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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1956)
Battalion Number 105: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1956 Price 5 Cents •COMHAT CUTIE—Mrs. Sarah Lonquist, wife of senior Jack Lonquist of Caldwell, was chosen as the “Cutest of the Combat Cuties” at Friday night’s Combat Ball in Sbisa Hall. Five finalists were in the competition. Kiwanis Club’s Feast To Be Held Saturday .. Batter will fly, syrup will flow, and bacon will fry, as the College Station and Bry an . Kiwanis Clubs present their third annual Pancake festival at the Bryan Country Club this Saturday from noon until 2 p.m. and 4 to 9 p.m. Quaker Oats’ famous Aunt Je mima will arrive in town Thursday to be on hand at the flapjack func tion. Her staff of cooks will insure visitors pancakes in the finest Southern tradition. With increased griddle space added this year, no one should have to wait in the line more than 19 minutes, and after paying the 75 cent adniission, everybody can come around for seconds as often as he Ijkes, on everything but milk. More than $800 was split be tween the clubs for their under- Thompson Granted Leave Of Absence Uel D. Thompson, animal hus- bandryman for the Texas Agri cultural Extension Service, has been granted a leave-of-absence to do special animal husbandry work ip Brazil. He has been with the Extension Service since 1948. Thompson is to serve as live stock adviser with the Internation al Cooperation Administration with headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. He will work in developing an improv ed agricultural program in Brazil and give special emphasis to ani mal nutrition, beef cattle, swine pi-oduction, management and mar keting of livestock and livestock products and disease and parasite control. Thompson, with his wife, son Wayne, and daughter Sherry, left College Station March 10 for Washington, D.C. whei’e he will take a special two weeks orienta tion course. They will fly to Bra zil from New York. privileged children and youth rec reation work last year, and co- chairman W. E. Briles says that there should be more customers than last year’s 1,500. “Pancakes like the Kiwanis Club make can be eaten and enjoyed for any meal,” Briles said: “If you don’t believe it, corqe out Saturday and find out.” Tickets can be bought from any Khlvanis member in Bryan or Col lege Station. They are also avail able at McCarty’s jewelers at the North Gate in College Station, Sol Klien’s, W.S.D., and Wick Massey in Bryan. New Name Chosen If By College Station Promotion Group Penney’s Manager Will Speak Tonight Wilbur J. Lee, manager of J. C. Penney Company’s Bryan store, will speak to the A&M Marketing Society-tonight at 7:30 in the MSC. He will speak on “opportunities in retailing,” after which a question and answer period will be held. Lee has been with the Penney Co. for 25 years. He came to Bry an from Still Oaks in 1952. He has managed stores in Still Oaks and Baytown. Installment Is Due Installment fees are now pay able to the Fiscal Department totaling $60.70. Room and board, $41.85; room rent, $15 and laun dry fee $3.85. Deadline for payment of the fees is Wednesday. Late payers will be fined $1 per day late. By WEI.TON JONES Battalion City Editor The College Station Develop ment Association and Chamber of Commerce held its annual commun ity meeting last night, and voted to change its name to “The Col lege Station Civic Association”. The Association also approved amendements to the constitution, appointed committees and chair men, drafted a budget for 1956, and the annual membership cam paign. The newly amended constitution provides changes in aims, mem bership, dues, committee members, and ex-officio members. Article One of the new constitu tion states that the Association will try to “represent the people of the College Station community and others . . . interested in the progress, welfare, and proper de velopment of the City of College Station and particularly to assist in rtieeting the local needs of the A&M College.” Section “b” of the article says that the Association will try to “develop here a city of homes and schools; to encourage and support business enterprises . . .; to sup port the City of College Station and the A&M Consolidated Schools. Active membership is now avail able to “non-residents who derive their principal means of livelihood in College Station.” Formerly, membership was limited to resi dents of College Station. Individual and business or pi’o- sessional sustaining membership will be provided for firms or in dividuals not eligible for active membership, but wishing to sup port the community. Dues for individual membership, both active and sustaining, will be $5 per calender year. Active bus iness or professional member’s dues will be a minimum of $5, plus additional voluntary contribu tions. Sustaining business or pro fessional members will pay in “grades of $25, $50, $100, or more.” According to the revised consti tution, “Not less than two-thirds of the membership of the Board of Directors shall be College Station Residents.” President of the A&M College, Chancellor of the A&M System, Manager of the city of College Station, and Superinten dent of the A& MConsolidated will be ex-officio members of the board. The new constitution of the As sociation cuts the number of stand ing committees from 15 to four. These are membership, Nestor Mc Ginnis; finance, Luther Jones; civic, Gibb Gilchrist; and educa tion, Les Richardson. The following items were in cluded in the 1956 Civic Associa tion budget: Consolidated schools, $250; sidewalk on Jersey St., $500; youth recreation, $250; T.B. X-ray and blood drive, $150; publicity for College Station and A&M, $100; welcoming committee, $100; Car negie Library bookmobile, $100; printing, $50; office supplies, $50; manager’s salary, $300; and con- tingincies, $200. Class Filings Open; Election Set March 27 Filings for class offices for the 1956-57 school term be gan yesterday and will be op en until March 27, said W. D. (Pete) Hardesty, organization advisor of the Department of Stu dent Activities. Members of the classes of ’57, ’58 and ’59 may file for positions as president, vice-president, secre- tary, social secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian and sergeant-at- arms. The class of ’57 will elect two yell leaders and a student enter tainment manager. Qualifications for yell leader are a 1.25 grade point ratio and academic classifi cation as a junior. The student en tertainment manager must also have the consent of the Director of Recreation and Entertainment of the Department of Student Ac tivities, and one year of experience on the student entertainment staff. The class of ’58 will elect tw'o yell leaders. A 1.25 gpr and aca demic classification as a sophomore are the qualifications for this pos ition. Qualifications for all class offi ces are a 1.0 gpr and academic clas sification in the class at time of election. The election will be held April 11, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Runoffs will be held April 18. Filings close at 5 p.m., March 27. The Election Commission states that primaries of any form, with out the consent of the commission, are illegal. All persons found con nected with such a primary are subject to ineligibility to hold of fice for two preceding years, Har desty said. Chib Pictures Due Wednesday is the last day for scheduling club pictures for the ’56 Aggieland. Payment must be made when scheduling. Pictures may be made later, but tomorrow is the last day, the pictures will be scheduled for the annual. The Singing Sergeants Appear Here With United States Air Force Band Air Force Band Town HalFs Here Again By ROGER CLUXT Battalion Staff Writer Town Hall will present its last attraction of the year Thursday night when the United States Air Force Band appears in White Coli seum at 8. Featm-ed with the band will be the Singing Sergeants, who were presented last year as a bonus Town Hall attraction. This is the first appearance for the USAFB in this area. Col. George S. Howard conducts the band while Capt. Robert L. Landers directs the Singing Sei'- geants. The program also features a harmonica soloist and several yo- ■calists. The band does not feel that a musical organization has to be either “long haired” or “jazzy.” Fred Cox Gets Science Award A National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowship for the 1956-57 academic year has been awarded to Fred B. Cox Jr., of Bryan, an electrical engineering major here. He will attend Mass achusetts Institute of Technology on the fellowship. It performs any type of music with professional standard and presents programs that are designed to sat isfy any music lover—from opera to be-bop. More than 1,400 professional mu sicians have been auditioned for membership in the band. These men were selected from a wide variety of musical organizations ranging from the Philadelphia Or chestra to the Honolulu Symphony and from the Tommy Dorsey dance band to the Arthur Pryor concert band. There are 20 symphony or- RV’s Sponsor Money Drive For 4 Mom’ The Ross Volunteer pany is sponsoring a CLOUDY • The forecast for College Sta tion is partly cloudy with possible rain showers early tomorrow morn ing. Yesterday’s high of 70 de grees dropped to 42 degrees this morning. Temperature at 10:30 a.m. today was 54 degrees.' TRAVELING CHANCELLOR—Dr. M. T. Harrington, chancellor of the A&M College System, and his wife, stopped at San Francisco on the first hop of their trip around the world. They were boarding a Pan American Airways Clipper for the first over-seas leg to Honolulu. The trip will include stops at most of the major countries. The Har ringtons will return to College Station April 17. General Pate 'Impressed' With Aggies Gen. R. M. Pate, honor guest for Military Day activities last Saturday, was “tremend ously impressed” with the Corps, according to Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant. All of the visiting dignitar ies gave favorable and very commendabe remarks, he ad ded. Col. Ormond R. Simpson, ’36 and former deputy Corps commander, said the review was “far superior to the old days.” “Everyone was very pleas ed with the showing of the Corps on the drill field Satur day,” said Larry Kennedy, Corps commander. “Every student is to be congratulated /"i • on the fine performance.” GOFlTCtlOH In Friday’s Student Senate story, two quotations were printed which have been misinterpreted. The quotes were from Doug De Cluitt and should have read as follows: Dr. Harold G. Cassidy, of the de- “When I came to A&M, tradi- partment of chemistry, Yale Uni- tions of freshmen wearing lip stick versity, will address the A&M Sec- ■ and walking in gutters before the t '° n ^ rner ' can Chemical So- j University of Texas football game MjijUjlciety at Morrison Hall, Baylor were going out because it was de- j University, tonight. The subject j grading. To me, when I was a killli ^' S ^dress is “Nature and Use | freshman, it would have been more i °f Chromatography.” degrading to have a Negro boy lUl! 1 Cassid y received his B.A. and j chew me out than to wear lipstick 1 *** M.A. degrees from Oberlin College HI year round and walk in steam in 1930 and 1932 and later taught j tunnels. there. He received his Ph.D. de- “There is a time and place for gree in 1939 at Yale University, : it,” he continued. “It should be where he is now an associate pro- : started in grade school—not col- fessor of chemistry. j lege.” Aggie Chemists Meet At Baylor Corn- cam paign to raise as much money as possible for Mrs. Irene (Mom) Claghorn. “Mom” is a long-time friend of all Aggies and has been the Super intendent of the College Hospital for some 38 years. She was seriously injui’ed in an automobile accident on March 4 near Dallas. She is suffering from a shattei'ed left leg, a crushed chest and multiple cuts and bruises. At the present time the hospital hills run close to $70 a day, plus the amount needed to engage spe cialists, to keep “Mom” in Baylor Hospital. It has been estimated that she may be hospitalized for as long as 4 months. The campaign has begun and in last week’s meeting of the Student Senate the matter was referred to the Student Welfare Committee. Collection points have been placed over the campus and door-to-door campaigns will be made. Any local friends of “Mom” can contribute to the fund by sending a check made out as follows: “Mom” Claghorn Fund — Box 4538, College Station, Texas. “Mom’s” present address is Bay lor Hospital, Room 611, Dallas, Texas. chestras and 16 dance bands rep resented. The USAFB has made five con cert tours of Eui'ope and has toured in the United States, Canada, Eng land, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxem- boui’g, Denmark, Trieste, Iceland, Newfoundland, The Azores, Libya and French Morocco. It has also appeared in 14 world capitals. The group played to 100,000 peo ple nightly for 17 consecutive nights at Chicago’s Soldier Field and at the Toronto Exhibition Grounds in Canada, it played to 50,000 people daily for 34 consecu tive days. These attendances occurred in pi-actically everyone of the 26 coun tries in which the band has appear ed and include performances in which the audience was larger than the population of the city in which the concert was given. Town Hall season tickets will be honored for the performance. Tick ets may be purchased for $1 and $1.50 for students and $2 and $2.50 for non-students at the Office of Student Activities, second floor, Goodwin Hall. A&M College Now Has Official Prayer A&M’s chaplains have re ceived help in their dream of an Aggie prayer. The Student Senate, at their meeting Thursday night, ap proved the following prayer as of ficial prayer of the A&M student body: “God of all men everywhere, we are thankful for your love which penetrates all barriers. Help us to be the men we ought to be. Make us deeply aware of the shortness and uncertainty of human life. For give us when we seek anything but doing your will. As we realize our positions of leadership, may our devotion to you be beyond the call of duty. Teach us to be unashamed of your presence in us as we stand upright before our fellowmen, our leaders, and our loved ones. Instill in mankind a sense of brotherhood and a desire for peace. Amen.” Harry Scott, Corps chaplain; Phil Weinert, first regimental chaplain; Sam Laden, second regi mental chaplain; Bob Bacher, first "ing chaplain; Bill Gilbert, second ving chaplain; Joe Blair, civilian chaplain; and Howard Childers, acting assistant civilian chaplain; put in many hours toward the for mation of the Aggie Prayer. Other workers include J. Gordon Ga y> general secretary of the ''t MCA; Marvin Noble, Interfaith Council president; and Stewart Coffman, YMCA Cabinet. The prayer will be repeated by the entire student body on special occasions.