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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1964)
Page 6 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, April 9, 1964 BIG GOLF GUNNER Junior linksman Jeff Anderick is unbeaten in conference play. Maroon Linksmen Meet Arkies Here Aggies Meet SA In Soccer Finals BY JAY FERGUSON Special Writer The A&M golf team will get a chance to widen their Southwest Conference lead Saturday when they meet Arkansas at the College Station golf course. After clipping TCU 5-1, and sal vaging a 3-3 tie with SMU in Dal las, the Aggies, who are 8-4, are leading the SWC by a single point over Texas Tech and TCU who are at 7-5. Texas, who has only played one match, stands at 3-3, and Ar kansas is yet to play a match. Eddie Smith, TCU’s ace, fired a one-under par 69 to triumph over the Aggies’ Mike Higgins 5-4 for the Horned Frogs only point. For the Cadets, Jeff Andrick defeated Dave Turner of TCU 3-1 and the team of Andrick-Higgins turned back Smith-Turner 1 up on a last hole birdie by Higgins. In the second foursome, Jay Ferguson of A&M won over John Lawson, TCU, 3-1, Doug Dyer of A&M de feated Ty Dickinson, TCU, 7-5, and Ferguson-Dyer clipped Law- son-Dickinson 4-2. In Dallas Tuesday, A&M was forced to split with Southern Methodist as the Mustangs’ Rod Bliss turned the Cadets back with a fine two-under par 69 over the wind-blown Glen Lakes Country Club course. Bliss defeated Mike Higgins 6-5, and helped his part ner Alvin Johnston to win over the team of Higgins-Andrick 4-3. Andrick won his individual match over Johnston 2 up for a single Aggie point. In the second foursome, a last nine rally fell one hole short for the Cadets as Jay Ferguson missed a 15 ft. birdie putt on the last hole to lose 1 up to Bobby Parks of SMU. But Doug Dyer of A&M defeated Tom my Culp of SMU 2-1 and Fergu son-Dyer won over Parks-Culp 3-1 for the Aggies’ other two points. THE BUHON TAB* HUGGER This trim tapered-body Gant Button Tab is now short-sleeved in a cool batiste oxford for warm weather comfort. Its slim-trim lines combined with Gant’s new easy-to-adjust button tab makes it a handsome dress shirt. $6.95 Sizes 14 - 17 C \£rsitii Sh OF Townshire BY BENITO LOPEZ Special Writer Another A&M champ—the an swer lies in the outcome of the state championship game between the defending state champion, San Antonio’s '“International Soccer Team” and the A&M Soccer Team which will be played in San An tonio, at Olmos Park on Sunday, April 12, at 2 p.m. FOOTBALL SOCCER, the world’s most popular organized sport, has been at A&M for over ten years. In this period, the A&M team has had many triumphs, in cluding the State Championship in 1957. Ever since 1957, A&M has been trying to regain the title, and in both 1960 and 1963 the team finished second. This year, there is a good chance that A&M will have the Texas Cup back in its trophy case. Last year’s record of 18-1-1 was good enough to place the Aggies in the finals. Unfortunately, the only loss of the season was in the championship game to San An tonio’s International Soccer Team. But after a season record of 11-2- 1, the Aggies are again back in the Cup finals and are very eager to avenge last year’s defeat. BESIDES THE TEXAS CUP, the Aggies will sponsor the Fifth Annual Pan American Week Tour nament on Saturday April 18. It will be held on our Campus and the Aggies play host to the Uni versity of Texas, Southwestern University, and St. Mary’s of San Antonio. Our Aggie Team is made up of players from many countries, in cluding the U. S., Mexico, Guate mala, Argentina, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Brasil, Philipinas, etc. THE SOCCER TEAM cordially invites everyone on the A&M Cam pus and in Brazos County to be come familiar with this sport and attend their daily practice and home games at the soccer field located East of the tennis courts, near the South gate. Soccer had its U. S. beginnings on the East Coast, but European and Latin American influence has spread soccer over the northern and western portions of the coun try as well. In Texas the Leagues are active in the larger cities, such as Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco and Lubbock. Each league has minor tourna ments to send a representative to the Texas Cup, or State Champion ship. The Aggies have won all their preliminary games and will represent the Houston area leagues in the finals at San An tonio. Aggie Soccer Team Standing, left to right, Benito Lopez, captain, right, Richard Smith, Guatemala; Fernand* Mexico; Jose Rodriquez, Costa Rica; Mauri- Rojas, Mexico; Armando Velarde, Peru; cio Martinez, El Salvador; Klaus Seeger, Ricardo Percival, Costa Rica; GuillermoCas^ Argentina; Guillermo Valiente, El Salvador; tro, Casto Rica; Carlos Matamoros, Hondu- Julio Diaz, El Salvador; Don Gilmore, United ras; Gryzagoridis, Brazil; Eduardo Estrada, States; Juan Dominguez, Mexico; and Cor- Costa Rica; Charles Valarezo, Equador;ani rigan Cooper, Honduras. Kneeling, left to Humberto Angel, Columbia. Foreign Athletes Boost A&M By JIM BUTLER Battalion Sports Editor A&M will have two sports teams consisting mainly of for eign students carrying the Maroon and White colors into action this weekend with a spirit that would match that of most home-born Aggies. The story directly above deals with the Aggie soccer team that will be trying for its second state championship in San Antonio Sunday. In this special story for The Battalion, team captain Beni to Lopez tells the history of A&M’s soccer team and shows the spirit with which this team competes. This squad practices as long and hard as any other sport and has brought the name A&M to the top in a sport of interest to many, though being outside the realm of major athletics. On Saturday, A&M’s cricket team hosts the University of Tex as in a match to be played on tb main drill field across from tin Memorial Student Center. With cricket being relativil new to the Aggie campus, Coat: John Griffiths and his team! eager to acquaint Aggies with £ sport. The Manager of your Safeway store helped plan this great savings event! rr g-ff s,: GfS iMMm ... I mr. Redeem this Coupon for GOWBOroCTAmPS with parch«s« of $10.00 «r nor* (Exclvdinq Clgarottos) Coupon Explroi April II, IVM. This Coupon Worth 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Plui your rtoultrly timid Gold Bond Sttmpi with thi purchtii of 13-Ox. 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