Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1956)
I PAGE 6 Thursday, October 4, 1956 The Battalion .... Collage Station (Brazos County), Texas Jim Manley Baptist Aggies Attend BSU State Meet Jim Manley, promotional di rector of the A&M Baptist Student Union Executive Council and Corps Scholastic Officer, will serve as a stu dent panel member in the Satur day morning. session of the state BSU Convention. Approximately 3,000 students from the state’s colleges and uni versities are expected to gather at Gaston Avenue Church in Dallas, October 5-7 for the annual conven tion sponsored by the student de partment of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, Director W. F. Howard said. Dr. Theodore Adams, president of the Baptist Alliance and pastor of the First Church in Richmond, Va., will be, one of the main speak ers. Others include Dr. Baker James Cauthen, executive secretary | of the Foreign Mission Board; | Dr. Chester Swor, lecturer and author; Dr. Colbert Rutenber, pro fessor of leligion at Eastern Sem inary in Philadelphia, Pa.; Wil liam Hall Preston, association of the SBC Student Department; Dr. Herbert Howard, pastor of Park Cities Church, Dallas; and Pren tice Chunn, pastor of First Church in San Marcos. Theme, Special Music Theme of the convention will be “Christ, the Lord—My Lord!” A&M students participating in the program are Manley and Dub Bailey. Bailey, president of the A&M BSU Executive Council, will be convener of the Saturday after noon session. The 100-voice state BSU choir, directed by John Preston of Baylor University, the Baylor Dental Col lege chorus, directed by Gale Dunn of Gaston Avenue Church, and so loist, David Taylor will present special music. Don Dixon and Ben Trotter are Aggies in the state choir. Presentation of summer mission work done by Texas students in other lands, Christian home empha sis, testimonies from mission vol unteers, and a “student-to-student” campus sharing session will be among other features of the pro gram. Registration for the convention sessions begins Friday at 10 a.m. Sessions start at 7 p.m. Friday and will end before the morning wor ship sei’vice on Sunday. Social Whirl An informal coke party is set for Thursday at 7:30 p. m. for members and newcomers of the Animal Husbandry Wives Club. It will be in the YMCA. Extension Service Club will have a tea to open their fall activities. The social is scheduled for the MSC Assembly Room today from 3 to 5 p. m. * Jjt All Aggie wives are invited to the Aggie Wives Circle, a Chidstian group, which meets Monday, 7:30 p. m. at the Wesley Foundation. The Rev. and Mrs. Monk will lead the inspiring program. Refreshments will be served. He * * Areo Wives Club will meet Thursday night at 7:30 in the Aero Lounge. Wives of Aero Engineer students are invited. H« H« He Aggie Wives Bridge Club meets tonight in the MSC beginning at An infonnal coke party is slated r tonight at 7:30 in the YMCA r Animal Husbandry Wives Club. Specials for THUR.—FRI.—SAT.—OCT. 4-5-G For 17 years we of the Orr’s Organization have had the pleasure of serving the many fine families in Bryan and the surrounding Area. Our constant aim is to continually bring you the lowest possible prices and yet offer for sale only the highest quality. Undoubtedly we have to a great extent been successful for your continued patronage throughout the years has offered us the privilege of a tremendous growth. We offer to. yoir as a token of our THANKS a wonderful array of values this week end. REGISTER AT EITHER ORR’S Super Market FREE! $5000.00 In Valuable Prizes 8 MAJOR PRIZES GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK BE SURE TO REGISTER EACH WEEK. You do not FOR THREE WEEKS. (A total of 24 prizes in all) bavo to purchase or be present to win. f IlfiTinn nikirer ' CNoUonally known thru your friondfy 6 WIZARD RANGES Western Auto Stores) t WIZARD WASHING MACHINES Western Auto Stores) i 21-INCH TRUE TONE TV SETS Western Auto Stores) A WIZARD IMPERIAL VACUUM CLEANERS friendly Western Tuto Stores! THESE PRIZES GIVEN BY ORR’S SUPER MARKETS and all the MINIMAX STORES OF HOUSTON. me noweR of flours LILLY TRIM MELLORINE PASCO FROZEN ORANGE .JUICE 6-Oz. Cans 2 cans 25c 4-Fishermen Brand—16-Oz. OCEAN PERCH . . . Shaving Cream—Colgate's k,w 39c Rapid Shave ... iS?b «9c Tooth Paste CREST .tube Soft, Fragrant Shampog I ustre Creme ...’“iT 79e Razor Blades Eversharp Schlck-Injector rkg. eg, ofSB's HALF GALLON SQUARE CARTON AH Flavors 39c SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING PURE CANE SUGAR . . . . . 33c 3 lb. can 79c 5 lb. bag 45c BLUE RIBBON Long Grain RICE 2 box SAVE«£ NYLON HOSE VALUES .. MINIMAX 60-15 Sheer Brand ... Self Seam and Meet NYLON HOSE 79c 60-15 Sheer Brand STRETCH NYLONS 89c Mountain Grown LB. Tin 97c Del Monte 303 FOLGER’S COFFEE GOLDEN CORN 2c,n S CUT GREEN BEANS 2 ( “ 39c SPINACH Del Monte 2 Cans 25c FRUIT COCKTAIL Del Monte 2 Cans 49C ORR’S GOLD SEAL ROAST Gold Seal—VEAL SHOULDER STEAKS lb. 29c Gold Seal VEAL RIB CHOPS lb. 39c Always Fresh HAMBURGER . lb. 27c - 3 lbs. 79c VEAL SHOULDER — LB. Gold Seal—VEAL ROUND STEAK Gold Seal—VEAL LOIN STEAK Gold Seal—VEAL T-BONE STEAK 4 lb. 59c lb. 49c lb. 65c VEAL PIKES PEAK or RUMP ARMSTRONG’S BRISKET 19c ROAST 59c FRANKS 33c POVND . . . ^ POUND . . . ^ POUND . . . CALIF. SUNKIST ORANGES 12 for YELLOW ONIONS POUND LONG WHITE POTATOES - 10 SrOC/dTO/V 12.01.BOTTLE ^ F M I CATSUP tTQ * TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS * SUPER il;i; MARKETS 20Q E. 24 th ST. a BEST IN BRYAN