Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1955)
THE BATTALION hursday, October 6, 1955 What’s Cooking The schedule for tonight is: 7:00 Fort Worth Hometown Club will meet in the YMCA for election of officers. San Antonio Hometown Club will meet in room 125 of the Academic Building to make plans for the club function to be held October 10. 7:30 Cooke County Hometown will hold its first function of the year. All members should meet in front of the YMCA after yell practice. Palestine A&M Club will meet in room 228 of the Academic Build ing. This is an important meeting, all members are urged to be pres ent. Panhandle Club will meet in room 3B of the MSC. Amarillo Hometown Club will meet in room 108 of the Academic Building for an important meeting regarding Friday function. Austin Hometown Club will meet in room 106 of the Academic Build ing. Milam County Hometown Club will meet in the YMCA. Abilene Hometown Club will meet in room 3C of the MSC. Rusk County Hometown Club will meet in the Academic Build ing right after yell practice. Hill County Hometown will meet in room 105 of the Academic Build ing. Bell County Club will meet in room 2C of the MSC to make plans for a party. Bay City Hometown Club will meet in room 126 of the Academic Building after yell practice. Mem bers are urged to be on time. Brush County Club will meet in room 123 of the Academic Building for an organizational meeting. Houston Hometown Club will meet in room 301 of Goodwin Hall. Membership cards will be on sale. East Texas Hometown Club will meet in room 225 of the Academic Building. Grayson County Club will meet in room 127 of the Academic Build ing. Dallas Hometown Club meeting has been postponed until October 13. Nutrition Meeting To Be Held Here More than 250 persons are ex pected to attend the 1955 Texas Nutrition Conference to be held here today and tomorrow. Feeding and nutrition problems will be dis cussed by some of the nation’s leading authorities on such sub jects. Titles of talks to be given range from “Energy-Protein Relationship in Turkey Starters,” by Rollin H. Thayer of the Oklahoma A&M De partment of Poultry Science, to “Disease Prevention With Medi cated Feeds,” by Dr. Sterling Brackett, director, Animal Indus try Applications, American Cyani- mid Co., New York City. Dr. J. E. Adams, dean of the School of Agriculture, will wel come the group to the campus. Dr. J. R. Couch of the departments of Poultry Husbandry and Biochem istry is chairman for the confer ence. Students (Continued from Page 1) tory 12 guard room about five min utes later. The students (another one had been caught while trying to help the captured student es cape)) gave their name and outfit to Capt. Crow and were then re leased, pending investigation. The defendents said their signs were burned last year, and that none of the students realized the seriousness of their actions at the time. The accused had planned to throw three bottles at dormitory 7, two at dormitory 5, and one at dormitories 1, 3, and 9. The Senior Court recommenda tion has been sent to the Com mandant’s Office for approval. Brifes (Continued from Page 2) moment. Just a few steps more, however, fopnd him jumping back with eyes aghast, staring at the One Who Grades His Papers. Another minute found him running out the door, not to retui'n, and meekly then, until a few minutes had passed. Apparently the prof has a hum orous gear among his assets, for reports are that a great time was had by all, especially the teacher, who had been harassed by the “Phantom” for three semesters and had been most anxious to catch him in the act. SPECIALS FOR THUR. - FRI. _ sAT. - OCTW^T' Make it a perfect meal, serve GGGA-GOLA ORR’S GOLD SEAL VEAL CUTLETS DEPOSITS 12 bottles 49 c Lb. ftvavv vv. c y.v'' v |oA§r Lb. You can pay more — but, you can’t buy better meat. For here at ORR’s, you get the top grades of quality meat— cut to your taste and close- trimmed to give you more tender, tempting meat per pound . . . more juicy, good eating meat for your money. Choose one of these super good meat values today. Your family will enjoy its top quality flavor. Your bud get will enjoy the economy— for there are no better meat buys at any price. WISHBONE DRESSING 2 For 39c APPLE JELLY.... 2 29c M and M CANDY Tol. Pack 25c PEANUT BUTTER 35c BLACK PEPPER ZT 2 Ca°„s 15C FRISKIES DOG FOOD 3 T c"39c lVflT¥ ¥/’ Carnation or Pet ey Ja1¥¥j¥\ Evaporated ___ J cl38c SUGAR _ 5 > Bag 46 C FOLGER’S COFFEE Sri 89c DESERT FLOWER LOTION $1.00 Special Pack — 8 Oz. ALKA-SELTZER 54c Size Special 39c THE best meats available carries gold seal labels ORR’S RIDGECREST STORE OPEN SUNDAYS — 7 A.M. - 9 P.M. PORK SAUSAGE LOIN STEAK BACON LAMB PATTIES STEW MEAT Rath Roll Pound — Gold Seal Pin-Rone—Lb.— Blackhawk Rath’s — Pound— Del Monte 46 Oz. Can Del Monte Lb. Boneless Lean — Lb.- O DEL MONTE SALE PINEAPPLE JUICE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE GOLDEN CORN J DEL MONTE SPINACH DEL MONTE PEAS tJL , DEL MONTE PEACHES CUT GREEN BEANS r„, MARY WASHINGTON ASPARAGUS No. 2 Cans 303 Cans 303 25c 49c 29c 9 303 ^ Cans 303 Cans Sliced or Halves — No. 2 , /2 39c 30c 2 ell 45c Monte QQ 300 Can e>VC FROZEN FOODS Snowcrop or Freah Pact STRAWBERRIES 10 Oz. Package 23c ,Y " l /, o M, orton’ CHlpg 2S C Sfe Pasco Frozen 19, Bag ORANGE JUICE 6$1.00 Birdseye Frozen BROCCOLI SPEARS 2IC 49c WASHING POWDER TIDE Large JL Boxea j J c KRAFT Miracle l Ah ip q* 49< Birdseye Frozen PERCH FILLETS Lilly—All Flavors MELLORINE , /2 16 Oz. Package 35c 55c sh urte nino Cr ISCO 3 JL IK c an 79 c FRESH BUDGET EGGS Doz. WASHINGTON RED DELICIOUS APPLES Lb SWEET CALIFORNIA CANTALOUPES 2 for 25c CALIFORNIA ICEBERG ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ LETTUCE SUPER MARKETS LARGE HEADS 19 c EST IN BRYAN 200 E. 24™ ST. 3516 TEXAS AVE