Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1962)
Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, November 29, 1962 First College Chess Tourney Will Be Held During Weekend Plans for the fii-st annual A&M Chess championship tournament have been announced by Gary Simms, chairman of the MSC chess committee. A five round Swiss type tourney will be conducted this weekend to determine the win ner of a trophy and title of 1962 A&M chess champion. The tournament is open to every one; students, faculty, staff and citizens of the Bryan-College Sta- tionf area. The title of champion will go to the undergraduate stu dent who places highest in the final standings. Registration is scheduled at 7 p.m. Friday in the Social Room of the MSC, with the first round scheduled immediately after com pletion of registration. Players have been asked to bring a board and set if possible. A 50 cent re gistration fee will be charged to cover part of the tournament ex penses. Two rounds are scheduled Satur day, at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m., with the remaining rounds Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Play will be at the rate of 50 moves in two hours. International rules will be followed. Marine Selectors To Leave Friday A Marine Corps officer selection team will complete its last visit of the semester here Friday. Primary purpose of the visit is to take applications from Janu ary graduates for the 33rd officers’ candidate course, which begins March 11, 1963. The team is located in the Mem orial Student Center and can con sult with students between 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Centaur Vehicle ,1s Lecture Topic A lecture on the “Development of the Centaur Vehicle” will be given here by a General Dynamics Astronautics engineer Tuesday. Harry Whitmore, manager of systems integration for the Cen taur space vehicle, will speak at an open meeting of the Institute C. F. Garner Leaves Ag Extension Post Connie F. Gamer, a member of the headquarters staff of the Tex as Agricultural Extension Service since 1954, first as an assistant entomologist and since 1959 as an associate, is resigning Friday to join a commercial concern. The resigning specialist is known throughout Texas and be yond for his contributions to in sect control work and for helping others. In announcing his resigna tion, Director John E. Hutchison said, “Connie has contributed a great deal to the overall success of extension’s programs in the broad field of entomology. He is held in high esteem by all ex tension workers and those with whom he has worked. We are sorry to lose him from our staff but wish him every success on his as signment.” HARRY WHITMORE of Aerospace Sciences student chap ter. It will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Room 229 of the Chemistry Build ing. The public has been invited to attend. Whitmore, who recently joined General Dynamics after retiring from an Army career, was resi dent ordance officer for the Army at California Institute of Techno logy’s Jet Propulsion Laboratories and Douglas Aircraft. A 1942 A&M mechanical engi neering graduate, he later earned a master’s degree in mechanical engi neering at Purdue. After serving on Korea, he was chief of the White Sands Proving Grounds systems test division and later deputy director of the Ballis tics Research Laboratories at A- berdeen Proving Grounds. He also has directed the W.est Coast office for the Advent Communication Satellite. SWIFT'S PREMIUM FANCY FRYERS 25 SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON RATH ALL MEAT FRANKS 49 12 Oz. SIRLO,N STEAK FANCY m&Y^BEFF^ T-BONE STEAK Pkg. 39c Lb. 79c Lb. 98c GOLDEN "V m BANANAS * 9 € IMPERIAL irmim SUGAR 5 Lb. Bag MARYLAND CLUB COFFEE FIRM JUMBO LiTTUCE Head *|f Winesap COOKING APPLES Home Grown MUSTARD GREENS 4 Lb. Bag 35c 2 Bunches 19c , CALIFORNIA WHITE POTATOES Lb. Bag Big Pay Day Savings on These $1.00 Specials Sliced or Halves PURINA GRADE A MEDIUM EGGS jL d ° z - 89 RATH or JEWEL SHORTENING 3* Lb. Can ^ 3>c NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE Oz. Jar HUNT'S PEACHES SUNNYVALE CHUNK PINEAPPLE ROSEDALE DELUXE PLUMS LIBBY'S DILL PICKLES LIBBY'S GOLDEN CREAM STYLE CORN HUNT'S SOLID PAC TOMATOES HUNT'S NEW WHOLE POTATOES SUNNYVALE FROZEN ORANGE JUICE VALLEY HI FROZEN STRAWBERRIES BORDEN'S BISCUITS JIFFY CAKE MIXES KRAFT'S BAR-B-Q SAUCE HUNT'S CATSUP LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE RENOWN CUT GREEN BEANS VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS ALMA CREAM PEAS DUREL'S CORNED BEEF HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE PARKAY OLEO AUSTEX TAMALES 4 4 4 3 5 5 8 7 6 11 Large 2 l /2 Can No. 2 Can Large 2 , /2 Can $ 22-Oz. Jars 300 Cans 300 Cans 300 Cans 6-Oz. Cans 10-Oz. Pks. 3 8-Oz. BtLs. 20-Oz. Btls. 46-Oz. Cans 303 Cans Cans ^ 0 Assorted Boxes 3 3 4 7 7 7 3 10 4 3 Large Jumbo Cans 300 Cans 300 Cans 12-Oz. Cans 8-Oz. Cans Lbs. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 30. DECEMBER 1. 'YOU CAN'T LOSE AT WINN'S' inn s 3800 TEXAS AVENUE (FORMERLY MILLER’S) BRYAN, TEXAS Save BIG BONUS STAMPS ‘Quacking’ The Postal Barrier * Postman Alfred Burk got the surprise of his lifeft’heji opened a postal box in front of the courthouse n R» Ga., and found this duck inside. He informed tie post superintendent that he had collected a packag? witk: postage. The duck was returned to its naturalhabital, city lake. (AP Wirephoto) FOR DELINQUENTS Public Is Invited As School Opens (Special to The Battalion) AUSTIN — The Texas Youth Council has invited the general public to attend the dedication and open house of the new Mountain View School for Boys and open house activities at the Gatesville State Schools for Boys, located near Gatesville, on Saturday. Gov. Price Daniel will be the dedication speaker for the new $2 million Mountain View school, a security treatment institution de signed for the treatment and train ing for 480 delinquent boys. Gov ernor-elect John Connally, mem bers of the legistlature, state of ficials, judges, juvenile officers and interested citizens from all over the state have been invited. Following the dedication and open house at the Mountain View school, the genei’al public, along with all state and local officials, has been invited to visit and in spect the Gatesville State Schools for Boys, composed of the follow ing open-type training units: Hilltop School (250 boys) with the reception center (100 boys); Terrace School (240 boys); Va School (160 bow); Riverside S{l Unit I (160 Negro boys); and verside School Unit II (ICO Ne boys). Construction on the Hackbf School (for 240 boys) is nea completion. Lewis Ends Dut With A&M Frid Dr. R. D. Lewis will retire day from the position of dr of the Texas Agricultural 0 ment Station. He became di of TAES on Sept. 1,1946. Immediate plans call for^ to go to Syria in associatic’ the Ford Foundation to aid developing a land-grant ed:>® al and research program ptW after the 100-year-old syffl the United States. He will serve as a progjm! ialist and leader of a grouch cultural scientists. It 1 RATE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS t&nouftl yowt @o(£eqc Shtt PUBLICATION SCHOOL TERM RATE 1 YEAR ^ Atlantic Monthly 3.50 (8 mo.) 8.50 Downbeat 3.50 (8 mo.) 5.00 Ebony 2.00 (8 mo.) 3.50 Esquire 2.00 (8 mo.) 6.00 Fortune 7.50 Holiday 1.80 (6 issues) 3.60 Life 2.00 (6 mo.) 2.98 Look 2.00 Negro Digest 2.40 (8 mo.) 4.00 New Yorker 3.00 (8 mo.) Newsweek 2.75 (34 wks.) 3.50 Reader’s Digest 2.97 Reporter 2.50 (8 mo.) 4.50 Saturday Eye. Post 2.00 (25 issues) 3.00 Sports Illustrated rates go up 1-1-6S 4.00 Time 3.00 (8 mo.) 4.00 A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE STORES SERVICE To: THE EXCHANGE STORE CAMPUS Please enter my order for the following magazines on | current Student Rate. I am including the 2% State Tax curitf ly collectable. NAME St. Address or P. O. Box Number City State School .... Year of Graduation Amount The Exchange Stor “Serving Texas Aggies” Ch Jar frc ch: mi to ilk a s tri gr; pei ser in for in iai the to por of Ru frc frc les is gr: 1 a ye: Co: