Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1955)
Page 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, October 20, 1955 ANOTHER PLAN—The Student Senate Seating Committee has announced a new plan tor the A&M-Baylor game Saturday. Extra rows have been added in the civilian sec tion, three to be exact, and the Corps juniors have received an extra batch of seats from the freshmen-sophomore section. Students not sitting in their proper sections will have action taken against them, said Gus Mijalis, Seating Committee chairman. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD BATES One day 2^ per word 10 per word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE 4-5324 For Sale Small type washer, good condition. Apt. D-l-D College View. 34t3 Standard Underwood typewriter, phone 4-8622 between 5 and 6 p.m. 33t3 Motor Scooters, 201 Stasny, Col lege Station. 32t4 For Rent Rooms, each with adjoining bath, weekends or permanent. Mrs. A. W. Reynolds, 702 So. Coulter, Bry an 2-2719 before 9 and after 6. 34t3 Furnished apartments. One and two bedrooms. Phone 5-3191 — Navasota. 616 McAlpine St. 32t8 ,Room with private bath and pri vate entrance near campus, 510 Ayrshire, 4-9798. 32t4 Pets Students: Board your dogs at ispecial low monthly rates. The Ba yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south of College. 6-4121. 75tf Special Notice Mothers, let me keep your child ren while you work or go out at night. Fenced yard, good hot meal, TV. 35c hour or $8 per week. Greer Nursery, 509 East 30th — phone 3-1076. 33t3 Will keep a child for working mother. Phone 4-7314 Mrs. W. R. Robertson, 14 Ball St., College. 32t5 Would like to keep one or two children, ideal back yard, fenced, shade trees, TV, convenient to Col lege View. 6-1489. 32t4 Piano lessons . . . beginners and Jtdvanced. Mrs. Ed. B. Avery. Phone 6-6701. 305 Ast St. 27t8 Room for rent: Southeast bed room, private bath, meals, ph. 3-4375. Mrs. Maggie Parker. 28tf Lost Galveston Ball High School ring \n Duncan Mess Hall. Initials l.J.D. Reward. 10-221. 29t7 Wanted Two tickets for SMU game and two for the Texas game. Call 4-4804. 32-t4 Found Wrist watch after parade dis missed in Fort Worth. Identify and pay for ad. Capt. A. K. Sparks, Dorm 12. 33t2 Man’s gold wedding band, vid Bass, dorm 9, 318. Da- 33t3 Help Wanted SALESMAN to sell new and used automobiles for Cade Motor Co. local Ford Dealer. Attractive and profitable offer to men who are willing to accept direction and make a fine income. See John Bogard or Chas. Cade Sr. 32t4 Female Help Wanted Lady with minimum 2 year gen eral bookkeeping experience for machine operated complex general ledger records. Permanent. Ap ply in person only to Mrs. Hender son, Memorial Student Center, A&M College. 34t6 Work Wanted Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone 3532. lOOtf • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS We guarantee that your child will be happy in our nursery school. Ages through 4. "Music, art, games, meals. 24 hour service. Phone 4-9761. 9tf WL BOSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. College Station Called Meeting, Thursday, Oct. 20th. 7 p.m. Examin ations, work in the E.A. Degree. Members and vis iting brethren invited. L. S. Paine, WM 33t2 N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, >i telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin, 4-6324, hours 8 - 12, 1-6, daily Monday through Friday) at or' before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica tion .—Director. ALL DEPARTMENTS: The Official directory of offices, staff and students are ready for distribution now at 76c each. You may get your copy now at the Office of Student Publications, 207 Goodwin Hall. 34tf October 31 is the last date on which or ders for Senior Rings may be placed for delivery before Christmas holidays. Un dergraduate students who have 95 hours and who are in good standing may pur chase the A. and M. ring. All rings must be paid for in full when placing the order. The Ring Clerk is on duty only from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon Tuesday through Saturday. H. L.. Heaton, Registrar 30td All student club officers are reminded that their club must be registered with the Deparment of Student Activities, 2nd floor Goodwin Hall by November 1, 1955. Registration is necessary for all student clubs regardless of their nature. W. D. Hardesty Club Advisor 30t9 Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degre by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s office NOW and make formal application for a degree. November 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be con ferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton, Registrar 32t8 Prompt Radio Service —- C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Service 7712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN Wh at’s Cooking 7:30 Dallas Hometown Club to an nounce plans for Friday nig’ht function tonight in room 105 of the Biological Sciences building. Panhandle Club will meet in room 3C of the Student Center. Permian Basin Club will meet in the YMCA. Lower Trinity Valley Club will meet in room 308 of the Academic building. Abilene Hometown Club wit meet in room 3C of the Center to make plans for the Thanksgiving dance. Fort Worth Club will meet in the chapel of the Y.M.C.A. to elect officers and plan Christmas party. Wichita Falls Hometown Club will meet in room 323 of the Aca demic building. Irving A&M Club will meet for an organizational meeting in room 105 of the Biological Sciences building. Davy Crockett Hometown Club will meet in room 308 of the Aca demic building. Refreshments will be served at the Houston Hometown Club meet ing in room 107 of the Biological Sciences building. McClennon County Hometown Club will meet in room 301 of Goodwin Hall to discuss plans for coming parties. Also, football game movies of either Nebraska or L.S.U. will be shown. Refresh ments will be served. Winters Hometown Club meets in room 2A of the Student Center. Hill County A&M Club meets in the reading room of the Y.M.C.A. Guadalupe Valley Hometown Club meets in room 11 of the civil engineering building. Tarpon Hometown Club meets on the first floor of the Academic building. Austin Hometown Club meets in room 106 of the Academic build ing. Bell County Hometown Club meets in room 2C of the Student Center to plan party. Williamson County Hometown Club meets in room 3B of the Stu dent Center. Coffee will be ser ved. Yankee Hometown Club meets in room 325 of the Academic building. Galveston A&M Club meets in room 2D of the MSC. Football game movies will be shown and refreshments will be served. San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club meets in room 203 of the Agricultural building. East Texas Hometown Club meets in room 225 of the Academic building to discuss plans for a party. Hidalgo Starr Hometown Club meets in room 104 of the Biologi cal Sciences building to elect offi cers. In Christmas Gifts for Your Girls and * Family Scrapbooks and Albums Fine Pen and Pencil Sets Greeting Cards (See Our Christmas Line) Fine Leather—Brief Cases ‘SPEND YOUR LEISURE TIME WITH US” ‘You Are Welcome Whether You Buy or Not” Stationery Records Atlas Globes Bibles SINCE 1888 Bryan 201 N. Main Libby’s—303 Can Fruit Cocktail 22c Lilly’s, Sanitary or Carnation Mellorine Half Gallon 55c Hills Dale—No. 2 Can Sliced Pineapple 22c 12-Bottle Carton—Plus Deposit Coca Cola 49c Texsun—46-oz. Can Grape Fruit Juice 22c No. 2 Can Wolf Chili 39c Libby’s—46-oz. Can Orange Juice 29c 300 Can Gebhadt Tamales 15c Ranch—300 Can RancFi Style Beans 10c 2 Lb. Box Adolphus Rice 25c Rosedale All Green—2 303 Cans Lima Beans 27c Roll Scott Tissue 10c Alma Green—2 303 Cans Beans & Potatoes 27c Aunt Jemima—1 >4-Lb. Box Pan Cake Mix 17c Campbell’s—No. 1 Can Tomato Soup 10c Bud—12-Oz. Jar Waffle Syrup 19c Campbell’s—2 No. 1 Cans Vegetable Soup 25c 3 Lb Carton Cruslene Shortening 63c Lb. Can doff©© Maryland Club 93c 3 Cans Kim Dog Food 19c Miller's Famous Meats for Hearty Fall Appetites! Miller's Also is The Market to Buy Your Favorite Cuts of Choice Heavy Beef. And Remember The Prices Are Lower, fust The Menu For These Cool Fall Days. ■b. 35 Lean Pork Ribs , Fresh Ground Meat «> 2.9 Veal Brisket Stew ■*> 23 Choice Veal Pot Roast "> 29= Young Toms Turkeys lb. 49c Sliced Armour's Star Hormel Dairy 1st Grade Lb. 11^ llfl Cudahy’s Gold Corn Lb. 39c Picnics ■b. 3 5c fresh FRUITS* Crisp California Lettuce New Crop Ruby Red Grapefruit New Crop Yams Produce Large Head | 2 F ° r 13 c 2 Lbs 15 c Libby's Apple or Cherry Pies 19^ 1014-Oz. Size Libby's Strawberries Libby's Orange Juice Libby's Chicken Pies 10-Oz. Can 2 6-Oz. Cans 8-Oz. Size 23c 29= 19c MILLERS SUPPER MARKET FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ... WE ARE OPEN 7 A. M. TO 9 P. M. EVERYDAY Specials for Thursday P. M., Friday & Saturday - October 20th - 21st & 22nd