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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1961)
The bright green color of pickles 'Rl^is fixed by passing the pickles ^Bough an aluminum sulphate lr solution duHng the presouring process. hite IF YOU WANT: Dallas News Fort Worth Star Telegram Waco News Tribune San Antonio Light Delivered At Your Doorstep BBeckwith News Agency TA 2-8809 Third Peace Corps Exam To Be Given Here Oct. 7 The third round of national Peace Corps examinations will be offered Oct. 7 in Bryan and 18 other Texas cities. • The local examinations will be held in the Bryan Post Office from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., with an hour off for lunch. Two types of examinations will be offered, with emphasis in agri cultural and industrial fields, ac cording to Dr. Nicholas Hobbs, director of Peace Corps selection. One examination is designed for men and women who would like to be considered for positions as secondary school or college teach ers. Candidates for this test need a bachelor’s degree but need not be an accredited teacher. The other test is for all other persons desiring positions in the Peace Corps. Many of those who will take the Oct. 7 examinations sent in Peace Corps questionnaires since the last testing in July, Hobbs said. But others will also be eligible to take the tests. Leipper At Meet In California Until Saturday Dr. Dale Leipper, head of the 1 Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, will be in Lake Ar rowhead, Calif., tomorrow through Saturday to participate in the Eastern Pacific Oceanic Confer ence. A visitor to the department Mon day was James Churgin of the National Oceanographic Data Cen ter, Washington, D. C. The SCUBA diving short course starts tonight with a meeting at 7:30 p. m. in Itoom 30G of Good win Hall. w // V ~-v?m.S£4 \53eNT SOUTH FOR RE5T. SEACH SO CROWBV X £OULPN'T TETANY. HEARP SCREAM. THEN ANOTHER. AFTER TH1RP SCREAM I GOT SUSPICIOUS. STARTUP TO INVESTIGATE . 1 ^ n IT WAS UFEGUARP. HE'P TRIEP TO RESCUE FROWNING WOMAN.E£UT SHE STUCK A HATPIN IN HIS INNER TUBE. IT WAG HI*. NO WONPER HE WAS UNPOPULAR. GAVE HIM SOTTie Of MENNEN SPRAY (TEOFORANT... HARPEST-WORKING, LONGEST- LASTING SPRAY A MAN CAN USE. GETS THROUGH TO THE SKIN. WORKS ALL FAY. AFTER THAT, I GOT PLENTY OF REST. i r ((( q?..§ 7 ^= UFEGUARF 7DLF ME THIS WAS 10±h ATTEMPT TO KILL HIM. FROM THIS EVIFENCE I CONCLUFEP HE WASN'T VERY POPULAR. 6TARTEP LOOKING FOR CLUES.FOUNF A WOMAN'S ROLL-ON FEOFORANT IN HIS &EACH BAG. Miff mi h\ 3iE33SIGrl A\ osacro /.I W- v.-v.:-" v \ 1 OECIC; / LQL^ilL © BACK IN OFFICE.PHONE RANG. IT WAS LIFEGUARF. SINCE USING MENNEN SPRAY HE'F HAP TO RESCUE407 FROWNING WOMEN. WANTEP TO OOME NORTH FOR A REST. BATTALION CLASSIFIED THE BATTALION Wednesday, September 27, 19G1 College Station, Texas Page 3 Latin Americans Visit Dr. William J. Graff Jr., dean of instruction era, J. P. Plain of Dallas, southwestern second from left, welcomes a group of pro- public relations director for Sears; J. Salga- fessors from the National School of Agri- do Cantu, Sears-Roebuck in Mexico, and culture of Mexico and Sear-Roebuck offic- Arturo Sanchez. The students’ and profes- ials. He shakes hands with Efrain Hernan- sors’ visit to A&M and other Texas farm dez. Ten outstanding students from the areas is the counterpart of the annual Sears school also made the trip, which was spon- Foundation Agricultural Tour of Mexico sored by the Sears Foundation. In the back- made each summer by a group of top A&M ground, left to right, are Antonio Cuspin- agriculture students. Mexican Economic Group Schedules Visit Next Week Twenty-seven students and three professors from the University of Quadalajara, Mexico, will arrive on the campus Sunday Tor a four- day visit, Robert Melcher, foreign student advisor, said Tuesday. The students, undergraduate eco nomics majors, will make A&Mt their first stop oh a hhTidfr-wide tour sponsored by the US State Department, which is furnishing interpreters. They will be welcomed Monday morning by Dr. William Graff, dean of instruction, and will then begin a study of the organization of land grant colleges in the US. Their program will include one and one-half days of discussion of the economic problems involved in agricultural financing and oil pro duction. The students will go from A&M to Nashville, Tenn., for a study of small industry, Melcher said. Their next stop will be in Pitts burgh where they will inspect the steel industry and union organiza tion. In New York City the group will study operation of the stock ex change and money and banking facilities. The group is traveling by char tered bus. Service Academy . Requests Open Washington (Spl.)—U. S. Sena tor John G. Tower announced to day he is accepting requests for nomination to West Point, Annapo lis, Air Force Academy and the Merchant Marine Academy for ap pointment and entrance next year. Nov. 4 a preliminary Civil Serv ice competitive examination will be conducted for applicahts. Times and places will be announced at a later date. Candidates must be single U. S. citizens between 17 and 22 year old.. They must also be able to meet the physical requirements of their respective academy. Deadline for applications is Fri day. $100 Offered In Viceroy FB Contest One hundred dollars will be go ing to some lucky Aggie—or to the one with the best knowledge of college football teams—in each of four contests to be held this fall. Second prize is $50, third prize $25 and five other prizes of $10 each. The contest, sponsored by Vice roy, is open to students and fac ulty members only. To enter, just predict the winners of the 10 games listed on the entry blank and the scores. Print your name and address, attach an empty Viceroy package and put it in boxes conveniently located around the campus. Students and faculty members may enter as many times as they wish. They are eligible for every contest. Entry blanks are now available for the Oct. 7 contest at the following sponsors: Exchange Store, Loupot’s, Ellison’s Phar macy, Donut Shop, Shaffer’s Book Store, MSC Bowling Lanes, Gil ford’s Restaurant, Student Co^op, Smity’s Grill, golf course field house and Campus Theater. Entries must be in by Oct. 4 to be eligible for this contest. Jockey Steve Brooks ranks 4th on the list of all-time riders in the United States. He is 40. He won his first race in 1938 at Shreveport, La. West Virginia will have a bal anced football schedule in 1962, playing games at home and away on alternate Saturdays. WHO is at work on a satellite system for global telephone and TV transmission? WHO provides the communications channels for America's missile defenses? WHO is girdling the globe with communications for America’s first man into space? WHO tapped the sun for electric power by inventing the Solar Battery? WHO used the moon for two-way conversations across the country? WANT AD RATES able day SI per word 2d per word each additional day Minimum chariro—40d DEADLINE i p.m. day before publication »r« pu Claaaified Diapli 80d per PHONE VI 6-6415 . iay column inch insertion FOR RENT H'tments (CQ). 14. Rental $42.50. TA Bedroom, near East Gate, VI 6-6968 afto: 5 or weekenda. "ter tfir ggpomethinfc nice in one bedroom furnish SBartmcnt, lartte room, plenty closets, 1 wt-hs. close in, garage. No dogs. Phn TA 2-7860. 133t |l?Room with private entrar bath with or without kit< Call VI 6-4154 after 5 p. m. Rockies. SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 TYPEWRITERS Rcntals-Sales-Service- Terma Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 FOR SALE WORK WANTED Bendix washer dryer combination. Very good condition. Make your own offer. VI- 6-4305. 8tl Student wife would like to keep children for working mothers. Mrs. Verna Miller, B-20-A College View. 6tfn 1960 MG A Coupe, black interior, red leather interior, wircwheels, whitewalls, tadio reasonably priced, must sell im- • mediately. 201 Patricia, Apt. 4, North Bate, CS. 7tfn Babysitting, Monday thru Friday, VI 6- 7936. 131tfn DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett VI 6-4006. 120tfn ■ Encyclopedia Americana 1960 edition, 1 f460 set sells for $200. Must stay in school. Contact at Puryear 3-H. 6t.5 Our nursery foi children all ages. Pick up and deliver. VI 6-8151. No answer call back. 42tfn Refrigerator, excellent condition, wonder ful buy. also weekend guest rooms, twin ' beds. TA 2-6888. 6t3 SPECIAL NOTICE Music lessons, piano and instruments lessons given in my home on campus. Mrs. William D. Franklin, Apt. 6-B Graduate Housing. Phone VI 6-6151. 8t4 Good buys in repossessed furniture, all in excellent condition like new, at attrac- • tive prices. Hid-a-bed. Nylon cover, foam r cushions. Upholstered swivel rocker-Nylon cover, 90” Couch with matching chair-foam j cushions, 7 piece dinette. Bookcase bed with box spring and foam rubber mat- \ tress, two speed Speed-Queen washer. , JOE FAULK’S AUTO-DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS. 214 N. Bryan Street. 2tl0 (ATTENTION ALL ARMY OFFICERS) The 4-19th Artillery Battalion has TO and E vacancies for qualified Lts. Artil lery qualified will be considered first. However other branches will be considered. For information contact Lt. Col. Butler, TA 2-0149 or VI 6-4711. 6t3 HELP WANTED Electrolux Sales and Servlca. G. G Williams. TA 8-6600. 90tf* Four or five men needed with 3 free 1 hours in the evening for sales work. Trans- 1 portation furnished. Call TA 2-1944, 8-5, TA 2-2367, evenings, for interview. 8t3 Now start your fall fishing and picnic- ing right at Hilltop Lake, 9’/^ miles South of College on Highway 6. Itfn • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 60S Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 Gulfpride, Esso, Havoline, Sinclair Oils 31c Qt. RC Champion SparkpluRS....29c Discount Auto Parts AT JOE FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan SAE 30 Motor Oil 18c Qt. Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS | WHO guided Tiros and Echo into accurate orbit? WHO made your pocket radio possible by inventing the Transistor? WHO maintains the world's largest, finest industrial research facilities? WHO supplies the most and the best telephone service in the world? WHO has the UNIVERSAL communications organization? THERE'S ONLY ONE ANSWER TO ALL TEN QUESTIONS MELiL TELE:S»*SOiME SWSTEm ^ Pioneering in outer space to improve communications on earth