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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1966)
Pag-e 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Tuesday, May 24, 1966 Read Battalion Classifieds GET A LOAD OF THIS No Money Down - 12 Months To Pay Finance Your Entire Wardrobe Set Details Below ATTENTION SENIORS! SPECIAL ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS! INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED SUITS Latest 1966 Men’s Fashions! Mohair-Silk, English Woolens, Terylene and Wool, Italian Silk, Dacron and Wool, Worsted and Silk. Over 1500 Exclusive Patterns. $47.50 Up . “Come Browse Through Our New Spring and Summer Styles. CHET’S HONG KONG CLOTHES Bill Hughes Restaurant Bldg. - Next To Western Motel — Hwy. 6, South Clay Looks For Challenger LONDON (A*) — Cassius Clay champion. cast his eyes around Monday for a challenger to his world heavy weight title, finding a worthy contender will be difficult. It could be Doug Jones of New York, who lost to Clay on a con troversial 10-round decision three years ago. It could be Karl Mildenberger of Germany, the European Among all the trunk air lines... only Effective May 26 Delta offers a reserved seat \outh 3 off! Say Good-bye to Stand-by...get a seat for sure! ▲ Make firm reservations by phone in advance ... no more uncertainty! ▲ Pay just a bit more and be sure: Vs off regular Day Jetourist fare. ▲ Good from noon Monday to noon Friday, plus Sat. pm, Sun. am. A Just get a $3 I.D. card from Delta or other U. S. scheduled airline. Typical Delta Youth Fares from Dallas: See your Travel Agent or call nearest Delta office. $48 00 Cincinnati.... $3600 ,$60oo Detroit $4300 $3300 San Diego.... $48°o $5400 Add tax to air fares » DE ELZTAl the air line with the BIG JETS It might be Thad Spencer or Amos Lincoln, both Americans. One thing seems sure — the man who beats Clay must have speed and power to stop the 24- year-old Louisville, Ky., fighter with one punch. Clay is one of the fastest heavyweights boxing has known. He flits around with his fists down, then suddenly-bang-and his man is gone. Clay defeated Britain’s Henry Cooper in the sixth round of their title fight in London Sat urday night. It ended when the champion opened a deep gash over Cooper’s left eye. Since winning the crown from Sonny Liston in February of 1964, Clay has demolished Liston and Floyd Patterson, thoroughly whipped George Chuvalo, and out classed Cooper in title defenses. His seeming invincibility im pressed British boxing writers. Said George Whiting in the London Evening Standard: “How do you hit a vanishing mist, pin down a phantom, cor ral a well-greased ghost or catch a will o’ the wisp ? “If there is a heavyweight in the world with convincing an swers in his fists, then, and then only, could come the end of Cas sius Clay’s spring-heeled supre macy.” Wrote Donald Saunders in the London Daily Telegraph: “Certainly he demonstrated his mastery of the defensive arts, and was faster than most heavy weights who have visited this country. “But one is accustomed to see Clay move with the grace of a ballet dancer and at the speed of a lightweight. “But from the connoisseur’s viewpoint, only occasionally did we see those awe-inspiring flur ries of jabs and hooks that brought defeat to Sonny Liston, Floyd Patterson and George Chuvalo.” Wrote Peter Moss in the Lon don Daily Mail: “He kept his defense compact because there was no point in needling a man he knew would come to him. He showed only a fraction of himself. The British public deserves to see more.” CLAY COVERS UP World heavyweight champion Cassius Clay stopped at one minute and 38 seconds of the covers up as Henry Cooper fires a left in sixth round. Referee George Smith halted first round of title bout in London. Clay the bout as blood poured from a cut over retained his title on a TKO when fight was Cooper’s left eye. (AP Wirephoto) SALTY DOCS SGRUBDENIM Soft as a puppy, yet rugged as an old hound dog. Salty Dog, the original all-cotton Scrubdenim by Canton*' 0 ... today’s most exciting fabric with the “lived-in” look. Ask for Salty Dog jeans, bell bottoms, CPO and ponderosa shirts, shorts, and other casual wear by leading fashion makers at your favorite store. SANFORIZED* 81 Astros Lose To Philles HOSUTON <A>> — Larry Jack- son pitched a three-hitter and Doug Clemens hit a three-run homer as Philadelphia crushed Houston 9-0 Monday night. Jackson held the Astros hit less until Lee Maye singled with two out in the fifth. John Bate man followed with another sin gle, but pinch hitter Dave Nic holson struck out. The only other Houston hit was Joe Morgan’s leadoff sin gle in the sixth. Jackson didn’t allow a runner to reach third as he picked up his second victory against five defeats. MinlcJlrlSuppljj 'PCotuAe. puuMt •923 S«. Col l«g« Av« - la-de-da snooty affairs our specialty! Ladies love meeting at Ramadi Inn! Fancy banquets, Club get- togethers and Luncheons areiust more fun! Hold your next femme fest at Ramada . . . whether lav ishly formal or quaintly unre strained. At Ramada it's no secret: we love ladies! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA INN Bryan - College Station 846-8811 JOBS AVAILABLE Manpower Inc. the world's largest temporary help organiza tion has summer openings for thousands of college men. You’ll be doing healthy and interesting general labor work at good pay, Call or visit the Manpower office in your home city. We’re listed in the white pages of the tele phone directory. •••••• Authorized Dealer for VOLKSWAGEN Graduating Senior’s New 1966 Volkswagen’s MANPOWER OVER 400 OFFICES THROUGHOUT THE WORlt Bank Rates 100% Financing Hickman Garrett Motors 1701 S. College 822-0146 Before You Leave .... Take Your Used Books To SHAFFER’S When you can t afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with l\loDoz T11 NoDoz Keep Alert Tablets fight off the hazy, lazy feelings of menta 1 sluggishness. NoDoz helps restore your natural mental vitality...helps quicken physical reactions. You be come more naturally alert to people and conditions around you.Yet NoDoz is as safe as coffee. Anytime . . .when you can’t afford to be dull sharpen your wits with NODOZ. SAFE AS COFFEE c Cai ance ai the top campus Thi permiss smuggl number hazing uppercl TH dispute and tt forums Th 4. Confer! tions a ings’ f( 5. resultei Earl E tions a 6. north the Ma ations 7. $6 mil; and th It’s when the : nosta high umns to oft and ward reaso on pa He for f of Si: CO! a sta ball ment decac kids.’ diet : sooth ising emba Th- acros “the Even tors ■ foot-< a sul Mole back \ ]> De: Hann that into i “com; “W hazin. closec Me pende befor Richa lastin Potts tee c Wedr Th. u Ppei >ng f were mitte next Nir ceivec the c. “W to eli: Physi body, : nesda Ha: of th. ftittei that take, Punisi office oases, “P to He Public ^ying food - 'Og tl that t so te Put £