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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1962)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Friday, January 12, 1962 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Bulletin Board MOVIE go ROUND i Palace Through Saturday — ** “X-15” Some unknowns and untalenteds star in Frank Sinatra’s produc tion of the somewhat stale story about the test pilot’s wife who wants hubby to settle down and thus stay “alive.” But 'hubby’s having none of that. He’s got guts, that one. So she cries and he flys. Then she cries some more and he flys some more. And so on. ' Sunday thru Wednesday — ** “Francis of Assisi” As a sort of I)re-hysterical Oral Roberts, Fran cis, played by Bradford Dillman, gives up the “worldly” life for sainthood. Queen Through Wednesday — * “Twist Around the Clock” Chub by Checker, whoever he is, and a bunch more like him imitate drunks who have taken off run ning, only to find their feet nail ed to the floor. There is some noise related, perhaps, to sing ing, and a romance is thrown in as plot. Campus Through Saturday — **** “Bachelor in Paradise” As the hanky - panky - minded bachelor, Bob Hope punctures many a su burban ego with his ever-sharp tongue. Sunday thru Wednesday — ** “The Comancheros” Portraying a Texas Ranger of yesteryear, John Wayne dashes about the country like crazy. He slugs and shoots apd kills almost everybody. And when he’s in trouble, the calvary, arrives just in time and mops up the surplus scoundrels. Good old calvary, huh Mr. Wayne. Circle Closed until the weather lets Skyway Saturday only — “Sword of Sherwood Forest” and “Yellow stone Kelly” and “A Fever in the Blood” All unreviewed. Sunday thru Tuesday — ** “The Last Sunset” and “The Grass Is Greener” “Sunset”— previously reviewed. “Grass” —unreviewed. Guion Hall Saturday only — **** “Butter- Field 8,” and **“The Time Ma chine” In “Butterfield 8,” the screen adaption of John O’Hara’s novel by the same title, Elizabeth Taylor protrays a high class call girl. Lawrence Harvey, as the high class married man, does most of the calling. Eddip Fisher plays around with porti’aying the female protago nist’s brotherly-inclined friend. “Machine” is full of underground monsters, beautiful young vir gins, and “other such supernatur al creatures.” Sunday only — * “Ada” Pre viously reviewed. T. Nickell.... ***** Exceptional **** Excellent *** Good ** Fair * Poor Social Clubs Chess Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center. Wives Clubs Social meeting of the Range and Forestry Wives Club will be held Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Sullivan, A-9-A College View. “Maybe we should have an outfit meeting 1 and outlaw drown-outs till after this cold spell!” Church News Attend the church of your choice on Sunday. A&M Presbyterian Church Sunday — Aggie Welcome cof fee, 9:30 a.m.; Church school, 9:45 a.m.; Morning worship, 11 a.m.; Chancel Choir practice, 3:30 p.m.; Leagues, 5 p.m. Wednesday — Study session on church doctrine, 7:30 p.m. Navy Plans 3-Year Hitch Sound Off Culture, Controversy Lacking In Batt Editor The Battalion: We are enclosing with this letter a copy of The Rice Thresh er, the students newspaper from Rice University, along with a question. Why can’t we have in The Battalion more features that deal with cultui’al development and controversial issues? It seems to us as if almost every article in The Battalion deals with only the cold, hard facts about the events on cam pus with an occassional article about world affairs thrown in to “keep everyone informed as to what is happening on the out side.” Although reporting the facts is an important service of a student newspaper, it should also serve as a sounding board for student opinion on campus controversies. It is that the intellectual at mosphere outside the classroom on this campus is so sterile that there are no controversies or is it that the college and military officials suppress anything that has a slightly controversial angle? < We personally believe that it is a combination of the two be cause if one were to form an opinion based upon what he reads in The Battalion he would think that this is the most peaceful campus in the world. Unfortun ately this is almost too true. As an example recently the Stu dent Senate went into the com mittee of the whole thus ex cluding all visitors and the press so that it could discuss a some what controversial issue with out incurring “unfavorable pub licity.” Possibly the Corps is the rea son for the lack of intellectual curiosity. It seems if everyone is so obsessed with making the fish “sharp” that they forget that anyone can become a trained parrot, but it takes a mature mind to be able to think and to analyse and then to form an opinion. Howard M. Head, ‘64 Bobby A. Daggs, ‘64 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Navy announced Thursday it will try out a program under which men may enlist in the Navy for three years-one year less than the present minimum. At the same time, the Navy said it will allow men who had been released from duty or dis charged for more than three months to re-enlist for either two or three years. Until now they could re-enlist only for four or six years. The experimental program, which the Navy said is intended to meet “the increased readiness posture of the Navy and the na tion.” will remain in effect until June 30. In a statement, the Navy said it “still encourages all young men to stay in high school and graduate.” A&M Church of Christ Sunday — Radio sermon, 8 a.m.; Bible school, 9:45 a.m.; Morning worship, “The Seven Last Words,” first in a series 10:45 a.m.; Young peoples’ class es, 6:15 p.m.; Aggie class, 6:30 p.m.; Evening worship, “The Pressing Need of a Revival,” 7:15 p.m. Wednesday — Ladies Bible class, 9:30 a.m.; Mid-week ser vices 7:15 p.m. A&M Lutheran Church Sunday — Aggie Bible class, 10 a.m.; Morning worship, “Roc ket-Chair Religion,” 11 a.m. Wednesday — Gamma Delta, 7:15 p.m. A&M Methodist Church Sunday — Second sesion of a four-Sunday series of meetings on Latin America will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Program will include music by “The Peppers,” a combo composed of Latin A- merican students from A&M, and a panel discussion of education, economics and nationalism in South America by representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Bolivia. PALACE Brijan 2'S879 NOW SHOWING X-15 QUEEN TODAY AND SATURDAY Chubby Checkers In “TWIST AROUND THE CLOCK” * pfemp-: a it * CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS- rRtfc FRIDAY ‘BY LOVE POSSESSED” with Lana Turner , Plus “THE MILLIONAIRESS” with Sophia Loren SATURDAY “SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST” with Richard Greene “YELLOWSTONE KELLY” with Clint Walker “A FEVER IN THE BLOOD’ with Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. Lutherans Plan Winter Conference The East Centeral Conference of Lutheran Brotherhoods will hold its winter meeting at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Brenham next Tuesday at 8 p.m. Speakers for the evening will be Doyle Borch- ers, president-elect of the Southern District of Brotherhoods of the American Lutheran Church. New ly-elected officers of the East Centeral Conference will be in stalled at the meeting. WATCH JANUARY 17th ISSUE OF THE BATT FOR THE VARIETY OF BIBLE COURSES (ACCREDITED COURSES) FOR TEXAS AGGIES THE BATTALION 1 9 6 2 AGGIELAND Texas A&M College College Station, Texas Civilian Yearbook Portrait Schedule Civilian students will have their portrait made for the AGGIE LAND ’62 according to the fol lowing schedule. Portraits will be made at the Aggieland Studio between the hours of 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. on the days scheduled. COATS AND TIES SHOULD BE WORN. Sr. and Grad. Civilians Jan. 11-12 L-N 15- 16 O-Q 16- 17 R-S 17- 18 T-V 18- 19 W-Z “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales—Parts—Service ;“We Service All Foreign Cars” ;i416 Texas Ave. TA 2-4517 Opinions expressed in The Battdlion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non- profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a journalism laboratory and community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Publications, chain Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student rman; Allen Schrader, School of Arts and Sciences; Willard I. Truettner, School of Engineering ; Otto McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. Kunze, School oil Agriculture; and iVillard Dr. E. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College Sta tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holids ber through May, and once a week during summer school. The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter here in are also reserved. Second-class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBERt The Assoeiated Pres» Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. Mail AH Address: News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6416. BOB SLOAN EDITOR Tommy Holbein Managing Editor Larry Smith Snorts Editor Alan Payne, Ronnie Bookman, Robbie D. Godwin. News Editors Sylvia Ann Bookman Society Editor Bob Roberts Assistant Sports Editor A. & R. TEXACO SERVICE STATION • Road Service • Goodrich Tires & Tubes • Wash • Lubrication • Motor Tune-Up • Brake Service • Waxing • Polishing • Batteries Recharged • Electronic Wheel Balancing OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 A.M. - 10 P.M. Week Days 7 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sundays We Give S.&H. Green Stamps For Fast Free Pick-Up and Delivery Dial TA 2-4443 3519 S. College SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY “THE LAST SUNSET” with Rick Hudson Plus “THE GRASS IS GREENER’ with Cary Grant DANCE SATURDAY, JAN. 13 SNOOK, TEXAS Music By THE JOKERS NOW SHOWING Complete Show After The SMU Ball Game tP\/e fijn Jn the suburbs! * •••• JiKj-JJ (Hbm, * .Bob Lana Hope • Turanea. i-. tic MCHMCMP roMinii BaeneLOfein PARaDise > JANlS PAIGE \ cinemascope „ ; \ MKmCOU* JIM HUTTON RAUIA PRENTISS. CIRCLE Sir Tonight Weather Permitting Rock Hudson In “LAWLESS STREET’ & Gr ‘DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS” SATURDAY NITE ONLY “KATHY” & “STRANGE LADY IX TOWN” & “WHEN HELL BROKE LOOSE” STARTS SUNDAY “EXODUS” Tareyton delivers the flavor DVAL FILTER DOES IT! In the (ourses at i clinic fc ers to a ; There ; torse mai lion, insec pal police the course 1829 for tourse to u turkey, In 1944, fas create Bents nec When the Ben’s tra: Ite Engin was hi Hents we ite Studer Services ( ® attends B/ WA Le day . 2* per i Mi 4 p.m. 80 r wo te£' Jtadent wi <? t!7, Apert typ M NUB y Call Moot. nursei delivi ^ 'ashman i ^ Can n li 04 1 l'I hite lads ^locat, "TareyforVs Dual Filler in duas partes divisa est!" says Julius {Cookie) Quintus, ace javelin man and B.M.A.C. (Big Man Around Coliseum). “A Tareyton would even make Mars mellow,” says Cookie. “Tareyton’s a rara avis among cigarettes. It’s one filter cigarette that really delivers de gustibus. Pick up a pack today and you’ll find there’s Pliny of pleasure in Tareyton.” ACTIVATED CHARCOAL INNER FILTER ^hitei PURE WHITE OUTER FILTER v re( ze .. jSCha! 9 I DUAL FILTER Tareyton Product of tJt&tiBSu&ct/n, is our middle • name © a. t. c«. PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz PEANUTS Ml65 OTHMAR ^ SAVE ME BACK l MV BLANKET! J 5HE SAID I CAN'T TAKE IT TO SCHOOL ANVMORE, BUT SHE THINKS ITS ALL RIGHT FOR ME TO HAVE IT AT HOME... AND THEN SHE THANKED ME FOR HELPING HER TO STOP BITING HER FINGERNAILS' TC ^5 hicau ' Slttp •ii 01, V