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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1964)
I + \ 4-H FLAG ACCENTS ACTIVITIES Statewide 4-H’ers Meet At Roundup Tuesday and Wednesday, the campus was alive with activities of the Texas 4-H Roundup. Round up, a gathering of outstanding Texas 4-H Club members in com petition for top place in the state contests is held annually on the A&M campus. The festivities officially began with a barbecue sponsored by the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation, and was attended by more than 3,000 4-H members, leaders and friends of 4-H. In an opening ceremony in Kyle Field Tuesday night, president Earl Rudder welcomed the 2,000 4-H members and leaders to the campus and complimented the many friends of 4-H for the end less hours they have spent promot ing 4-H work; hours which could have been spent fishing or in a rocking chair. After greetings by Dr. R. E. Pat terson, dean, College of Agricul ture and M. T. Harrington, chan cellor of the Texas A&M Univer sity System, John E. Hutchison, director of the Agricultural Exten sion Service introduced some of the System and University staff mem bers to the group. Several area individuals, organi zations and news media men were presented Texas 4-H Youth Devel opment Foundation awards Tues day night. Receiving one of the 12 indi vidual awards for outstanding work in promoting 4-H work in District 11 was Sherman Clark, manager, Agricultural Department, Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., Houston. Houston Lighting and Power Company received the organization award. News media representatives re ceiving awards were Robert S. Gray, editor and publisher, Texas and Southwestern Horseman, Houston and Elmer Summers, farm editor, Houston Chronicle. Tuesday night, club members Geology Students Hold Field Class Ten A&M University students from the Department of Geology and Geophysics are undergoing a field geology course at Junction. They are one of three groups using facilities at the A&M Ad junct. The others are a record number of almost 200 freshmen for a six- week program of regular univer sity courses and another 30 civil engineering students registered for a summer surveying practice course. The field geology course taught by Associate Professor Karl J. Koenig is required of geology majors and normally is taken be tween the junior and senior years. “The basic purpose is to acquaint students with practical work in the field,” he said. Institute To Show Radioisotope Film Two films about radioisotopes will be shown Monday as the sec ond weekly program sponsored by the National Science Foundation Summer Institute. The public is invited to the program scheduled at 8 p.m. Mon day in Room 113, Biological Sci ences Building. Dr. John D. Randall will show the films “Industrial Application of Radioisotopes” and “Radioiso tope Methodology” and will ans wer questions. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering. and leaders joined together for a night of square dancing, folk games, bowling or watching Share- the-Fun acts. Over 1,400 young people entered the 31 contests. The contests this year included three new ones, civil defense, clothing education and money management. Wednesday night about 100 young people, winners in the con tests, were honored at a banquet in Sbisa Hall. Donors of contests awards were also recognized at the banquet. The two-day event closed Thurs day morning following breakfast. Che Battalion Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1964 Number 52 Summer Term Enrollment Reaches New High: 3,571 Aggies Injured When Auto Hits Campus Tree Two 23-year-old Aggies from Honduros are reported in “good” condition in the University Hospi tal after their automobile struck a campus tree Tuesday. Admitted to the hospital were Rafael Weddle (the driver) and Carlos H. Matamoros, the only passenger. Both are from Cholu- teca, Honduras, and have attended A&M but have not yet regist ered for the summer session. Hospital attendants said Weddle had lacerations of the knee and Matamoros has lacerations of the knee, thigh and forehead. X-rays were being studied today. Campus Security Director Ed E. Powell said investigation showed Weddle was driving onto Ross from Houston Street in front of Milner Hall and near the Exchange Store, when the car failed to make the curve. Damage to the 1959 sedan was estimated at $1,500. ‘Student Programs’ Announces Additional Movie Entertainment Wallace Johnston, of the Stu dent Programs Office announced that on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m., there will be movies for children in the Ballroom of the Memorial Student Center during the summer. Johnston also announced that on Saturday nights, at 7 p.m. there will be adult action movies in the Grove. Activity cards will be honored. Those not having cards will be charged 35 cents. Schedules are available at the Grove. In addition, on Friday nights there will be “family style” movies at 8 p.m. The regular nightly features will also be at 8 p.m. in the Grove. The new movie schedule, pro duced by the Memorial Student Center for summer school stu- Service Conducted For A&M Student Burial services were held for Roberto Payan-Zapico, freshman A&M Architecture student, Mon day 3 p.m. in Matamoros, Mexico. Payan-Zapico was a 20 year old freshman Architecture student who was fatally injuried in a car-bicycle accident in the 2000 block of Texas Avenue shortly be fore 3 a.m. Sunday. Bryan Police said that Payan- Zapico was struck from behind by an automobile. Police said that at the time of the accident both car and bicycle were traveling north on Texas Avenue. No charges have been filed to date. According to the Bryan police the impact took place 13 feet, six inches from the curb in the out side lane. At the time of the accident Pay an was accompanied by two fellow Mexican students from A&M. Neither were injured. Payan-Zapico was a resident of Milner Hall on campus. A local funeral home transport ed Payan overland to Mexico. Cyclotron Talks Slated By A&M A&M University plans for the $6,000,000 spiral ridge cyclotron as a research tool to gain better understanding of the structure of the atomic nucleus will be told Tuesday to the Texas Nuclear Sci ence Symposium for High School Students. Professor John McIntyre will speak to the symposium cospon sored by the University of Texas and the Texas Atomic Energy Re search Foundation. dents and others, contains some unplanned wit in addition to the daily movie listing. In the Aug. 21 square, for in stance, the movie listed is “Don’t Give Up the Ship.” Also men tioned, in bold letters, is the word EXAMS, which is the signal that the six-week term closes that same day. Another double listing, on July 13, is “Pursuit of the Graf Spee” and registration. On another day, the double bil ling includes “Robin Hood”—“An American in Paris.” Others: “Lonely Are the Brave” —classes begin, and “Bridges of Dracula”—last day to drop classes. In a more serious vein, the calendar has 66 movies, including several Saturday double features, listed for both six-week terms. >- THE SAME OLD ROUTINE ... paper work increases, lines get longer. A&M Architecture Students Design Hotel-Motel Project Two A&M University architect ure students have designed a hotel- motel combination that someday may cling to a sloping, sandy beach on Padre Island. The fifth-year students, in fact, planned the 1,720-unit housing project for a 1,200-foot strip of land near Port Mansfield, the en trance to the southern tip of the National Seashore Park. James Sartain of Port Arthur and Donald Dillard of Temple also are confident the structure will withstand hurricane - force winds. It will be well-anchored by con crete piles, in addition to receiving support from its natural environ ment. Their choice spot lies more than 1,500 feet from the ocean front and is shielded from sea winds by a strip of sand dunes, although backwaters from the Laguna Ma- dre encircle the housing facility. Sartain and Dillard, both May graduates, selected the Padre Is land-planned facility as their final student project at A&M, after con ferences with Frank Hildebrand, Texas Tourist Development direc tor, and South Padre Island In vestment Corp. officials. The A&M students included a 50-page brochure describing every thing from Padre Island history to natural resources and detailed building specifications. Their plans also include a scaled- down model of the proposed hous ing project, plus numerous draw ings showing various features and structural design. Although the hotel is 15-stories high and the motel area 5-stories, President Rudder Returns To Site Of WWII Assault President Rudder left Tuesday for a return trip to France, where 20 years ago he led 225 Rangers of the Second Ranger Battalion, 116th Infantry, 29th Division, up the 100 feet high cliff of Pointe de Hoe, overlook ing the Normandy beachhead. The university president was named by President Johnson a- mong 22 Americans to partici pate in ceremonies marking the 20th anniversity of the World War II invasion. Included in the group are mili tary leaders, government offici als, two Congressional Medal of Honor winners and others who participated in the return of Alli ed troops to Europe. Wives including Mrs. Rudder, will accompany the Presidential party. General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, U. S. field commander in the 1944 maneu ver, will head the delegation. President Rudder received medals from three countries for his heroic feats at Pointe du Hoe on the Normandy shore. He also won praise by military leaders during the Battle of the Bulge and other conflicts with German forces. General Bradley had this to say about the Texan’s Normandy feat: “No soldied in my command has ever been wished a more difficult task than that which be fell the 34-year-old commander of the Provisional Ranger Force.” The former Brady rancher, football coach and school teacher was credited by Bradley as the first in his command to hit the beach. The objective was to scale 100- foot cliffs at Pointe du Hoe and knock out vital enemy gun posi tions. The Rangers used ropes to climb the cliffs, Bradley ex plained in his book, “A Soldier’s Story.” Before they reached the top, German troops fired down the slopes and dropped grenades on the Rangeds. A nearby destroy er raked the cliffs with heavy machine gun fire to drive the Germans back. The Rangers made it, less than 10 minutes after they landed. The German guns were silenced, but Lt. Col. Rudder’s 200-man force was cut to 90. France awarded Rudder, now a major general in the Army ^Reserve, the Legion of Honor with Croix de Guerre and Palm, and Belguim cited the Texan with the Belgian Order of Leo pold with Croix de Guerre and Palm. His numerous other decora tions include the American Dis- tinguished Service Cross, Legion om Merit, Silver Star, Bronze Star with Oak Cluster, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster and others. LT COL. EARL RUDDER ATOP CLIFFS only the upper portion of the hotel will project above the beach bank. They designed the resort to at tract tourists, weekend guests and those they refer to as “snowbirds,” winter residents who come to South Texas to escape the north ern snows. Sartain and Dillard also feel that future development of the na tional park will attract visitors to their resort center. “Our program also ties in with the state’s efforts to provide ac commodations for tourists,” Sar tain added. “We have included a convention center as well.” A dozen elevators, scattered throughout the facility, will pro vide speedy service. They have also worked out a plan to solve the sewage problem, at least until permanent provisions are made. But the elevators, instead of plunging at a vertical angle, will ride a track down an incline, due to the sloping angle of the build ing. After they designed the elevator system, the architecture students discovered a Houston architect had successfully installed the ca ble-drawn elevators in another structure. “So we know it will work,” Dil lard said, grinning. Highest Since WWII Vets Registered Summer enrollment at A&M University hit a new high of 3,571 Wednesday, an increase of 9 per cent over 1963. A&M Registrar H. L. Heaton said enrollment will continue through Thursday. Totals for registration showed 3,344 summer students on the main campus, an increase of 283 over the 1963 enrollment of 3,061. The A&M Adjunct near Junction re ported 227 summer students, up 21 from 206 last year. Overall summer enrollment in creased by 404 students, compared with a comparable date in 1963. The current figures are the highest in A&M’s history, save for the 1947 term when World War II veterans returned to the campus. In that summer session A&M had so many students attending the first summer session due to many veterans taking advantage of the G.I. Bill of Rights. A final, official count of en- rollees for this term will be de layed until all figures are finally tabulated allowing for late regis tration, Heaton stressed. Although a concise breakdown was not obtainable Wednesday, there was apparently a significant increase in coed enrollment. Among the record number of enrollees there were numerous seminar registrations. Registration began at 7 a.m. Monday morning and lasted until almost noon. The weather was sunny but mild, and the atmos phere almost cheery compared to the considerably lengthier regis tration lines of the regular terms. Students resigned themselves to the inevitable task of filling out copious forms amidst the usual genial banter. CD Delegates Slate Course Delegates attending the State Women's Advisory Council meet ing on civil defense June 9-10 also will participate in a shelter man ager training course. The course, conducted by A&M University’s Engineering Exten sion Service, will include an over night shelter stay to give the wo men a taste of shelter living. The training will start at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, following ad journment of the Council’s regu lar session. The night exercise will begin at 4:30 p.m. Thursday. Registration for the annual con ference will begin at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. Texas Schoolmen Expected For Annual Conferences Six hundred Texas schoolmen are expected on the A&M Uni versity campus Monday through Wednesday June 8-10 for annual conferences with the theme “To day’s Challenges.” The superintendents, administra tors and instructional supervisors will hear state and national speak ers at general assemblies. “A. M. Aikin Day” is planned Wednesday as the schoolmen pre sent the veteran Texas legislator with a thick volume of letters of appreciation, the “Golden Deeds for Education Award.” Business meetings of three state associations also are scheduled during the three-day meeting. Johnnie McLeod of Jasper is presi dent of the Texas Association of County Superintendents. The Tex as School Administrations Associ ation is headed by Supt. Q. M. Martin of Carthage. Joe Airola of Spring Branch is president of the Texas Association of Instruct ional Supervisors. Executive Secretary Forrest E. Conner of the American Associ ation of School Administrators and Arizona professor Daniel R. Dav ies, authority on school administra tion, are among the speakers. Education commissioner J. W. Edgar will moderate a panel dis cussion Wednesday of “Educa tional Topics of Current Interest.” The panel members will include Arleigh B. Templeton, executive director, Governor’s Committee on Education Beyond the High School; Thomas McLemon of the National Association of Public School Adult Education, and L. P. Sturgeon of the Texas State Teachers Associ ation. Campus Visitors A total of 69,055 visitors were on the campus of A&M University in the months of June, July, Aug ust, September, October, Novem ber, December, 1963, and January February, March, April, and May, 1964, P. L. Downs, Jr., official greeter of the university, announc ed Saturday.