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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1962)
^Tl——wi—KiniMaaiiTyimniTtaMniMir >n I S; rn TTnii HE BATTALION * « •' t v' ... Ir 1 '. *' • • ', J f Thursday, October 25, 1962 College Station, Texas Page 5 ere’s The How And Why Of The Cuban Crisis Action Places Reds On Defense CUBAN RECRUITS . .. receiving first U. S. Army training i c L, ise In Respect For U. S. meen In Cuban Showdown: JlEXICO CITY <JP) — The Unit- 11 States appears to have electri- ll| Latin America and to have f ,] ued overnight to a position of jgVMKf leadership in the Western ^ Blnisphere with its bold show- r Km challenge to the Soviet Kion. Katin American sources attend- Kthe hemisphere finance minis- 9‘. conference here say that the vLv ;Itkl shock has worn off and that Latin leaders are taking a new and appreciative look at Wash ington. If the United States wins its gamble to halt the Soviet weapons buildup in Cuba, these sources say, it will be in a far better position than ever before to push ahead with the Alliance for Progress program to lead the hemisphere toward political, social and eco nomic stability. ■. ' 1 A / fxfv, it Hudson Bov,,*, u. Son ^ & Francisco/ UNITED Winnipeg Montreal' Toronto V Chkagoi^ 1 ^ _FNe W York DEADLY CIRCLES . . . show Cuban missile potential COPYRIGHT © 1961, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY. COCA-COLA AND COKE ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS BETWEEN HALVES... get that refreshing mw feeling with Coke! feTtoca-CoU cemparn' hy ^ r - an Coca-Cola Bottling Company THE EXTREME LEFT is not expected to take all this lying down. The Communists and their Castroist allies in Latin America can be relied upon to do all in their power to threaten govern ments and leaders with noisy dem onstrations and various forms of violence. But something new has been in fused into the Latin-American scene with the development of the greatest world crisis since the end of World War II. The overwhelming vote of the Organization of American States in support of President Kennedy’s decisions is a token of the change. Latin Americans point out that President Kennedy’s action will not necessarily make people of the hemisphere love the United States. But they say that if the Kennedy decision is made to stick, it will create respect for the Unit ed States of a sort which was not there before. In private, Latin Americans of the educated class concede that their countries look for strong leadership. It is, they say, part of the heritage of the “caudillo,” the strong chief who commands respect rather than affection. By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst The fundamental background of the international situation still re mains political despite the wide spread military maneuvering. Soviet military activity in Cuba appears more than anything else to have been an effort to test the expressed determination of the United States to resist Commu nist encroachment. It was also designed to encourage local Com munists throughout Latin America in their opposition to inter-Ameri can cooperation. AS HAS HAPPENED so often in the 15 years since the Soviet coup in Czechoslovakia, the Com munists carried things too far. The result has been a mobiliza tion of anti-Communist sentiment throughout the world, and espe cially among the Western Euro pean powers and the American states where unity of action has not kept pace with unity of pur pose. . And they have produced a mo mentous turn in United States pol icy, with an open recognition that, as one Spanish source put it, “it was time for the United States to stop backing away.” The new American policy of holding the Soviet Union responsi ble, to the point of full and direct retaliation for any encroachment on non-Communist countries any where, serves to hearten those who wanted to resist. Many of them have been hesitant to do so openly. This is particularly true of Latin America where political leaders have been inclined to temporize with Communist sentiment. THE BIG TEST of the new pol icy — which is really a return to an old policy — is whether the United States will act as positively with regard to Berlin, India, and all the other points of possible ex plosion. The Soviet Union now is in des perate need of a substitute crisis to distract attention from what is, unless she may be incredibly will ing to go to war about it, a seri ous defeat in Cuba. She is almost forced to sign the unilateral treaty with the East German puppets, which she has been threatening for four years, in order to save face. BUT SHE CAN hardly permit the East German regime to step into the Fidel Castro role unless she is willing to risk another choice between political defeat and outright war. With regard to India, Soviet Premier Khrushchev already has expressed a desire for a settle ment which will let him off the hook of choosing sides. If he chooses Red China he will be forced to delay his efforts to bring Peiping back to the side of his major “coexistence” policy. And he would open the door to a flow of American and British military support to India, which he has been busily wooing. He cannot, for the sake of even a surface cohesion in the Com munist movement, choose India. HI FI COMPONENTS & ACCESSORIES STEREO AND L. P. RECORDS TAPE RECORDERS AND ACCESSORIES TRANSISTOR RADIOS AND BATTERIES La Fayette Radio Electronics Associate Store 3219 Texas Ave. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 2^ pei er Mi 3<i P' ional inimum charges—40« er word word each additional day rges DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 30^ per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 CHILD CARE Will kee; home. keep infant TA 3-5129. HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY Children of all ages, weekly and hourl rates, 3404 South College Avenue, Bryar Texas. Virginia Davis Jones. Registere Nurse. TA 2-4803. 124tf: Will keep children, al and deliver. VI 6-8161. HELP WANTED tfaouy/l tjourt (?oMe$e Stone PUBLICATION SCHOOL TERM RATE 1 YEAR Atlantic Monthly 3.50 (8 mo.) 8.50 Downbeat 3.50 (8 mo.) 5.00' Ebony 2.00 (8 mo.) 3.50 Esquire 2.00 (8 mo.) 6.00 Fortune 7.50 Holiday 1.80 (6 issues) 3.60 Life 2.00 (6 mo.) 2.98 Look 2.00 Negro Digest 2.40 (8 mo.) 4.00 New Yorker 3.00 (8 mo.) Newsweek 2.75 (34 wks.) 3.50 Reader’s Digest 2.97 Reporter 2.50 (8 mo.) 4.50 Saturday Eve. Post 2.00 (25 issues) 3.00 Sports Illustrated rates go up 1-1-63 4.00 Time 3.00 (8 mo.) 4.00 A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE STORES SERVICE To: THE EXCHANGE STORE CAMPUS Please enter my order for the following magazines on the current Student Rate. I am including the 2% State Tax current ly collectable. NAME St. Address or P. O. Box Number City State School .... Year of Graduation Amount The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” Beginning reporter 40 hour week. Some xperience or training necessary. Call yrite Bryan Daily Eagle. 1 WANTED Urgent need 2-BBL air clean LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 359 AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT BREACHES OF THE PEACE, TRAS- PASSING ON THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS, PEDDLERS AND OTHERS FROM REMAINING ON THE PREMISES, WINDOW-PEEPING, EAVESDROPPING PRESCRIBING OFFENSES, PROVIDING A PENALTY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. SECTION 7. Any person violating any of tthe provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ($100.00) dollars. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of October, 1962. APPROVED: S/Ernest Langford * Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary 21t2 DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST • PKClAlIZINa IM KYI IXANIMATION •nd CONTACT LINSCS BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 No. MAIN • BR YAN.'tEX A p HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 —FOR SALE— Seat Belt Free with $24.95 latest pattern seat covers. Plastic seat covers $14.88 (vinyi trim) Installed Leatherette—front only $4.88 Battery Chargers $4.44 Prestone $1.88 Flashlight Batteries 2 for 15c Nylon Sponges _ 15 cents or 2 for 29^ Battery Rentals & Charging Service Shock absorbers. New 1/3 off Original equip, rebuilt $3.19 Engine Exch. Chev. $139.95 Others at similar low prices. Auto rugs, pair $1.75 Brake Shoes, Chev.-Ford, exchange. Av. , $3.15 Sealed Beams 4001 _ 4002, 12 v. Batteries—24 mo. Heavy duty 6 volt, gr 12 volt, 2 $1.39 eavy i group 1 & 2 L 24s Chev. Mufflers - Others low priced, too. Mufflers with tailpipes. Installed Tires _ $10.88 ex. $13.88 ex. ' $5.95 $2.00 $9.49 a ne plus tax and old tire Lowest Prices Anywhere. New Kelly Springfields at Sale Prices, Truck tires. Check our prices. New Autolite, Champion, spark plugs RC plugs' Texaco, Gulf, Sinclair oil _ SAE 30 canned oil Filters 40% discount Paint—Good outside white _ Outside white Inside rubber base _________ 2 gals. and AC 69tf 29<! ea. __ 27«‘ qt. 18<1 qt. $3.79 WORK WANTED Typing by a graduate business major. State Motel, VI 6-5410. 19t4 Will do typing in my home. VI 6-8355 6tfn Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn FOR SALE Senior boots, size 8% B, Excellent condi tion, will accept reasonable offer. Bill Uuker, 1905 Westchester Dr., Denton, Tex as. 21t2 1957 Factory air conditioning unit for Chevrolet, all parts workable condition. VI 6-7905. / 20tfn 1/4 carat diamond. Suitable for senior ring. VI 6-6648 or VI 6-5950. 20t3 Wash and grease $1.00. The New Sin- clair Service Station, Hwy. 6 South at East Gate, College Station. VI 6-9982. 19tfn FOR RENT Room for neat boarder, furnished, quiet, private entrance, $60.00 monthly, board included. VI 6-7905. 20tfn Bedroom, private bath and private en trance, 103 Dodge, TA 3-3250. 18t4 SPECIAL NOTICE Save on auto insurance through div idends, call George Webb, Farmers In surance Group, 3510 South College, Bryan. TA 2-4461. We insure single men under 25 at standard rates. 136tfn Now start your fall fishing and picnicing right at Hilltop Lake, if rained out, come )ack free, 9 Yz miles south of college on highway 6, VI 6-8491. 136tfn TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College CONNALLY for GOVERNOR “Texas needs BIG JOHN” stickers, buttons and literature available at Campus Headquar ters . . . North Gate (Upstairs), across from Post Office. (Paid Political Ad) • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 60S Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 ! TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 i $1.98 gal. $2.88 gal. $5.45 $1.19 Spray paint, pint can Electric Motor Rewinding BRYAN ARMATURE WORKS Next Door at 16 East 25th JOE FAULK'S Discount Auto Parts 220 East 25th COINS Anyone interested in buying, selling or trading American coins of any denomina tion. Contact Richard Crosby, Box 1522, College Station. 19t4 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed led so as to arrive in the Offi (Ground Flo 1-5, daily before the or telephoned so as to of Student Publications YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12. Office loor daily Monday through Friday) deadline of 1 p. m. of the day pr publication — Director of Student Publica- tioi nday deadline of 1 p. iblication — Di: at m. of the da; 1-5, o eceding January graduates may begin ordering their graduation invitations starting Octo ber 1-31, Monday-F'riday, from 9-4, at the Cashier’s Window. Memorial Student Cen ter. 7tl8 DEGREE FILING DEADLINE SET FOR OCTOBER 31, 1962 «g; ill compic ation by J s Uluce from lete their requirements for gradu- y January 19, 1963. Advanced de- ee candidates must file applications with >th the Registrar’s and the Dean’s office. Graduate 7tl8 C0/AD CLASSIFIED Serving 700,000 readers of college newspapers For rates, write CO/AD 396 Park Ave. San Jose, Calif. ARTISTS & WRITERS BC)5k PRINTING a new "gang run" met! lowi mg r to print books at t or hard covers. High est quality. 250 copies up. Catalog free. _ 30k Printers, 30 W. Washington, III. ethod enables owest cost. Soft ality Adams Bo Chicago 2, TRAVEL EUROPE—Discover this bargain! Write: Europe, 255-C Sequoia, Pasadena, Calif. TRAVEL FILMS, 16 mm. Free jistT Lobett Co. 2002 Taraval, San Francisco. EDUCATIONAL AT LAST! An arithmetic system so dif ferent it’ll bring new eras in mathema tics. Precision, interest, ease, less writ ing — 10 times better. Every student must have a copy. Comes complete for $1 to cover costs. Send to box 9A, c/o CO/AD Classified. SUPER LEARNING power overnight! Suc cess guaranteed! Write "Guide," Box 362C, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. IxpIrTMENT WITH sleep-learning! Fasci nating, educational. Details free. Research Association, Box 24-CP, Olympia, Wash. * HUMOR 20,000 UOMEDY Lines. Free catalog. Orben, 3536a Daniel Crescent, Baldwin, N.Y. AGGIES NOTICE To Rent Brazos County A&M Club For Mixed Parties,—See Joe Faulk SAE 30 Motor Oils 15^ Qt. Major Brands Oils 27-31^ Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes. Fuel pumps, Water pnmps, Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount' AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • EICO KITS • Garrard Changers • HI-FI Components • Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. CoUege Ave. SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers -— Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS