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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1966)
3 airs ilty! Ramadi lub gt|. are just t femme ther lay. ly wire. o secret: endly cheon & INN nation l II "v orld’s ganiza- igs for You’ll resting >d pay. r office 1 listed e tele- ER E WORLD n't lull wits ghtoff menta 1 restore .helps 'ou be- people >u. Yet nytime 3e dull OZ. EE A Backward Glance Cash Dispute, Physical Hazing Top Campus Stories By TOMMY DeFRANK Cancellation of the Johnny Cash Town Hall appear ance and last week’s outbreak of physical hazing share the top spot in The Battalion’s yearly listing of the major campus news stories for the 1965-66 school year. The rhubarb which erupted after Cash was refused permission to perform here after being charged with smuggling drugs across the border was selected the number one story of the year, barely nosing out the hazing incident which resulted in the suspension of 29 upperclassmen for striking freshmen with brooms. THIRD-RANKED STORY was the long-simmering dispute over admission of political clubs to the campus and the administration’s counterproposal of political forums. The top 10 also included: 4. A one-year probation levied by the Southwest Conference for alleged violation of scholarship regula tions and illegal football practices by Coach Gene Stall ings’ football squad. 5. Developments in the coeducation question which resulted in the Board of Directors authorizing President Earl Rudder to scrutinize all female enrollment applica tions and decide if applicants could be admitted. 6. Poor Corps-civilian relations, particularly in the north dorm area, including the flooding of Dorm 20, the May 9 water fight and minor Corps-civilian confront ations throughout the year. 7. CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION projects — like the million cyclotron, the long-delayed library expansion and the |2.25 million Space Research Center — which ★ ★ ★ A Look Ahead will increase the value of the physical plant by $26.5 million by the end of 1967. 8. Adoption of a resolution by the Student Senate urging adoption of a system for faculty evaluation of professors by students. The university Executive Com mittee is currently drawing up plans for the project. 9. The death of Ranger on Dec. 9 after President Rudder’s pet bulldog had been considered by some stu dents as a possible replacement for an ailing Reveille as campus mascot. 10. The eleventh Student Conference on National Affairs which concentrated on the challenges of South east Asia. OTHER STORIES receiving votes were the proposed renovation program for Kyle Field; painting of the campus by students from Baylor and Rice on two football weekends; student apathy in campus elections; the drop ping out of the non-compulsory Corps of Cadets by 300 freshmen at mid-term, and the scientific discoveries and experiments of senior Forrest Mims. The Cash squabble was touched off Oct. 4, when the country-and-western singer was arrested in El Paso and charged with illegal possession of illicit drugs. Prior to his arrest Cash had been signed to appear as a special Town Hall attraction Bonfire Night. The Memorial Student Council and Directorate de cided Nov. 8 to let Cash appear as originally scheduled, but A&M President Earl Rudder canceled the contract Nov. 12 on the grounds that to have permitted Cash to perform would have reflected discredit upon the uni versity. A Committee for Johnny Cash was quickly estab lished by a student-faculty group, and more than 2,000 signatures were collected on a petition expressing dis approval of the administration’s action. THE CJC BEGAN negotiations with Saul Holiff, Cash’s manager, and the singer appeared on Bonfire Night as planned — but off-campus and without univer sity sanction. One of the perennial problems of the Corps — physical hazing — was revived last Wednesday when an anonymous source tipped the Commandant’s Office about some freshmen with severe bruises in an ROTC unit. After a unit inspection by military officers, 18 upperclassmen, including the commanding officer, were suspended from the university and dismissed from the Corps. The action varied in severity, with juniors punished more harshly than sophomores and seniors. However( even as 11 more students were suspended over the weekend, nine of the original 18 had their sentences lightened and in some cases suspensions were lifted. At the present time several students have appeals pending with the University Appeals Committee. POLITICAL CLUBS, a campus hot spot for the last two years, became a controversial issue anew in November, when the Student Senate considered a resolu tion urging that clubs be permitted to operate on campus. Texas A&M System regulations specify that “no property will be used for political campaigns, meetings, speeches or in the furtherance of any political campaign nor used in any way for any political office.” Dean of Students James P. Hannigan told the Senate Nov. 18 political clubs would be sanctioned like all other student organizations if they operated as study groups, refrained from active campaigning for political candi dates on campus and abided by university policies regard ing student organizations. The Senate then authorized the Issues Committee to work with the administration and draw up guidelines under which political clubs could operate. A TENTATIVE PLAN was adopted and a Senate resolution sent to the Board of Directors in January. But the Board refused to pass on the matter, explaining that the Executive Committee disapproved of political jurisdiction. The Senate passed another resolution April 21 re affirming approval of political clubs and urging the Executive Committee to act on the proposal. President Rudder told student leaders in late April that the Executive Committee disapproval of political clubs, but he offered an alternative in political forums — whereby the Department of History and Government would sponsor programs of outstanding speakers in the field of politics. The issue was rekindled last week, when the newly- elected Senate for 1966-67 expressed unanimous approval of political forums but stressed that forums are not the only alternative to political clubs. And the Executive Committee Monday upheld the present university policy that prohibits political clubs from operating on campus. Fearless Picks For Coming Year Che Battalion Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1966 Number 320 By JOHN FULLER Battalion Staff Writer It’s that time of year again when college newspapers across the nation begin looking back nostalgically and reliving the high points of the year in col umns like these. We would like to offer a new twist on this tried and true theme by looking for ward to next year and making reasonably safe predictions based on past experience. Here, then, are the Batt Picks for Sixty-Six. And the spring of Sixty-Seven, too . . . Coach Gene Stallings will issue a statement describing the foot ball team as undersized, slow, mentally deficient and morally decadent, but “a great bunch of kids.” Although he won’t pre dict any Aggie victories, he will soothe everybody’s fears by prom ising that “nobody’s going to embarrass us any.” The famous “sheep trails” across the grass will be renamed “the ruts” due to continued use. Eventually, the Board of Direc tors will vote to cover the eight- foot-deep impressions and install a subway system. As a result, Mole Men chapters will come back into the limelight. A new pressure group, the Greater Apathy Society (G.A.S.), will arrange a special election to abolish the Student Senate in view of the fantastically low number of votes which the sen ators received in the 1966 spring elections. The results of the plebiscite will be: for abolition, 0; against, 0. The administration will finally hit upon a sure-fire method to eliminate all traces of Corps- civilian friction: a checker tour nament. Unfortunately, the tour nament will erupt into a bloody gang war when a civilian accuses a cadet , of using loaded checkers. Vandals from another South west Conference school will paint the entire A&M campus with their colors, and will be rewarded by seeing the Sportsmanship Tro phy go to their college. Corps leaders, alarmed by the prospect of losing hundreds of fish from the Corps at mid-term, will call a meeting in an attempt to convince the freshmen what a mistake they’d be making by get ting out. They will make impas sioned speeches, ending with that stirring call-to-arms: “Remem ber—Highway 6 runs both ways.” Graduation Highlights Big Weekend Schedule Hazing Probe Now Complete Dean of Students James P. Hannigan announced Wednesday that the current investigation into reports of physical hazing is “complete.” “We have no more reports of hazing and we consider the case closed,” Hannigan said. Meanwhile, 11 students sus pended earlier brought appeals before a committee headed by Dr. Richard C. Potts in a session lasting all afternoon Wednesday. Potts would not release commit tee decisions to The Battalion Wednesday night. The cadets are the last of 29 upperclassmen charged with beat ing freshmen with brooms. All were suspended but will be per mitted to take final examinations next week. Nine students had earlier re ceived lightened punishment from the committee. “We are bound and determined to eliminate and keep eliminating physical hazing from the student body,” Hannigan declared Wed nesday. Hannigan endorsed the actions of the University Appeals Com mittee, saying that “any action that the committee chooses to take, whether it be upholding the Punishment recommended by this office, lessening it, or in some cases, increasing it, is completely Up to them.” He commented on the growing publicity over the investigation, saying that “A&M has so many ?ood things that should be mak ing the headlines. It’s too bad that the acts of the minority can be so detrimental to the school’s reputation.” Hannigan said a letter in the “Sound Off” column of Tuesday’s Battalion was “the most ridicu lous thing I’ve ever read.” The letter expressed pride in having been beaten bloody by a saber. “A letter recommending duel ing again would be just about as inappropriate,” he added. Final Review, Boot Dance Set ANOTHER RANGER President Rudder’s son Bob holds the Eng- presented by senior class vice president lish bulldog given to the Rudders by seniors Tom Hargrove, left. Ranger II, who bore at Saturday night’s Ring Dance. Named a resemblance to the new pet, died earlier Ranger III, the eight-week old puppy was in the year of a kidney ailment. Commencement, commissioning ceremonies, Final Review and the Boot Dance will be this weekend’s highlights as the year draws to a close. Over 900 degrees and 133 com missions will be conferred Satur day in White Coliseum. The 9 a.m. commencement exercises will include the granting of 679 bacca laureate, 50 master’s and 170 doctoral degrees. Main speaker will be W. B. Murphy, president of the Camp bell Soup Company. Saturday afternoon at 1:30 93 Army cadets, 37 Air Force cadets and three members of other branches will receive second lieu tenants’ bars. Fourth Army Commander Lt. Gen. Thomas W. Dunn will speak before the newly commissioned officers. Murphy, in addition to heading Campbell’s, is a trustee of Massa chusetts Institute of Technology. He received a B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin, which later honored him with a doctor of laws degree. Gen. Dunn, a Fort Worth native, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1930. His World War II serv ice included tours in Brisbane, Australia, New Guinea, Leyte, Luzon, and Japan. His last assignment before moving to San Antonio was com mander of the 1st U. S. Army and senior Army representative to the United Nation’s Military Staff. Dunn will also review the Cadet Corps at 3 p.m. Saturday at Final Review on the drill field. A formal review will be followed by the traditional second passby, in which graduating seniors will take the salute from junior officers. The Boot Dance, set for 8 p.m.- midnight Saturday, will mark the first wearing of senior boots at a social function for members of the class of 1967. The dance will be held in the Memorial Student Center Ball room and Terrace. Dress is semi- formal. Tickets are available, at $3 per couple, from class officers, at the cashier’s window in the lower level of the MSC or at the door. YMCA Offers Versatile Program By DANI PRESSWOOD Battalion Managing Editor Editor’s note: The following is the concluding segment of a two-part series concerning the YMCA... Today: The overall pro gram. Engaged in a never-ending quest for improvement, General Secretary J. Gordon Gay is con stantly striving to keep the YMCA program up-to-date. In his 38th season of service with the YMCA Gay is currently developing a 10-point addition to his already extensive program. “We want to try to present an overall program that is chal lenging,” he said, and will answer problems students will face as they leave here.” But this is a difficult endeavor and one which 38 years of ex perience cannot handle without assistance. “THE WHOLE program is cen tered around a hub — the YMCA cabinet,” Gay explained. “They determine the speed and direction that the whole YMCA travels.” A group of students chosen YMCA officers, the cabinet meets weekly to plan and discuss activi ties. In addition to the multitude of services currently rendered for the benefit of students, Gay and his cabinet are outlining the ini tiation of five new series pres entations, two original clubs, a high school tutoring program, a number of current events groups and a faculty-student-industry weekend conference. All are proposed for the upcom ing school year. The series presentations in clude a program with representa tives from six of the world’s religions and their comparison to Christianity. ANOTHER SERIES will dis cuss the God Is Dead theory be ginning in the fall and a third proposal calls for an Executive Roundtable, with businessmen speaking on topics of a busi ness nature. The Changing Role of Men and Women will be inaugurated to add another viewpoint to the cur rent Marriage Forums. The last proposed program calls for the presentation of a series of state leaders in various fields of discuss topics of interest. The Triangle Club will obtain speakers to discuss civic, politi cal, moral and religious topics. Another newcomer the Gavel Club will provide students with an opportunity to speak before groups and conduct meetings. The majority of YMCA activi ties can be classified in five gen eral areas: series presentations, students organizations, promotion of group get-togethers, YMCA- sponsored services and facilities. GAY FEELS that his program has been quite effective in aid ing students. “I am certain that every stu dent has been touched in some way or another,” he commented. “By our count a total of more than 22,000 students have par ticipated in our programs this year.” Lectures series programs in clude the My Last Lecture pres entations, where a faculty or staff member addresses students as if Also available are the Fresh man Handbook, denominational preference lists, listings of tem- it was to be their last speech. The Educated Man series brings in outstanding personalities with varying points of view and the Chapel Series considers moral, ethical and religious topics. Spring lectures and panels con sist of the Marriage Forums exposing students to marriage experts and the Man Your Man ners program presented by coeds from Texas Woman’s Universi ty. THE APOLLO Club meets four times each semester with sup pers and lectures by educators while the Sphinx Club and Po laris Council are organizations geared toward outstanding fresh men. International Clubs are spon sored for students from foreign nations and Christmas and New Year parties are given in their honor. Each summer the YMCA spon sors and maintains the Freshman Camp in Palestine for incoming first-year students. This ac quaints them with their fellow freshmen and answers many of their questions concerning col lege life. Graduate students meet month ly throughout the year for dis cussions of a number of “great books.” IN ADDITION to these get-to gethers the YMCA sponsors such activities as steak fries and pic nics in the Hensel Park area for various campus groups. YMCA services include the preparation of booklets and pamphlets for students without charge. A few of these are the Lenten Devotional Booklets, Bible Study outline, Christmas carol song- book, a meditation booklet and Thoughts To Remember, porary area housing in the area, sports participant lists and post ers with the Thought For Today. “THIS IS A very important phase of YMCA work and it pre sents many challenging and worthwhile experiences,” Gay re vealed. “I believe our image as a YMCA is in good repute,” he said. “We try to assist wherever we are needed regardless of denomina tion, creed or religious belief.” Texas Students Caught Passing Anti-war Material Five Austin youths, three claiming to be University of Texas students, were caught dis tributing anti - Vietnam war literature on the Texas A&M campus Thursday. Campus Security Sergeant Mor ris A. Maddox nabbed one of the “peaceniks” as he stuffed leaflets into student cars. Four com panions were picked up in an automobile loaded with litera ture from the “Vietnam Day Committee 2407 Fulton Street, Berkeley, Calif.” A sixth youth escaped when patrolmen ap proached the car. The five were described by Maddox as “in real need of a bath, a shave and a haircut.” The group was escorted to the county line Thursday morning by Campus Security officials after their literature was confiscated. First Bank & Trust now pays 4%% per annum on savings cer tificates. —Adv.