Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1956)
Icetings (Continued from Page 4) Panhandle Club in Academic pldg. El Paso Club on second floor of icademic BLdg. Hunt County Hometown Club in ffMCA. Davy Crockett Hometown Club |n room 308, Academic Bldg. Brush County Club meets to dis- l-uss Aggieland picture in room |h?7 Academic Bldg. Red River Valley Club meets in [•oom 207 Academic Bldg. Tyler-Smith County A&M Club Ineets in room 224 Academic Bldg. discuss plans for High School Day. Dower Rio Grande Valley Home town Club meets in the YMCA to dect a new treasurer. Hidalgo-Starr County Club meets i room 207, New Engineering Bldg. Amarillo A&M Club meets in [room 108 Academic Bldg. Grayson County Hometown Club kneets in room 127 Academic Bldg. Houston Hometown Club has a program and refreshments plan- lied in room 107 of the Biological Sciences Bldg. Ag. Eng. Wives Bring Total To 18 Wives Clubs Agricultural Engineering Wives Club, a newly formed organization, became the 18th wives club on the campus when they elected officers Monday night. Shirley Johnson will serve as president. Assisting her are Chlo- ma Burk and Nancy Woodson, pro gram chairmen; Erna Nitseh, sec retary-treasurer; Dolores Harrell, refreshment chairman. Mrs. Fred Jones is the faculty sponsor. Professor H. P. Smith of the Agricultural Engineering Depart ment and his wife showed slides to the club on Turkey and other countries which they had visited. The club elected to meet on first and third Mondays. All wives of Ag. Eng. majors are welcome to join the club. . W Guadalupe Hometown Club meets in the Civil Engineering Bldg. Lubbock Hometown Club meets on second floor Academic Bldg. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT Al) RATES One day 2e' per word pc-r word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80tf per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale One l!r53 Chevrolet Business iCoupe. This motor vehicle may be ■inspected by contacting the Texas iForest Service, System Adminis tration Building, A. & M. College lof Texas campus. Sealed bids will Ibe received in the office of the (Texas Forest Service, Texas A.&M. ■College . System, College Station, ITeXas, until 10 a.m., Friday Feb- Iruary 17, 1956, on forms available jupon request. Address the Direc- jtor, Texas Forest Service, College I Station, T e x a s, or telephone I Victor 6-4771 for further informa- Ition. 82t2 Room For Rent Southeast upstairs bedroom, pri vate bath. Meals. Mrs. Maggie Parker. 75tf Dependable experienced part time butcher and a grocery check- cr. Friday and Saturday work, FOOD TOWN, 516 No. Main Street, Bryan. 81tf Work Wanted Will care for working mother’s children and will baby sit any night. Call TA 2-4036. 83t2 Neat, accurate typist would like to type for you in my home near campus. VI 6-4644. 83t7 Maple couch and chair, Hot Point rlectric refrigerator, Westinghouse (electric stove, 304 W. Dcxteiv 81t4 Crib and mattress, $20; playpen, $10; buggy, $5; Folda-rola stroller, $5; VI 6-7067. 81tf One six foot Servel, freezing compartment, good condition. VI 6-4649, 306 First Street. 81t3 Executive desk, swivel chair, 18” radius Jig saw, 6 power field glass es. C-13-D C.V. 81t4 1950 Buick Special with heater. Priced low for quick sale. VI 6-6658. 79tf 1954 For Custom fordor sedan, low mileage. Will take trade-in. John Shanks, Hart C-7. 68tf "New stacked all channel antenna, mast lead in guy wire $18.00. VI 6-5268, 806 Welsh, College. 71tl3 Lost Will watch children during day, will keep children on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Live two blocks from College View Apart ments. Phone VI 6-6502. 81t3 Guaranteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81114 Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf B.A. Wives Win Trophies For Fall Semester Trophies were presented to the Business Wives in the Aggie Wives Bowling club Tuesday night as they walked away with top honors in the Fall semester round robin bowling tournament. Along with the club winning top honors, two team members won high game and high series awards. Erma Ingram took high game score while Billie Crawford had the high series for the semester. Geology Wives defeated Business Wives while Dames Club and Me chanical Engineering Wives Club bowled to a tie in the bowling following the trophy presentation. Erma Ingram of Business Wives had high score for the night while Karen Tedder of Dames Club had high series. “Places are still open for indi viduals to bowl as reserves on any of the above teams but deadline time on club teams entering has already passed,” stated Nancy Mc Carty, president of the bowling club. The round robin tournament is held every other week and members pay a fee of $1.10 which pays for regulation bowling shoes, three al leys, and 10 cents for the trophy fund. Thursday, February 9, 1956 . THE BATTALION Page 5 Knox Furniture — featuring — » WHIRLPOOL >CROSLEY » O’KEEFE & MERRITT “Furniture to suit any taste” BRYAN Dial TA 2-3581 26th & Bryan Mr. W. B. Knox T/uoe fm ucm -" , COME mm MW LOU! Roger Ritenbaugh, Novelty Performer CHS Students Will See Novelty Act, Friday at 3 Special Notice DOGS BOARDED: Clean com fortable quarters. Caucasian Boarding Kennels. Special rate to “Aggies”. 49tf Ladie’s gold LeCoultre wrist watch at Rollie Coliseum February 7. Finder please call Mrs. McCul lough at TA 2-1470. $10.00 Re ward. 83t3 *UJL. ROSS I.OIXiE NO. 1300 A.F. College Station Stated meeting Thursday, February 10, 7 p.m. Work in F.C. Degree, Members and visiting brethren cordial ly invited to attend. L. S. Paine, W.M. 8212 N. M. McGinnis, Secy. The “Roger’s Novelty Act” will be presented to the Junior and Senior High School students at A&M Consolidated Auditorium at 3 p.m., Friday. Roger Ritenbaugh, versatile cn- tertainer of the show has perform ed in school and university audito riums throughout the country. His iVeese To Chair Traffic Course C. J. Kecse of the Civil Engi neering Department will chair the Traffic Engineers short course to be held here Feb. 20-24. The C.E. Department will sponsor t h e course. Registration will be held in the main lobby on the first floor of the Memorial Student Center Mon day, Feb. 20. Forty persons are due to attend the course. OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student" Publications <207 Goodwin, VI 0-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication. Director of Student Publications. Medical fraternity pin with Greek letter — A F D. Initials, W.M.O. on back. Reward, $5. Con tact Student Publications Office, Goodwin Hall. 80t3 Wanted to Rent Please call if you will vacate un furnished house by June 15, rent up tq $50.00 month plus utilities. Mrs. Warren Tomme, Day VI- 6-4221, night, VI 6-4367. 83t8 For Rent ’Bedroom with private professor’s home near Phone VI 6-4556. bath i n campus. 83t2 Furnished apartments, also fur nished garage apartment, living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and dinette together. Mrs. W. C. Mo bley, Phone 5-3191—Navasota. 81t4 Southeast bedroom, adjoining bath shared with one. On bus line. 711 South Baker, TA 2-5365. 81t3 Large bedroom with walk - in closet or will share home with working couple. VI 6-5953. 81tf ^ One way trailers to any part of United States.. Rent it here and leave it there. The cheapest and most convenient way to move. Also local trailers for rent. Baker Tire L’o. TA 2-8159. 7915 Pets Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS, Highway'6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf » ENGINEERING AND ARCHITKCTFKAI, SUPPLIES • BLUE LUNE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES W03 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS CHANGES IN STUDIES Changes in the list of courses for which any student is currently registered may be made only on the recommendation of the head of each department concerned and with the approval of the dean of the stu dent’s school. A student may not add courses afer February 11. Any course dropped after Saturday, February 18, shall nomally carry a grade of “F”. J. P. Abbott 82t7 Dean of the College CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. March 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. The deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton Registrar 82tl4 Ttie locker room and gymnasium facili ties in the addition to the G. Rollie White Coliseum will be closed after 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, Saturday after 12:00 noon and all day Sunday, February 6th-12th inclusive. These facilities will be open 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays beginning February 13th On such nights that the auditorium of the Coliseum is in use for basketball games. Town Hall or any other convoca tion, the addition will be closed at 6:30 p.m. 81t4 C. Tishler, Head Physical Education Dept. All students who paid the Gymnasium Clothing and Laundry Service fee of S8.00 for the first semester may pick up their checks for a refund of $4.00 at the Re quired Physical Education Office in the addition to the G. Rollie White Coliseum. C. Tishler, Head 81t4 Physical Education Dept. ALL DEPARTMENTS: Copies of the (955-56 Student Directory are available !75 cents each > at the Office of Student Publications, 207 Goodwin Hall. 72tf FllOMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1941 BRYAN Oat' We’re out to empty our entire stock of USED CARS • USED TRUCKS 1955 Ford Customline Fordor Heater 1954 Ford Crestline Fordor, Heater and Radio Overdrive and Lie Mil 4198 $1575.00 Lie NW 2503 $1295.00 1953 Buiek Special Tudor, Heater and Radio Lie 1953 DeSota Fordor Auto Trans, Heater and Radio PT 2358 $1145.00 Lie NU G211 $1095.00 Lie MX 4G16 $ 345.00 Lie NU 8787 $ 395.00 Lie 3A 4393 $ 575.00 Lie 3A 4729 $ 495.00 1950 Ford Tudor 1950 Mercury Club Coupe 1952 Ford 8-cyl. Express % 1951 Pontiac Sedan Delivery MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Cade Motor Co. Your Friendly l ord Dealer 415 North Main Texas Ave. & Burnett St. Telephone TA 2-1333 Telephone TA 2-5229 entertaining variety program con sists of several separate, distinct feats. The art of ventriloquism is introduced, featuring the wooden headed Eddie O’Day, who is never at a loss for words. Amazing juggling skill is dis played by the use of various ob jects, from humorous movements with tennis balls through more complicated tricks employing devil sticks, Indian clubs, hats hoops and beach balls. Roger’s musical talent is also exhibited during this fast-moving program. Along different lines, he offers voice impressions of screen and radio stars, plus hilarious rec ord pantomime. The program is climaxed by the performer’s astounding feats of juggling and rope spinning while balanced on a tricky unicycle. Admission for the show will be 25 cents for students and adults. Used Sewing- Machines— $5.95 & up New Sewing* Machines—- $59.95 & up Used Wringer Type Washing Machines— $10.00 & up Used Automatics— $49.95 & up WE REPAIR & SERVICE ALL MAKES Free Estimate Bryan Sewing Machine Co. Authorized Necchi-Elna Dealers Authorized Maytag Dealer Ph. VI 6-6723 v V ENG. 103 + 35c GETS YOU ENG. 104 ANY CURRENT $5.00 OR $6.00 BOOK + 45^ GETS YOU: BIOL. 101 OR B.A. 206 OR CHEM. 101 BASIC 107, MATH 101, 102 & 103 Al Loupot’s Trading Post on all your food needs! - GROCERIES - MRS. TUCKERS SHORTENING LIBBYS PEACH HALVES No. 2Vz can 33c LIBBYS—SLICED RED BEETS . . . LIBBYS PINEAPPLE JUICE VAN CAMPS PORK & BEANS STAR KIST BLUE LABEL SOLID PACK TUNA MARYLAND CLUB COFFEE . . . 3 lb. can 75c 2 303 cans 31c 46~oz. can 29c 2 No. 2 cans 35c 7-oz. can 39c - FROZEN . . 1 lb. 90c FOOD - PICTSWEET SLICED PEACHES 1 Pkge SLICED STRAWBERRIES 27c BEEF. CHICKEN OR 1 Each TURKEY POT PIES 27c CUT GREEN BEANS BABY LIMAS FORD HOOK LIMAS ] Pkge 27c CARROTS .... cellc 176 SIZE—FLORIDA ORANGES ..... 76 SIZE—MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT CELERY ■ - bag 10c doz. 35c doz. 45c 10c - GROCERIES - KIMBELLS—WHOLE GREEN BEANS . 2 303 cans 41c TRELLIS BRAND—EARLY GREEN PEAS . . 2 303 cans 27c TEX-SUN UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46-oz. can 25c NU-ZEST FLORIDA—NO SUGAR ORANGE JUICE . 46-oz. can 33c DIAMOND BRAND—CUT GREEN BEANS . 2 303 cans 23c ARMOURS STAR T R E E T . . . . 12-oz. can 39c KIMBELLS RED PITTED PIE CHERRIES . . 2 303 cans 49c - MARKET - — PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS — ROyND STEAK . . . LOIN STEAK .... PORTER HOUSE STEAK SQUARE CUT SHOULDER ROAST . VEAL CHOPS .... SHORT RIBS .... HORMELS DAIRY BRAND WEINERS ARMOURS’ STAR r .AHGE BOLOGNA . . VISCONSIN DAISEY CHEESE DECKERS TALL KORN SLICED BACON .... lb. 69c lb. 69c lb. 49c lb. 39c lb. 59c lb. 31c lb. 45c lb. 39c lb. 49c lb. 37c CHARLIE’S FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — Specials for Thursday Afternoon, Friday & COLLEGE STATION Saturday — February 9-10-11