Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1965)
M.ION e ■h the in- iraeter, Slouch will iite of all of being u >te some :b 'ICE ^thTotfc > deadline of publication, LEGE :toral Degree ,bdel-Razi)c in Petrolena of individml ure displace srty Bldg, -s 24111 )logy mi EXAM re !ogy majori y & Entom- m. in Rm 23J1J bo have 9i e the A« unary grade ay be uied. their names Registrar’i for a ring, een Nov. !2, be delivered in duty from mgh Friday, 228tfa Jelp Wanted olumns are fide occupa- rment which nably necee his businea ivenience to which posi- yould be ol n the other Such desig- ndicate that ices any un- specification nt practices. technologist is holidays. 2d2H D part-time top notch be aggres- live near i resume ediately to rcE )b roup 1-8051 :' s : Radio vice 22-1941 C«. tvntow" 22-15^ I [ $4.79 _ $2.59 _ $5.98 _ $3.98 . $2.90 nnzo*C Royal jonocoj t real 10* — 294 re 407' plugs day" h IS Texas THE BATTALION Friday, December 3, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 5 Happy Birthday Cadet Slouch —The Batt Staff OLE AEKAV HEY, ME ARMY/ =5 m -O Sunday Buffet Your full choice of our complete buffet, consisting: of 75 to 80 choice selected items each Sunday. ADULTS — $2.50 CHILDREN — $1.25 Alternating Foreign Specialty Table Each Week Bryan - College Station 846-8811 RAMADA INN MEW «GY, r - « ARMYj'y/ The Church..F«r a Fuller Life..For You.. CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL. 906 Jersey Street, So. Side of Campna Rector: William R. Orley Asst.—Rev. Wesley Seeligrer 8:00 9:15 & 11:00 A.M.—Sun. Service 6:45 A.M. & 10:00 A.M.—^Wednesday Holy Communion 7:15 P.M.—Wed. Evening Prayer FIRST BAPTIST 9:30 AM—Sunday School 10:45 AM Morning Worship 6:10 PM—Training Union 7 :20 PM—Evening Worship 6:30 PM—Choir Practice & Teachers’ meetings (Wednesday) 7 :30 P.M.-—Midweek Services (Wed.) A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST 8:00 & 10:00 A.M. Worship 9:00 A.M.—Bible Study 5 :15 P.M.—Young People’s Class 6:00 P.M.—Worship 7:16 P.M.—Aggie Class 9:30 A.M.—Tues. - Ladies Bible Class 7:15 P.M.—Wednesday - Bible Study A&M PRESBYTERIAN 7-9 A.M.—Sun. Breakfast - Stu. Ctr. 9:46 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6 :00 P.M.—Sun. Single Stu. Fellowship 7:15 P.M.—Wed. Student Fellowship 6:45 A.M.—Fri. Communion Service Wesley Foundation CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship 6 :30 P.M.—Young People’s Service 7 :00 P.M.—Preaching Service CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 9 :30 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Sunday Service 11:00 A.M.-2 P.M.—Tues. Reading Rm. 7 :00-8 :00 P.M.—Wed., Reading Room 8:00 P.M.—Wed. Evening Worship 10:00 A.M. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN •i Syr ” Class (Missouri Synod) Bible Class II :00 A.M.—Morning W. orship Ves orship ng People’s Service ning Worshir 7 :80 P.M.—Wednesday Vesper UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 306 Old Hwy. 6 S. 10 :00 A.M.—Sunday School 7 :45 P.M.—First four Sundays of each month — Fellowship Meeting. SECOND BAPTIST 710 Eisenhower 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School 11 :00 A.M.—Church Service 6 :30 P.M.—Training Union 7 :30 P.M.—Church Service OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN 8:15 & 10:45 A.M.—The Church at Worship 9 :30 A.M.—Bible Classes For All Holy Communion—1st Sun. Ea. Mo. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Sunday Masses—7 :30, 9 :00 and 11:00 FAITH CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:15 A.M.—Sunday School 10 :30 A.M.—Morning Worship 7 :30 P.M.—Evening Service COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School 11 :00 A.M.—Morning Worshi 6 :30 P.M.—You: 7 :30 P.M.—Evening Worship A&M METHODIST 8 :30 A.M.—Morning Worship 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School 10 :55 A.M.—-Morning Worship 5 :30 P.M.—Campus & Career Class 5:30 & 6:00 P.M.—MYF Meetings CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 26th East and Coulter, Bryan 8 :30 A.M.—Priesthood meeting 10:00 A.M.—Sunday School 6 :30 P.M.—Sacrament Meeting FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Homestead & Ennis 9 :45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:50 A.M.—Morning Worship 5 :30 P.M.—Young People ri > 1 ’ - - J4i((i.r 3un.~t J4o BRYAN,TEXAS 502 West 26th St. PHONE TA 2-1572 Campus and Circle Theatres College Station College Station’s Own Banking Service University National Bank NORTH GATE Sure Sign of Flavor It snowed yesterday and when it stopped, I walked along the creek in a world of frosty splendor. The woods were hushed in majestic stillness, and I tread softly. A jay screeched overhead, and bending trees shivered stealthily, with squeaking, ice- coated branches. The falls at the curve of the creek stood immobilized with hoarfrost and icicles, but bending near I heard soft and surely the murmur of the moving creek beneath the icebound surface. It came to me, how like that creek, my faith has been. At times this faith has been covered by rimes of doubt and selfishness. Often it has been embittered by anguish and despair. But always under that glacial exterior there coursed a stream of con sciousness that knew no turning from God—and the things I had been taught from childhood. How glad I am my parents took me to church and brought me up with such a sure knowledge of God’s love that it sustained me even when I tried to turn from His THE CHURCH EOF? ALL. ALL EOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor ling o ter and good citizenship. It is a store- ; of charac- strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There ways. Copyright 1965 Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, Via. \e gre on earth for the building ter and good citizenship, it is a store house of spiritual values. Without i ►ng C | civil: are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regu larly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children’s sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regu larly and read your Bible daily. Sunday Genesis 31:36-42 Monday I Kings 19:1-8 Tuesday I Kings M8 19:9 Wednesday Job 37:1-13 Thursday Psalms 147:12-20 Friday Jonah 4:1-5 Saturday Matthew 14:22-33 <232? t <232? + <5i2? + <S32? + <S±2? + <332? + «3x> + <232? t <<37? + + m S AN IT ARY Farm Dairies Central Texas Hardware Co. BRYAN • HARDWARE • CHINA WARE • CRYSTAL • GIFTS The Exchange Store ‘Serving Texas Aggies” Bryan Building & Loan Association BRYAN jMf. ICE CREAM AND MILK “It’s embarrassing to not know whether to say ‘college’ or ‘university’ or even A&M!” “Sir, I’m ready to buckle down and study this last week! What must I do to bring up my 32 average?” * mo - ^ - A “Must have been one of the more creative football signs!” FRESHMEN All Freshmen who have not selected their proofs for the Aggie- land ’66 are urged to do so NOW. ATTENTION!!! ALL CLUBS Athletic, Hometown, Professional, and Campus Organizations. Pictures for the club sec tions of the Aggieland are now being scheduled at the Student Publications Of fice, Y.M.C.A. Bldg. HEAR, HERE! ALL NEW FROM SONY, Tape Recorders BRYAN RADIO & TV SERVICE, INC. 1301 S. College Ave. SUPERSCOPE® MAKE THIS AN ALL AGGIE CHRISTMAS University Seal Jewelry For Men and Women Our Famous Dorm Loungers Glassware Marked With Seal In Sterling Silver Desk Sized Lighters And The Gift That Always Fits— Recorded Music North Gate Shaffer's College Station