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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1964)
FROM THE ineA By MAYNARD ROGERS Between studying for that last all-important final and far-reaching excursions to the East and South, I must pounce upon the typewriter one more time to say good-bye for the summer. But, to the misery of the Department of English and unenthusiastic sports fans, yours truly will resume side line comments three months hence-f when school and football season begins anew. Since I returned to the B a 11 staff this past semester, it has been a pleasure bringing’ Battalion readers the fortunes of Aggie ath letic teams. However, it was easy because the Batt sports staff usually had nothing but good words and results to present. Also, it has been a great experi ence to associate with the men that make the A&M athletic program work and function as a body that represents this institution in a commendable manner, both on and off the field. There are men like Hank Fold- berg, athletic director and head football coach; Shelby Metcalf, the amiable and witty cage mentor; Spec Gammon, Aggie sports pub licist who is always willing to help; and so many more that would be impossible to mention. They all give credit to the school and athletics. In retrospect, A&M teams turned in one of the most finest over-all I performances in recent years, with two championships and several contests in other sports going down to the wire. With growing interest in basket ball, baseball, golf, tennis and track, things point to greater things in all sports within the next few years. Foldberg has done a remarkable job in building one of the strongest athletic programs in the Southwest Conference in the two years he has been here, and his plans are still being fulfilled. As former sports editor Jim But ler predicted, things are going to be even better in the future, and next year will soon be here. In the meantime, remember that several Aggies will still be in com petition through the summer. The Cadet baseball team will be in the College World Series in June, and trackmen Randy Matson, Ted Nel son and Danny Roberts will be making bids for the Tokyo Olym pics. So, keep up with the Aggies and have a good summer—AMF. Board Action (Continued from Page 1) as may be using the committee as an insurance move to protect UT from NCAA probation. “If the NCAA should want to assess Texas penalties in addition to its Southwest Conference pro bation, Texas could point to the committee as proof that they are taking care of their own prob lems,” the source said. The source also told The Bat talion that he did not think Texas would withdraw from the confer ence. Speculation from conference scribes seems to indicate otherwise. Jack Gallagher in the Houston Post said Tuesday that Texas will withdraw from the SWC if the con ference limitation on scholarships is not lifted. Gallagher quoted a Texas Board of Regents member as saying, “We like the conference and don’t want to get out. But we’re not going to stand still for any legislation to our disadvantage. If the majority tries to cut Texas back to its own level, then Texas might be in a happier, healthier situation if it were in a conference with people its own size.” It appears then that December will see a showdown with Texas and the larger schools versus the smaller private schools. At stake will be the life of the Southwest Conference. Read Battalion Classifieds By DALE BURGESS Associated Press Sports Writer INDIANAPOLIS <A>> _ Mechan ics buttoned up the cars Wednes day after bolt-by-bolt checks for defects, and the engines will be fired up one more time before the 500-mile classic at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Saturday. The widest variety of racers in many years, headed by Jimmy Clark’s record-setting new Lotus- Ford, will be given two hours Thursday morning to run on the 2%-mile oval with full fuel loads. The track has been closed for cleaning since the end of qualify ing runs Sunday. The big iron gate between the garages and the track will be opened once more before the race, but only for pit stop rehearsals Friday morning. Drivers will not be permitted to start their engines. Pit stops again may be crucial this year, with the possibility that seven Ford-powered cars may be able to complete the race with a single stop, as Clark did in his sec ond-place finish behind Parnelli Jones last year. They use fuel based on gasoline, and will get about twice the mileage as the alcohol-burning Offenhausers. Using a blended fuel or extra tanks may let some of the Offys get by with a single stop, but most are expected to plan at least two halts, holding down the fuel weight so they can run faster. Summer Net Program Set The College Station Recreation Council has announced that regis tration for the summer tennis pro gram will be from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., June 3, at the A&M Consoli dated Junior High School office, announced Horace Schaffer, tennis instructor. The eight-week net program will start June 8 and run through July 31. Sessions will be from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the A&M University courts. Age limits for the program are ages 10 years through high school, Schaffer said, and the registration fee is $3 for College Station resi dents and $6 for non-residents. FAMOUS Tireston* GEO SHELTON INC COLLEGE AYE. AT 33rd. FREE PARKING TA 2-0139 - TA 2-0130 DRINKS EGGS LEMONADE OR FRUIT DRINKS CACKLEBERRY FARMS LARGE WHITE - DOZ. 35* LIBBY’S VIENNA DEL MONTE SAUSAGE 5»$1. CATSUP 6 89( KOBEY SHOESTRING GOOD VALUE SALAD POTATOES lOt DRESSING -39( NO. K20 GALVANIZED DELIGHT GARBAGE CAN $W DOG FOOD - 89( TENDER AND FIAVORFUL READY FOR THE GRILL SIRLOIN ROUND RIB LB. 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