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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1956)
Electrical Engineers Wives, Lester’s Set Fashion ShoiiV Approximately 200 members of Aggie Wives Clubs will attend the style show Monday sponsored by the Electrical Engineering Wives Letters (Continued from Page 2) under many officers, but I can’t recall ever hearing one make such a foolish statement. A good officer doesn’t have to say a word to command the respect of his men, he would never lower his station to the point of being laughed at by his troops. Most of the officers I refer to probably have more time in combat than some ROTC instructors have in the chow-line. I realize you care little for what Joe Delatte, I, and other second- rate Aggies think, but I’m telling you anyway, you can take my place in your Air Force ROTC and A. M. Hoffpauir ’59 Club in conjunction with Lester’s Smart Shop of Bryan. Scheduled for 8 p.m. on the sec ond floor of the YMCA, the pro gram will feature fashions for the working woman, formal and in formal wear, maternity styles and children clothes. Wives from 18 clubs will model clothes in rooms recorated in a fall motif. The show is open only to mem bers of Aggie Wives Clubs who were extended the invitation thru the Aggie Wives Council. Models and the clubs they rep resent are listed: Jean Cunning ham, Electrical Engineers; J’nene Morgan, Electrical Engineers; Bon nie Douglas, Aggie Wives Bridge; Beverly Noack, Architects; Narcis Arledge, Petroleum Engineers; Marge Stubbleman, Electrical En gineers; Janice Jordan, Aeronauti cal Engineers. Sally Darris, Range and Fores try; Nola Campbell, Chemical En gineers; Peggy Finch, Dames; Marsalu Delaney, Agriculture Ed ucation; Sandy Hegler, Electrical Engineers; Nancy Graham, Veter- inaiy Medicine; Ann Condray, Dames; Margaret Brown, Business Administration; Marene Edwards, Wild Life; and Katy Brain. Additional models will be listed in tomorrow’s Battalion. Children modeling fashions for youngsters are Marsha Gaddy, Willie Robson, Donna Morgan, Dennis Johnson, Burch Clayton Valerie Mills, Becky Zuckero, and Betty Hoffman. Bang-up Salesman KALAMAZOO, Mich. VP)—Police went ahunting for a small boy with a fast line of talk who sold a stick of dynamite as a highway flare. The man who bought the stick didn’t notice until he got home that it was clearly marked as dynamite. Officers said the youngster ap parently stole the explosive from a construction job. u-ffta/uA,... /.lets mot tie-up tlie party line! 7\ Space your calls so that everyone can use the ’phone conveniently. •X- Replace the receiver gently when you find 1,3 line in use. Release the ’phone cheerfully when your party line neighbor has an emergency. ^^ctuoriled By Battalion Society Editor SEAFOOD-CORN BREAD CASSEROLE Topping: Filling: 3 cans tomato soup IVs cups cleaned shrimp (fresh, frozen or canned) x /2 cup chopped green pepper Vi cup chopped onion % t. dry mustard % cup Quaker or Aunt Jemima Corn Meal 194 cups sifted flour 3 t. baking powder 94 t. salt V2 cup shortening 94 cup milk For filling, combine all ingredients; place in 6 individual casseroles or one 2-quart casserole. Place in hot oven (425 degrees) while mak ing topping - . For topping, sift together dry ingredients. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add milk, mix lightly only until dry ingredients are dampened. (Add more milk if needed to make a soft dough.) Turn out on lightly floured board; knead gently a few seconds. Roll out to ^-inch thickness. Cut in 6 circles,, shape edges as desired. Take casseroles from oven. Place topping on each; return to oven and continue baking 20 to 25 minutes. Makes 6 individual cas seroles. COCOA DROP COOKIES % cup soft shortening (part The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, October 11 1956 PAGE 5 mmmm ' •• . SIP' MfiSlife f butter) 1 cup sugar 1 egg- 94 cup buttermilk or sour milk 1 t. vanilla 194 cups sifted Gold Medal flour Vz t. soda V2 t. salt Vz cup cocoa 1 cup chopped nuts s :V5g|Ly ft AGGIES ATTEND WORLD SERIES via television in the Memorial Student Center as the Yankees downed the Dod gers 9-0 yesterday. Students watching are (left to right) Fred W. McDonald and Richard A. Chapman. R. A. Stite- ler and Ed Malone also watching at the time had to be left out of the picture because of lack of space. Mix shortening, sugar, egg thoroughly. Stir in buttermilk and vanilla. Sift dry ingredients together and stir in. Stir in nuts. Chill 1 hour. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Drop rounded teaspoonfuls dough about 2 inches apart on greased baking sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, until set. - Frost cooled cookies with Bi'owned Buttei - Icing. Makes about ‘3Vz dozen. BROWNED BUTTER ICING VL cup butter 2 T. cream 2 cups sifted confectioners 1 t. vanilla sugar Melt butter and keep over low heat until golden brown. Blend in sugar. Stir in cream and vanilla. FRENCH MEAT PIE 2 T. shortening V2 t. sage 2 T. chopped onion 1 t. salt 1 lb. ground beef 94 t. pepper 1 lb. sausage meat 1 cup mashed potatoes Prepare your favorite pastry dough or mix. Roll out half and line 10-inch pie pan. Place above ingredients in a large skillet. Stir well. Cook over medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring with a fork until lightly browned. Drain off fat. Stir in mashed potatoes. Fill pie shell with meat mixture. Top w r ith pastry. Cut slits for steam to es cape. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees) for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to moderate (350 degrees) and continue baking for 1 hour, or until evenly browned. BAKED APPLES 94 cup sugar 1 cup water 6 apples (Red Delicious or 1 cup water Rome Beauties) Boil 2 minutes and add 94 cup sugar and 1 cup water. Core 6 apples and pare the upper halves. Place in baking dish. Pour the syrup around apples. Bake until soft, basting occasionally with the syrup. Center cavity may be filled with chopped figs, almonds or orange marmalade, or cut-up dates and nuts. Serve warm or cold. Oven should be 350 degrees. Apples should bake 45 minutes to 1 hour. Diet Failure SAN DIEGO, CALIF. VP) _ A navy wife whose letters told of the success of her reducing diet got back this demand from her husband serving in the Far East: “Just what are your measure ments these days anyhow?” Know ing that her husband wouldn’t be home for six months, she gave an optimistic reply. Back came three tailored silk dresses—all hopelessly small for her. NO MATTER WHAT SIZE TYPE YOU WANT THE 1957 UNDERWOOD “DELUXE” PORTABLE Offers YOU Over 700 Different Styles and Sizes See ROBERT L. DAVIS ’50 DAVIS OFFICE EQUIPMENT North Gate LEGAL HOLIDAY Friday, October 12, 1956 being a Legal Holiday, in observance of Columbus Day, the undersigned will observe that date as a Legal Holiday and not be open for business. First National Bank City National Bank First State Bank & Trust Co. College Station State Bank Bryan Building and Loan Ass’n. LISTEN DAILY (Except Sunday) to KORA at 11:55 A.M. ^J-Jear THE WRITE-IN CANDIDATE "> j W. LEE O'DANIEL FOR GROCERIES (Pol. Adv. Paid for by W. Lee O'Daniel) LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp DON'T BE NERVUSS//- TRIS WILL APPEAL TO EV'RY MAN, WOMAN, AN' BEAST IN [T AMERICA//'- CAMPBELL'S—YOUR CHOICE SOUPS . . . . can 15c STAR KIST BLUE LABEL SOLID PACK TUNA can 33c ARMOUR S STAR—16-OZ. CAN CHILI WITH BEANS B m 25c ARMOUR'S STAR—4-OZ. CAN VIENNA SAUSAGE . 3 cans 50c ARMOUR'S STAR TREET .... 12-oz . can 39c VAN CAMP'S—NO. 2 CANS PORK & BEANS . . 2 cans 35c DUNCAN'S ADMIRATION COFFEE . . . 1-lb. bag 93c P O G O HO HO " J 1 CANT ^ MAK YOU' 1 CANT HEAR YOU lU REPEAT the &ecm . >&C/Ujy£4e ) iWNl! By Walt Kelly WHAT'5 YOU TWO f WCULP YOU WE U6 VIOLATE A CQHEIPEHCjr? YcAH- ITS A , stem? PICTSWEET FROZEN FOOD BABY LIMAS, FORDHOOK LIMAS, CUT GREEN BEANS, BROCCOLI SPEARS, BABY WHOLE OKRA . . . pkg. 27c PRODUCE FYTRA FANPY WINESAP APPLES . . 2 lbs. 25c CALIFORNIA CELERY . stalk 9c YELLOW SKIN ONIONS . lb. 5c 490 SIZE SUNKIST LEMONS . . doz. 20c FRESH SMALL WHITE INFERTILE EGGS doz. 29c GROCERIES LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE . LIBBY'S—NO. 2i/ 2 CAN SLICED PEACHES DIAMOND BRAND—303 CANS HOMINY ... 46-oz. can 29c can 30c . 3 cans 25c DELMONTE—MARY WASHINGTON ALL-GREEN ASPARAGUS SPEARS KIMBELL’S—303 CANS PITTED PIE CHERRIES . 3-POUND CAN CRISCO KIMBELL’S—303 CANS SMALL GREEN LIMAS . MARKET ARMOUR'S STAR WEINERS .... WISCONSIN DAISEY CHEESE .... ARMOUR'S SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT . PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS ROUND STEAK . . LOIN STEAK . . . PORTER HOUSE STEAK MEATY SHORT RIBS . FRESH GROUND MEAT SQUARE CUT SHOULDER ROAST . can 49c 2 cans 45c . . 89c 2 cans 35c . lb. 45c . lb. 59c . lb. 39c . lb. 65c . lb. 65c lb. 39c lb. 25c lb. 30c lb. 39c CHARLIE'S FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — COLLEGE STATION SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY AFTERNOON—FRI. & SAT.—OCT. 11-12-13