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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1956)
\ The Battalion Number 167 : Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, Wednesday, October 3, 1956 Price Five Cents Demonstration Pickets Parade In Front of Shamrock Hotel AH Dept. Staff Busy Judging Various Shows Members of the Animal Husbandry Department have been “on the go” during the past month with nine staffers scheduled to judge various shows and fairs over the state and South America. John Rigg's served as judge for the Schulenberg Fair during Sep tember and judging the Heart O’ Texas Fair today. Tomorrow he will travel to Tulsa, Okla., where he will pudge Santa Gertrudis Breed ing Show. Next on Riggs’ agenda will be the Santa Gertnidis Breed ing Cattle at Meadellin, Colombia, South America, Oct. 8 through Oct. 34. He will return to the states for the Junior Steer Show at Beau mont Oct. 38. A&M Sorensen judged the Beef Cattle Show at New Braunfels last week and will judge the junior calf and pig show at Caldwell Oct. 25. Oct. 10 the annual county fair at Angleton will be judged by John ny Jones and Bill Thomas. The fol lowing day Jones will judge the swine show at Nacogdoches. J. M. Gossett and T. D. Watkins will judge the Brazos County Fair Bet. 11 and F. I. Dahlberg will judge the county show at Brenham. Dr. J. C. Miller, recently named Dean of Agricultures at A&M will judge the Beef Breeding Show for the Angus Divisioii at the Heart O’ Texas Fair in Waco tomorrow. Observatory Open Thursday Night For those students interested in observing astronomical sights and Mars in ‘particular, the Physics Departments’ observatory will be open Thursday night from 7:30 un til 9:30, announced J. G. Potter, head of the department. Astronomy club representatives will be on hand to aid novices in operating the colleg’e 12-inch re flecting telescope which is located on top of the Physics Building. Those students interested ai-e asked to assemble at the south en trance of the building, said Dr. Potter. White Council Members Protest Gov. Frank Clement HOUSTON—(AP)—About 25 “demonstration pickets” pa- I’aded in front of the Shamrock Hotel last night as Tennessee Gov. Frank Clement spoke at a testimonial dinner. No incidents developed. The pickets included members of the White Citizens Council of Greater Houston but most of them said they were not members of the Council but were sympathetic to its anti integration program. Clement told reporters he does not object to anybody expi-essing themselves, including White Citizens Council pickets, so long as they conduct themselves in a lawful man ner. Officials of the Council an- - *" nounced plans for the pickets last week, saying the demon stration would protest Clem ent’s recent action in ordering out National Guard troops during the school integration disorders at Clinton, Tenn. One picket identified himself as J. A. Curry, 46, Mansfield, a North Texas community which had inte gration troubles last month. Curry cai'ried several placards. Two of them read: “Mansfield endorses Shivers for any office” and “Mans field casts her white votes for John Ben Shepperd.” Curry said he drove to Houston after reading a newspaper an nouncement of the Council’s picket plans. A woman in a long r.ed dress and red bandana carried a sign which had attached to it two imita tion roses. The sign said: “Roses for Governor Shivers. For Clem ent, skunk oil.” “It is obvious that those who would picket my speech as a re sult of my action at Clinton either misunderstood the facts or ai’e against law and order,” Clement said. Of his state’s 95 counties, he said, only one has been m-dei-ed to admit Negro students to white schools. “You have more integration in Texas than we have,” he said. The National Guard was not called out, he said, until local of ficials certified to him that there had been a complete breakdown of law and order. Clement spoke at a dinner honor ing Dr. Marcus Levinson of Hous ton for his work in behalf of the state of Israel and Zionism. BULLETIN There will be no hot water in the dormitories Thursday and Friday because of a malfunction at the power plant, Harry Boyer, Chief of Housing, said today. All School Bible Study Organized Approximately 70 student Bible study leaders met la'st night to organize a school wide plan of conducting Bible study in the dormitories. The leaders are working on a coordinated plan to enable them to conduct, as close as possible, the same general topic from the Bible all over the school at. the same time. “Our goal is pointed toward a Bible study pi-ogi-am in every unit in the Coi-ps and two in each civilian dorm,” said Corps Chaplain Dwayne Bailey. “Attendance tonight indicated practically every unit in the Corps was represented together with about 15 civilian students present to help launch the civilian side of the program,” Bailey said. Arthur Smith, professor of Bible Chair, Baptist Student Union, spoke at the meeting. Next sched uled meeting is the first Tuesday in November. Car Returns Six Months After Loan DALLAS, <A>>—On Feb. 22 —George Washington’s Birth day—a man priced a swank, red-and white hardtop auto and a trusting salesman let him drive it around the block. For six months the dealer, police and officers in 47 other states could find no trace of the car. Early today the mo tor company’s owner, J. A. Treadway had a phone call. “Don’t bother about who is talking,” directed a man’s voice. “You remember losing that car in February — well, it’s back.” Treadway found the “tired” looking car parked near his office. It bore evidence of about 12,000 hard miles of motoring—and had been wiped clean of clues. MRS. BARDIN NELSON President of the Campus Study Club, Mrs. Bardin Nel son was welcoming hostess for the club’s opening tea and art exhibit held in the MSC yesterday. Pictures displayed were painted by Club members. Cards Needed For Aggielands Records in the Office of Student Publications show that at least 2,000 students have failed to turn in their “Publications” cards which they I'eceived at i-egistration. These cards include the ones for The Aggieland, The Battalion and the magazine of the school in which student is enrolled. The Aggieland cards are needed so students will be able to get their Aggieland next Fall without hav ing to get a duplicate fee slip from the Registrar’s Office. These duplicates cost 25c each. Battalion and magazine cards are needed for student’s addresses. The Battalion is mailed to stu dents living off campus if the activity fee is paid and all maga zines are mailed whether the stu dent lives on or off the campus. The cards may be dropped in the mail addressed to the Office of Student Publications or handed in at the reception window in Room 4 of the YMCA. W. E. Briles New President Of Kiwanians Dr. W. E. Briles was elected pi'esident of the College Sta tion Kiwanis Club for 1957 in elections held at the weekly luncheon yesterday in the Memorial Student Center. Other officers elected include J. B. Longley, first vice-president; Bob Shrode, second vice-president; and Curtis Godfrey, Howard Gravett, Isaac Peters, Roy Wingren and D. A. Anderson, directors. Anderson was picked to fill one year of the unexpired term of Bob Longshore, who resigned. Directors replaced after their two-year term were Bill Hensel, Bill Krueger, Dial Martin and Bob McCarty. Directors with two more years to serve are Bardin Nelson, Taylor Riedel and Maj Charles Taylor. Jim Bower, editor of The Bat talion and D. D. Bm-chard, head of the A&M Journalism Department spoke to the club on “The Truth Shall Make You Free” in observ ance of National Newspaper Week. Also present were Mrs. D. D. Burchard, staff writer for the Bry an Eagle and Chai’les Carder, sports writer for the Bryan paper. Four members of the club will attend the annual Texas —Okla homa District Kiwanis Convention to be held Oct. 34-36 in Corpus Christi. Those making the trip will include Dr. Charles LaMotte, presi dent; Dr. Briles, president-elect; and K. A. Manning, secretary. Circle K Club committee chair man Sid Loveless has announced that the Circle K Club will hold its first meeting of the year in the M. S. C. this week. Guests at the meeting included Dr. M. L. Scott, Ithaca, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Monk, Bryan; and Bob Hope, College Station. * ™,MK ■ FIRST LOG FOR THE ’56 BONFIRE—guarding the log, belonging to A QMC, located by Doiunitory 8 are Fish Kenneth King, Fish Robei't Jackson, Fish Hai-old Henk. The log is chained in place for security. One Run-off Needed Former Student Is Rice Advisor Dr. Guy Johnson, ’43, professor of mathematics at Rice Institute in Houston, has been promoted to the post of advisor to men at the school. Dr. Johnson received his bache lor of science degree in 1943 and his master of science in mathemat ics in 1952, both from A&M. He has served the Rice faculty for the past two years in the position of instructor and professor. Election Results Complete For Civilian Representation Results of the preliminary elec tions held in the Civilian Areas for ramp, row and floor representa tives have been completed with one run - off scheduled today for Puryear Hall. The run - off will be between Ernesto L. DeLeon and Fred Beck er for ramp 8 and 9 representative. John Avant won the initial election, but was elected as a Junior Class repi’esentative to the Civilian Stu dent Council, so he dropped his name for the ramp representative. Housemasters and the various representatives are scheduled to meet today to select one represen- tive from each dormitory, one from the Day Students, one from Project Houses and two from College View to be members of the Council. Complete results of the elections are as follows: Leggett Hall 1st floor—Thomas F. Hubert— 15; Oscar Lozano—4. 2nd floor—Billy L. Clark—20; Francis J. Kanewske—19. CHS Chooses Class Officers And Council Howard Mitchell, Bruce Thompson, Pamela Sperry, Anita Hammer and Linda Clark, freshmen. Maurice Olian was elected presi dent of the student council by the entire student body and the re maining council officers were chosen by the group. They are Steadman Davis, vice president; Jeanette Vance, secre tary; Jo Anne Walker, correspond ing secretai'y; Donald Patton, treasurer; Rosanne Phillips, re porter and Deanne Skrivanek, par liamentarian. Class officei’S have been elected at A&M Consolidated High School, according to Rosanne Phillips, stu dent council publicity chairman. Senior class officers are Charles Delaplane, president; Donald Pat ton, vice president; Lucy Rogers, secretary; and John Harrington, treasurer. Junior class officer’s ai’e Jim Johnston, president; Johnny Turn er, vice president; Roxanne Murphrey, secretary; and Mary Margai’et Heirth, treasurer. Heading the sophomore class is Jeanelle LaMotte, president; Billy Dean Letbettter, vice president; Susan Dowell, secretary; and George Carroll, treasurer. Leader’s for the freshmen are Dee Smith, president; Marilyn McElroy, vice president; and Anita Mowe ry, sec ret ary-trea sure r. Student Council representatives, a boy and girl elected from each homeroom, include Deanne Skri vanek, Rosanne Phillips, Jimmy Murphrey, Jo Anne Walker, Larry J meeting when a motion was made Leighton and Donald Patton, seniors, and Millie Caughlin, David McNeely, Bill Armistead, Jeanette Vance, Steadman Davis and Sue Ellen Mowery, juniors. Beatrice Luther, Mary Varvel, Susan Dowell, Jimmy Walton, Pete Rodriguez and George Carroll, sophomores, and Mike Denison, -Leniel Harbors—17; -7; William P. Kelly 3 r'd floor- Roy Rankin- 7. 4th floor—Prentice Milam-—13; Rueben M. Rocha—10; Bennet—8. Milner Hall 1st floor —Dan Durham — 11; George F. Loquette—3. 2nd floor- — Jack Banta — 20; Partick H. Sumbra—9. 3rd floor — John LaCroix — 15; Billy B. Dunn—12. 4th floor — A1 Kirst — 24; A1 Abdullah — 6. Bizzell Hall 2&3 East — Norman Guilloud— 20; Bernard Smith—3. 2&3 West—No Candidate 1&4 East and West—No Candi date Dorm 3 6 1st floor - —Harold Harris—19. IAS Sees Film, Hears Speech A program including movies, ad dresses and business entertained the student members of the Insti tute of Aer-onautical Science last week. A moment of humor invaded the to extend to all freshmen member’s sophomore priviledges at all club functions. A not-so-timed fish im mediately seconded the motion and it passed, almost unaimously. Future meetings will be held twice a month and will feature techrnical movies and guest speak ers from the aircraft industry. CS Lions Club Welcomes Member The College Station Lions Club welcomed a new member and saw a film at their regular weekly lunch eon meeting in the Memorial Stu dent Center Monday. Presented for the program at the meeting was a film sponsored by the American Cancer Society en titled “Warning Shadow”. The film pointed out the need of regular- chest X-rays to detect cancer in time to attempt a cure. A night meeting with members bringing their wives was tentative ly set for Monday night, Oct. 22. The affair is to include and in formal dance after a meal, the planning committee said. President L. C. Grumbles intro duced a new member and four- guests. Joining the club was the Rev. Ed Svendson pastor of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. Guests were Jack Perry and G. H. Alani of College Station, Dr. Conrad Vernon of Longview and Dr. Joseph B. Davis of Amarillo. 2nd floor—J. W. Renfro — 30; Melton Goldman — 13. 3rd floor—Dwight Brown—16; Roger Jackson -— 12. 4th floor—William Short—28. Walton Hall H&I ramp—Charles Saxe — 28; Varril Redman—15. J&K Ramp—Darrell Brown—26. F&G Ramp—Charles F. Bailey 27. Class representatives on the Council and their votes ar-e as follow: Grad, 5th & 6th Year Charles D. Pickle—65; Richard P. Crawfword—117. Senior Class Sam B. Zukero—118; Richard Talley—55; Varril Redman — 51; John Pipes—47; William Short— 30. Junior Class John Avant — 97; Wam-en E. Roserets—60; Harvey E. Pearecy 56; R. Kilpatrick—1. Sophomore Class Heuxy Williams —■ 152; Don Bunker—1; A. Sides—1. Chemical Society To Hear Sherrick - Paul H. Sherrick, technical di rector of E. H. Sargent & Co., will address the A&M American Chem ical Society Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in the Chemistry Building lecture room. Sherrick’s topic will be “Analy tical Electrodeposition.” An informal dinner for Sherrick and society members and their wives at 6:15 p.m. Thursday in the Memorial Student Center.- Weather Today Second Installment Fees Payable Now Second installment fees are payable at the Fiscal Office in the College Adminstration Building until Oct. 19. After that date a penalty will be charged. Total fees payable at this time include the following: board until Nov. 20—$43.20; Room rent until Nov. 20— $33.35; Laundry until Nov. 20—$3.45; total for second in stallment $60. Thunder showers after 3 p. m. are forecast for today. Tempera ture at 10:30 a. m. was 84 degrees. High yesterday was 93 degrees and low was 70 degrees.