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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1955)
f BHHHIHHi Wednesday, December 14, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 7 Ch u rch Briefs Christmas Parties Scheduled CHRISTMAS SPIRIT—of caroling is revealed by members of the Geology Wives Club, as they practice their carols in the Memorial Student Center. The girls sang their selec tion of carols in the lobbies of local hospitals. The music was then broadcasted through out the rooms. Lighting the candle, at left, is Eleanor Paseman, president; and in the usual order, Barbara Rols, Sue Briggs, Sally Hosteller, Faye Gray, Amye Phillips, and Peggy Brown. Nancy McCarty is kneeling. MSC Employees Feted At Party The Memorial Student Center gave their employees a Christmas party at 4 p.m. Sunday in the ball room of the MSC. The > program consisted of the breaking of pinatas by the children of the employes and putting on of skits by the departments of the MSC. After the skits Christmas carols w fc ere sung. Santa Claus greeted all the em ployee’s children around a decora ted Christmas tree, adding to the Christmas atmosphere. CHS Freshman Girls Win Dress Awards Seven girls from the freshman class of Consolidated High School received prizes totaling $50 for their dresses in a style show held at the school Monday. Sponsored by Pruitt’s Fabric Shop, Martha Esten took the first prize award of $15. Sara Goode and Anne Williamson each receiv ed $10 for second place awards; Helen Klipple and Roxanne Mur- LOOK BOTH WAVS-IT PAYS / Whether you’re walking or driving, it pays to look both ways at intersections. Statistics show that’s where half of the city traffic accidents happen. Stop, look and live longer. & Be Careful —the life you save may be your own! Sponsored in the interest of your safety by DONAHO BUICK CO. 1215 Highway 6 S — Bryan phrey were awarded $5 each for third place and fourth place win ners of $2.50 each went to Char lotte Baty and Carol Dew. Under the direction of Mrs. Mil-' dred Byrd, home economics teach er, the dresses were judged on the color, style, appropriateness of material to pattern and line of garment, and workmanship. The three judges were Mrs. Dorothy Rush, Mrs. A. R. Orr, and R. L. Boone, Vivian Sullivan was the hostess commentator. Also entered in the contest were Jean Anderson, Susan Dowell, i Yvonne Felty, Gaytha Edger, Pat ! Freeman, Patricia Jackson, Joyce Lorenz, Judy Litton, Dolores Mar- quart, Peggy Mitchell, Nancy i Rogers, and Barbara Wasik, The Passing Scene by Carl Rose "Drunk and doing eighty. Never mind the ambulance. Send a basket.’! Job Calls U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COM MERCE, BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS will interview civil engi neering* majors for positions as highway engineer trainees for ap pointments following graduation. I.ONE STAR STEEL COM PANY will interview geology ma jors for an opening as an assistant geologist to do field work in con nection with the exploratory pro gram. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Lutheran Student Association will hold their Christmas party to night at 7:30. Wesley Foundation The Beta Zeta chapter of Wes ley players will present a Christ mas' play tonight at 7 p.m. “The Desert Shall Rejoice” is a one act play by Walter Finch, cen tered around -a tourist camp some where in the Nevada desert. Ac tion takes place on a cold mid winter night, just before Christ mas in this modern rendition of the Christmas story. Students appearing in the pro- Teague Relates Experiences On Recent Trip A traveler’s impressions of coun tries on the other side of. the iron curtain was one part of the talk given by Congressman Olin E. Teague before an open meeting of the College Station-Bryan AAUW Monday in the Biological Sciences Auditorium on the A&M campus. Preceding his remarks on his recent European and Russian trip, Congressman Teague discussed the general duties of a member of Congress. The congressman traveled in Czechoslovakia, Poland Russia and the Scandinavian countries be sides numerous stops in France and Germany. Teague’s impres sions of the people behind the cur tain are those that are last becom ing legendary; except for the Russians, they are or appear in their relation with Westerners. Mrs. Robert White, president of AAUW, announced that the next regular meeting of the organiza tion would be Jan. 9. Underprivileged To Eal Willi Corps Every unit in the Second Regi ment will have an underprovileged child as a guest for the annua’ Chrigtmas dinner at Sbisa Hall Thursday night. Sam Layden, Regimental chap lain, is handling all of the arrange ments. Unit commanders are co ordinating with Layden in an ef fort to make this an annual event for future Christmas dinners. The children, ranging in age from 9-13 are from Bryan and sur rounding Towns. Each unit will take one child to supper, give him all the fi'uit from their tables and present him with a gi^t. Paul Hornung, Notre Dame quar terback, is also a member of the basketball squad. DRIVi CAREFULLY 365 Days A Year FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Bryan, Texas Member FDIC duction are John Warner, Bill Libby, Bill Rivoire, Br.idy Arm strong, Aub;ey Smith, Curtis Schulze, and Tex Boehnke. Donna Mayhew, and Atelia Prince, are also featured in the play. Don Houston is director and Patti Minkert is assistant director. Christian Science Society Services will be held tonight at 8. St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel Canterbury Association, Episco pal students organization, will meet in the pa i . i ht a 4 7:15. Bethel Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) ‘Marys Humole Joy” is the sermon-topic for vespers scheduled for 7:45 tonight at the church. Lutheran Aggie Club will meet at the Memorial Student Center to night at 7. Church of Christ Services will be held tonight at 7:15. Ladies Bible Class will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Church Rev. Smith Speaks To Methodist Men “Sacred events and sacred places of Christianity” was the address given to the annual Methodist Men banejuet honoring their wives last night by the Rev. Mr. Arthur M. Smith of College Station. The Rev. Mr. Smith’s talk was Associateships Offered Scientists Two postdoctoral associateships for young scientists for work at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. and Boulder, Colo., and the Naval Research Lab oratory, Washington, D.C. are open to qualified holders of the doctor ate and others with equivalent ex perience and training, Dr. Ide P. Trotter, dean of the graduate schgol has announced. Appointments can be made in various branches of chemistry, phy sics and mathematics, and applica tions will be evaluated by the Na tional Academy of Sciences-Na- tional Research Council, Dr. Trot ter said. Additional information can be obtained from Dr. Trotter. in keeping with the religious at mosphere of the Christmas season after his return from the Holy Land this summer. The minister is holder of the Baptist teaching chair at A&M which is one of the 17 sponsored in Texas by the Student Depart ment of the Baptist general com mittee of Texas. He is also pas tor of the Cottonwood Baptist Church located 12 miles northeast of Bryan. The Rev. Mr. Smith was receiv ed by Dr. J. A. Kincannon, presi- dent of Methodist Men; The Rev. Mr. Nolan R. Vance, pastor of the A&M Methodist Church; Bar ney Welch, vice-president of Methodist Men and Clarence Moore, treasurer. Group singing of songs by the guests was led by Dr. J. H. South ern. Curtis R. Holland headed the committee for the banquet menu and service, which included Ran Boswell, Dr. R. E. Branson, F. I. Dahlberg, Don Dale, E. S. Hol- dredge, Truman R. Jones Jr., R. E. Leighton, John Pedigo, Dr. I. W. Rupel, Dr. M. C. Schroeder, Dr. John Sperry and Bennie Zinn. Building. . y-vvogram will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Cafeteria of Consolidated High School. .r^&M Christian Church St”dent Fellowship will meet at 7:15 tonight. niilei roundaiion An informal vet-together will be held in the YMCA tonight at 7:15. The program will include notes and news of Jewish interest by ■ he members and a pre-holiday so cial. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Services will be held at 5:15 p.m. this afternoon. The Christ mas Social wall be held at 7:30 to night. An invitation has been ex tended to all Catholic boys. Church of the Nazarene Services will be held at 7:30 to night at the church. College Heights Assembly of God Prayer meeting will be held iit 7:30 tonight. The Christmas party- will begin at 8 p.m. Friday to ex change gifts, sing Christmas songs, and hold' a program. Steve' Davidson is in charge of the af fair. A&M Presbyterian Church The fellowship program will be observed at 7 tonight at the church with the singing of carols. Later students will cai ol in groups to the shut-ins. First Baptist Church Teacher’s meeting will be held at (5:30 tonight. The Graded Choir will sing at 7:30 tonight instead of the usual prayer meeting. Un der the direction of Mrs. Marvin Butler, the choir will present the “Story of Silent Night”. The Ruth Class will have a Christmas party at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jack Gilbert, 902 Woodland. Nursery Three will hold a partj at the church at 6 p.m. Thursday Mrs. Alvin Houston, superinten dent, will present “Israel’s War rior King.” Alec says:"I can survii/e a crash... but your CHILD has only ONE life' Bikes were fun, remember? And staying alive is better fun for youngsters. So watch your speed and save that life. A couple of seconds’ slowdown to give those bikes a wide berth won’t hurt you. Needn’t irritate you either. Try to remember ... DRIVE CAREFULLY.. • the child you sovs may he your own! An official public service message prepared by The Advertising Council in cooperation with the National Safety Council. Sponsored in the in'erert c T *ur children’s safety by '1 he Battalion IT SAFE OLE' ARMY- V: