Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1956)
Fage 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, February 9, 195G Glen Norman Evangelist Here Sunday Evan gel ist Planned For First Baptist Evangelist Clen Norman, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Ama rillo, will begin a seven-day re vival series at the College' Station First Baptist Church Sunday morn ing. Rev. Norman attended Texas University and received his bach elor’s degree from Baylor. Later he received his Bachelor of Divin ity and Master of Theology from Southwestern Theological Semin ary. The evangelist will speak at both 8:no and 11 a.m. services Sunday morning and evening service that night at 7:. r 50. Services will be held at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. every day through Sat- ui’day. The week days have each been designated to the various church groups. The following groups honored are: Monday, young married coup les; Tuesday, Brotherhood; Wed nesday, young people; Thursday, ladies night; Friday, family night, and Saturday, Deacons. Rev. Norman will be in College Station for both services the fol lowing Sunday mrning. Social Whirl ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Wives Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Animal Husbandry Building. * * * AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet toiiight at 7:30 in the Memorial Student Center. . A&M GARDEN CLUB will meet at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the social room of the Memorial Student Cen ter. Guest speakei’ J. W. Mac- Queen of Floriculture Department will talk on Garden Maintenance. Refreshments will be served fol lowing the program. C H E M I CAL ENGINEERING Wives Club will hold a Valentine Tea at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the YMCA. The tea will be honoring faculty wives of the Ch.E. Depart ment. * * * AGGIE WIVES COUNCIL will hold a tea at 8 p.m. Monday for the new members elected to the Council. Special guests will be fac ulty advisors of the various wives clubs. The occasion will be held in the Aggie Wives Room of the YMCA. * * * M.S.C. ART GROUP will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the studio to discuss the new semester study groups as well as exhibitions, ac cording to Paul Ross, chairman. Study scheelules will be drawn up. The club is open to all students and college employees, with a min imum fee for the semester. Well, Mr. Smarty, who knows a good way to clean clothes with gasoline. ... Maybe next time you’ll send them to — CAMPUS CLEANERS COFFEE FOLGER 9 S Can ^ IMPERIAL SUGAR 5 46'- SPECIALS THTTR. - FRI. - SAT. FEB. 9-10-11 Some people think we’re TOO FRIKNDI^Y, but we shore don’t alrn to be. We’re Texans and we just can’t contol these big Texas smiles on our faces. Believe me, folks, we have some thing to smile about. ’Cause we’re shore proud of our OKR’S STORKS and our employees who staff and operate them . . . All of us at ORR’S are just full of smiles because we know we have the .. . 1. Freshest Fruits end Vegetables that money can buy. 2. The finest qualify U. S. Choice Veal and Heavy Mature** Beef that can be purchased anywhere. 3. The widest selection of Nationally Advertised Merchandise at the lowest possible prices. Yes, Ma'm, if you add all these together you can understand why we're [ust busting out with friendlyness. If you haven’t hod the opportunity, then try us this week. You’ll SMILE TOO. F R E S II PICNIC-CUT PORK-Lb. Your Choice 10-Oz. Pko BIRDS EYE FRESH FROZEN BUTTER BEAKS CHOPPED BROCCOLI CUT CORN Four Fishermen Fresh Frozen FISH STICKS PASCO FRESH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 2 LILLY MELLORINE * Mayfield’s “A” Grade Large DOZ. 49 Budget I,urge DOZ. 45c Wolf Glilican. 2 41c 8-Oz. Pkg. 39 Swift Premium Beef ROUND STEAK Armour’s Star SAUSAGE Rath’s Sunvale BACON Sliced Swift Premium FRANKS Jumbo Sliced BOLOGNA Swift Spiced LUNCHEON MEAT LB. Lb. Roll 59c 25c Pound 33c 35c Pound LB. LB. 39c G Oz. Cans 29c 55c Renown—Vertical Pack—Whole Green BEANS Ozark—No. 300 Can BLACKEYED PEAS Del Monte’s “Tip Top Brand’’—No. 303 Can SPINACH 10AST Swift Premium—BEEF CHUCK 89 2 No. 303 Cans 45 lO SHORTENING Swifts Jewel 3 Lb. Can 59c Dyanshine (Assorted Colors) SHOE POLISH . . can 11c E-Z Pop POPCORN box 29c Del Dixi—Sour or Dill PICKLES qt. 25c Towie Thrown Manzanilla—4^4 Oz. Jar OLIVES . . 35c Rama—r-29 Oz. APPLE BUTTER . . . 25c VIGORO FERTILIZER 100 lb. sack $3.09 GOLDEN YELLOW CENTRAL AMERICAN BANANAS SALAD DRESSING Morton’s Quart Lb C DRUGS 39 “Stop That Headache" BUFFERIH Cough Syrup CREOMULSIOH “America's Favorite Cleansing Tissue KLEENEX 2 25c Bottle of .36's for 60c Size 49c BLACK RIBIER GRAPES 2 Lb s. Toilet tissue YELLOW ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ ONIONS Lb. 5 MARKETS TEXAS RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT Each 5