Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1967)
Page 8 College Station, Texas Thursday, July 27, 1967 THE BATTALION Ladies Are Going For Judo Those 62 women who signed up for the Texas A&M Judo Club’s new self-defense class are highly motivated to the point it hurts, reports Capt. Gibbs Dibrell, chief instructor. “I was pretty bruised and sore after the first sessions,” laments the Air Force officer who holds a coveted black belt in judo. He said the women, whose ranks in clude single girls and married women ranging in age from 17 to 53, simply don’t know the proper means for protecting the person they are throwing. Capt. Dibrell is really not sore about being a little battered. He’s actually delighted with the turn out—double what the club ex pected — and rather philosophical about the physical plight of he and his fellow instructors. “It’s unfortunate,” he observed, “that they have to hurt us in the learning process.” Now that the initial aches are going away, Dibrell is already thinking in terms of an advanced class for the women this fall. To become really proficient in self- defense, he explains, a person needs about 16 lessons. The be ginners course is eight lessons. Dibrell is slightly bewildered by the widespread interest in the course. While there have been no incidents around the univer sity, he feels women are generally alarmed about what’s going on in many of the larger cities through out the nation. “Women have in the back of their minds,” he reasons, “that self-defense is a good thing to know.” A side-effect of the large turn out for the womens course has been increased male interest in the club’s regular judo classes. “The husbands apparently want an equal footing in this self- defense business, Dibrell declares. Getting back to the women’s side of the program, the A&M graduate math student can’t say enough glowing things about the ladies’ enthusiasm. “They’ll throw us as fast as we are willing to stand up and let them,” he notes. Fortunately for the instructors, the curriculum will soon progress beyond the throwing stage and get down to what Dibrell con siders the most important part of the course: the use of common- sense techniques to avoid getting into a situation where a woman must defend herself at close quar ters. “The last thing we want them to do is confront an assailant in a hand-to-hand situation,” Dibrell stresses. “We want them to keep their cool and attempt to talk their assailants out of an attack.” OVER AND OUT Mrs. Georg-e Blanton flips a Texas A&M Judo Club instructor during a new woman’s self defense class sponsored by the organization. take aim on 1000’s of GOLD BOND STAMPS DOUBLE BONUS BULLS EYE! ^ Pick up your game card at our store. Simply Stamps—for a total of 500 stamps! P/us the ^ fill in the rows of the Bulls-Eye with Bonus Double Bonus of 500 additional stamps for Bulls-Eye stamps you receive for each $5 completing all five rows! worth of purchases at our store! 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