk. hour. piano MSC. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired H3 S. Main 822-1941 WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA Price Increase Oct. 1 Order Now Save .$17.50 lames 0. Freeman, Dist Mgr. I'm Our Christmas Lay-A-Way Plan. Phone 846-6626 Before 9 a. m. & After 5 p. m. TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Serv ice Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 109 S. Main 822-6000 Enco, Amalie, Conoco 31c qt. Restock all local major brands, fhere low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Tarts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts - We Fit %% of All Cars - Save ■ 40% Brake Shoes $2.98 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars into trans. oil 25tf • Champion - Autolite plugs Starters - Generators All 6 Volt — $10.95 Each Most 12 Volt — $11.95 Each fires—Low price every day — fist check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 120 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 21 years in Bryan OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publicationi before deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication. Application ms in for the ,grees are Registrar’s Office being from accepted all students who expect to complete their degree requirements by January 1968. Can didates for advanced degrees must file their applications with both the Registrar's Registrar's Office and the Graduate Dean’s Office. The deadline date for filing application is Octobe he deadline date 20. 1967. H. L. Heaton Director of Admissions and Registrar 477tl5 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Nissan, Edward Degree : Ph.D. in Statistics Dissertation: Estimaaion of Linear and Non-Linear Production Functions Under Restraints. Time: Monday, October 2, 1967 at 8:00 a. m. Conference Room Institute of Sta- cs O. E. Teague Research Center Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 476t2 lace: list i FOR SALE OR LEASE Photocopy machine. Coin or key ated. Negative or positive copies. Bargain. 846-3496 after 6 p. m. arga 4701 HELP WANTED Three meals free daily for short work shift. Call Mgr. 846-9929. Aggie wanted, wor] Dutch Kettle. Servicemen wanted for T. V., radio and -fidelity repair. Call Bryan Radio and T. V. 822-4862. 475tfn AGGIE WIVES attendants needed for Sunday hurch worship hour. First Methodist Church in Bryan. Call Mrs. Knapp 822- 1324, $1.40 per hour. 476t6 Nurse ch ?ry Wanted, two registered nurses for su pervisor on 3 to 11 shift at Madison County Hospital, Madisonville, Texas. Excellent salary. Call collect, DI 8-2631, Miss Gloria Rice or Mr. E. G. Clark. 465tfn CHILD CARE Chilu care all ages. 846-8151. 341tf«i Gregory's Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3406 South College, State Licensed. 123-8626. Virginia D. Jones. R. N. OTIS MCDONALD’S Typewriters • Adding Machines • Cal culators • Cash Registers • Electro static Dry Copiers ervic tatir Jry Sales • Service • Rentals Norelco dictating equipment 429 South Main Street • Phone 822-1328 Bryan, Texas 77802 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It M Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer It is now time foi* all Corps Accounts, Civilian Government Organizations Depart- mental and Professional Clubs, Hometown and Interna tional Clubs, Honor Societies, M.S.C. Advised Accounts, Sports Clubs, Student Body Governing Organizations, and Service Or ganizations, to be officially rec- 'ognized at the Student Finance Center, MSC. Each club must file a list of their officers with the Student Finance Center. DEADLINE OCTOBER 16. ATTENTION JANUARY GRADUATES! You may begin ordering graduation invitations Oct. 2, 1967. Orders Taken From 9-12, 1-4 Monday - Friday, At The Cashier’s Window Memorial Student Center DEADLINE OCT. 31 WORK WANTED Baby sitting in my home. For working mother. Fenced play area. Near Univer sity. Call 846-2575. 476t3 FOR RENT Quiet room, outside door, air conditioned, [joining bath shared with one. Call early late. 822-6888. 476tfn 10’ x 58’ Mobile home. 3 beds, completely furnished. Perfect for 3 students located in country on C-Bar W Ranch about 20 minutes from C.S. Home set In grove of trees. No next door neighbors. 3 with hunting and fish- month. All 470tfn big trees. No lakes and hunting i ing privileges. $112.50 per i utilities paid. Phone 822-4972. STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day id weakly rate, near the University, 84C- 262tfn snd 6410. FAIRWAY APARTMENTS Two bedrooms Furnished or unfurnished Carpeted and draped T.V. cable connections Close to A&M, elementary schools and golf course Central air and heat Built in stove, refrigerator and disposal. From $99.50 3300 S. College Resident Mgr. Apt. 3-B 846-47X3 822-8023 THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living” Separate Adult & Family Areas “Children Welcome’’ Model Apts. Open For Inspection From $120 - All Utilities Paid 1602 S. College Avenue Resident Manager - Apt. 55 Phone 823-4250 Make Your Deposit Now 365tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS! 1 Need A Summer Home & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-2035 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 CM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 26th & Parker 822-1336 822-1307 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5810 FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding ^ Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All damaged items restored to full utility by our repairs department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 32nd & S. Tabor Streets — Bryan ANNOUNCING A COMPLETE —SERVICE— Hanson Meats 822-1316 or 822-1317 Custom Slaughtering Freezer Meats — Sides, Hinds, Fores Cuts — Any Amount — Financing Available — Butcher Depart ment — Food Lockers — Portion Control — Home Freezers — Sausage and Smoked Products. WE’RE GLAD TO MEAT YOU HANSONS 2701 Texas Ave. EAT BETTER FOR LESS Officers Receive Military Awards THE BATTALION Friday, September 29, 1967 College Station, Texas Page 8 A Texas A&M ROTC instruc tor and six officers studying for advance degrees were decorated for outstanding military service Thursday. Awards were presented in Air ROTC classes by Col. Vernon L. Head, professor of aerospace studies and the ranking Air Force officer at A&M. Maj. Thomas W. Comstock, who instructs freshman courses, re ceived the First Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Force Commendation Medal. The Air Medal was awarded to Capt. Francis R. Murphy for aerial duty under hazardous con dition. Capt. Charles W. Dickson III and 1st Lt. Domonic P. Sorce were pinned with Commendation Med als. Combat Readiness Medals went to Capt. John A. Zingg and Capt. 'Milton R. Bryant. Capt. Thomas O. Sloan was awarded the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Honor Medal. Captains Murphy, Zingg and Lieutenant Sorce are studying for masters degrees in computer sci ence. Capt. Bryant and Captain Sloan are seeking masters in in dustrial engineering and mathe matics, respectively, while Cap tain Dickson is studying for a bachelor’s degree in aerospace en gineering. The graduate students are attending A&M through the Air Force Institue of Technology. FLORSHEIM SHOES ITT I at 3tm ^hurnca ^ • men's tuciir . . HR VAN. 1 Briscoe Named Tops In NASA Allen L. Briscoe of Rosenberg, a junior aerospace engineering major at Texas A&M, has been named cooperative education Stu dent of the Month at NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. The award was announced by J. G. McGuire, A&M assistant engineering dean and director of the cooperative education pro gram in which students alternate between working a semester in industry and attending classes a semester. Briscoe worked during the sum mer in the advanced operations planning section of NASA’s Flight Control Division. His su pervisors cited him for “a remark able degree of initiative and ability to originate action on as signments without being told every detail.” “They said his accomplish ments, especially in August, were comparable to the work of more highly trained engineers,” Mc Guire commented. Briscoe, the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Briscoe Jr. of Rosen berg, has a 2.08 grade point ratio on a 3.0 scale at A&M. He has received recognition as a distin guished student. HER RECORD IS BIG HIT Bobbie Gentry, Mississippi lass who recorded a record hit, poses in recording studio. Her “Ode to Billy Joe” has sold 1.6 million records. (AP Wirephoto) Fire Department Accepts Entries Applications for Miss Flame, who will serve as the official hostess for the fire department during Fire Prevention Week, must be turned in by tonight. Entries must contact either the fire chief or Mrs. Mary Sevison at 846-8716 or 846-8969. The con test is open to any junior or sen ior in A&M Consolidated High School. Final judging is scheduled Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. • • • • ennouf ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY m REDUCED Thru Saturday TODDLETIME® SLEEPERS SIZES 1 TO 4, REG. 2.29 . . . NOW f 5.55 SIZES 3 TO 8, REG. 2.59 . . . NOW 3.6.66 Scoop up this Penny special today! Cuddle soft cotton knit sleepers for infants and toddlers! Teriffic buys at regular prices, now they’re reduced for even greater sav ings. Penn-Set® means the size you buy is the size they’ll stay . . . even after countless machine washings. Gaily printed pullover tops; solid toned bottoms with plastic soled feet. OPEN LATE MONDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY Downtown Bryan SPECIAL! VALUE BUY! 2 PIECE SPECIAL! THERMAL GAUZE KNIT TODDLER CRIB BLANKET DIAPERS CREEPER SET BOY’S LONGIES 30” x 40” 20” x 40” 100% Durene® Size 2 - 7 99c 3 s *7 S0 set $|98 pr. $100 if 'A -v:\* REDUCED Thru Sat. Only ROOM SIZE RUGS REVERSABLE BRAIDED RUGS or ALL NYLON PILE RUGS Reg. $52 NOW $42 BRAIDED 8’ 8" x 11’ x 8”—NYLON RUG 9’ x 12’