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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1961)
BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3d per word ord each additional day 2d per; wo__ . Minimum cha DE 4 p.m. day bef a charge 40» lADLIME . day before publicatloei Classified Display 80c per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR RENT Furnished clean apartment, garage, utilities paid, couple only. VI 6-4657 or VI 6-4531. 104tfn 908 Fairview, three bedroom, bathtub und shower. $39.00. Call VI 6-7334. 103t4 Television, roll-away beds, baby beds, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, ranges, air conditioners, belt vibratur, for rent by week or month. Call Kraft Furniture Co., Bryan, TA 2-5019. 100t5 406North Main, you will find a two bedroom home, newly furnished with ga rage, $55.00 a month. Ask at Corbett’s Alterations Shop or call VI 6-6692 after 5 sr Saturday afternoon and Sunday lOOtfn Two bedroom furnished house, large yard, ittic fan, $50.00 a month. TA 2-7869. 99tfn Unfurnished two bedroom apartment, t20 wiring, attic fan, panel ray heat, near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after > p. m. 61tfn A one and two bedroom modern fur nished apartment. Air conditioner if de sired. Call after 4 p. m.. TA 2-3627. 13UU Antone Street. 68tfn FOR SALE I960 Peugeot air conditioned, black with white side walls, less than 7,000 miles, $1,800.00, call VI 6-6108. 10413 Two beautiful used formats with match ing gloves, call VI 6-7979 after 5 week days, all day weekends. I02tfn Porsche Sports Car, 1600N engine, con vertible, contact Courtland Bell, 10-303, VI 6-9916 104t3 Two adjoining lots, each 80 by 145, corner Timber and Anna, College. Call VI 6-5694 noon or evening. lOOtfn WANTED Four boys to rent two adjoining apart ments, will furnish both. $26.00 each apartment. Near Southside Grocery. VI 6- 6630. lOltfn HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Must be over 18 old. Experience not necessary. Apply 3606 South College Ave. TA 2-1352. 94tfn ye; WORK WANTED Child care in my home, $35.00 a month or two for $60.00. VI 6-4564. 102t5 Typing. For a beautiful thesis or other papers have it typed by Mrs. Koy Carpen ter, 300 Elm St. (Corner Elm and CavittJ, Bryan,, prone TA 3-3695. 102t4 DAK NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Cali Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett. VI 6-4006. 120tfn Our nursery ibr children all ages. Pick ip and deliver. Vi 6-8161. Ino answer cait *auK. 42tln Why wait until last minute to get your Bi-City Secretarial neses reports, etc. to Bi-Cil rvice ? Electric typewriters, g, negatives and metal ing, negati 3408 Texas offset print- plates made. VI 6-6786. 87Un OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, Vl 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-6, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. All currently enrolled pre-veterinary med icine students who expect to quality as ap plicants for admission into the School of Veterinary Medicine in September 'ile their applications in the Regis- 1961, epten should file their applications in trar’s Office not later than May 1. Forms to be used in making applications for ad missions to the School of Veterinary Medi cine are available at the information desk in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. Heaton Director of Admissions and Registrar 102t4 Ph.D. LANGUAGE EXAMINATION Examinations for meeting the foreign language requirement for the Ph.D. degree will be given Wednesday, May 3rd at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. in Room 129, Academic Building. Students wishing to take this examination should leave the material over which they wish to be ex amined with the Secretary in the Depart- men of Modern Languages not later than 6:00 p. m. Monday, May 1st. J. J. Woolket, Head, Department of Modern Languages 04tl2 SPECIAL .NOTICE Hilltop Lake, located on Hwy. 6 South, 9V2 miles from College. Sould be good fishing soon. Clean picnic grounds. 76tfn an at Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C. Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tfn ^JJotarcl d C^a^eteria Where the Art of Cooking is not Lost ^ r SJl6i PHARMACY 32U Texas Avenue * P. O. Box 888 * Phone: TA 2-3307 BRYAN, TEXAS Every Day Discount Savings VITAMINS 32 ounce Clusivol $8.25 16 oz. Clusivol ’ 4.69 8 oz. ^lulcin 2.09 8 ounce Deca Mulcin 2.45 60 c. c. Zyma Drops 3.59 60 c. c. Zymatinic 2.80 45 c. OiVi-Syneral drops 3.39 BABY NEEDS 4 oz. Dexitin ointment L05 Enfamil milk (230 per can) per case - 5.25 Similac liquid 5.25 Soliee liquid 4.45 Lactum liquid 5.00 1.65 Genteel Baby Bath 1-40 85^ Z, B. T. Talcum powder 67 55f? J & J Baby Oil 49 Nursamatic nipples 3 for .25 59^ Nursamatic insta valves 2 for .45 FAMILY NEEDS 4.75 Senokot granules 3.59 2.76 Metamucil medium 1-80 8 ounce Metrecal 93 1.23 Bufferin 100’s 1*09 1.00 Rhinall nose drops ’ 85 90< Desenex 75 2.00 Banarin tablets 1.69 40-50-75- and 100 watt lite bulbs 24 8 m. m. Kodachrome movie film 2.55 4.98 Sojourn folding syringe ...1....... 3.95 2.75 Emko Foam 2.25 2.50 Delfen kit 2.10 1.59 Norforms 1.35 75^ Rhulicream 1 oz. tube 49 1.35 Rhulicream 2 oz. tube 85 1.35 Rhulispray 1 a 3 oz. .85 2.20 Rhulispray 6 oz. 1.39 Prices subject to stock available Telephone Inquiries invited. Ask for prices on “Maintenance” Medicine Use our convenient Drive In window' Open 8. a. m. to 7 p. m. weekdays 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays Nile Phone TA 2-4022 Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOT'S Read Battalion Classifieds Daily -GROCERIES- qt. 39c 28-OZ.—BOTTLE KRAFT’S BAR-B-QUE SAUCE .... 29c 18-OZ GLASS KRAFT’S STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 45c 12-OZ. PKG. KRAFT’S SLICED American Cheese .... pk. 39c 8-OZ. FKG. KRAFT’S PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE .... pk. 29c 2-LB. CARTON KRAFT’S VELVEETA CHEESE . 79c 3 lbs. 69c for the pursuit' of studies, etc. .. NO. 2Vz CANS O-SAGE ELBERTA PEACHES. . . . 4 for $1.00 NO- 2Yz CANS—HUNT’S WHOLE APRICOTS . . . . 4 for $1.00 DUNCAN HINES Yellow, White or Chocolate CAKE MIXES. . . 3 for $1.00 FOLGER’S MOUNTAIN GROWN 1-lb. Can /k 17' 17' T."' li - ' 'J.7L CUT r E E 6 _ oz Instant NO. 2Vz CANS STAR KIST CHUNK STYLE TUNA can 25c NO. 303 CANS OREGAN TRAIL—WHOLE BLUELAKE BEANS . . 2 for 49c TJrilteli (falls from New British Tabs offer smart no-belt styling with adjust able button-tabs at the side. Processed for permanent fit, British Tabs are featured in the new lighter weight wash and wear fabrics. 14-OZ. BOTTLES SNIDERS CATSUP. . . . 2 bottles 39c NO.l CANS DEL-HAVEN- TOMATOES . . -With Chillies . 2 for 25c 300-SIZE CANS DEL-HAVEN—FRESH Blackeye Peas .... 2 for 25c -FROZEN FOODS- . . 5 cans $1.00 SUNSHINE STATE Orange Juice . 6 for TENNESSEE GREEN PEAS Chopped Spinach Chopped Broccoli AO Chopped Turnip Greens i -MARKET- PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS LOIN STEAK .... 1-lb. 79c T-BONE STEAK. . . . 1-lb. 85c PIN BONE LOIN STEAK .... 1- lb. 69c MEATY SHORT RIBS .... 1-lb. 39c DECKER’S TALL KORN Sliced Bacon 49c WISCONSIN MEDIUM AGED Cheddar Cheese .... l-lb.59c HORMELS CANNED H A M S . . . 3 lb. can $2.79 HOR’MEL’S DAIRY BRAND ALL MEAT FRANKS . . 1 lb. 49c Borden’s Biscuits . 3 for 25c -PRODUCE- CARROTS .... cello bag 11c 48 SIZE RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT . CELERY . each 5c stalk 11c ^Jlte (^xch xen aneje “SERVING TEXAS AGGIES ore SPECIALS GOOD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 28 & 29th FOOD MARKET CHARLIES NORTH GATE —WE DELIVER- COLLEGE STATION