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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1966)
suiieiin BfHjrti Psychology Prof Teaches Speed Reading Courses Page 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, March 17, 1966 THE BATTALIOI Brazoria County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 225 of the Academic Build ing. El Paso Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 2C of the Memorial Student Center. McLennan County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Anderson Room of the YMCA. Beaumont Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 208 of the Academic Building. Mid-County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 206 of the Academic Building. By ED SMITH Battalion Special Writer Having trouble with your read ing? Does it take a couple of hours to read a single chapter? If so, talk to Dr. C. E. McCandless of the Departmentof Education and Psychology. “Most students realize the need to read and remember vast ^mounts of material in a rela tively short period of time,” said McCandless, director of the de partment’s reading laboratory. In order to enable students to cope with these extensive reading requirements, the department is offering two courses, one for graduates and one for under graduates. They are Education 681 and Education 101. NORTH GATE 846-6312 LOUPOT'S “You wouldn’t read a novel in the same way you would a history or a chemistry book,” McCandless commented. The novel might be for enjoy ment alone while the others might need more careful reading to dig out facts and other information, he said. Average students start the course reading about 250 words per minute. Most students, after four weeks of classes, are now reading about 350 words per minute and many are up to 200 and 300 words over their start ing speeds. This increase is accomplished through laboratory work with various machines. The magnetic reading accelerator helps the stu dents read quickly. It has an arm which passes over the page of print, blocking out lines at a speed set by the student. The Craig Reader is an elec tronic device which flashes indi vidual sentences and numbers on a small screen. Its purpose is to train the eye to quickly see and record images. As the students become pro ficient at various reading speeds, McCandless increases the speed at which they set their machines. He usually increases the speed in 50 word per minute increments. “If you are reading at a com fortable rate you won’t improve,” McCandless says. As a result of this he keeps his students read ing at an uncomfortable rate. Students test themselves after each exercise to see if they have understood what they have read. If they have not understood the material when read at a certain speed they do not progress to a faster speed. They first attain a level of about 80 per cent com prehension at a reading speed and then they go to the next plateau. TEAGUE AT LEGION MEETING College Station Congressman Olin E. Teague cuss the Legion with Marvin Watson, left and Mrs. Teague were special guests at the special assistant to President Johnson, ani American Legion’s national banquet at the L. Eldon James, national Legion Commanil' Sheraton-Park Hotel in Washington, D. C. der. Teague is chairman of the House Com- recently. Here Cong, and Mrs. Teague dis- mittee on Veteran Affairs. Aftei nth tl Matson [rack iracksti trial Althc shot pu Kin noi iround the bes Prof Conducts Meet For Research Group W. L. Trock, assistant professor in the Department of Agricul tural Economics and Sociology, is holding a conference with per sonnel of the Economic Research Service, and the Office of Busi ness Economics in Washington, D. C., this week. The conference concerns re search techniques being used in regional watershed and river basin planning and development. Special concern will be given to data requirements and analyti cal technique requirements for this type of research. Graduate To JETS J. Kelly Elliott, a Texas A&M graduate and executive vice president of Macco Oil Tool Com pany, Houston, is new chairman of the Texas Advisory Committee of the Junior Engineering Tech nical Society. Elliott replaces John S. Bell, Houston area manager for Hum ble Oil and Refining Company. JETS provides guidance for NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! % m WINNERS: JANIE MUNOZ — Bryan LERA BATSON — Normangee EDNA GREEN — Bryan, $10.00 LOUISE BRAST — Bryan SAFEWAY HAS THE RULES jaoisrTT& JSXTVG'O PRIZE SLIP PROGRAM *61 iMtj (5) Coupon Worth 75 CCFREE GOLD BOND STAMPS'" With the Purchaie of TWO—At full-cut round Sirloin ■Jp T-Bone if Forterhou Maxwell House. Regular or Drip Grind. •—!-Lb. Can (Edwards all grinds i-Lb. Can 49^) With $2.50 Purchase or More Coffee Luncheon Meat Golden Corn Fruit Cocktail Quality Fresh Produce! Red Potatoes Oscar Mayer—12-oz. Can Del Monte. Cream Style. No. 303 Can Town House—No. 303 Can Guaranteed Meats! Ground Beef Safeway. In convenient air-tight pkg. Mb. Chub (Ground Beef 3Uitt) Pak Sliced Bacon 49 Capitol—I-Lb. Pkg. Boneless Roast Shoulder. U.S.D.A, Choice Grade Heavy Beef—Lb. HEAVY BEEF STEAKS Coupon Expirei March I?, I94&. Coupon Worth 50 i^!i| "1REE GOLD BOND STAMPSf With tho Purchase of 5-Lb. Bag I P1LLSBURY BEST FLOUR Coupon Expire* March 19, 1965. I'M, ($ Coupon Worth 50 Eeree gold bond stamps; £.C With the Purchose of TWO-Whol* or Cut-Up FRYERS Coupon Expirei March It, IfU. (J) Coupon Worth 50 fflREE GOLD BOND STAMPS? 1 With the Purchose of Giant Box BOLD DETERGENT Coupon Expires March 19, 1966. 1 Redeem thii Coupon for K 100 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS With Purchase of 110.00 or more (Excluding Cigarettes) One per family • Coupon Expires Mar. 19,1944 < Perfect for pan frying. Firm and tasty. 10-45 For Your Table! Sliced Loin Pork. Sliced into Pork Chops—Lb. Rib Steaks Boby Beef—Lb. From the Dairy Case! 69* 75* All Meat Franks 4 Q4 Armour—12-oz. Pkg. Lucerne. All Sfylei. I-Lb. Ctn. Cottage Cheese 2% HOmO Milk Lucerne—Gallon Ctn. Tostados Lucerne—12-Count Package 27* 75* 25* Texas Yams Sweet and Firm. Apples Winesap. Very Juicy—Lb. Turnips Good raw or cooked. Pitted Dates For cooking—10-oz. Pkg. (Rag. Data*—12-oz. Pkg. )9f) 2-25* 19* 2-29* 39* Celery Pascal. Mild and crisp—Each Avocados 4»49* Rich and Buttery. Bell Peppers 2-35* So good In salads—Each mm Yellow Onions Q L . k H ?Ji4 Adds zest to meets. Sphagnum Moss QQa Peat—2 Cu. Ft. Bag Michigan Peat $179 100-Lb. laa—Each A Smoked Picnic Whole & to 8-Lb. Average. —Lb. Sliced Heck Removed 45*l3?49* Peflfe Sliced. Reg. 2Sjt. I-Lb. Loaf Fresh Bakery Goods! Skylark Bread White Bread Nut Snails Skylark. Sliced Sandwich. I '/ 2 -Lb. Loaf Mn. Wright's (2* off label]. 10-oz. Pkg. Stewed Tomatoes Gerdenside—No.'303 Can Tomato Juice Libby—46-oz. Can Peanut Butter Rea) Roast—18-oz. Jar Aluminum Foil Reynolds—25'x )2 // Roll Charcoal Briquets Ozark. 7 $ 1 2 69* 49* 29* 20-79* SgS. (J) Coupon Worth 25 •FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS; With the Purchase of 13-ex. Carton TOMATOES Coupon Expires March’19, (966. Ijfmjmf ^ Coupon Worth 50! ~ ; FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS' With the Purchase of 14-ex. Johnson Spray Polish INSTANT PLEDGE „ Coupon Expiros March 19, 1966. (J) Coupon Worth | FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS With the Purchase of 6-ox. Jar Get Set Cake Mix Biscuits Biscuits Pillsbury. Angel Food. White "Miracle"—IS'/j-oz. Pkg. ury. FI Sweetmilk—6-Ct. Can Pillsbury. Flake Style. Buttermik—6-Ct. Can 59* 3'"28* 3'«28* HAIR SETTING GEL c/ One per family • Coupon Expires Mer. 19, 1966. J3 Price! and Coupons Effective Thurs., Fri. and Sat., March 17, 18 and 19, in Bryan We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers. Kraft Margarine ^-^cTn 0 ' 41 * Mazola Margarine 43* Shampoo Kit *1 59 SAFEWAY ©Copyright I960, Safeway Storei Incorporated, Named Post Botht Matson inly fo rth wt tt 234 160 rar test th high school students in Tesu ^ w who aspire to become engineer! '' eeks t said. “I Kelly is a registered profe ^ ^ sional engineer, member of Tss Beta Pi, Texas Society of Pte fessional Engineers, America! Institute of Mechanical Engi neers and the American Petn leum Institute. He is on tin Transactions Editorial Comirii' tee of SPE, a past president ol the Baytown Chapter of TSPE, and a state TSPE director anil state director of the organization The new chairman eartei masters and bachelor’s degrees in petroleum engineering at Ml Three new at-large members in Mar< were named to 3-year terms os the Texas Advisory Committee for JETS during the state meet ing here recently. They include Phil Kosub, an engineer for Pearl Brewing Company, San Antonio; Kenneth E. Esmond, an Odess consulting engineer, and Leo L Landauer of Landauer & Associ ates, consulting engineers, Dallas. 12-te F. H. Dotterwich, chairman oi Hympk engineering at Texas College ol Arts and Industries, Kingsville, and E. L. Misegades, managerfor supporting engineering opera tions, General Electric Company, Tyler, were re-elected to the com mittee. Retiring members of the 23- man committee are W. G. Smith, Austral Oil Company, Houston and Robert F. Wall, Monsanto Chemical Company, Texas City. HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CENTER 3406 So. College — 823-8626 Wishes to announce the associa tion of Mrs. Donna Whitt as teacher for our playschool- ages 3-4. B - C.S. oldest state licensed child care. shape.” Mats< as note good nc his stre flu anc strengtl “I fe SMI f Thomas tow thi mg for he star last sea will be June or break ti The . Houstor ord in success! harriers Texas i la-de-da snooty affairs The n if the ] \m ai lerform hug bit lodrigu bit the sprinter the acti, Four-; till als muscle. Confere: George tith a 1 sprinter Middleb: Holtzma tid pol shall all Hesses But tl •n a go. Smith c trd in dashes lumpers Holtz o: mice in lea "This fee, al some vii The E tiant, I fegies 1 Metory. our specialty! Ladies love meeting at Ramadi Inn! Fancy banquets, Club get- togethers and Luncheons are just more fun I Hold your next femme test at Ramada ... whether lav ishly formal or quaintly unre strained. At Ramada it’s no secret: we love ladies! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. Min fid ffls. RAMADA INN Bryan - College Station 846-8811 A t