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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1956)
The Battalion Page 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1956 The Hardest Choice One of the hardest decisions that a senator or representative in a government—whether state, national or cqllege—has to face is where to draw the line on politics. This is the line between doing the “safe” thing and doing what actually is the individual’s heritage: an honest attempt to do right by man, to try to ameliorate man’s inhumanity to man. Our A&M Student Senate, and the individual senators, tried to do this in their decision on segregation. For taking action, The Battalion salutes them. For their decision, The Battalion pledges its wholeheart ed support. On Campus MaxShuJman (Author of "Barefoot Boy With Cheek,” etc.) ADVENTURES IN SOCIAL SCIENCE: NO. 3 Today, ranging again into the fascinating world of social science, let us take up the subject of anthropology — the study of man and his origins. The origin of man was indeed a vexing question until the Frenchman, Jean-Louis Sigafoos, discovered the skull and shin bone of Pithecanthropus Erectus in Java in 1891. (What Siga foos was doing in Java is, incidentally, quite an odd little story. Sigafoos was a Parisian born and bred. By day one could always find him at a boulevard cafe, sipping Biere de Racine and ogling the girls; each night he went to a fashionable casino where he gambled heavily at roulette and jacks; in between times he worked on his stamp collection. \\ie ttutfy of (tictti da/ Jv't flrigitfo, (Well sir, one summer Sigafoos lost his entire fortune gam bling at the casino, and he was seriously contemplating suicide when a ray of hope appeared in an unexpected quarter. It seems that Sigafoos, through the international stamp collectors jour nal, had long been in correspondence with a girl in Java, a mission-educated savage named Lotus Petal McGinnis, herself an enthusiastic stamp collector. The nature of their correspond ence, though friendly, had been entirely philatelic. Now, sud denly, a new kind of letter came from Lotus Petal. She declared that although she had never laid eyes on Sigafoos, she loved him and wanted to marry him. She said she was eighteen yeai’s old, beautiful, and her father, the richest man in his tribe, would give half his' fortune to the husband of her choice. Sigafoos, in his reduced cii’cumstances, had no alternative; he sold his last few belongings and booked passage for Java. (The first sight of his prospective bride failed to delight Sigafoos. She was, as she said, beautiful — but only by local standards. Sigafoos had serious doubts that her bright i'ed pointed teeth and the chicken boxxes hanging fi’om her ear lobes would be considei'ed chic along the Champs Elysees. (But sobering as was the sight of Lotus Petal, Sigafoos had an even greater disappointment coming when he met her fathei\ The old gentleman was, as Lotus Petal had represented, the richest man in his tribe, but, unfortunately, the medium of ex change in his tribe was prune pits. (Sigafoos took one look at the mound of prune pits which was his dowry, gnashed his teeth, and stomped off into the jungle, swearing vilely and kicking at sticks and stones and whatever else lay in his path. Stomping thus, swearing thus, kicking thus, Sigafoos kicked over a heap of old bones which — what do you know! — tui'ned out to be the skull and shin of Pithecanthropus Erectus.) But I digx-ess... Fx*om the brutish Pithecanthropus, man evolved slowly upward, gi'owing more intelligent and resoui’ce- ful. By the Middle Paleolithic period man had invented the leash, which was a remai’kable technical achievement, but fi’ankly not terribly useful until the Mesolithic peiuod when man invented the dog. In the Neolithic period came far and away the most important development in the history of mankind — the discovei'y of agri- cultui'e. Why is this so impoi’tant, you ask? Because, good fidends, without agricultui'e thei'e would be no tobacco, and without tobacco there would be no Philip Morris, and without Philip Morris you would be without the gentlest, mildest, sun niest, pleasantest, happiest smoke that money can buy, and I would be without a job. That’s why. ©Max Sluilman, 1056 To their I\eolithic ancestors, the makers of Philip Morris extend a grateful salute. And so tcill you ivhen you try today's new gentle Philip Morris in today's new pack of red, while and gold. The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist, Chairman; Donald D. Burchard, Tom Deland and Bennie Zinn. Student members are Derrell H. Guiles. Paul Holladay, and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader. Secretary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. Tiie Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester. $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished I on request. tered as second-class tier at Post Office at lege Station, Texas, ler the Act of Con- ss of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented national!: National Advertising Hy by Scrvic York City, Chicago. Do Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for repuhli :ation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in :he paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights >f republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Pubiica tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor Jim Bower, Dave McReynulda News Editors Letters To The Editor Editor, (To Mr. J. W. Osborn): In regard to your letter to The Battalion editor of Wednesday March 14, I would like to point out, for your benefit, the order of sen atorial elections by the student body, according to Article 3, Sec tion 2 ,of the Constitution of the Student Body of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, (as amended) August 26, 1954. There is no distinction between corps and civilian students in elec ting senators from the separate classes. There is a civilian sena tor to represent each civilian dor mitory; the corps dormitories do not have this privilege. The other members of the Senate are elected by a general class election in which both civilian and corps members vote. ARTICLE III The Student Senate Section II Representation 1. There shall be elected two student senators from the day students. 2. There shall be one student senator from College View. 3. There shall be one student senator from each non-mili tary dormitory. 4. The Vice-President from each class shall be a member of the Student Senate. 5. There shall be fifteen (15) senators elected at large from the Senior Class, by the Sen ior Class. 6. There shall be ten (10) sen ators elected at large from the Junior Class, by the Jun ior Class. 7. There shall be six (6) Sena tors elected at large from the Sophomore Class, by the Sophomore Class. 8. Any Texas A&M students who are officers of the TISA will, by virture of their of fice in TISA, become ex-of ficio mebers of the Stu dent Senate, representing the student body in excess of the numbers listed above. Thank you, Mr. Osborn for your interest in the operation of the Student Senate. I wish that more students would take a more active interest in their school, such as you have. John D. Cunningham, Jr., ’56 John Petty, ’56 Editor, The Battalion: The Student Senate met Thurs day night to decide the student body’s view on integration. To you I presume, the decision was most pleasing. But was this really CADET SLOUCH by James Earle the way the student body feels? Or was this the feeling of the in dividual senators ? The puipose of the Senate is to represent the students in making policies for the student body. But, how many senators ask the stu dents they represent for the stu dents’ ideas and viewpoints ? Only one of the senators that I know has ever asked me what I thought about something and that was Thursday morning in the MSC bar bershop. This senator told me that they were going to discuss inte gration at the Senate meeting that night. He then asked me if thei'e was anything I wanted him to say at the meeting on integration. I told him that there was but since he knew I pro-segregation he prob ably would not say it. This sena tor then said, “That’s right!” Also to my knowledge in one of the dox'ms preceding the Senate meeting thei'e was an accurate straw vote to determine how many students were for, or against in tegration. Despite the fact that the vote went in favor of segrega tion two senators from this dorm voted that night at the Student Senate meeting for integration. What good does a Student Sen ate do a student body if the sena tors refuse to carry with them to the senate meetings the views of; the students they represent. It it destroying the ideal we are look ing for by having a Student Sen ate. If the Student Senate is going to act in this manner this campus would be in a better position if there was not a senate. James C. Blackmon, ’58 OPEN FOR ALL BANQUETS, DINNERS RECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL TA 2-5089 “The Oaks” — TA 3-4375 BRYAN C. B. Ryan Named Outstanding Prof C. B. Ryan, professor in the Poultry Husbandry Department at A&M, was chosen as the outstand ing pi ofessor of this year in Agri culture by the Collegiate FFA Chapter last week. The chapter voted to sponsor another $3,25 scholarship to the most needy junior Agricultural Ed ucation major next year. A plaque will be presented to the outstand ing junior and senior in the depart ment at the Professor and Student Banquet April 11. INSPIRING Gift Books From Shaffer’s Thoughtful gifts to keep the Easter spirit alive every day of the year. For Children Catherine Marshall’s—GOD LOVES YOU $2.00 Mrs. Marshall’s latest—FRIENDS WITH GOD $2.00 THE BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW BIBLE $2.50 Bible for Young People $2.50 Complete Selection PETER MARSHALL’S BOOK from $1.00 All * from NORMAN VINCENT PEALE’S Books $2.95 INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS 75 • Daily Food • As a Man Thinketh • In His Steps • Daily Help © Daily Strength for Daily Needs • BIBLES from $2.00 to $10.00 BELOVED KING JAMES VERSION REVISED STANDARD VERSION TEACHER’S BIBLES — TEXT BIBLES INDEXED BIBLES—APOCRYTHA CONCORDANCE BIBLES I Shaffer’s Book Store North Gate TUES. & WED. EXCITEMENT fUMES IN BLAZING COLOR! | M-G-M’s"T8IE MARAUDERS" DAN sirring j £ f F DORYEA • RICHARDS KEENAN JAKMA , WVNN-LEWIS If RECORD STArPARADE of 1956 # IN PERSON! # J I. NAT KING COLE JUNE CHRISTY « Xd* The 4 FRESHMEN ^ GARY MORTON ☆ PATTY THOMAS ^ ttitxacCucctiCf AND HIS FAMOUS BRITISH ORCHESTRA TED HEATH White Coliseum Wednesday, April 4, 8:30 p.m. $2.50 $2.00 $1.25 TICKETS AT STUDENT ACTIVITIES *00 TWO KINDS OF MONEY TWO KINDS OF MONEY are needed to keep your telephone company healthy. What you pay for service is ‘-‘go*’ money. It takes care of day to day expenses and pays a return to investors —the people who put up the “grow”’ money. Only if the return is attractive to investors will they, continue to fur nish the money for us to grow on. An Take a look ^ into our business A THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES TELEPHONE CO -