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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1961)
Research Tour Visiting thq asphalt research acticities at the Texas Transportation Institute on the Texas A&M Thursday and Friday were campus; (back row, 1-r) Charles R. Foster, these representatives of international affil- coordinator of research of the National Bitu- iates of Standard Oil of New Jersey; (front minous Concrete Association on the cam- row, 1-r) Pablo Mejia of Bogota, Colombia, pus; Aldo Bert of Intpetco Peru; and Allen S. A.; Fritz Glaeser of Esso A. G. in Ger- W. Brown of the Atlantic Union Oil Corn- many; R. N. Traxler, research engineer of pany in Sydney, Australia. Southwest Conference May Be Poor, But It’s Honest! —June limit 9< 0c a 9‘ 0c By HAROLD V. RATLIFF Associated Press Sports Writer During the first basketball scan- lal there came a humiliating note 'or the Southwest Conference. An Eastern team said it tried to shave ;he points but its opponent—South- irri Methodist—was such an inept learn it couldn’t for the life of it lold the score down. It made the folks hereabouts |feel pretty low. But in the light of ensuing events they should lave been delighted. Everybody must admire those who may be ioor but honest. Anyway, it meant the Southwest Conference probably would never jet mixed up in the mess that is lo-called bigtime basketball. Now years, later, there’s an even torse scandal. But the Southwest igain isn’t involved. Its teams iren’t comparable to those of other lections but they at least are hon- Est and they have not overempha sized the game. It’s when a sport has become of overpowering interest that gamb lers get in their licks, fixing the games so they can make financial :oups. Basketball is of interest in the Southwest Conference and has been growing more so each year, but it still isn’t a game to cause everyone to lose his sense of bal ance. It isn’t fair hunting for the fix ers because the sport is conducted on sane and reasonable grounds. The athletes are treated as ama teurs and the stars from other areas, where basketball is so big there ip mad bidding for their services, are not sought. The Southwest couldn’t pay the price in the first place. They don’t have a summer bas ketball circuit, the game is played within its season and not the year around and the good boys are not courted with big inducements. The Southwest Conference has its recruiting well in hand. The league is so closely-knit few can get by with anything anyway. So a bad example isn’t set for the ath lete to begin with. A valid argu ment is that college athletes may 'turn bad when they are recruited illegally—'they figure they have a right to be crooked if the college officials are. The conference people are watch ing the situation closely. They are the first to admit that there could be a scandal because everybody is not untouchable in any group. But it won’t be because the officials didn’t do everything possible to prevent it. Already the basketball coaches are bringing in members of the FBI to tell the boys about the pit- falls and legal angles. Next win ter the coaches all plan to have FBI men come in and lecture to the squads. If by that time the federal law governing bribes, is enacted their appearance will be even more forcefull. A good way to prevent a scan dal is strike at the source. The fixer usually tries to ingratiate himself with an athlete before making his pitch. The Southwest Conference looks with suspicion upon what it calls lavish enter tainment. If some athlete is en tertained on a grandiose scale there is an investigation even if it’s by an alumnus of the school where the athlete is already com peting. The gambling fixer is go ing to have a difficult time get ting to an athlete in the South west Conference. -GROCERIES- DR PEPPER re::; 49c Best Maid SALAD DRESSING at 39c Light Crust FLOUR Nabisco—Premium CRACKERS Libby ! ’s POTTED MEAT L2 26-Oz. Box 5 Lbs. 35c Box 25c 25c Y Lb MORTON SALT 2 Kor 25c LIBBY’S PEARS ca 3 ,2 For 49c All Colors CAMAY REGULAR 2 For 15c REGULAR TIDE ^19c Without Coupon From Paper 25c -MARKET- Poole’s Pride—Grade A FRYERS """" BACON FRANKS Swift’s Rasher Lb. Swift’s t Premium Lb. Wizard—Charcoal LIGHTER r23c Hickory Hill BAR B QUE SAUCE 29c Buy One Get One FREE -FROZEN FOODS- Libby’s—Sliced 10-Oz. Pkg. STRAWBERRIES 2 For 39c Gorton’s FISH STICKS ':Z 39c Libby’s LEMONADE Patio MEXICAN DINNER Sanitary—Quality Checked MELLORINE '1,49c Sanitary—Silver Seal ICE CREAM 1, 59c "c 0 ! IOC 16 Oz. 49c -PRODUCE- . Lb. 21C Fresh BLACKEYE PEAS lI 14c ws. 98c POTATOES California .... Lb 1 :: 39c Lb. 49c AVOCADO ... Each 12C .L, 49c- BANANAS . 2-Lbs. 25C SPECIALS GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT—15, 16, 17. MAIS SUPER MARKET College Station Highway 6 and Sulphur Springs Road Quantity Rights Reserved THE BATTALION Thursday, June 15, 1961 College Station, Texas Page 3 Four Esso Affiliates Inspect Research Four representatives of the in ternational affiliates of Esso Standard Oil of New Jersey were on the campus of Texas A&M Thursday and Friday inspecting asphalt paving research work be ing done here. The tour of asphalt research work at the College is one of sev eral stops the group is making at points throughout the United States. Making the month-long tour are Pablo Mejia, asphalt section supervisor of Esso Colombiana S. A., Bogota, Colombia, S. A.; Fritz Glaeser, Dipl. Engineer of Esso A. G. in Germany; Aldo Bert, civil engineer of Intpetco, Peru; and Allen W. Brown, civil engi neer with Atlantic Union Oil Com pany in Sydney, Australia. At Texas A&M, the group dis cussed work being done by the National Bitminous Concrete As sociation under Charles R. Foster, coordinator of research; and in spected the research work of the Texas Transportation Institute. R. N. Traxler and Bob Galloway of TTI worked closely with the group while on the campus. A sidelight visit was made to an asphalt paving project in progress on Texas Avenue in Bryan. There the group saw modern paving ma chines and techniques in applica- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals addressed to the Honor able Mayor and City Council of College Station, Texas, will be received at the of fice of Ran Boswell, City Manager, until 3 p. m. June 22, 1961, for furnishing all necessary materials, machinery, equipment, superintendence, and labor for constructing certain streets and street improvements for the City of College Station, Texas. Bidders must submit Cashier’s or Certi fied Check issued by a Bank satisfactory to the Owner, or a Bidder’s Bond from a reliable Surety Company, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Col lege Station, Texas in an amount not less rcent of the largest pos- guaranty that into a contract and exe cute bond and guaranty in the forms provided within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids without required check or Proposal Bond will not be considered. on, (59 The Successful Bidder must furnish per- the a: contr holding a permit from cce: formance bond in the amount of 100 per cent of the tots Surety Company the State of Texas to act as Surety, other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the total contract price from a All lump sum and unit prices must he stated in both script and figures. The the ris Owner reserves the right to reject and all bids and to waive formalities. In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating the prices in the bids, the Owner reserves the right to consider the most unit p OWNER to reject any bid. Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform the] garding all local conditions. emselves re- the oft ice or the City of College Station, Te: ix as. Copies may be secured from the City Manager upon deposit of $20.00 which deposit will be returned to the Contractor upon returning the Plans and Specifica tions in conformance with the procedure as stated in the Specifications; otherwise, the deposit shall be forfeited. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS s/Ernest Langford, Mayor tion. From the campus the group left for Chicago where the American Association of State Highway Of ficials is convening. There the group will look at an experimental paving project that has been sub jected to heavy truck traffic for two years. They will also tour various paving equipment manu facturing plants before returning to their respective nations. Prior to coming to the campus, the group toured the research fa cilities of Esso at Linden, N. J., and Esso Refineries at Baltimore, Md. Later they visited the Corps of Engineers facilities in New Or leans and Memphis. Earlier they reviewed research work being done in Denver, Colo., by the Bureau of Reclamation where asphalt is being used as linings for irrigation canals. -GROCERIES- No. 2 Cans Wolf Brand CHILI 2 for 99c 14-oz. Bottles Hunt’s CATSUP 5 Bottles 99c 303 Cans Hunt’s Solid Pack Tomatoes 3 for 49c Nabisco Premium CRACKERS 1 lb. 25c Maryland Club Instant Coffee Maryland Club COFFEE 8-qt. Pack Borden Starlac Instant Dry Milk.. 6-oz. Jar 75c 1-lb. Can 59c Pkg. 69c 16-oz. Hershey’s CHOCOLATE SYRUP .... 2 for 39c No. 2 /i Cans O’Sage EEBERTA PEACHES ... 4 for 99c 303 Cans Green Giant Tender Big Peas 303 Cans Oregon Trail No. 2 Cans Libby’s 6 '/z -oz. Cans Star Kist 12-oz. Cans Oscar Mayer -FROZEN FOODS- 10-oz. Stillwell Sliced Strawberries 5 for 99c 6-oz. Sunshine State ORANGE JUICE 5 for 99c 6-oz. Minute Maid LEMONADE 3 for 29c 10-oz. Libby’s Chopped Broccoli 3 for 59c 10-oz. Libby’s Peas & Carrots 3 for 59c Borden’s Morning Glory BISCUITS 3 for 25c -MARKET- pen FED BABY BEEF CUTS LOIN STEAK lb. 79c T-BONE STEAK lb. 79c PIN,b6nE LOIN STEAK . lb. 65c MEATY SHORT RIBS lb. 39c Decker’s Tall Korn SLICED BACON lb. 49c 2 for 39c Hormel’s Dairy Brand Thick Sliced Bacon 2 lb. $1.19 3 lbs. 85c Hormel’s Dairy Brand All Meat Franks ..... .(lb. 49c ... Qt. 49c Hormel’s CANNED HAMS 3-lb. Can $2.49 2 f or 39c -PRODUCE- .. Can 31c Hort Farm PEACHES 2 lbs. 25c .. Can 27c Bananas Avocados 2 lbs. 25c Each 10c .. Can 39c California Potatoes 10 lbs. 39c SPECIALS GOOD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, — JUNE 15 - 16 - 17 FOOD MARKET CHARLIES NORTH GATE —WE DELIVER- COLLEGE STATION BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Ome day 3d per 2d per word each additional da Minimum charge—40d DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80d per column inch ach insertio: word PHONE VI 6 on -6415 FOR SALE Bicycle, 26”, American made, in good condition. Phone VI 6-8617 after 5 p. m., 122t2 (icyc iditic weekdays. FOR RENT Furnished two bedroom home, air con ditioned, clean, couple only, reasonable. VI- 6-8656 or VI 6-7037. 122tfn Furnished apartment, two bedroom un- jrnished house. Call at noon, VI 6-7051. 122t2 Nice clean air conditioned apartments. Walk-in closets, good stove and refrigera tor. VI 6-7248. 120tfn 61tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Electrolux S%les and Service. G. G Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tfl • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 One black table, 6’ long 6” high, black bookcase, black end table, $15.00. Large water fan, new belt and mats, $30.00. B-18-X College View. 122tl HELP WANTED GET YOUR SUMMER JOB EARLY, JUNIORS AND SENIORS IF YOU CAN MEET OUR QUALIFICATIONS, WE HAVE A SUMMER JOB FOR YOU PAY ING $1,080.00 FOR THREE MONTHS. MUST BE ABLE TO START BY JUNE 1. CAR FURNISHED. YOU MAY QUAL IFY FOR WEST COAST OR HAWAII. CALL MR. LEWIS, MADISON 3-4401 FOR INTERVIEWS, HOUSTON. 106tfn LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held in the City Hall of the City of College Station, Texas at 7 :00 p. m. June 23, 1961 on the city's budget for the fiscal year 1961-1962. 122tl TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service- Terms Distributors For; Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 WORK WANTED Dependable colored maid will care for child and do house work. TA 3-2269 122t2 OFFICIAL NOTICES DAY NURSERY, two years and up, twelve years nursery experience, near East Gate, Mrs. C. H. Bates, 1010 Milner, VI 6- 4152. 62tfn Experienced Christian lady will babysit day or night. Also do practical nursing in your home. Call TA 2-5431. 120t3 DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Boyett VI 6-4005. 120tfn Our nursery foi children all ages. Pick and deliver. VI 6-8151. No answer call iack. 42tfn up bat Why wait until last minnte to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial service? Electric typewriters, offset print ing, negatives and metal plates made. 3408 Texas Ave. VI 6-6786. 87tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Must be neat in ap pearance, over 18. Experience not neces- tce, ov Inquire in person. Ferreri’s Triangle, 3606 South College. 122tfn Hostess-cashier wanted. Must be neat in appearance. Apply in person. Ferreri’s Triangle. 3606 South College. TA 2-1352. ^JJotarcl5 C^a^eL e no where the Art of Cooking is not Lost Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-J>, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Applications for degrees are now being accepted in the Registrar’s Office from all students who expect to graduate at the end of the summer session (August). Stu dents who are expecting to complete the requirements for either a baccalaureate or advanced degree during the summer ses sion should call by the office of the Regis trar no later than June 15. 1961 and file formal application for their degree. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 121t2 FOR SALE OR RENT Three bedroom home, 1109 Ashburn, near college, phone VI 6-5978. 121tfn Gulfpride, Esso, Havoline, Sinclair Oils 29c Qt. RC Champion Sparkplugs....29c Discount Auto Parts AT JOE FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan SAE 30 Motor Oil 18c Qt. SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 TRUDIE’S KIDDIE KOLLEGE REGISTERING NOW FOR FALL (Will be gone most of July) KINDERGARTIN —Ages 4 and 5 FIRST GRADE — 6 Before Jan. ’62 Separate rooms for each age and teacher for each age (two, if needed) Mrs. B. A. Hardaway Owner, Teacher, Supervisor : 605 Highland College Station VI 6-6407