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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1966)
Page 10 Coll-ege Station, Texas Thursday, February 3, 1960 THE BATTALION Matson Enjoys Cage Return, Is Favorite With Kids Mmlc JM Supply 'PldLu/te 923 So. Col lag# Av«-Bry«m,7i*AS NOW SHOWING Features 1:44 - 4:14 - 6:44 - 9:14 James Bond Does It Everywhere! ‘THUNDERBALL’ PALACE Brijan Z-8S79 NOW SHOWING Doris Day Rod Taylor In “DO NOT DISTURB’ QUEEN DOUBLE FEATURE “3rd DAY” “DARBY’S RANGERS” ^ r■'; i!ii' in 1 tic.vrrr » rn.i on n onoi p i; vt acs TONIGHT 2 COLOR HITS 1st Show 6:30 p. m. John Wayne In “CIRCUS WORLD” 2nd Show 9:00 p. m. James Stewart In “STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND” PLUS 2 LATE SHOWS FRI. SATURDAY NITE SPECIAL 3 Big Shows No. 1 ‘FERRY ACROSS THE MERCY” No. 2 Tyron Power In ‘UNTAMED’ No. 3 “HORROR OF THE BLACK MUSEUM” STARTS SUNDAY ‘HALLELUIAH’ TRAIL’ CIRCLE TONIGHT & FRIDAY George Segall In “KING RAT” 2nd Show 8:40 Lawrence Harvey In ‘WALK ON THE WILD SIDE” OUR SAT. NITE BIG 3 No. 1 Connie Stevens In “PALM SPRING WEEKEND” No. 2 John Wayne In “FLYING LEATHERNECKS’ No. 3 “DR. TERROR’S HOUSE OF HORRORS’ STARTS SUNDAY “SHE” If Randy Matson ever has to retire from athletics because of injury, the ailment likely will be “writer’s cramp.” The world’s shot put king, now a very valuable member of A&M’s basketball varsity, always is the last player to reach the dressing room after a game. He’s always detained enroute by a group of small-fry seeking autographs. A gracious, non-complaining guy, Matson patiently stops and signs ’em all. Matson decided to come out for basketball this year after a two- season layoff. In high school he won all-state honors at center while performing for the Pampa Harvesters. Att he season’s outset, Aggie Coach Shelby Metcalf warned fans not to expect a lot of points from Matson. The 6-6V£, 236- pounder seconded that motion not long ago when he said: “My job is not to score points. It is to get the basketball off the boards and play defense. John (Beasley) will take care of the points for us.” basketball? After the 81-60 vic tory over Baylor the afternoon of Jan. 16, he appeared on Dub King’s TV show and the same question was put to him. “I knew beforehand that I’d like it but I didn’t know it would be as much fun as it has. I really am en joying playing again.” Matson and Beasley have be come a fearsome twosome on the boards and now the Aggies have a 47-32 ratio in rebounds after five Southwest Conference games. That is one of the big reasons the Aggies currently rule the roost with a 6-0 reading. Matson’s presence on the bas ketball squad has had a psycho logical effect on the other Aggies. Knowing how dedicated he is to any task he undertakes, the others have followed suit and all are putting out that extra effort. Grabbing rebounds, playing de fense and signing autographs— that makes Matson a real triple threat star in Aggieland basket ball. Does Matson enjoy college “What I like,” says Metcalf, “is Randy’s two-hand dunk that goes through the floor.” NOTES and QUOTES Coach Tom Chandler’s 1966 Texas A&M baseball squad opens practice next Monday. Ten let- termen return from last year’s squad that posted a 10-5 SWC record. . . . Richard Barker of San Saba and Rickey Williams of Austin return for their final tennis cam paign at A&M this spring. Both elected to redshirt last season. The season before Barker teamed with Luis Rojas of San Jose, Costa Rica, to win the SWC dou bles title. Barker also was run ner-up in singles. Rojas returns, too, for his final season. . . . Eddie Dominguez fouled out against Houston last Saturday night. It was the first disquali fication of the year for him. In fact, in 14 previous games he had accumulated only 7 fouls. . . . John Beasley will be observing his 22nd birthday anniversary Saturday when the Aggies play TCU in Fort Worth. “It’s just another day,” John says. “I hadn’t even thought about it but I’ve never played on my birthday before.” SHOP OUR SUPPLY DEPARTMENT for NEW SEMESTER SCHOOL NEEDS SLIDE RULES DRAWING INSTRUMENTS ] ARCHITECT AND ENGINEERING SUPPLIES ATTACHE AND BRIEF CASES RING BINDERS SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS TYPING PAPERS STUDY LAMPS ALSO COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF: RECORDS STATIONERY GREETING CARDS The Exchange Store SERVING TEXAS AGGIES SINCE 1907 GET a LOAD of THESE VALUES at SAFEWAY c L Tea collar gradu futun The Instit 1965, tjfffjjjfj Coupon Worth 50 "FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS)! With the Purchase of Quart Jar Nu Mad* SALAD DRESSING ^ Coupon Expires December I, 1965. Edwards Coffee ing te (S> Coupon Worth 75 IsFREE GOLD BOND STAMPS)! SC With the Purchase of 2-Lb. Pkg. Safeway g Coupon Expires February 5, 1966. THICK SLICED BACON if Shortening Green Beans All Grinds. (5<£ off label)—I-Lb. Can With $2.50 Purchase or More paces i n P r merits hundr I modal course Vellcay. Del Monte. Cut or French Style—No. 303 Can Redeem thli Coupon for 100 FREE « Jr> GOLD BOND STAMPS With Purchase of $10.00 or more (Excluding Cigarettes) * ^One per family • Coupon Expires Feb. 5, l?66.^i Pork ’n Beans $) Coupon Worth 50 •^FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS)! With the Purchase of 2-Lb. Pkg. Bel-air FROZEN GREEN PEAS Coupon Expires February 5, 1966. TjWffjS (£) Coupon Worth 25 •FREE GOLD ROND STAMPS With the Purchase of TWO—Heads Iceberg LETTUCE Coupon Expires February 5, 1946. Pineapple T QQe Del Monte. Sliced or Crushed—No. 2 Can^^P Del Monte Corn A f 7Q4 Whole Kernel Golden—12-or. Can Del Monte Peas A. QCL Early Garden—No. 303 Can ^ Tomatoes 2, 7Q<r Del Monte. Stewed—No. 303 Can '° r fl 9^ Salad Dressing ^9^ Nu Made. (Extra Stampt with Coupon):—Quart Jar U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef! Sirloin Steak California Navel. Juicy. U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef. Carefully Trimmed before weighing to give you more good eating for your money. Perfect for broiling. Quality Fresh Produce! Strawberries Vine-ripened to an almost un believable sweetness—Pint Ctn. $105 T-Bone Steak or Club. U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Heavy Beef—Lb. Boneless Roast u .rD5r&JSPa:ra£'u..79t New York Steak $179 Boneless Steak Top Round. U.S.D.A. Choice Heavy Beef—Lb. Boneless Sirloin I TSo* or Rump Roait. Boneless. U.S.D.A. Cl f|Q LOIR I IP Choice Grade Heavy Beef—Lb. vi 89< Grapefruit India. K vVrlely—Each 10^ Tomatoes Vine Ripe. Good for salad- -Lb. 19* Texas Yams Firm and sweet. From East Texas—Lb. 10* Avocados Rich in Minerals—Each Sliced Bacon v 7a c :; s ; : r '' 79* Armour Franks 59* Cervelat srjsjiu, 63* Braunschweigerl^in,'59* Cold Cuts 69* Young Tom Turkeys Fancy. Half or Whole. 17 to 24-Lb. Avg. Lb. 39< Smoked Slab Bacon Half or Whole. 8 to 12-Lb. Avg. ^ 69* (Sliced Kind on—Lb.75 <) Beverages Cragmont. Assorted. (Plus Deposit)—Qt. Bottle 10< iM*'® Coupon Worth 150t^1!| (J) Coupon Worth 50 E! ©FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS<| f>FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS! " With the Purchase of « With the Purchase of « tC t-Lb. or Larger Vi A 10-ai. Pkg. Trophy Brand Proi*« f HEN TURKEY ff | BREADED SHRIMP ’ •sN Coupon Expires February S, i»M. NS Coupon Expi. es February 5, l»M. Prices and Coupons Effective Thurs., Fri. and Sa A ., Febru ary 3, 4 and 5 in Bryan. ... We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers. SAFEWAY Ch< Spt A chemis E. De Wedne Chemi Dess lectr N me s ectior istry l An i Mrs. I Memoi room. SUests «vent. An c >nnati Sloan B.S. i, 'hemis p ittsb] State •n 195’