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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1967)
Page 8 THE BATTALION Colege Station, Texas Thursday, May 4, 1967 Dominican Official Studies Aggie Ways Marcos Gonzalez, an official from the Secretary of Agricul ture’s office of the Dominican Re public, is spending two weeks studying the organizational struc ture of Texas A&M. W. E. (Bill) Beach, campus co ordinator for Dominican Republic programs for the International Programs Office, said Gonzalez is particularly interested in agri cultural research and teaching procedures. Gonzalez’ schedule includes a short visit to study blackland in come programs at Temple and McGregor, and a tour of A&M’s rice research facilities at Beau mont. International Programs’ represenatives will accompany him. Assistant director of the Plan- Fund Bill Passes “DAMN THE DEMONSTRATORS” The 7th Fleet ammunition supply ship Virgo displays a new paraphrase of the old Navy line “Damn the torpedoes—full speed ahead.” The Virgo’s banner says “Damn the demon strators” and ‘Pass the ammunition,” a retort to the anti war demonstrators in the United States. The ship was photographed cruising 60 miles north of the border between North and South Vietnam. (AP Wirephoto) In Texas Senate Groups Pay Tribute Tuesday To Past Dean Of Agriculture Local businessmen, former stu dents and associates paid tribute Tuesday night to Charles N. Shepardson, former Texas A&M dean of agriculture who recently announced his retirement from the Federal Reserve System board of governors. The Briarcrest Country Club ap preciation dinner, sponsored by University National Bank and several of Shepardson’s former students, included presentation of a plaque and reading of a resolu tion prepared by the local bank ing fraternity. The resolution noted “Gover nor” Shepardson has “shouldered a heavy burden of financial and fiscal responsibility” and while at Texas A&M “contributed immea surably to the development of agriculture in the State of Texas and in the nation.” , Shepardson, who now resides in Washington, D. C., had been par ticipating in Texas A&M’s three- day financial management con ference which concluded Tuesday. He was appointed to the Fed eral Reserve Board in 1955 after serving more than 27 years at Texas A&M, the last 11 as dean of agriculture. Shepardson is a native of Lit tleton, Colo., and a graduate of Colorado State College where he also taught for eight years before joining the A&IM faculty. A&M Is Invited To Spring Rodeo HILLSBORO — Texas A&M cowboys and cowgirls have been invited to participate in the Hill Junior College Rodeo Club’s spring rodeo Friday and Satur day, May 5-6. The rodeo performances are the highlight of Western Days, also set for Friday and Saturday. A parade will be held Friday at 5 p.m. in downtown Hillsboro. AUSTIN <A>) _ The Senate Finance Subcommittee approved today a one-year spending bill calling for $436 million from the general revenue fund, which could mean a tax increase of $11 million during the next fiscal year. Sen. A. M. Aikin Jr. of Paris, chairman of the Finance Commit tee, said he would ask full com mittee approval of the Senate bill Thursday. LT. GOV. PRESTON Smith, meeting with the subcommittee and newsmen in his office just prior to the start of the Senate session, said he would ask the Senate to consider both the one- year bill and a two-year appropri ation measure, which has been on the Senate calendar for more than a month. It called for spending $846.8 million from general revenue. “I want the Senate to make a choice which they favor,” Smith said. AFTER THE Senate Finance Committee had approved the two- year appropriation bill, Gov. John Connally asked the legislature to provide funds for running state government for only one year. He said he would call the leg islature back in special session next year to find money for the second year of the biennium. Included in the one-year bill is some $12 million for salary in creases for state employes. ning Department of the Domini can Secretary of Agriculture, Gonzalez also is coordinator of training programs for the secre tary of agriculture. The depart ment also is responsible for on going programs, Beach com mented. Dr. Jarvis Miller, chief of A&M’s party for contract opera tions in the Dominican Republic, said Gonzalez’ office prepares agricultural development plans and coordinates activities of all agencies in the agricultural sec tor, including credit, water re sources, cooperative promotion and agrarian reform. Dr. Miller said a major problem of the department is lack of trained personnel. He noted that A&M’s goal will provide 100 bachelor of science trained agri cultural scientists and workers. Thirty-seven Dominican stu dents are completing their first year of study at A&M, Miller pointed out. Carlos Aquino is Dominican coordinator for the students. Beach announced 27 additional Dominican students are scheduled to arrive at A&M May 28 for a Plane Wreckage Is Discovered On MountainSide MENA, Ark. (A*) — The wreck age of an Army T-41 plane miss ing since Saturday was discover ed Wednesday on a heavily wood ed mountain in western Arkansas. The Polk County sheriff’s of fice confirmed that the single engine plane had been found, but it and other authorities declin ed to give other details. Aboard the missing plane were Maj. D. F. Denton, the pilot, and Maj. L. S. Wiese, both attached to the command and general staff college at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. The plane was spotted on Rich Mountain near Wilhelmina State Park by a man who had report ed that he heard a low-flying aircraft that sounded like a heli copter or crippled airplane in the area Saturday. Denton and Wiese, on a flight from Ft. Leavenworth, were re ported missing after leaving Fay etteville, Ark., where they had stopped for fuel. Denton planned to drop Wiese at Mena and then continue to Arkadelaphia, Ark. The cowboys* choice since 1850... laWOs AMERICA'S FINEST JEANS For more than a century, there’s only been one brand of jeans with this slim, snug cut—one brand of jeans with this super-tough denim, reinforced with Copper Rivets. It’s LEVI’S Jeans—choice of real cowboys in the arena and on the range. When you buy blue jeans, get the real thing—sot LEVI’S Jeans I Look for tho Red Tab on th« back- pocket ... Look for the Two Horse Brand leather label ..» Look for the Oilcloth Ticket ®TMt HArt L«m l» BHHTIHIP m THI U. «. MT. OFF. AND BIHOTIS t«l>>IJI<T« NADfORLTIT LIVI STRAUSS • CO.. Si SATTtAT ST. , SAW FAAWCISCO « summer of intensive English training before enrolling for reg ular courses in the fall. Dr. Miller brought transcripts and application forms of the pros pective students for processing by the Registrar’s Office. He plans to return to Santo Domingo this week. Beach said Dr. Miller is nearing the end of a two-year assignment and will return to Texas in July for a six-week vacation before be ginning another two-year stint in the Dominican Republic. A&M representatives in til Dominican Republic include 11 persons working under the aget, cy for International Developmet: Contract and eight persons spot, sored by the Ford Foundation, Thui GOT TRUCK—NO INGOTS Police stand guard around an empty van in Kentish Town, London, after bandits hijacked $2.1 million in gold ingots. A gang jumped the crew of the armored van in London. They used ammonia in the attack, polic said. (AP Wirephoto via cable from London.) ALL QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED wm asmum to your Am \ SHOP BROOKSHIRE* Low,loiv Micesl SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRL & SAT. MAY 4, 5 & 6. 1967 Quality MEATS Hickory Smoked — Whole ceptec and a Willia ordint Colleg Dr. L. Assoc Unive chaim Educa Agenc tor of B1DIKM THIS COUPON FOR 100 FREE Picnics 28 C lb TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of 2 - Vt Gal. Bottles FROSTED ROOT BEER Coupon Expires May 6, 1967. MDIEM THIS COUPON FOR 100 FREE Rath’s Biackhawk Franks 12-Oz. Pk. 43' TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of 46-Oz. 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