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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1966)
IE BATTALION Thursday, January 6, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 3 LBJ Extends Senate Style To Foreign Affairs A HA'E'C' rn* A ^ ^ chulz By JAMES MARLOW Lssociated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON — Because he Concentrated on home affairs there has been little chance— Ipntil now—to see how Presi- ■ent Johnson would operate in ■he foreign field where his ex perience has been far less, i But his tactics in the past 10 Kays in trying to get the North pyietnamese Communists to dis- puss peace have provided a priceless and enduring insight ■nto his methods with both Eriends and enemies abroad, i He’ll do what he does at home. While an Air Force uses saturation bombing, Johnson tries to saturate people with lersuasion and pressure. It was ;his, and his persistence, which nade hims this century's best senate leader. Now, to get the Communists alking, he has saturated the (-world with publicity of his ef forts and foreign capitals with his emissaries. I In the Senate his policy was : simple and realistic: Get all you Bean; if you can’t get it all, get I'as much as you can, even if it means compromising, for some thing is better than nothing. Johnson hasn’t compromised in foreign affairs yet if only be cause so far he hasn’t had to. There may be some situations in which he can’t—Viet Nam, perhaps — but that’s to be seen. The classic example of John son as the persuasive technician was in the passage of the Civil Bights Act of 1957, the first in this century. He compromised to soften Southern resistance which had stopped such legisla tion in the past. This angered some Negroes whose emotions made them over look this central point: Southern resistance would nev er be the same again, the civil rights forces now had their foot in the door, and the next steps would be easier and stronger. And they are. Again the astonishing record of Congress in 1965 on major legislation — like medical care for the aged and federal aid to education, long regarded as im possible — was the product of Johnson’s ceaseless maneuver ing, made easier, of course, by the vast Democratic majorities. Once Johnson determined to make this effort for peace talks, his use of emisaries to foreign capitals would probably have followed exactly the same course if there had been no publicity and all was done in secret. The publicity put extra pres sure on the Reds while serving some other useful purposes for Johnson. If the Communists ignore his efforts, they risk looking like fanatics and losing some or much of the sympathy they have here and elsewhere. While the emissaries put pres sure on the leaders they visited to do what they could to bring about discussions with the Reds, the publicity in general was an I obvious effort to persuade the f world of American good inten- r tions. And, because of the publicity, if Johnson’s efforts fail, there can be less complaint here or I abroad that he is war-minded or unyielding. And all the news of Johnson’s I efforts should help him in Con- ; gress where he is going to have to ask lots more money to carry on the war. A Commuriist rejection will deprive those in Congress who oppose the war or an increase in war spending of much of any argument that, before he seeks more funds, he should do more to seek peace. k. Charles E. Thomas ’64 College Master Representative Fidelity Union Life 846-8228 OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW! 4VM> Annum Paid Quarterly on INSURED SAVINGS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 2913 Texas Ave. 4 3cUHontc b OLD TINE BARGAIN DAYS DEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE 9 8-Oz. Cans TOMATO JUICE».“.3 ss PRUNE JUICE -s. 2 32-Oz. Btls. 88 c PINEAPPLE 88 c DEL MONTE Del Monte, Chunk Crushed Tidbits Drink - Pineapple Grapefruit No. 211 Cans 5 46-Oz. J Cans DEL MONTE CATSUP. DEL MONTE SPINACH DEL MONTE KRAUT .. 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