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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1966)
Thursday, March 17, 1966 Cbllege Station, Texas Page 7 LIOI HE BATTALION Aggie Tracksters Seek Third Win Against Rice, LSU Saturday By LARRY UPSHAW Randy and the shot put ring neet again this Saturday. You iced say no more. For the Aggies, the state of Fexas and the world, the mean- ng is clear. For the first time his year, Randy Matson steps nto that sphere which catapault- ed him to fame — the shot put ting. -n, left >n, anJ imand- e Corn- After some winter-time frolic »ith the Aggie basketball team, Matson attempts to return to [rack prominence as the A&M lacksters battle Rice and LSU in triangular action at Houston. Although holding the world’s shot put record of TO’-TAi” Mat- son noted, “I will probably hit sround 60 feet this week. That is the best I’ve done in practice.” Bothered by a case of the flu, Matson has thrown in practice tnly four times plus working out nith weights. His weight stands it 234 now, well below the 258- !60 range which he feels is his test throwing weight. “It will take me a couple more seeks to get into good shape,” he said, “I haven’t worked real hard d proto j e t because I’m not in the best shape.” Matson’s coach, Charley Thom- is noted, “His form is looking {ood now. He just needs to get Ms strength up. When he got the (hi and his weight fell, his strength went with it.” “I feel he will throw around Ml feet this week,” added anizatioi ^omas. “He is further ahead low than when he started work ing for last season. Of course le started about December for last season, where he’s starting members m March this year. “I feel he in Teas Bngineers r of Tas ' of Pro Americai al Engi- an Petre s on tin Commit esident o! of TSPE, :tor anJs i camel s degrees ' at Am terms ot iommitta ate meet- y indole for Pear! Antom'e; n Odessa d Leo I* & Assoti 1 •s, Dallas lollege al Eingsville, nagerfor t opera- Companf i the coo- ! the 23- G. Smith Houston Monsanto xas Citf- TY TER 3-8626 associa- Mhitt as school- >st state i sirs NN lion Matson Makes Debut See Related Pictures Page 8 will be at his best shape around June or July and I hope he can break that world record.” The Aggies step on down to Houston with an undefeated rec ord in outdoor competition. On successive weekends the A&M briers outpointed Rice and lexas in a triangular meet and 12-team field at the Border urman J* llympics. The meet shapes up as a battle >f the hospital brigades as both l&M and Rice have a long list of Jerformers in sick bay. The flu mg bit Aggi’e half-miler Willy Hodriguez and Steven Bancroft but they will compete, while printer Alfred Cilio will forego Hie action for this reason. Four-forty man Scott Blessing *ill also be out with a pulled •luscle. Rice leaves Southwest Conference champion three-miler “Serge Stroup on the sidelines >ith a badly sprained ankle. Ace ‘Printers Jimmy Epps and Scotty Hiddlebrook, weightman Gerald Holtzman, halfmiler Greg Peters ‘id pole vaulter Tommy Mar- aall all suffer from various ill -uses But the healthy bodies will put •u a good show. As sprinter Gil Pith carries an undefeated rec- M in the 100 and 220-yard kshes this season. And high Jumpers Mike Schrider and Steve Holtz of A&M lead the confer- Pe in their specialty with 6’- leaps each. “This one is between A&M and Hire, although LSU will collect -He vital points,” Thomas said. The appearance of the young Jbt, Matson, should give the %nes the weight to post a third fotory. MinkcW Supply Wu/ue, ‘f/toAMjc*- 923 So. ColUg# Avt- Bryan,Totes OPIN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW I VA’i? Annum Paid Quarterly on INSURED SAVINGS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 2913 Texas Ava. /, i ©GOOD OLD-FASHIONED THRIFT DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN GET OUR OLD-TIME VALUES PLUS LET'S GO! PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. MAR. 17 - 18 - 19. 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WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS —COUPON— 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon And The Purchase Of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE PER PERSON) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE [ (Cigarettes Excluded) > |Void After Sat., Mar. 19| 1966^ COKES Limit One With $2.50 Purchase or More I ICE CREAM large eggs A. F. Brand Bottle Carton 14-Gai. Ctn. ours Cackleberry 0 Grade A 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th Street Downtown 3516 Texas Ave Ridgecrest