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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
The Battalion Volume 59 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1960 Number Ford Foundation Awards College $100,000 Grant “The Man of Destiny” Guiseppe, played by Richard Reiser left, dis- production which opened last night in the cusses with Napoleon, played by Ed Herider Lower Level of the Memorial Student Cen- right, the possibility of getting some wine. ter. The scene is from the Aggie Players’ latest Saddle & Sirloin Club Begins Show Plans Plans and preparations for the Saddle and Sirloin Club’s Little Southwestern Livestock Show and Ram Sale May 7 are in full swing, according to W. T. Berry, assistant professor in the Department of Animal. Husbandry. Approximately 125 students have entered in the show’s six classes, and actual work on the animals be gan yesterday, he stated. The boys recently chose a class of livestock in which they wanted to show, and individual animals were assigned to them Monday by club officials drawing numbers from a box. In their spare time, the students will wash their animals, trim their hoofs, clip their hair and in gen eral do everything they can to get them ready for the show, Berry said. After approximately a month’s preparation, the student showmen will parade their animals in the arena and be judged on their proficiency in fitting and showing the animals. All - Student Art Exhibit Planned The Creative Arts Committee of the Memorial Student Center at Texas A&M College is planning an all-student art exhibit beginning May 4 and continuing through May 15. Paintings, ceramics and sculp tures the students have done dur ing the year will be exhibited in the promenade and fountain room of the MSC. Substantial cash prizes will be awarded the winners in each of the categories. Any A&M student or associate member of the Creative Arts Com mittee who has paid his member ship dues is eligible to enter his work. Associate members who have been members, but are not cur rently enrolled in classes in the MSC, will have the opportunity to renew their membership by paying the membership dues and an ex hibit fee of $2.00. Each student may submit four paintings or four individual pieces of work in sculpture, ceramics and crafts. Each work must be origi- Cosper, Hardesty To Attend Meet Charles E. Cosper, assistant di rector and business manager of the Memorial Student Center and W. D. (Pete) Hardesty, student or ganizations adviser, will attend the 37th annual meeting of the Assn, of College Unions to be held Sun day through Wednesday at Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind. Cosper left last Wednesday for Bloomington and en route will visit the University of Illinois, Purdue University, the University of Ok lahoma, Oklahoma State Univer sity, Kansas State Teachers Col lege, the University of Kansas, Iowa State and the University of Iowa, studying the student union operations. nal; the committee reserves the right to reject any work on this grounds. Work which was shown in the Regional Show in December, 1959, will not be eligible for exhibition in this event. Competent judges will jury the submitted works and select the prize winners. For more informa tion and entry blanks, contact -Wallace Dreyer, Creative Arts Committee adviser, or Mrs. Floy Gleason, MSC crafts instruction supervisor. Judges for the event are men selected by the Saddle and Sirloin Club as experts in their fields, said Berry. This year’s judges are Tom Harris, herdsman for the Bridwell Hereford Ranch at Windthorst, Tex.; Rex Cauble, Quarterhorse breeder from Crockett; Vernon Jones, manager of the Y. O. Ranch near Kerrville; Clif Laywell, A&M swine specialist; and Roy Snyder, Extension meats specialist from the college. Beginning at 7 Saturday morn ing with a coffee for judges and officials, the show will continue through the day with a swine show, a sheep show, horse show, natn show, ham sale, beef cattle show and at 4:30 the selection of the grand champion showman. For the ham show the students select the live pigs, then slaughter them and process the hams, which ai-e judged on processing skill, neatness and consumer appeal. Immediately following the ham show at noon May 7 over 100 cured hams will be auctioned off in the Animal Industries lecture room, Berry said. Contest awards totaling over $400 are now on display on the second floor of the Animal Hus bandry Building and will be exhib ited in the MSC a week before the show, he added. W orkshop Set for Summer A special workshop in rocks and minerals, the only program of its kind designed for elementary and junior high school teachers, will be conducted June 20 to July 15 by the Department of Geology and Geophysics. S. A. Lynch, head of the Depart ment of Geology and Geophysics, said the course is being made pos sible by a grant of $25,400 from the National Science Foundation. The workshop is one of six different science training programs to be held on campus this summer. They will be operated by National Science Foundation grants totaling $170,719 and grants amounting to $9,200 from Texas industries. Dr. M. C. Schroeder, associate professor of geology and director of the rock and mineral workshop, said the course is a special project and the only one of its kind in the nation. “Through the help of the Na tional Science Foundation, A&M College is able to make a great contribution to the field of science education,” he said. Main objectives of ,the course, Dr. Schroeder said, are to give elementary and junior high school teachers knowledge that can aid them in helping their students who are working on rock and mineral collections. It also will enable teachers to give adequate presenta tions of earth sciences in element ary and junior high schools and to develop ideas for Science Fair projects in the earth sciences. Forty hours of lectures will be given on minerals and rocks, agents and processes forming minerals and rocks and the demands of special-age technology on mineral resources. The sessions also will feature lectures by one or more visiting scientists. Dr. Schroeder said the workshop laboratory will emphasize training in identification of the more com mon minerals and rocks. Fluores cent and radioactive minerals will receive special attention and some time will be spent on study of crystals. He said college credit is not earned by participation in the workshop. Approximately 35 fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade teachers will be selected for the course. Funds from the National Science Foundation will provide stipends of $75 per week for each of the par ticipants, with a further allowance of $15 per week for dependents up to a maximum of four, and travel allowance of 4 cents a mile for a single round trip to a maximum of $80. Applications can be obtained from Coleman M. Loyd, Director, Science Teachers Institute, Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas. One of the major objectives of the rocks and minerals workshop, Dr. Schroeder said, is to help ele mentary and junior high school teachers to motivate superior stu dents toward science careers. A post-program follow-up on the participants will determine the effect of the workshop on student motivation. Rock and mineral workshop in quiries should be directed to Dr. Schroeder, Department of Geology Deadline Set For Senior Pic Entries April 25 has been set as the deadline for submitting pictures of Senior Favorites and Vanitay Fair to the Office of Student Publications in the YMCA. Three by five pictures or snap shots, no color, may be submitted. Cost is $2 per picture. Any other pictures should also be turned in at this date. 600 SENIORS EXPECTED FOR AWARDS TESTING Approximately 600 high school seniors are expected to participate in testing for Opportunity Awards Scholarships which will be given Saturday April 23 and 30, Everett E. McQuillen, executive director of the A&M College Develop ment Fund said yesterday. Value of the scholarships runs from $800-$l,f>00 over a four year period, determinant on individual and Geophysics, .Texas A&M Col-1 financial need, lege, College StatSqfi, Texas. | Approximately 100 students will Four Win Mention In Drawing Contest Four A&M students in architecture design have won honorable mention in a competition by the Edison Electric Institute. Their drawings were of house plans and the win ners received $400 each. The winners in the Edison Elec-4 trie Institute, Light for Living Medallion Competition, are Jimmy Ray Patterson of Seagoville, Mar vin Lee Boland Jr. of Zwolle, La.; Fred Ludwig of San Antonio, and Harold D. Wolfe Jr. of El Cajon, Calif. Patterson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Patterson of Seago ville. He is a senior, distinguish ed student and a member of the Engineers Council and the De sign Students Society. He is a graduate of the Seagoville High School. Boland is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Boland of Zwolle. He is a graduate of the Tenaha, Tex. High School and at A&M is a member of the Design Students Society. Ludwig is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ludwig of 207 Walton Ave., San Antonio and a In County Demo Primary graduate of Central Catholic High School. At A&M he is a member of the American Institute of Architects and the Design Students Society. Wolfe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe of 199G Fal mouth, El Cajon, Calif. He is a graduate of Wichita Falls High School. At A&M he is a member of the Camera Club and the De signs Students Sciety. Benson Serving USNR Tour Fred J. Benson, dean of the School of Engineering and execu tive officer of the Texas Trans portation Institute, is on two weeks active duty witfy the Navy Reserve on the West Coast. Dean Benson, a commander in the reserve, will be at Port Hueneme, Calif. His tour of duty started Monday and ends Friday. A&M Only Texas Institution Listed A $100,000 grant from the Ford Foundation for a five- year program in training both Americans and foreign stu dents for overseas development programs has been made to A&M. Announcement of the Foundation’s grant was made to day from the office of Dr. Jack Gray, coordinator of foreign programs for the A&M College System. 51 Announced The Ford Foundation announced 51 grants today, to various organizations here and abroad. A&M was the only Texas educational institution listed. The grant will provide for salaries, travel, research, eval- j ♦'uation, library materials and costs of secretarial, adminis trative and operating ex penses for the training pro gram. Funds for Training Specifically, the grant sets up funds for training “... on economic development, cultural anthropology, foreign languages, and other fields for faculty members serving as technical specialists on overseas projects.” Several of A&M’s departments will be involved in the new work of training specialists for over seas service. Currently, . the A&M College System, in cooperation with the International Cooperattion Admin istration, is operating develop ment programs in Ceylon, East Pakistan and Liberia. System Maintains The System maintains, with I.G.A. help, thinking specialists in various colleges and universities in East Pakistan, including con sultants and teachers of engineer ing, veterinary medicine, agricul ture training and economics. In Ceylon, the System’s staff consist of an engineering consult ant, a chief consultant and a sen ior agricultural advisor. In Libera, 21 technicians are presently working to develop skill ed labor and college level training programs, including the training of natives in such crafts as car pentry, auto mechanics, cabinet making, machine trades, plumb ing, and home economics and ag riculture. be awarded scholarships this year, McQuillen said. Applicants for the scholarships will be judged on the basis of high school records, character, evidence of leadership, financial need and scores on the tests. The Association of Former Stu dents and several other donors fur nish funds for the scholarships. Each individual applying for the scholarships will be interviewed individually in the Memorial Stu dent Center on Saturday morning and will take the tests, Saturday afternoon. The tests will be given in the Chemistry Lecture Room from 12:30 until 5:30. Annual ED Contest Set Friday at 7 The annual Engineering Draw ing Contest will be held at 7 p.m. Friday in Room 315 of the new Engineering Building. The contest, sponsored by the Department of Engineering Draw ing, provides competition among students at A&M. “The decision to hold the con test in the evening instead of on a Saturday afternoon as in former years,” R. H. Davey of the depart ment says, “was made so as to least interfere with other college activities and permit the largest number of students to enter the contest.” TEES Scientists’ Work in Journal An article dealing with research work of two Texas Engineering Experiment Station scientists will appear in the March-April issue of the Jouimal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The article deals with research utilizing the chemical n-octylamine in removing gossypol from cotton seed oil and meal. Absentee Voting Underway Absentee voting was underway today in Brazos County for the Texas Democratic Primary Elec tions which will be held May 7. The absentee voting began April 17 and will end May 3. A person who is planning to be out of town May 7 may vote absentee by coming to the county clerk’s office in the Brazos County Court House, county clerk A. B. Syptak said. Sign Affidavit To be able to vote absentee a person must sign an affidavit stating that he will be out of the county on election day and present a 1960 poll tax receipt, Syptak said. If a Brazos County resident who is presently out of the county de sires to vote absentee he must address a request to the county clerk who will in turn send him an application for a ballot. The absentee voter must sign the ap plication which states he will be out of the county on election day. A notary public must witness the signing of the application, Syptak said. After signing the application the voter should send it, along with a valid poll tax receipt to the county clerk who will then send the person his absentee ballot. All absentee ballots must be postmarked no later than midnight May 3 to be counted, Syptak said* Location of voting places in the College Station area were pointed out by Glynn (Buddy) Williams, chairman of the Brazos County Editors Told To Improve Performance If Expecting Secrecy Break Support WASHINGTON <A > >—The presi dent of the American Society of Newspaper Editors told the nation’s press today it should improve its own performance if it expects full public support in breaking official secrecy barriers. In a message prepared for the opening of the society’s annual meeting here, J. R. Wiggins, execu tive editor of the Washington Post, reported some gains in ASNE’s long battle against news suppres sion. But he called on the society to take measures to strengthen itself as an organization worthy to represent “a profession that is in many ways, the most important in the country.” He urged greater efforts by newspapers, individually and as an industry, to justify the faith and confidence of their readers. The ASNE’s convention pro vided a forum today for three Democratic presidential aspirants, Sens. John F. Kennedy (Mass.), Hubert H. Humphrey (Minn.) and Stuart Symington (Mo.). Democratic Executive Committee. Precinct 3 will be located at A&M Consolidated School with F. C. Bolton acting as precinct chairman. Precinct 16 will be located adjacent to the Culpepper Realty Co. with George Draper acting as precinct chairman. Precinct 13 will be located at Crockett School in Bryan with John H. Stockman as chairman. Precinct 2 will be located in the Wellborn Community Center with Milton Williams as precinct chairman. Tent Furnished Since there is no public building located in Precinct 16, the National Guard will furnish a tent for voters adjacent to the Culpepper Realty Co., Williams said. He pointed out that the precinct Democratic conventions would be held on election night this year. Polls will close at 7:00 and the Democratic conventions will begin at 7:30 at the precinct voting places, Williams said. Attorney General Will Wilson, left, seeking a third term, Speakers of the Texas House of Representatives Waggoner Carr, center, and Bob Looney are all candidates for At- Attorney General Candidates torney General in the May 7 Democratic Pri mary Election. Wilson is from Dallas, Carr from Lubbock and Looney from Austin. (AP Wn’ephoto)