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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1956)
Page 6 THE BATTALION Tuesday, March 6, 1956 1 French Princess Visits Here Saturday Princess Marie de Croy of Nie- vre, France, will arrive in Aggie- land Saturday afternoon to spend ten days seeing ranch life and cattle in Texas. Since she produces both beef and sheep on her 350-acre estate, which she manages herself, she is par ticularly interested in seeing beef A gg ies (Continued from Page 1) filming of a new Warner Broth ers picture, “Into the Unknown”, starring^ William Holden, that was being shot on the base. One of the last stops at Ed wards was a visit to a rocket sled, used in testing ejection equipment by the AF. The group left Edwards AFB Friday and returned to Bryan ear ly Saturday morning. “We were all very impressed by our visit,” said Whitney, “and con sidered it an honor that we were the first AFROTC students to ever visit Edwards AFB, one of the top security bases in the U. S.” Buckholt Named Eugene Bockholt was the winner in a write-in election held in Biz- •zell Hall for the election of a Stu dent Senator from that dormitory, said Brad Crockett, chairman of the election commission, last week. cross-breeding work and sheep pro duction. Princess Marie has a special in terest in Charolais cattle, since her great-grandfather, Count Bruyere d’Azy, originated the breed from which the bulk of her income is de rived. D. A. (Andy) Adam, staff assist ant of the extension service, is in charge of Princess Marie’s program while she is in Texas. He has arranged for her to spend time with Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the animal husbandry department, and his staff. She will next go to Texas Agriculture Experiment Station’s substation at McGregor where Su perintendent Henry O. Hill will be in charge. Following both these visits she will be the guest of W. D. Parker, newly elected president of the In ternational Charolais Breeders As sociation, and his wife in Houston. As guest of the Parkers, the Princ ess will attend the Charolais sale at C. M. Frost’s Figure Four ranch near Biuokshire, where she will study ranch life. The College Station chapter of the American Association of Uni versity Women also has planned several social functions for Princ ess Marie while she is here. The princess is in America by arrangement with the U. S. State Department, but is paying her own expenses, Adam said. “Roy Henry’s clearing his used car lot all the way from the latest to the oldest models. Here’s a chance for you to pick up a good clean used car, with plenty of miles left in it at a very low cost. Look at this: 1949 FORD TUDOR—excellent condition, paint in perfect condition 1951 PONTIAC CATALINA—beautiful interior, fully equipped, just like a new one.. _ $425 $795 1953 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN-unbelievably (glOCA clean, one car owner, extra low mileage_.._ 1950 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN—many _ good miles left in it J Roy Henry Pontiac Co. Hearne, Texas Mrs. Thomas W. Taylor The former Miss Rhoda Jean Huntley Social Whirl AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Wives Club will meet at 7:30 to night in the YMCA. Glendon Jones will show slides of the Far East. ★ BAND WIVES CLUB will meet tonight at 7:30 in the YMCA. ★ BOWLING LEAGUE, Aggie Wives, will meet at 8 tonight for the round robin tournament in the Memorial Student Center. ★ CAMPUS STUDY CLUB will meet at 3 today in the YMCA. ★ NEWCOMERS CLUB will hold a bridge and canasta party at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Jeffries, 1103 Walton. Mrs. Judd Morrow is chairman hostess. The Newcomers Club is composed of members of the A&M Social Club who have been in Col lege Station no more than three years. ★ CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Bryan Sewing- Machine Co. in Ridgecrest shop ping center. The Neechi Sewing- machine will be demonstrated to club members. January Polio Victim Taylor-Huntley Vows Read Thomas W. Taylor, January graduate of A&M who contracted polio two weeks before graduation, and Rhoda Jean Huntley were uni ted in marriage Saturday at Gon zales Warm Springs Foundation Chapel. The Rev. Robert J. Sebesta, of Rocksprings officiated at the double ring ceremony, which was held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Taylor, an aunt of the groom, sang “Because” with the accompaniment of Mrs. R. J. Sebesta. Carole Thomas and Terry Ryan Canned vegetables are ah-eady cooked, so if you boil them instead of just heating them thoroughly, you’ll destroy food values, flavor, and texture. NORTH AMERICAN HAS BUILT MORE AIRPLANES THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY IN THE WORLD \ * engineers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians... „ CAN YOU THINK BEYOND MACH 2? Designing Airborne Vehicles of the Future travel ling at speeds so great that thin air becomes a blazing, solid wall... is the challenge that North American offers to aeronautical engineers and to specialists in most other sciences. Join North American’s engineering operations at Los Angeles. Here’s where the F-100 SUPER SABRE —holder of the world’s first supersonic speed record—was designed and built. Share the knowledge and experience that has led to North American’s supersonic supremacy. Be a part of a compact team of top engineers and scientists. Work on the most advanced projects right from the start. Enjoy personal rewards and recognition from challenging assignments. See your Placement Office for an appointment with the North American Representative, or Write: Bill Nance, Dept. 56C0L, Engineering Personnel Office, North American Aviation, Inc., Los Angeles 45, Calif. Engineering Ahead for a Better Tomorrow NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, INC. were honor attendants. Taylor was stricken with para lytic and bulbar polio Jan. 10 and was the first case in Brazos Coun ty for 1956. He was in Brecken- ridge Hospital in Austin until Feb. 18 when he was moved to Gon zales. The last report received at The Battalion the latter part of February, Taylor had regained partial movement of his left leg and arm but his right side was still almost completely paralyzed. The Academic Council voted in January to grant Taylor his de gree in building- products market ing since he had missed only ten days of classes. Taylor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Taylor of Rock- springs and his bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and ’ Mrs. Walter L. Huntley of La Valle, Wis. Get Your . . . LEE RIDERS Now Be prepared for the Aggie Rodeo — Six month money back guarantee on shrinkage and zipper breakage. LOU’S Mary Lyles Leads Agronomy Wives Mary Lyles was recently elec ted President of the newly form ed Agronomy Wives making this the 20th wives club on the cam pus. Other officers elected were Nancy Richmond, vice-president; Esther Ellis, secretary; Margaret Gil more, treasurer; Mariam Namkin, reporter and Nina Johnson, social chairman. Letters (Continued from Page 2) life. I shall endeavor, by persua sion, to change their vie\frs. I will not support any attempt to FORCE these people to my views, just as I do not support their attempts to force others to their views. Carlos Grider AGGIES!! “HOME COOKING” at prices you can afford. GRANNIE’S Next to Campus Theatre - CLOSED SUNDAYS — ON ® Washing • Greasing • Service Plus S&H Green Stamps at L. E. WADE’S Aggie Station North Gate SPECIAL SALE ON GOODYEAR TIRES KNOX Furniture Co. WHIRLPOOL 0 CROSLEY • O’KEEFE & MERRITT ■O'. “Furniture to suit any taste” COME IN AND LOOK AROUND 26th & Bryan Dial TA 2-3581 Mr. W. B. Knox PACKS MORE PLEASURE because its More Perfectly Packed/ \ If fr , % « ftfgfj* mmm ; -k ^ ■■ v Ik * ^ "' .. k 'fA , j ' Jp ' - tJTi i f ^ ? s. Sill - feep ■ ■ .m m % I « it •. • -41f IS ^' - vi 4' ii ' IP y ••• - ■- . - ■ ■. Satisfy Yourself with a Milder, Better-Tasting smoke— packed for more pleasure by exclusive Accu-Ray f i i & I mm ~ $ I m m m The more perfectly packed your To the touch ... to the taste. Firm and pleasing to the lips cigarette, the more pleasure it an Accu-Ray Chesterfield satis- . . . mild yet deeply satisfying to gives . . . and Accu-Ray packs fies the most. . . burns more the taste — Chesterfield alone is Chesterfield far more perfectly, evenly, smokes much smoother, pleasure-packed by Accu-Ray. l ’«<;ETr , i/^ETTEj MVfOS TOBACCO CO. Chesterfield MILD, YET THEY OLioorrr & Minus Toacco Co. KING-SIZE & regular •A £ v