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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1960)
THE BATTALION Wednesday, April 20, 1960 College Station, Texas Page 3 ANNUAL MUSTER (Continued from Page 1) by Travis Wegenhoft, vice presi dent of the Senate, followed by a brief address by Tomm Murrah, president of the Association of Former Students. The address by Lt. Gen. Bruce features the ceremonies with the Spirit of Aggieland and roll call, Silver* Taps, and a salute by the permanent firing squad of the Ross Volunteers following. The singing of Auld Lang Syne will conclude the program. Broadcast Over WBAP Also in connection with the Mus ter, radio station WBAP, 820 kilo cycles in Fort Worth, will present a broadcast of the Muster Wednes day from 10:15 p.m. until mid night. The broadcast will give the scope of thq annual event and also feature music from the A&M Band and the Singing Cadets, along with brief addresses by A&M officials. Poultry Team Sets Tennessee Contest The A&M Junior Poultry Judg ing Team will compete with teams from 10 other land grant colleges in a contest to be held Thursday and Friday at the University of Tennessee. , Members of the group are Jay P. Jones of Elm Mott; Ronald G. Kleibrink, Waco; Weldon F. Schmidt, Moody; and Melvin C. Young of Lockhart. C. B. Ryan, team coach, said the students will judge production poultry, select breeding stock and grade poultry and eggs in the southern regional contest. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Dm day . . . per word . 3^ per additional day - - — —lib Minimum charge—10^ DJEADiJNKS 8 p.m. day beloro publication ly before pub Classified Dlsplaj olun user PHONE VI 6-6415 80^ per :ach Insertion FOR RENT Two bedroom unfurnished apa Living room down stairs. Antenn rotor, washer connections, lines, back yard with trees. 202 Academy, 4053. Available June 1st to Sept. 1st. three bedroom furnished home, air ditioned, large porch, deep freeze, was machine. Also three' bedroom house, Highland, 220 wiring, washing mac connections. $55.00. VI 6-4052. 1( Three bedroom house, large livin iarate ■ bedrooi separate dining room, near VI 6-4248 after 5. Large one bedroom furnished apar near Itidgecrest. Call VI 6-4248 aft< In College Hills across from 1 t nicely furnished Course. Very nicely room apartment. Net ent. New stove and re lor, garage. Adults only. $5 utilities. VI 6-5031 after 6:00 Nice clean thre liished. One block from Campus lacant. Call VI 6-7496 after 6. time, 203 Kyle. Nice lent. up; TA Two 120 wir: ichool. Phone om, uni ing and attic fan. VI furnished apartn . Near Croi 6-6660 after ,6:00 r Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Apartment, 205 Montclair acn street from Southside. Rent $30J stove and refrigerator. Would ( furnishing all of the apartment. 6630 or VI 6-6544. Miscellaneous For Sale La Rase quirea Qu Exacta $14 e Sea. Independiente y Sien 1.95 U. S. Bexar Electronics, 1091, San Antonio 6, Texas WORK WANTED Why wait until last minute to get Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Seen service? Electric typewriter: printing, negatives and metal 1408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. ers, plate Political Announcements Subject to action at the Den Primary May 7, 1960. For County Commissioner Precinct No. 1 CURTIS H. WILLIAMS FLETCHER L. POOL (Former Aggie) Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village SOSOLIK’S TV - RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2-1941 AND lUttAL SUPPLIES ,CE LINE PRINTS m.Le. rjwm'TS % PHOTOS'! ICOATES INDUSTRIES (83 Old Sulphur Spring! Road BRIAN, TEXAS Your Bryan Dealer for FRIEDRICH Air Conditioners FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan 1300 Te TV - Radio - HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & T1 TA 2-0826 101 Highli „ FOR SALE 4000 CFM Evaporative Cooler, two years old, excellent condition, $75.00. Call VI 6- 8593 or see at 110 Gilchrist iafter 5:00 p. m. 100t4 1957 Ford Fairlane, Radio, heater, by only owner. Extremely clean. Will con- ; sider trade. TA 2-1806. lOOtfn Ladies used clothing, sizes 7 and 8. 204 Inlow. VI 6-6197. 100t2 [ Air Force! uniforms, summer, winter , dress, serge, coat 38, pants 31-31. Excellent condition. Reasonable. VI 6-6660. 100t3 4000 CFM Water Cooler. $40.00. Used r four summers. Call VI 6-8106. 98tfn ; CORDLESS ELECTRIC SHAVER—Per- ' feet Shaving anywhere, anytime. Perfect for traveling, camping, etc. $14.95. Bexar Electronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Tex as 74t30 AC and Champion spark plugs, 69e. Mufflers and tailpipes at wholesale prices. 1 White Auto Store. 216 North Bryan Street, Bryan. 62tfn SPECIAL NOTICE TOM THUMB NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 2(4-5 years. Storytelling, Singing, Drawing. Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo- ' anne Miller. Close to College. VI 6-4841. Reference when requested. lOOtfn Put your reservations in now for oai. quels. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- 1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tf« ijiearolux Sales and Servte* G. C Williams TA 3-6600. 90tf> DAY NURSERY by the week, day oi hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett VI6-4006. 120tfi OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed >r telephoned so as to arrive in the Office ■>{ Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Honday through Friday) at or before the leadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceeding publication — Director of Student Publics' Lions. The army RQ Test (ROTC Qualifica tion Examination) will be administered in the basement, Sbisa Mess Hall, 0830 hours, 23 April 1960. This examination is open to all students who are enrolled in or have completed fourth semester of Basic ROTC, or have received credit for two years of Basic ROTC and will have sixty (60) semester hours passed by the fall semes- ter 1960. Anyone having taken any RQ Test before will not be eligible for this test. 10013 Ph.D. LANGUAGE EXAMINATION Examinations for meeting the foreign language requirement for the Ph.D. degree will be given Monday, May 2nd at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. in Room 129, Academic Building. Students wishing to take this examination should leave the material over which they wish to be ex amined with the Secretary in the Depart ment of Modern Languages not later than 5:00 p. m. Thursday, April 28. J. J. Woolket, Head Department of Modern Languages 10016 Sponsors of Student organizations am) departments which present student awards, keys, or medals should order these items at once at the Cashier’s window at the MSC. Orders must be placed at once to insure delivery before the end of this semester. Pete Hardesty Student Activities 87tfn LOST Cat named “Gigi”. Light and dark |:rey striped Long haired. Lost in the vicinity of the Jewish Temple. VI 6-5975. 99tfn TYPEWRITERS Rental - Sales - Service - Term* Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machlne« CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 Dr. George W. Buchanan Chiropractor 304 E 27th Bryan, Texas Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988 Res. TA 2-4981 Auto Air Conditioners • For AH Make Cars. Installed With Clutch $285.00 With Terms CADE MOTOR COMPANY ——— TRADE WITH LOU... MOST AGGIES DO... Two Lutheran Aggies Attend Annual Washington Seminar Gary Anderson, sophomore engi neering major from Corpus Christi, and Don Vahrenkamp, sophomore architect major from Dallas, were among Lutheran students fi-om 25 states that attended the 11th an nual Washington Seminar for Lutheran Students April 10-13. While in Washington, the 128 students had an opportunity to observe the federal government in operation, to discuss current issues, to clarify the responsibilities of Christian citizenship in a democ racy and to appreciate the role of Christians in public life. Engineering Department Wins Award Frank Lynch of Bryan, left, president of the A&M Student Branch of the American So ciety of Civil Engineers, represents the De partment of Civil Engineering in receiving an award for the best open house display during the recent High School Career Day at the college. Presenting the award is Den nis Ryan of Dallas, president of the Student Engineers Council and a senior mechanical engineering major. The display showed var ious phases of civil engineering. The depart ment has won the award several times in the past. Ag Staff Member Passes PH.D Exam Gene Guinn of the Agricultural Research Service, Cotton Research Branch, has passed his Ph.D. pre liminary examination at A&M. Guinn is working in cooperation with the Texas Agricultural Ex tension Service and the Depart ment of Plant Physiology and Pathology. His examination was in plant physiology. At the Pentagon, the students heard addresses on “The Role of the U. S. Armed Forces in World Affairs,’’ “Missile and Space Pro grams,” and “Character Guidance Programs in the Armed Forces.” During a visit to the State De partment, officials described the citizen’s role in foreign affairs, told of current progress toward disarmament, and outlined factors in the Berlin negotiations. Missouri Synod participants in cluded the Rev. Norman Temme, associate director of the Depart ment of Public Relations in New York City, and Miss Olinda Roettger, Washington secretary of the Department of Public Relations. Students also heard Dr. Robert E. Van Deusen, Washington secre tary of the Division of Public Re lations of the National Lutheran Council, who discussed “The Chris tian Citizen in a Democracy,” and Dr. Paul M. Orso, executive direc tor of the Lutheran Inner Mission Society in the nation’s capital, who spoke on “Christian Social Respon sibility.” Held annually in the spring, the Washington Seminar is jointly sponsored by the Department of Public Relations of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Division of Public Relations of. the National Lutheran Council. Look your best at formal affairs Look your best on gala occa sions in formal clothes cleaned to perfection by us. Your “audience” will applaud! Try us soon. Campus Cleaners FAA Names New Aide at Easterwood The Federal Aviation Agency announced today the appointment of Vernon L. Swendsen, formerly of Lubbock, to begin training as a flight service specialist at the PLAYERS (Continued from Page 1) finds out about some poems writ ten to his wife by her lover. Cast for “How He Lied to Her Husband” are Regie Lundergan'as the lady, Bob Sloan as her lover, and Tommy Holbein as her hus band. Director for the show is Vic Weining, assistant professor in the Department of English, with C. K. Esten as producer. Worth Nowlin will set the scenes as narrator of both plays. The evening program will offer theater-goers an opportunity to see a different kind of theater as both plays will be read, with the actors reading and performing from lecterns. . Facial expression College Station Flight Service Sta tion at Easterwood Field. Describing Swendsen’s duties, William S. Hall, chief flight service specialist at Easterwood, said: “As a flight service specialist, Swend sen will be trained to furnish vital flight assistance to pilots. It will become his responsibility to accept and relay pilot flight plans, issue weather reports and relay mes sages between pilots and FAA air route traffic controllers. In emer gency cases, flight service special ists initiate ground aid air search orders when an airplane is missing or overdue.” Upon completion of his training as a flight service specialist, Swendsen will become one of the many highly trained FAA em- poyees in the United States. This experienced team of career special ists, along with the giant web of electronic air aids, makes up the more than 158,000 miles of safe air highways that are used by both military and civil aircraft. i■ fVPw i nr iHii McCarthy Jewelers North Gate ^ ^ m, WASH and WEAR SSEV COTTON GINGHAM by Truval You’ll literally live in these wonderful Truval sport- shirts this Summer — they’re so easy to care for. Just wash ... drip dry... and wear! These craft-tailored combed cottons are crisp, cool and colorful.... always ready for action. Choose your favorite today! OL (^xclu . . » > /'<'() Where the Art oj | |j kfotara A L a ]- a t e-r i a Cooking Is Nat Lost | ancj,e “Serving Texas Aggies” Ladies’ I4K WHITE Diamond Bridal Pair Reg. $325.00 NOW $162.50 Ladies’ 14K YELLOW Diamond Duo Reg. $117.00 NOW $58.50 Ladies’ 14K WHITE Diamond Bridal Set Reg. $735.00 NOW $367.50 Ladies’ 14K WHITE Diamond Solitaire Set Different Reg. $422.50 NOW $211.25 Ladies’ Ladies’ 14K WHITE 14K WHITE Diamond Diamond Feature Lock Set Bridal Duo Reg. $575.00 Reg. $137.50 NOW $287.50 NOW $68.75 Entire Stock RONSON Cigarette Lighters 1/2 PRICE ENTIRE STOCK SOLID GOLD Crosses & Chains 50% OFF ENTIRE STOCK COLLEGE JEWELRY ! Reg. $100.00 Ladies Diamond NOW HAMILTON WATCH.. $59.50 Reg. $85.00 Gents 28 Jewel Auto NOW BULOVA WATCH $42.50 Rck- S71.50 Ladies White Braclet NOW BULOVA WATCH $35.75 Reg-. $59.60 Ladies 23 Jewel 18K Solid Gold krf Solid Gold NOW 25% OFF £ BULOVA WATCH $29.75 BUI BOW AND SHI ENTIRE STOCK MEN’S—LADIES’ Art Carved Wedding Bands 33 1/3% OFF Entire Stock 4^ Ladies’ 5* PEARL RINGS 50% OFF j Latest Fashion in Ladies EARRINGS NECKLACES BRACELETS Values to $2.95 59c Ea. 2 Pairs for—$1.00 A Loose Reg. $39.75 Ladies Diamond 17 Jewel NOW BULOVA $19.95 Reg. $97.50 Gents Auto NOW MIDO $59.70 Reg. $49.50 Gents Water Proof NOW BULOVA $24.95 Expansion Band DONT MISS THIS SALE DIAMONDS For Aggie Rings Reg. $81.00 NOW $40.50 SHEAFFERS or PARKER DESK SETS 25% OFF McCARTY JEWELERS NORTH GATE—COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS