Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1959)
/ ir M |(» I WU: : —T'-; +**pv^yM>mm ■{» tyWgxi^iiHiaifr^j kfaW»i«Ullt»fe^.i*'^4i^4li&>W««»«t , W..t..>».iX>» w.iw>< l .<»<>i>ftw>.».i»> l »»»< l .ri *n,kW~*+*to*i**l*»«** »<«'.w«.i»«il«il»«»?«>'iiW' l 'i>l«>| FOR THE PERFECT GIFT GO TO THE MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER GIFT SHOP THE MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER GIFT SHOP WILL GIVE YOU PERSONAL HELP IN SELECTING A GIFT FOR ANY BUDGET. YOUR PURCHASE WILL BE GIFT WRAPPED OR WRAPPED FOR MAILING FREE OF CHARGE AT THE MEMORIAL STU DENT CENTER GIFT SHOP. Wednesday, December 9, 1959 PAGE 3 THE BATTALION Sports Department Releases Tentative Roster of 64 Fall Letter men Athletes The. A&M Athletic Department today announced a tentative list of letterman for fall sports—varsity and freshman football, and cross country. Coach Jim Myers and Freshman Coach Tom Chandler will award 24 varsity letters and 36 freshman letters at the annual athletic ban quet to be held sometime in Jan uary. There is only one cross let terman. On the varsity list there are eight three-year lettermen, headed by Co-Captains Charley Milstead and Gale Oliver. There are seven two-year lettermen and nine one- year lettermen. The group is about divided equal ly, with nine seniors and juniors on the team and six sophomores. The Aggies lose -all but Randy Sims from the starting backfield, and are especially hard hit in the tackle and guard positions. All three of the centers, Roy Northrjup, Larry Broaddus and Paul Piper, return, as do all the ends. Three guard-lettermen, Car ter Franklin, Wayne Freiling and INTRAMURALS Wayne Labar, return. Wayland Simmons, a sophomore, is the lone returning tackle. Along with Sims, Halfback Jim Class A football took the intra mural spotlight yesterday with five contests being played. Co. L-2 outscored Co. C-l, 16-0, Co. K-2 beat Sq. 13, 12-0, Sq. 2 topped Co. B-l, 22-6, Co. G-2 rap ped Sq. 14, 14-0 and Co. F-l had two penetrations compared to none for Co. E-l. In the class A-C horseshoes four games were played. Class A re sulted in wins by Sq. 4 over Co. A-2, Co. G-l over Co. B-2 and Sq. TODAY THRU SATURDAY “5 GATES TO HELL” Npville Brand Patricia Owens SlftH'Afc'SSK ‘Children under 12years- Wednesday - Thursday - Friday Ernest Borgnine in “THE RABBIT TRAP” Also Andie Murphy in ‘RIDE A CROOKED TRAIL” WEDNESDAY M-G-M presents AUDREY HEPBURN ANIHONYJERKINS “GREEN MANSIONS” CINEMASCOPE • METROCOLOR Co-Starring LEE J. COBB SESSUE HAYAKAWA HENRY SILVA Show Opens At 6 p. m. Every place you go you'll be bearing about The Inn. ..The Guests.:.The Sensations of The Great Best Selier! fromWARNER BROS, technicolor"^ Egan- Mcguire- DeU Kennedy- Donahue Also Special Added Attraction BASKETBALL ACES” HELD OVER Gary Cooper In WRECK OF THE MARY DEARE” 15 beat Sq. 17. Law out-tossed Hart in the only class C contest. Class B didn’t have as many games played as class A, but the Army managed to take the majori ty of the contests. B basketball results showed Co. H-2 beating Co. A-2, in a close 15- 14 contest. Sq. 11 outscored Co. B-2 22-20 and Co. C-l won on a forfeit. Three teams squared away in the B handball division with Sq. 1 beat ing Sq. 8, Co. B-2 topping Sq. 2 and Co. F-l outscoring Co. F-2. Today’s schedule in class A sports includes football, horse shoes and ping pong. The class B athletes will partici pate in hand ball and bowling. Ag Bowling Team Tops SWC League The Aggie bowling team walked away with a victory at the Inter collegiate Bowling Conference held in SMU’s Humphrey Lee Student Center last weekend. The Cadet’s went undefeated in the meet to take a seven point lead in the newly formed league. Larry Dantzler of the Aggies set a new record with his 691 in a three game series. The old record of 648 was held by the Aggies’ Bob Tomlinson. Dantzler also set a new 9-game series record with 1886. The highest single game of 256 was bowled by Louie Englander of Texas University. Other Aggies in the tournament were Don Jones, Milt Rasmussen and A1 Rainosek. The league is scheduled to bowl once a month at a different college with the home college acting as host and paying for all lines as well as furnishing rooms for the bowlers. The next scheduled meet is Jan. 9 at the new Airport Bowl in Aus tin with Texas acting as host. Murphy is the only returning let terman in the Cadet backfield. The Aggies will have to look to a highly regarded freshman team next year if they are to entertain any hopes of finishing high in the conference race, at least higher than the seventh they finished this year. George Hogan, the outstanding- freshman lineman in the confer ence this season, will bolster the Farmers at tackle as will 225- pound James Walton and 230- pound Keith Huggins. Tommy Janik, the hard running frosh quarterback could fill a gap in the A&M backfield, as could tailback Ronnie Brice, a highly re garded passer. The fall sports lettermen: Three year lettermen are: Tackle Bill Darwin; Guard Allen Goehr- ing; Tackle Bill Godwin; Fullback Gordon LeBoeuf; Quarterback Charles Milstead; Tackle Gale Oli ver;’ Guard Buddy Payne; and Halfback Robert Sanders. Two year lettermen are: Quar terback Powell Berry; End Jack Estes; Guard Carter Franklin; Guard Wayne Labar; Center Roy Northrup; Halfback Randy Sims; and End Ralph Smith. One year lettermen are: Full back Pete Angermiller; Center Larry Broaddus; Guard Wayne Freiling; End Russell Hill; End Richard Love; Halfback Jim Mur phy; End Bob Phillips; Center Paul Piper; and Tackle Wayland Sim mons. Varsity manager Sammy Teague and trainer George Hail completed the list for the upperclassmen.. Those earning freshman letters are: Ronnie Brice; Rufus Lewis; Tommy Janek; Fred Deutrich; Jon Mason; Willie Lager; John Kent; Lee Roy Caffey; Mike Clark; Sam Byer; Mike Roquemore; Dallas Kuhn; Ronny Ledbetter; Eddie Dolezal; Louis Martinez; Alex Cortese; Drue Houghton; Jerry Hopkins; Walter Lagrone; Jim Harper; James Phillips; Mickey McGrew; Stuart Beebe; Bryan Stuckey; James Walton; George Hogan; Keith Huggins; Hubert Wilson; Ben Krenek; Don Ramsey; Bobby Huntington; Harlan Mid- kiff; Tommy Bailey; John Moran; Kenneth Kipp; and Manager Rob ert Roepke. There was only one letterman in cross country, Freddy Dulock. Twenty-Four Hour Black And White Film Developing A&M PHOTO SHOP BA TTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE 1956 Simplex automatic service-cycle. Good condition. §85.00. TA 2-5613. 42t4 G. 1. Equity. Three bedroom house, Tanglewood Addition, attached garage, 220 Volt wiring. Phone VI 6-7533. 40t4 Extra nice 11 month old filiey, sorrel, three white feet, blaze face, daughter of Zantanon H. by King P 234. Paul Curtis. First house west of Sheep Center. VI 6- 7108. 21tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, maUed »r telephoned so as to arrive in the Office »f Student Publications (Ground Flool KMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-13, 1-6, daUy Monday through Friday) at or before tbe deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student PubUoa- tions. All Juniors majoring in Health and Physical Education report for English Proficiency Examination Thursday, Dec. 10, at 4:00 p. m. in Room 231 of G. R. White Coliseum. C. E. Tishler Head of Department 39t6 Regalia For The January Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the doctor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, January 19 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph. D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the master’^ cap and gown ; those who are candidates for the Bachelor’s De gree, except Military students, will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. All Military students who are candidates for degrees will wear appropriate military uniforms. Rental of caps and gowns may be ar ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be 7>laced between 8 :00 a. m. January 4 and 5:00 p. m. Friday, January 15. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and gown. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 39tl8 RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSOLIK tubes Tested free by experts 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan Dr. George W. Buchanan Chiropractor 304 E 27th Bryan, Texas Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988 Res. TA 2-4981 CATLS 04RITER CO. adding ^ ! MACHINES | CALCULATORS i ELECTRIC LwSty & MANUALS DISTRIBUTOR FOR ROYAL & VICTOR .*09 S. MAIN BRYAN, TEX. TA 2-6000 SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M College Station, Texas Stated meeting Thurs. Dec. 10 at 7:00 p. m. F. C. examinations will follow the business meeting. C. J. Keese, WM Joe Woolket, Sec. PLAN A NEW CAREER FOR 1960 Register for class starting January 4 New day and night classes in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, and associated subjects. Dial TA 3-6655. McKENZIE BALDWIN BUSINESS COLLEGE 702 South Washington Avenue. 42t7 Cooley’s Garage Service Station is now inspecting cars for the 1960 Season. Don’t get caught in the rush. Get your 1960 vehicle inspection sticker today at Cooley’s Garage at North Gate. VI 6-5613. 39tl0 Put your' reservations in now for ban quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- 1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. Williams. TA 3-6600. G. C 90tf> DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett, VI6-4005. 120tfn Cade’s Auto Repair Department Trained Mechanics—Work Guaranteed Liberal Terms. 1309 Texas Avenue 133tfn Day nursery, experienced child care, noon meal, pick up and delivery, fenced yard, VI 6-6294. 125tfn DR. M. W. DEASON Optometrist Contact Lenses Hours — 9:00 to 5:30 Evenings by Appointment 214 No. Main TA 2-3530 B ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS B BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES SB3 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village MERRY CHRISTMAS From GIL’S RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland I St, i 9 t) , Where the Art of dotard A Cafeteria Cooking h Not Lost i Joyce’s Complete Department MATERNITY and INFANTS WEAR 608 College Ave. Bryan FOR RENT Two bedroom duplex, furnished, $32.00, VI 6-7334. 40t6 Three room furnished apartments, $37.50. Two blocks from Campus. Clean, Private, with garage. One located at 203 Kyle, the other 603 Montclair. Call VI 6-6026 or VI 6-7496 after 6:00 p. m. 39tfn Near East Gate across from A&M Golf course in College Hills. Exceptionally nice clean one bedroom apartment. New drap eries. Modem furniture. New stove and refrigerator. Adults only. $60.00, without utilities. VI 6-5031 after 6:00 p. m., all day Saturday and Sunday 39tfn Two bedroom home, unfurnished, near College. Fenced yard. Washer connections. Panel ray heaters. 406 Poplar. VI 6-6239. 37tfn Save on transportation by moving close o A&M Campus. Nice two bedroom dup lex apartment just north of Campus with fenced-in back yard. TA 3-3692 or VI 6- 5442. 21tfn Roomy, 2 bedroom apartment. Near Irockett School. Available immediately, ■hone VI 6-6660 or VI 6-4916. 137tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfii FOR RENT Apartment two blocks from north gate. Nicely furnished, freezing unit in refrigera tors. Several walk in closets. Clean as a pin. 401 Cross St., VI 6-5064 6tfn Brick duplex apartment. Unfurnished me bedroom. Central heat, tiled bath, car port, storeroom. North Gate area. Call VI 6-6468. 133tfn Unusually nice three bedroom house. Large rooms, two porches, garage. §70.00 See at 601 Montclair in College Park or phone VI 6-7496. 21tfn Two bedroom, unfurnished, brick apart ment. 402B Second St. Twin Oaks Apart ments. VI 6-5334. 115tfn Unfurnished two bedroom duplex panel ray heat large back yard washing machine connections rent open 811 Montclair. Apply 809 Montclair. 18tfn WORK WANTED Typing wanted, neat, accurate. Reason able rates. Mrs. Carlson VI 6-7936. 122tfn Your reports will be typed quickly and accurately on electric typewriters at the Bi-City Secretarial Service, 3408A Texas Avenue, Phone VI 6-5786. 71tfn TOYS TOYS TOYS We Have Them For All Ages STUDENT CO-OP STORE College Station VI G-6715 FOR THE BOYS Electric Trains Wagons Bicycles Atomic Sets Mattel Guns & Holsters STUDENT CO-OP STORE College Station Vi G-6715 FOR THE GIRLS Madame Alexander Dolls Tea Sets Tiny Tears Dolls Stuffed Animals Dresses for the Dolls Beds Doll Buggies STUDENT CO-OP STORE College Station VI 6-6715 NEED HUNTING EQUIPMENT? We Carry • Browning Guns • Camouflage Clothing • Bear Archery Supplies STUDENT CO-OP STORE College Station VI 6-6715