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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1961)
Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, June 15, 1961 THE BATTALION Excellence Award Dr. E. L. Secrest (left), chief of applied re- for excellence in teaching. Dr. Street is pro- search of the General Dynamics Corporation fessdr and head of the College’s Department in Fort Worth, today presented Dr. W. E. of Engineering Graphics. Street of Texas A&M with a $1200 check Street Presented Award For Excellent Teaching Dr. W. E. Street, professor and head of the Department of Engi neering Graphics at Texas A&M, was presented a $1200 award to day for excellence of teaching in engineering by the General Dy namics Corporation of Fort Worth. On hand to make the presenta tion was Dr. E. L. Secrest, chief of applied research at the Fort Worth plant. Also on the campus for the occasion was H. A. Bodley, administrative group supervisor of the engineering department at Fort Worth. Presented at a noon luncheon of the engineernig school faculty and guests, the award by General Dynamics is given to encourage and highlight distinguished work Retirements^ Reassigments Announced By ROTC Unit Military personnel of the Army ROTC detachment, Texas A&M, who are retiring or being reas signed this summer, follow: Retiring: Master Sergeants Wilford Glen Harris, Allen M. Linton and Adrian E. Miller. Reassigned: Capt. Joseph D. Bennett to Japan; Capt. Odie E. Biggs to Okinawa; Maj. William R. Haley, Jr., to Okinawa; Lt. Col. David D- Mc.Corvey to Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah; Capt. John W. Simmons to Izmir, Turkey; Sfc. James H. Combs to Fort Hood. Sergeant Harris came to A&M in August, 1958, and has served as assistant instructor with the junior classes. He plans to settle in Conway, Ark. Sergeant Linton came to A&M in January, 1953, and has served as NCO in charge of the military motor pool. He plans to settle in the Bryan-College Station area. Sergeant Miller came to A&M in July, 1954, and has served as sergeant maj9r for the Army ROTC instructor detachment. He plans to settle in the Bryan-College Station area. Captain Simmons came here in the fall of 1958 and has served as operations officer for the last two years. Captain Bennett is completing four years here and has served the last three years as an instruc tor in the Basic Section. Captain Biggs is completing four years at A&M and has served the last three years instructing the junior cadets in tactics. Major Haley is completing four years at A&M and has served the last three years instructing junior cadets. Lieutenant Colonel McCorvey is completing three years here and has been assigned as an instruc tor and assistant OIC in the Basic Section. Sfc. Combs completed one year as an assistant instructor with the junior classes. RUBBER BASE PAINT $3.49 gal. 7" ROLLER AND PAN 98^ CHAPMAN'S PAINT STORE Next To The Post Office In Bryan THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a community neivspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. McMurry, Veterinary The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College Sta tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer school. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter here in are also reserved. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office in College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 8, 1870. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, College Station, Texas. Room 4, YMCA, News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office, Room 4, YMCA. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6415. JOE CALLICOATTE EDITOR Johnny Herrin Photographer among engineering educators. Dr. Street, a native of Dickens, Ten., holds both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Texas Tech nological College, and his doctorate in engineering education in 1947 from Hardin College. He has also attended the University of Texas, Texas A&M, North Texas State College, and Baylor University. Dr. Street came to A&M as head of the Engineering Graphics De partment in 1941. Prior to that he served 13 years on the Texas Tech faculty, and four years as a teach er, principal, and superintendent in West Texas public schools. As a licensed professional engi neer, Dr. Street has a wealth of experience outside of the teaching profession. He has worked for Sinclair Oil and Refining Co., Lock heed Vega Aircraft Co., and Con solidated Vultee Aircraft Corp. In addition to private practice, he has also done Patent Office work, and has been associated with a Waco construction company and with the Austin Bridge Company. His contributions to the area of knowledge embraced by engineer ing graphics are numerous. He has authored and co-authored 13 texts dealing with graphic techniques, problems, and descriptive geom etry. He is the author of several articles appearing in national journals. TBCIA, A&M Host Beef Meeting Here The International Beef Perform ance Congress and sixth annual convention of the Performance Registry International will be held June 21-23 in the Texas A&M Memorial Student Center. msmmsimr ’qimMiMwi I ZARAPE I Restaurant NOTICE! Summer Hours Open Monday Thru Saturday to 10:00 p. 4:30 to 10:00 p. m. Closed Sundays Phone VI 6-5235 Host organizations are the Texas Beef Cattle Improvement Associa tion, the Animal Husbandry De partment of A&M, and the Per formance Registry International. The first day will be taken up with registration activities and a barbecue at 7 p.m. Talks and business meetings get under way June 22 with an address of welcome by L. A. Wright of Laredo, president of the TBCIA. Other featured speakers and their subjects the second day are Dr. O. D. Butler, head of the A&M Animal Husbandry Department, “Proposed PRI Beef Carcass Stand ards”; and Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the Animal Husbandry Depart ment at Oregon State University, “PRI Progress.” Activities start on June 23 with a talk on beef production in the United States by T. C. Byerly of the U. S. Department of Agricul ture in Washington, D. C., and beef production in Canada by J. D. Baird of the Canadian Department of Agriculture. Performance education needs within the state will be discussed by Clyde M. Reed, livestock spe cialist with the Oklahoma Agri cultural Extension Service and L. A. Maddox, Jr., animal husband man with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. One of the features of the con ference will be evaluation of live slaughter steers. The animal will then be slaughtered and carcass characteristics noted. Frank Orts of the A&M Animal Husbandry Department will conduct the project. Look your best at formal affairs Look your best on gala occa sions in formal clothes cleaned to perfection by us. Your “audience” will applaud! Try Campus Cleaners Fly there. it's fester by far! DALLAS Lv. 11:16 AM * 6:11 PM QUICK CONNECTIONS TO a PASO, ALBUQUERQUE HA JET POWER VISCOUNT D1 fori ewroffom, eaB row Trorof Ajpaf f ConTtnenkW of VJ 6-478SL CONTINENTAL AIRLINES Read Battalion Classifieds Daily OLEO FLOUR PEACHES LIGHT CRUST FOOD CLUB Sliced or Halves No. 2i/ 2 Can Food Club Family Delight ICE CREAM Vt Ga.. 57c SALAD DRESSING e J!)e Whole—Contandina TOMATOES No. 303 Cans Topco—White 27c NAPKINS 2 rkg s s » OI 25c By Hi Associat During lal there :or the Sc Eastern ti ;he points im Methi ;eara it c iold the s It mad feel prett if ensuii lave beei must ad u wor but Anywaj lonferenc fet mixec w-called years, torse sea igain isr iren’t con lections b ist and tl sired the Food Club Top Frost FRUIT COCKTAIL!! c 2 :i 37c BROCCOLI 2 10 » Everbest—Strawberry Dartmouth—Crinkle Cut PRESERVES ,2 ;£29c FRENCH FRIES 2 P £ 39c Patio Derby Hot—Garlic DILL PICKLES !!.25c MEXICAN DINNER It’s whi iverpowei levs get : games so toups. 16-Oz. Pkg. 5* POTATOES These Prices Good Thru Sat.—June 17. We reserve the right to limit quantities. U. S. No. 1 California Long White 10 i 29 FRESH ARIZONA CANTALOUPES lb. 10c SPARERIBS LEAN MEATY Lb. > '1h mm |EP 1 Imfflk 1Q| medium size, ideal |B |% | # W ll Hf F0R COCKTAILS Lb. ■ Deckers’ lowana—Country Style SMOKED SAUSAGE Lb. 59c Canned HAMS BtecUiawk P/2 r 1.89 Medium Size WHITE SHRIMP 5 ,.,$2.89 Cheddar—Wisconsin CHEESE ♦ .. !!u.(t9c IS iCr Imi mr RATH BLACK HAWK | |% | ^| |^ or MOHAWK Lb. 39 ELNA CHEESE 2 tb Loaf 49 Canned—Roegelein PICNICS Cappelli’s—Cheese or Pepperoni 4 2.39 PIZZA PIES ,„.o„39e DR Best P SA1 Light FLI Nabis« CR. Libby" P0 26-Oz. M0 All Ci CA RE Poole' FR CR BA FR If you use “Maintenance Medicine”; that is some type of prescription med ication necessary every day and you feel that your drug bill is too high, bring us your prescriptions and we are sure you will be pleased with the savings. Every Day Discount Prices TA 2-3307 Telephone Inquiries Invited Open 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. daily 8 a. m. til noon Sunday 3.98 Bexel Formula No. 21 Vitamins and Minerals $3.15 8.95 Bexel “M” Vitamins and Minerals 6.95 6.95 Bexel Multiple Vitamins 5.35 1.50 Amphojel Liquid 1.25 5.98 Zyma Caps Multivitamins 4.75 1.50 Nivea Skin Oil 1.25 1.75 Hudnut Enriched Shampoo 95 1.75 Hudnut Cream Rinse tax incl 98 In April and May, our first two months of operation, we saved our customers $1,208.76 on the prescrip tions we dispensed. This figure is based on the average gross profit mark up in this area. You too can save on prescriptions at Discount Pharmacy. Bring your Prescriptions and get our prices. W'J/ddi PHARMACY 32U Texas Avenue * P. O. Box 888 * Phone: TA 2-3JOJ BRYAN, TEXAS