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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1956)
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Thursday, October 11, 1956 RECORD-BREAKING SWIMMERS — The above four men make up the 400 foot relay team of B Engineers that set a new Intramural Record with their swim last night in Downs Natatorium. (left to right) Team members are: C. C. Barcus, J. G. McCoy, G. L. King, G. D. Frese. Time was 1:09.8. Two Records Fall In ’Mural Swim By DON BISETT Intramural Writer Two records were broken and one tied as B Engineers and D Infantry tied for the class A and C swimming title and Sqdn. 21 took the class B title last night. In class A the old record fell in the 400 foot relay to the strong B Engineer team composed of C. C. Barcus, J. G. McCoy, G. L. King, and G. D. Frese, Nick Kuich of class A and representing Law Hall tied the old record in the 300 foot free style while taking down first place in that event, his time 58.6. The class B record to fall was to the man who had set it only a few days ago. Dollard of Sqdn. 15 knocked 1.8 seconds off his old time of 45.6 by swimming the 200 foot breaststroke in 43.8 seconds. The Pierce Dictation Machine should have been listed rather than the Dictaphone as shown in the Davis Office Equipment ad in Tuesday’s Battalion. (Oct. 0, 1956) RESULTS: Class A and C-D Inf. 19, B Eng. 19, Sqdn. 17, 15; Law, 14; B FA, 12; Leggitt, 10; A Comp. 16; D FA, 7; C FA, 5; Hart, 4; Sqdn. 18, 3; Walton, 3; A QMC, 3; B Inf. 3; A Ath. 2; A SIG. 2; Sqdn. 9,2; Sqdn. 1, 2. Class B- Sqdn. 21, 18; Sqdn 24, 16; A Eng. 16; A Engn. 13; Sqdn. 4, 12; C FA, 12; Maroon Band, 9; A Ath. 8; Sqdn 12, 7; D Inf. 7; Sqdn. 15, 7; Sqdn 18, 7; Puryear 7; Sqdn. 20, 6; B Engn. 3; A FA, 3; White Band, 2; B FA, 2. Enos Looks Ahead NEW YORK OP)—With 19 sea sons of baseball, plus three years in the service, behind him, 40-year-old Enos Slaughter of the New York Yankees is looking into the future. “I’ll bet all my stuff hasn’t been together in 15 years,” says Slaugh ter. “There’s some in St. Louis some in Belleville, Ill., some at my mother’s place in North Carolina and some in Kansas City.” swc Round-Up DALLAS, <A > )—Southern Metho dist’s Mustangs Wednesday work ed on the timing of their offensive plays, and drilled diligently on de fense plans designed to halt Duke’s potent split-T attack. FAYETTEVILLE, hP) — The Arkansas Razorbacks are “physi cally ready” for their clash with Baylor here Saturday, Coach Jack Mitchell said Wednesday. The Razorbacks worked today on backfield timing. They put in considerable time on pass offense and pass defense and also got in some line play assignment drill, both defensive and offensive. Mitchell scrimmaged the top units. WACO, (A 5 )—Coach Sam Boyd continued to wprk his Baylor squad mostly on offense yesterday as he directed the Bears through a two- hour work-out with very little con tact scrimmage. “One of these days I’ll build a place in North Carolina on the farm I own and put all my stuff there.” BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day .... 3?) per word per word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Rent Nice clean three room furnished apartment just off A&M campus in College Hills. Available Nov. 4. $42.50. See at 203 Kyle near light on Houston highway. 172tl4 Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf Found Man’s wrist watch at Kyle Field Saturday. Owner may get watch by identifying and paying for ad Write Bill Briscoe, Route 2, Rich mond, Texas. 164tfn Pets For Sale Beautiful Detroit Jewel Gas Range. 4 burner grill top. Lighted chrome oven, clock control. VI- 6-4045. 172t2 Help Wanted Part-time experienced grocery workers. No Sunday work. FOOD TOWN, 516 North Main St., Bryan. 156tfn Hey Aggie! Dress up your room with a lovely aquarium of tropical fish and have hours of entertain ment. We’ve got what it takes. GILKEY’S PET SHOP, 1901 S. College, Bryan. 170t4 One new set of Wilson Golf Clubs (Sam Snead). Irons 2-9, woods 1-2-3. Contact A/2C Rut ledge, Bryan AFB, ext. 540 be tween 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 172t2 Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m, •— 3 p.m. Apply in person West ern Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf The A&M Consolidated Indepen dent School District of College Station will receive sealed bids for (1) only 1947 Dodge School Bus of 36 passenger capacity. Bids will be received in the office of Superintendent L. S. Richardson until 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19, 1956. The successful bidder must make payment by cash, certified check or money order. An amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the bid must be included in each as a per formance bond. Bid forms may be secured in the Superintendent’s office any week day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The A&M Consolidated Indepen dent School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. S/L. S. Richardson, Superintendent A&M CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS 171tfn 1953 Plymouth. Clean. Con sider trade. VI 6-6514 or TA- 3-2020. 171t4 10% off on Sherwin-Williams outside house paint, Super Kem- Tone-—the Deluxe Wall Paint—and Kem-Glo — the Miracle Lustre Enamel — for woodwork. COX LUMBER COMPANY, 2705 South College Avenue, Bryan. 170t4 For paints, sign materials, shelv ing and building products of all types, see the MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY, 4 blocks south of Kyle Field. Old Highway 6. Phone VI 6-5711. 161tfn Work Wanted Neat accurate typist desires typ ing in my home. Own electric type writer. VI 6-5805. 142tf Special Notice Wanted VISIT . . . COULTER FIELD in Bryan Highway 21 East • AIRPLANE RENTAL • FLIGHT INSTRUCTION • RIDES TA 2-9400 SUL ROSS LODGE, NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. College Station, Texas Stated meeting Thursday, Oct. 11, 7 p.m. Members and visiting brethren wel come. L. P. Dulaney, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Secy. 171tl Day and night nursery. Two blocks from North Gate. Reason able rates. Expert care. 416 Tau ber. VI 6-4430. 162tfn FLING’S BEAUTY SHOP, 1522 Boone, Bryan. TA 2-4390. Cold waves this month—Go Gay $6.50— Angel Wave $7.50. Shampoo, set, and creme rinse $1.00. Haircut $1.00. 171t3 IBM representatives will conduct a group meeting Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m. in Room 3D of MSC, for students interested in employment oppor tunities with IBM. “Direct Line to Decision”, a movie illustrating the commercial utilization of so-called “giant brains” will be shown. 169t4 Choir director for local church. If interested call VI 6-5571. 172t3 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Offlct of Student Publications (Ground Flooi Y'MCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dailj Monday through Friday) at or before tht, deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. IDENTIFICATION CARDS. Identifica tion cards which were made in conjunction with registration on Sept. 14, 15, for cur rent semester are now ready for distribu tion at the College Exchange Store. They should be claimed in person immediately. H. L. Haton 17215 Director of Admissions and Registrar In order that proper scholarship awards in Dairy Science for this year may be made to the sophomoes, any sophomore planning to major in Dairy Science and who has not already made out a course plan wdth the Head of the Dairy Science Department will please report to room 213 Agricultural Building prior to Oct. 13 and leave their names with the secretary. 171t3 A. L. Darnell DAIRY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT In order that proper Borden Scholarship award in Dairy Science of the School of Agriculture for this year may be made to any Senior students in the School of Ag riculture who has had two or more courses in Dairy Science, we request that such students report to room 213 Agriculture Building and leave their names with the secretary prior to Oct. 13. A. L. Darnell 17113 DAIRY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS! All day nursery, with supervised play. Fenced yard. Close to campus. Transportation furnished from College View. I have nurses’s training and my helper has nur sery school experience. Call VI- 6-4142 for appointment. 168tfn Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree at the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. Nov. 1 is the deadline for filing an appli cation for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton, Registrar A&M MENS SHOP 103 MAIN NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN, TEXAS PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 8. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA S-1841 BBT AN MILLER’S FEATURES THE BEST FOODS FOR PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE AGGIES . . . AND MILLERS NEVER SHUNS THE FOOD NEEDS OF PRESENT AND FUTURE HOUSEWIVES . . . EVERY AGE . . . LIKES THE GOODNESS AND FRESHNESS OF MIL LER’S BETTER FOODS! GROCERIES VALVITA SLICED Peaches No. 2 i/o Cans 2 cans 49 c GLADIOLA Biscuits 2 cans 15 c MAYFIELD’S Eggs Budget Buy — Large doz. 39c LILLY, SANITARY OR CARNATION Meliorine Half Gal. 49c HIXSON’S Coffee Extra Rich lb. can 75 c DECKER’S Oleo 2 lbs. 33« SCOTT Tissue White or Colored roll 10c BITS-’O-SEA Tuna Flat Can 17c UNCLE WILLIAMS Pork & Beans 300 Cans 2 cans 15 c PRATTLOW SPICED Peaches No. 214 Can 23' MARKET Armour’s Star—Lean, Meaty, Tender PICNICS . . . . Ib. 27" Lean, Tender VEAL ROAST ... lb. 27" Lean VEAL CHOPS . . . Ib. 49" Southern Brand—Pure Pork SAUSAGE ... lb. 29c Armour’s Sliced—Columbia BACON . . . lb. 39" Idaho Russett POTATOES .. .10 lb. bag 39" Valley Juice ORANGES.....5 lbs. 35 c Winesap APPLES ..... lb. 10c Banana Yellow SQUASH lb. 5" FROZEN FOODS Grasso—10 Oz. Pkg.—Frozen BREADED SHRIMP ... 39c Libby’s—6 Oz. Cans—Frozen ORANGE JUICE ,. 2 cans 25c — Libby’s Frozen — VEGETABLES PEAS — BUTTER BEANS — CUT CORN SPINACH — CHOPPED BROCCOLI 4-10 oz. pkgs. 59 c GROCERIES NABISCO PREMIUM Crackers I Lb. Box 25« PLANTER’S COCKTAIL Peanuts 7 *4 Oz. Can 35" ADOLPHUS Rice Long Grain—2 Lb. Box 25" BAMA Apple Jelly 12 Oz. Tumblers 2 for 27" CLOROX Bleach Half Gal. 29" LE GRANDE Green Beans Cut—303 Cans 2 cans 19 c STANDARD Tomatoes 303 Can 10c DEL MONTE Spinach 303 Cans 2 cans 25 c ROSEDALE Corn Vacuum Pack — Whole Kernel, 12 oz. Can 10c MILLER'S SUPER MARKET Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday—7 a.m. to 9 p.m. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY — OCTOBER 11TH — 12TH — 13TH