Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1956)
The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County). Texas Thursday, August 23, 1956 Jobs, Money Available for Students Thru Service of Loan, Labor Office PLACEMENT OFFICE—Home of Student Employment and Loans and the Placement Office located on the corner of Lubbock and Coke Streets across from Music Had. W. R. Horsley directs Placement Office programs and Col. E. F. Sauer directs Student Employ ment and Loan operations. Student Publications Include Newspaper, Four Magazines As a first semester freshman your daily life will be one of many different activities, but for those who enjoy working: on newspapers, magazines or your school annual you will be interested to know that A&M has five student publications. Included among the student- written “epistles” the THE BAT TALION the daily paper serving both the campus and the city of College Station. THE AGGIELAND is our annual and four magazines are published w'hich include THE AGIvICULTUHIST, THE COM MENTATOR, THE ENGINEER and THE SOUTHWESTERN VET ERINARIAN. THE BATTALION is published four times a week during the fall and spring semesters and once a week during summer classes. It has a circulation of 7,500 during long semesters and its staff is made up entirely of students who woi’k on the paper of their own free wdll. You do not have to be a journalism major to work on THE BATT-as it is known as on the campus-or any of the other publi cations. All you have to do is make it known to the student editors you want to work and drop by the office. THE BATTALION is a member of the Associated Press and Texas Press Association. In addition to the regular papers each week sever al special editions are published during the year, this edition is one of those. During the fall a Safety Edition is published and this issue has never failed to win less than third place in a national contest. In addition to national new r s, campus, local and state coverage is given and Li’l Abner and Pogo are regular cartoon strips. Student car toonists draw for the paper also. THE AGGIELAND is published once per school year and is deliver ed soon after the fall semester be gins. This year delivery will be sometime in September. Work on the annual begins in the fall and continues until school is out in June. Each school of the college spon sors one . of the magazines. THE AGRICULTURIST is sponsored by the School of Agriculture and de votes its pages to a semi-technical work on agriculture. It is publish ed four times during the school year. THE COMMENTATOR is spon sored by the School of Arts and Sciences and it contains articles, both humorous and serious, written by students in that field. It is published four times a year. THE ENGINEER is a monthly publication sponsored by the School of Engineering. It contains techni cal writing on various subjects written by students in the field. THE SOUTHWESTERN VET ERINARIAN, sponsored by the School of Veterinai’y Medicine, is published quarterly and its articles are technical dealing with research and problems of medicine. All staffs of the publications are students and you ai’e invited ,to make yourself known to the persons in charge of each publication if you want to work on a publication. Offices for all publications ai'e on the ground floor of the YMCA. Subscriptions to all publications are included in the student activity fee and the student who pays this fee receives THE BATTALION, THE AGGIELAND and the maga zine of your school. A&M is known throughout the Southwest Conference as the “poor boys school.” This is a title that a college should be proud of instead of trying to hide. It is true that it costs less to get an education hei^e than most of our “sister” schools in Texas, and many of the students find it necessary to work at one time or another to pay either for their schooling or to cover the expenses of a Corps Trip or a date for one of the big weekends. To make it easier for students to get jobs when they need them the college operates the Office of Student Employment and Loans, which is a part of the Placement Office and is under the direction of Co. Edward F. Sauer. If you are interested in working while at A&M write the Office now for information. The address is- Office of Student Employment- Texas A&M College-College Sta tion, Texas. Get your application in fast for the jobs go quickly when the fall semester begins. College counselors will warn you of one important fact - Don’t try to work too much during your first semester at college! The adjust ment to the college routine is hard enough without trying to work eight hours a day on top of it. College officials also suggest you do not plan oij earning more than half your money while in school. Getting a college education in it self is more than a full-time job for most persons. To hold a student job, you must be in good scholastic standing and due to shortage of jobs ordinarily only those students who actually need help in getting thx-ough school are considered for positions. Student Loans The other half of the Student Labor and Loans office is devoted to handling student loans. The office does not try to help you borrow enough money to pay your way through school, but rathed this loan service is designed to help students through those “tight days” when you find your self in need of a few dollars in case of emergency. These are strictly “honor” loans and no col lateral is required-you simply walk in and tell Col Sauer how much you need, and if you wish-what for and if the money is available you will get it. The maximum amount that can be loaned is $20 for a maximum time of 30 days. Payment must be made in cash and while no interest rate is charged a small contribution is expected to offset losses and operating expenses of the office. The Loan Office has an opex - at- ing capital of $9,500. Dux-ing 1955- 56 5,800 loans were made to stu dents averaging $10 to $20. Thus, some $90,000 passed thx-ough the accounts. These loans ax-e made available by contributions fi'om former stu dents, A&M Mothei’s’ Clubs and memorial funds. The Placement Office is operated in the same building with the Loan and Labor Office. This office ope rates primarily to help graduating senioi's in finding- jobs. Last year 1,304 employei's con tacted graduating sexxiors thx-ough this office with job calls. Over 350 individxial and ground inteiwiews wex*e set up to handle this load. Clothing, Laundry No Problem at A&M Entei'ing fx-eshmen will be intei’-1 ested to know that the clothing and laundry problem at A&M is a x-elatively simple one. The student who is going to be in the Corps of Cadets will have most of his clothing issued to him. Howevex 1 , it is usually necessax-y that he buys another pair of shoes, some socks, and a pair of serge trousers. The non-x-eg or civilian stxi- dent should bring along the same type of clothing that he wears at home. He should have some sport shix-ts and pants, a suit for church and special occasions, and a pair of bluejeans that he can loaf around in. One the whole, the winter at a&M is mild, yet, thex-e are a fe-h bitteily cold days. The civilian studexxt should bring along at least a few articles of winter wear. Dux-ing fish week, the entex-ing freshman must go to the college laundx-y, where he wdll be assign ed a laundry mark and told when and where to deposit his soiled clothing. All students are able to have 23 pieces of clothing cleaned each week for 75 cents. SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR Lv. N. Zulch 10:08 a.m. Ar. Dallas . . 12:47 p.m. Lv. N. Zulch Ar. Houston 7:28 p.m. 9:15 p.m. ■ N. L. CRYAR Agent Phone 15 NORTH ZULCH READING TIME 45 SECONDS PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS OLYMPIA—Remington Office Writer—Royal— Smith-Corona and Underwood As long as you are in A & M, bx-ing your portable in. We will blow the dust and lint out with compressed air, lubricate and install a new ribbon, and only charge you for the ribbon. ENGINEERING STUDENTS The Olympia PoxTable Typewriter has a standax-d keyboard, plus two extra keys (-j- over =), (! over%; also HALF SPAC ING for writing EXPONENTS, SUBSCRIPTS, and FORMULAS. Fux-nished in 9%" and 13 // carriage. We carry a complete line of special charactei'S which is installed here in our shop while you wait. Use our Rental Purchase Plan $6.00 per month, rent applies on purchase of machine, also late model standard TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES FOR RENT. The OLYMPIA Standard Typewriter is catching on fast. L. H. ADAMS Bryan Business Machine Co. SALES — SERVICE — RENTALS — TERMS 429 South Main Street — Bryan, Texas FREE PARKING AIR CONDITIONED FRESHMAN—WELCOME ' • - , " . "■ c ZUBIK'S-The One Stop Service Center For Uniform Requirements Welcomes You Khaki Slacks $595 (Including Alterations) Khaki Shirts $4<>o-$475-$595 (We Form Fit Shirts and Sew On Patches at Small Additional Cost) -we H A v E - REGULATION CAPS, SOCKS, BELTS, TIES, SHOULDER PATCHES, ALL BRASS INSIGNIAS FRESHMAN GREEN SLACKS . . oo Tailor Made To Your Individual Measurements Right Here In Our Own Shops At College Station — One Week Delivery Required Only — You Try Them On And See How They Fit Before You Buy — GUARANTEED TO FIT CIVILIAN DEPARTMENT 'Latest Styles and Patterns in Dress Slacks and Sport Coats Western Hats by "Davis" ALTERATION DEPARTMENT We Maintain an Experienced Alteration Department for Every thing We Sell or On Your Own Personal Clothing — Bring Us Your Issue Uniform for Alterations and Patch Sewing ZUBIK'S UNIFORM TAILORS Second Generation of Tailors 105 N. Main — North Gate HDH