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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1955)
The Battalion Number 25: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1955 Price Five Cents News of the World By The ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON—Secretary of State Dulles disclosed yesterday he has twice told Russia that Comnfunist arms shipments to Egypt would not “contribute” to lessening of ^the world’s strains. He said American officials “still hope It will be possible to avoid” getting into any arms race in the Middle East. lAr 'At 'At UNITED NATIONS—India’s V. K. Krishna Menon f called on the world yesterday to renounce war and throw away its atomic weapons. “There is only one way before the world and that is for the nations to renounce war as an instrument of national policy,” he said at the end of a two-hour speech closing the U.N. Assembly’s gen eral debate. ★ ★ ★ WASHINGTON—The Eisenhower administration was described” yesterday as “much concerned” lest the govern ment lose revenue through proposed changes in the excise or sales taxes. The administration position was expressed by Dan T. Smith, special assistant to Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey. He was the first witness as a House Ways nnd Means subcommittee opened hearings as a possible pre liminary to overhaul of the century-old excise tax system. ★ ★ ★ SEGUIN, Tex.—The grand jury which indicted Rep. John Bell (D-Tex) in the veterans land scandals was de- * dared illegally constituted yesterday. Dist. Judge W. W. Ellison, ruling on another indictment returned by the jury, upheld an attorney’s arguments that the jury was not qualified to act because <me of its members had not paid his poll tax. Bell had been indicted on charges of conspiring to steal $154,000 under the program. ★ ★ ★ JERUSALEM—An official Israeli announcement said one Israeli watchman was killed and two others were wound ed last night by gunfire near Gilat settlement, 15 miles east of the Egyptian-held Gaza Strip. Sen. Johnson Named Presidential Possibil ity AGGIELAND, 1955—After a long and impatient wait, Bob Bell finally gets up to the head of the line to get his ’55 annual, 2,700 of which arrived from the printer yester day morning. Mrs. Susie Ablon, wife of last year’s leading hitter on the baseball team, keeps one hand on the annual until Bell has signed his name. Standing behind Bell is Lamar Blaschke. Junior College i Conference Hears Personnel Dean Air Force Officers Taking Meteorology College and university student personnel programs vary greatly, fcoth in terms of type of organiza tion and in extent of services of fered, tht 12th annual Junior Col lege Conference held here Monday and Tuesday, was told at the clos ing session. The speaker, Dr. Robert B. Kamm, dean of student personnel services, who spoke on “Rehabili tation in Discipline,” said that “some institutions assume little re sponsibility for out-of-class activ ities of students, whereas others provide extensive services aimed at aiding in the full maturation of •students, mentally, physically, so cially and spiritually. “It is their belief,” Dr. Kamm declared, “that the educational pi’o- gram of a college or university con sists of both instruction services and student personnel services. This point of view, commonly spok en of as ‘the student personnel point of view,’ is well-presented in an American Council on Education brochure, The Student Personnel Point of View. Along with a state- ,nient of philosophy and a discussion of basic needs of college students, a comprehensive listing of recom mended student personnel services -js presented. “There is a widespread practice in hig-her education today to pro vide help in as many need areas as is possible, although some in stitutions because of budgetary re striction, or because of the educa tional philosophy of those respon sible for its operation still provide limited services. “It is possible however,” he said, “that a common denominator of all institutions is the student respon sibility for student conduct and dis cipline. Although the degree of re sponsibility assumed may again vary from college to college, it is doubtful if many institutions, if any, overlook the matter of the be havior of its students. If nothing more, the concern,—in the event of undesirable student conduct, may be only a selfish one of public re lations—’to take an appropriate ac tion’— which will demonstrate to the college’s clientele that it will not tolerate this or that wrong. “To be sure, there are some stu dents who are unable to profit from the college experience, even with competent and sympathetic help. When such is the case, or when the continued presence.of an offender threatens the welfare of fellow students and the institu tion, it may be necessary to sepa rate that student from the college or university. “It must be recognized that in stitutions of highei' education are established for service to a rather limited segment of society. Ex treme deviates and those other wise incapable of benefiting from the college experience must be served by other types of institu- (See CONFERENCE, Page 4) The third group of Air Force lieutenants to be assigned by the Air Force Institute of Technology for the Basic Meteorology Train ing Program in the Oceanography Department arrived here early in September. Their training will ’ extend over a 12-month period. Studies will in clude all course work in meteorol ogy normally required for a bach elor’s degree in meteorology plus advanced courses in oceanography and related fields. Graduates will be qualified as weather officers and assigned for duty at individual air bases in the U. S. and abroad. Upon their arrival, the officers were enrolled in a two-week orien tation course under the direction of Roy Gaul and Carter Sparger of the Oceanography Department. The officers are Lts. George W. Bureham, Irvin Dahlberg, Richard A. Flores, Paul A. Garmers, Don ald R. Giese, Ronald G. Hall, Gale L. Haskins, Charles E. Hill, Jeffie J. Horn, William C. Huckeba, Rob ert E. Julien, Ralph N. Kimball, Curtis G. Patterson, Ronald L. Shearin, David C. Sparks, and Phil lip J. Unrein. All of these officers now hold bachelor degrees. Lt. Howard Goode Jr. has been assigned for work leading to the bachelor’s degree in meteorology. Those assigned for advanced work in Meteorology are Capt. Wayne Leach, for graduate study in general meteorology and Capts. William A. Finley and Gordon D. Smith for work in radar meteorol ogy. Dodgers Rap Yankees; Take World Series Jubilation reigned over Brooklyn yesterday as the Dodgers rose up in the home stadium of the New York Yankees to take the seventh and deciding game of the World Series. Behind the strong pitching of young Johnny Podres, the Bums took the classic with a 2 to 0 win over the team that had “jinxed” them five times before. Gil Hodges, who had received criticism two years ago for his in ability to hit in the Series, proved the hitting hero for the Brooks, driving in both runs. His single in the fourth, driving in Roy Campa- nella who had doubled, was all that Podres needed as he held the Yan kees to eight hits. The Dodger pitcher got into a jam in the eighth inning, but bore down to pitch himself out. Hodges hit a sacrifice fly in the sixth to bring in the other Brook lyn run, which, although not need ed, doubtless helped ease the ten sion on Podres. By winning, Brooklyn became the first club since the “four-out- of-seven” duration was put on in World Series competition in 1920 to lose the first two games and then come back to win. The Dodgers followed the odds placed by the professional point- makers perfectly—up to yester day’s game. The odds were on the Yankees for the first two games, then Brooklyn was picked to sweep the three in their own park, and the Yanks were expected to end it all (See DODGERS, Page 4) News Briefs Physical Fitness Called Issue for Next Election WASHINGTON—(TP) — Sen. Mansfield (D-Mont) held out the possibility yesterday that next year’s presidential race could match two men who have had heart attacks— Dwight D. Eisenhower and Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas. Another Democratic senator McNamara of Michigan, said President Eisenhower’s illness makes it certain that “physical fitness will be an issue” in 1956. This will be so, McNamara said, not only in the election campaign but in the party conventions. A third senator, Bricker, (R-Ohio), said he thought Eis enhower “ought to run” if he makes a complete recovery. But Bricker added this is something the President must de- ♦cide for himself. i Still another Republican, system Board Okays Leaves For Staffers Leaves without pay were confirmed by the System Board of Directors at their meeting Saturday to the fol lowing staff members: William J. Waldrip, assistant professor of Range and Forestry, will serve as specialist in range and pasture management on the F.O.A. Project at Saltillo, Coahu- ila, Mexico. John D. Ebbs, of the English de partment, and J. M. Skrivanek of the Modern Language department were both granted leaves until Aug. 31, 1956. Ebbs will continue work on his PhD at the University of North Carolina, while Skrivanek will continue a fund raising cam paign to establish a Chair of Slav onic Languages. A. J. Kingston, director of guid ance and associate professor of psychology, will be on leave until May 31, 1956 to accept employ ment with the U. S. Educational Mission to Ethiopia." TWO MEMBERS of the Animal Husbandry Department will attend the Brazoria County Fair in Angle- ton tomorrow. Dr. O. D. Butler will judge sale cattle, while J. K. Riggs will discuss cross-breeding as re lated to range cattle production, for a group of cattlement. Riggs also will judge breeding cattle Oct. 13 at Giddings. * * * FRED HALE of the Animal Hus bandry Department is serving his sixteenth straight year as swine superintendent for the State Fair of Texas. He wil be in Dallas, Oc tober 6-14 serving with the Fair’s Swine Division, according to Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the Animal Husbandry Department. Hale said that at least 1,400 hogs ai’e ex pected during the show. There will be 700 in the open show and that many or more in the junior show, he said. * * * DR. R. O. BERRY of the Animal Husbandry Department has been chosen by national headquarters of Sigma Xi to help in establishing a new chapter at North Texas State Teachers College. Dr. Berry will give the formal charge during cere monies Oct. 13. Sigma Xi is a pro fessional fraternity in which mem- pership is offered only to those workers who have done significant original reseai’ch. Weather Today Midnight Yell Practice RV Applications Can Be Picked Up Applications for the Ross Volun teers can be picked up from repre sentatives in each Corps dormitory by juniors meeting the qualifica tions. These requirements are a 2.0 g.p.r. in military or air science and a 1.5 overall grade ratio. The dorms and representatives are as follows: 1—John Cunning ham ; 2—Dexter Lackland; 3— Charles Bremer; 4—Bob Barlow; 5—Don Emerson; 6—Harold Jacob son; 7—Paul Harrison; 8—Marrion Williams; 9—Walter Parsons; 10— Larry Dousin; 11—John Scarbor ough; 12—Buddy Biehunko; 14— Warren Martin; 15—Bob Fuller; 17—Jennings Bunn. Sen. Kuchel of California, called for a moratorium dur ing the period of Eisenhower’s recovery on public speculation as to who would make good candi dates in 1956. Kuchel, just back from a Euro pean trip, said at a news confer ence he considered it “almost dis respectful” to be tossing out names while the President is still con valescing. Mansfield told newsmen an Ei senhower-Johnson contest “is not an impossibility” but added these conditions: “If both continue their recovery, if their doctors say they are well enough and if they desire to run.” Eisenhower was described yes terday as relaxed, cheerful and making satisfactory progress “without complications.” Johnson, the Senate Democratic leader, suffered his attack three months ago. He missed the last month of Congress, but recent vis itors to his Texas ranch report Johnson appears in fine health and looks forward to taking up his key Senate post again next year. McNamara, without naming po tential candidates, suggested in an intei’view that “the people will be reluctant to vote for any man for president whose health is not ro bust.” He said Eisenhower’s sick ness has dramatized the fact that the presidency is “a man-killer job” requiring strength and vigor. Band Gets Rough Treatment CHS Line Coach Talks To Lions Larry Hayes, line coach at A&M Consolidated High School, spoke to the College Station Lions Club Monday on Consolidated’s physical education program. “Our facilities at the present time aren’t adequate,” he said. “But they are improving. We do have an adequate enrollment.” He pointed out that the most im portant part of a physical educa tion program wasn’t to build ath letes, but to make good citizens who would be useful in society. PARTLY CLOUDY Temperature at 10:45 a.m. was 84 degrees. General forecast is broken cloudiness to improve to scattered clouds. Widely scattered light rain showers. Yesterday’s high was 94 degrees and low was 74. By JIM BOWER Battalion Staff Writer The Texas Aggie Band, which recently received much praise and favorable comment on its perform ance and attitude, has made, through various individuals in it, a complaint about its treatment at the last midnight yell practice. Some of the members are of the opinion that the “mob” they faced Friday night would trample any and everything unless confronted with a saber. According to some of the Band seniors, here is a description of the kind of yell practice we had last Friday: Up until the Band reached the street in front of the Exchange Store, nothing seemed to be hap pening out of the ordinary. At this time, the crowd threatened the movement of the players in such a way that they had to quit playing and fight back to keep from being trampled. Reason and commands were out of the question as members of the crowd refused to relent even when confronted with the usually power ful senior ring. Most of the Band members said they were not worried about bodily harm but were more concerned about their instruments. A rough estimate of the value of instru ments carried by the marching Band would be about $200 per per son. Counting the 240 members, this comes to a grand total of $48,- 000. As the struggle continued to the Grove, the condition seemed to get worse with one senior actually be ing knocked down while showing his ring to the crowd pi’essing clos est to him. Reaching the Grove, the Aggies stopped crowding and entered into Health Report Bryan led College, Station 57 to 22 in number of reported cases of vai'ious diseases for the weeks end ing Sept. 24 and Oct. 1. According to County Health Unit repoi’ts, diarrhea led all diseases with 11 cases in College Station and 14 in Bryan. Influenza was next with two cases in the city and 14 in Bryan; third was strept throat with six cases in CS and nine in Bryan. the sport of throwing rolls of toilet paper, which has already been un der much adverse criticism by the senior class. Proof of the fact that the Band was the primary target for the night was seen when the yell prac tice ended and 90 per cent of the “Aggie confetti” was lying in the area occupied by the Band. At the senior meeting last week, Tommy Short, head Drum Major, made a plea for seniors to try and stop the paper throwing because of the danger involved. Said one senior, “I’m afraid to take a date to midnight yell prac tice because of the flying confetti, which gives the girl a pretty bad headache when she gets hit on the head.” Another mentioned the instru ment problem in connection with the “confetti.” “A roll of toilet pa per will inflict a considerable amount of damage to most instru ments,” he said. Surprisingly enough, the Band members express more surprise and shock rather than ill feelings. Said one, “We expect the sway ing back and forth of the crowd to bump us once in awhile, and we feel the spirit of the yell practice ourselves; but the complete disre gard of our dates and instruments leaves us with the feeling that some students don’t think of us as another Aggie who feels as they do.” In talking with a group of the Band seniors, this thought was ex pressed explicitly. “We are not mad at the corps nor are we trying to set ourselves up independently from it. We just wonder if other cadets have noticed the wildness which seems to ac company the yell practices lately.” Math Sessions Held In Academic Help sessions in mathematics are being held Horn 3 to 5 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday, in room 224 of the Academic Build ing. “Students needing extra help in any freshman or sophomore mathe matics course should come by at any time during these hours for additional instruction,” said E. C. Klipple, head of the Mathematics Department. UP IN THE AIR—Roy A. Powell, sophomore Air Force ROTC Cadet, climbs into a T-28 Trainer plane at Bryan Air Force Base for his first indoctrination flight. Flights are given to cadets to prepare them for some of the training they can expect when they enter flight training as a commissioned officer. A bill to come before the Senate during the next season will, if passed, make regular flight training a part of the Air ROTC program.