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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1966)
fALIfi THE BATTALION -—> Thursday, January 13, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 7 One - Platoon Bid Killed NCAA Grade Rules Stand SPACEMEN AND TROPHIES iLstronaut Walter Schirra Jr., command pilot of Gemini 6 in its space rendezvous last month, showed he could make a bullet rendezvous with an antelope. The spaceman and his son, Walter III, 15, pose with their kills after a hunt [on the Guajolote Ranch near San Antonio. Schirra killed a black buck antelope and his son an axis deer. It was 'the youth’s first deer. (AP Wirephoto) g Tankmen ace Mustangs 'The Aggie swimming team will return to action Feb. 5 against fcuthern Methodist University in Beware Field House, according to Art Adamson, swimming coach. •obleim jen notij S. admiil ited Sti! involve! if dome ns in byjflHThe Cadets lost their opener list before the Christmas break iblem® 1 ' 0 Arlington State University, ver. m Arlington. The Rebels are ite, nob a P°wed to use freshmen and ic prof these boys provided the differ- rship iJ If 6 - ■ According to Adamson, the Ag- Jes will have to face their Spongest opponent of the season, WASHINGTON (^)—The Na tional Collegiate Athletic Associ ation killed a recommendation Monday for a return to one- platoon football. The resolution was offered at the final business session of the NCAA convention by Guido Daug of the University of New Mexico, acting for the Western Athletic Conference. Before any debate, H. C. (Fritz) Crisler of Michigan, a member of the NCAA Football Rules Committee, offered a mo tion to table the resolution — in effect killing it. This carried by a voice vote. “I shudder to think what might happen ... if we got into the business of revising football rules,” Crisler said. He argued that this is the business of the Rules Committee which meets this weekend in New Orleans. Earlier, the NCAA voted down efforts to delay or change a rule establishing a minimum schol astic standard for college ath letes. The rule requiring a 1.6 aver age, roughly C minus, in a 4.0 scale, will take effect after Feb. 15. It was adopted last year by the NCAA. An expected floor fight by the Ivy League failed to materialize, but an Ivy League spokesman said feelings are so strong that the league may bolt the NCAA. NCAA Executive Director Walter Byers told a news confer ence that any school not certify ing it will abide by the rule be fore Feb. 15 and will be ineligible to compete in NCAA events. The first two events affected would be the NCAA indoor track meet and basketball tournament in March. In other action, the NCAA: Re-elected Everett D. Barnes of Colgate University as presi dent and Francis E. Smiley of Colorado School of Mines as sec retary-treasurer. Elected to the NCAA Council, the group’s policy making body, Milton Hartivgsen of Brigham Young University, Harry Arlan- son of Tufts, Samuel Barnes of Howard University and Adolph Samborski of Harvard. Urged the two professional football leagues to delay their drafts of college football players until January, after the bowl games are over. Requested that “if secret drafts have heretofore been en tered into by either league, such practice be totally abandoned in the future . . .” This was a ref erence to reports that American Football League teams held a secret draft through the top rounds before the official draft at the end of the college season. Called for an amendment to a Senate - passed bill granting blanket exemptions to profession al sports which would protect high schools from competition by televised pro football games on Friday and Saturday. Colleges already have this protection un der law. Urged Congress to study the “total free agent player draft” as conducted by organized base ball. Under this draft, both col lege and high school players are selected by professional teams. Formalized a ban voted last year by mail ballot on college football coaches accepting pay from professional teams. Bobcats Trounce East Texas, 81-68 SAN MARCOS — The South west Texas State Bobcats moved into a tie for the Lone Star Con ference lead Monday after thrashing the East Texas State Lions 81-68 in Commerce. The victory vaulted the Bob cats into a tie with Sam Houston State. Both squads boast perfect 2-0 records. Bill Overall, Henry Garcia, Morris Ogden and Curley Len nox led the Bobcats’ attack equal ly, each hitting in double fig ures. Overall tossed in 23 points, Garcia 18, Odgen 19 and Len nox 13. The Lion’s Phil Andrews con nected on 15 of 24 attempts for a total of 30 points for the even ing. The lead changed hands sev eral times in the opening min utes, but the Bobcats pulled away with 6:30 left in the first half. Southwest Texas connected on 33 of 62 attempts for a 53.2 field goal percentage. East Texas sank 28 of 55 for a 50.9 per centage. YOUR FRIEND FOR LIFE He’s helping young men plan today for a better life tomorrow. He’s your Southwestern Life College Representa tive— and he has specially-designed life insurance policies to fit your own individual needs today, tomorrow and in the years ahead. They're new-idea plans created by one of the nation’s leading life insurance companies especially for, and only for, men college seniors and graduate students pursuing professional degrees. He’s an easy person to talk with, and what he has to tell you about these policies can make a lot of difference in your future. Talk with him when he calls — give him an opportunity to be “Your Friend for Life.” There’s never any obligation. ROBERT I. JAECKLE 401 E. 31st St. 822-5158 Bryan, Texas representing . . . Southwestern Life Johns# IMU, with a team low in num- Mastei ^ crs un< J experience, but high in :ntatif! s pll and desire. This year’s fnionL®am has only 13 men on the en- 22(j tire team with a meager seven Mturning lettermen, compared ■— ^iivith last years 23 man roster and 11 lettermen. Despite this iliandicap, Adamson feels that the iPp Ipresent team is even stronger ^^than last year’s. ■ Helping to lead the Ags down flu.W the road to victory will be four , 'Seniors, all two-year lettermen. ■“ Bhey are James Hooten, a 6-1 ■eestyle sprinter from Atlanta, (korgia; Mike Offner from Me- :E tairie, La., specializing in the g breaststroke and individual med ley; George Staples, a sprinter o (wJ rom Ft- Worth Paschal, and ' tJ i av * d Trifon, an ex-All-Stater e from Houston Waltrip partici- tiR- l puting in the freestyle sprint. 0 soil® Adamson a native of England is completing his 31st year as head swimming coach at Aggie- ^^Bjnd. He became nationally 1 la-de-da 0BS : snooty affairs ors: l to i*’ the M .he I* Jani)* 1 rradust' ’portrf' sch#’ ■jflict fi Pi. A"" 1 " Is |A1 our specialty! Ladies love meeting at Ramada Inn! Fancy banquets, Club get- togethers and Luncheons are just more fun! 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