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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1966)
I THE BATTALION Page 8 College .Station, Texas Thursday, January 13, 1966 TO PLAY FOR AGGIES James Selvidge, a six-foot, 220-pound linebacker and cen ter from Tyler has indicated he will cast his lot with A&M next fall on the gridiron. The John Tyler High School graduate was sought by all the SWC schools and the University of Houston. Gillman ‘Delighted’ With AU-Star Drills HOUSTON (JP) — The Ameri can Football League All-Stars brought their two-a-day drills to an end Tuesday amid Coach Sid Gillman’s enthusiasm and word that San Diego receiver Lance Alworth will make the game. “I’ve just been delighted,” Gill- man said of the workouts. “The quarterbacks are throwing well, we’re catching the ball and we have a lot of snap.” Gillman said Alworth had re ceived the go-ahead from the team physician to play against the Buffalo Bills in the post-sea son game Saturday at Rice Sta dium. Alworth brings the All-Stars strength to 40 men. The All-Stars, who began the week with two-a-day workouts, now will practice once each morning through Friday. The Bills have been going through one-a-days since their first ses sion Monday. First announcements said Al worth wouldn’t play for the All- Stars because of a hairline rib fracture the flashy flankerback sustained in the championship game with Buffalo. “We’ll tape him up real good and protect with extra padding,” Gillman said Tuesday. This year’s game boasts a new format. Previously, it matched All-Star teams repre senting the league’s Eastern and Western divisions. Both Gillman and the new Buf falo head coach, Joel Collier, think the new format and a spe cial rule requiring both teams to use a standard 4-3 defense will add interest to the game. Under the rule, neither team will be allowed to use a “red dog” defense. Gillman said the rule helps the offense. “There is no doubt about that. And it should make for a better game for the fans.” Gillman said the 4-3 defense may cause defensive problems at times. But he said the mere one week’s practice makes it impos sible for the All-Stars to prepare for the blitz. Turning to the new format, Collier said that in some re spects, placing the All-Stars against the league champion Bills “makes the gdme more meaning ful”. NOT MUCH TIME TO “BONE UP” BEFORE EXAMS SAVE TIME AND ENERGY WITH OUT LINE SERIES. MONARCH, BARNES & NOBLE AND SCHAUNE. AVAILABLE AT Loupot's JUST OFF THE PRESS! THE 1966 TEXAS A&M STUDENT-STAFF DIRECTORY Contains: • complete, up-to-date campus phone numbers • faculty-staff office assignments and mailing address • student classification, dorm, room, mailing address A Perfect Reference Volume For Home and Office Also A Good Keepsake ... To Help You Remember Names Available Now From Student Publications Room 4 (Basement) YMCA $1.00 Per Copy Halas Fighting To Keep Staff who figured prominently it I raling three Bears who wtj Rookie of the Year honoitl 1961, has a $19,000 a ye;:| tract extending until 1968,1 CHICAGO <A>) _ With four National Football League coach- inging jobs still open, Owner- Coach George Halas of the Chi cago Bears attempted an object lesson Wednesday aimed at keeping his own staff intact. In Circuit Court, Halas sought a temporary injunction to re strain Bear defensive coach George Allen from fulfilling an already signed contract as head coach with the Los Angeles Rams. Albert E. Jenner Jr., Allen’s attorney, told the court that the allegation that his client was taking along confidential defen sive manuals and secret infor mation of the Bears to the Rams was a “red herring.” “Allen doesn’t want the de fensive manuals and the Bears can have them back” he said. “What Allen has in his head he is not going to get out of his head.” In his suit, Halas charged Al len was taking Bear secrets with him to Los Angeles and under mining Bear chances for the Na tional Football League title in 1966. the revived Bears to a 1966 NFL title: 1. Chuck Mather, whose Bear contract expires in April, i*s seeking a top job with the Wash ington Redskins, St. Louis Cardi nals, Pittsburgh Steelers or the new Atlanta Falcons. 2. Abe Gibron, highly success ful as Bear offensive line coach last season, already has rejected a head coaching job offer from the new Miami Dolphins of the rival American Football League. Halas views the possible de partures of Allen and Mather in completely contrasting manner. Allen, a key personnel man OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW, HSrf" 4V2? i Halas said Allen has “special, exceptional and unique knowl edge and skill as a coach which cannot be measured in monetary terms and cannot be adequately compensated.” Ag Wrestling Club Faces Houstonians jarteHy > SAVINGS While court procedure was go ing on, these other reports cir culated among members of a staff Halas hopes can help guide The Aggie Wrestling Club will be looking for their second vic tory of the year in a rematch with the Houston Variety Boys Club at 3 p.m. Saturday in the wrestling room of G. Rollie White Coliseum. There will be ten matches in volving boys in weight classes ranging from 123 pounds to 240 pounds. The Aggies downed the Hous ton Club 31-8 in Houston Dec. 11. There will be no admission charge and all students are en couraged to support the Aggies. Pold c INSURE FIRST FEDERAl) SAVINGS LOAN h More than half of America’s cigarettes are produced in North Carolina. m . * Are you spending MORE but getting LESS for your ] Then for goodness sake and the sake of your budget over to BROOKSHIRE BROS! Here, LOW PRICES areo stock-in-trade. You find them front-to-back and wall—on ALL the fine quality foods you like the most! buy most often. Come see for sure — as sure as our TO DOOR LOW PRICES enable you to cut down your l bills without cutting down on he quality or quantity of I foods you buy. FROZEN FOODS Patio Enchilada Each Your choice Tennessee’s Tur- nip Greens (with diced tur- jq q z nips), Collard Greens, Mus- tard Greens, Turnip Greens g * 79 c P|T , ppi70 McCormick’s a JLi IT JL J\ Pure Black ... 4 c 0 a»45c VANILLA EXTRACT M “:i..^45c PE ANUT BUTTER ..'IT . 12 -°;a,47c PICKLES r;39e RF AIVC Del Monte 3 Whole Green q No. 300 nr tf Cans UiFC TOMATO JUICE Del Monte 4 N cai 00 55c CHIU SAUCE De M ,e 12 mi. 29c TOMATOES Twuk 9 N » 1 ____ md Cans HOT SAUCE Devi, 6-°z. ■. r Bottle PINTO BEANS b™7 2-Lb. Pkg. 0 4 C PINE OIL p, " e - 0 - pine 8-°a. 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