Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1955)
Thursday, September 15, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 3 Foe. Parkins; Decal New Traffic System A&M will be under its new traf fic system for the first time this coming school year. This, system includes a fee levied for reclaim ing the right to drive on the cam- pas following a violation and also introduces students to parking de cals. Except for these two changes the basic regulations concerning having and driving cars on the A&M campus are about the same as last year’s. Just a few brief reminders: Col lege regulations provide that stu dents must register their vehicles at the Campus Security Office, which is on the first floor of Good win Hall, not later than 48 hours after arrival. This pertains only to a car you will keep with you for a 48-hour period or more. Registra tion fee is 25 cents, and one regis tration is good for all four years. Students are issued a campus li cense plate which must be placed in some spot on their cars visible from the outside. Colored Decal Starting this year students will also get a colorful parking decal, which must be put on the wind shield as low as possible in the right hand corner. This decal in dicates the parking lot area in which the car must be parked. A blue decal is for the day student parking lot; black, Milner and Hart Halls’ parking lots; green, lot be hind Law Hall; red, dormitories 1 through 12 parking lots; and brown, dormitories 14 through 17 parking lots. So that students who have al ready registered their cars can get this decal, a supply will be avail able at registration. Students reg istering their cars fox* the first time will get their decals at that time. The transfers can also be picked up at the Campus Security Office. Students will fill out a blank giving all information about the car needed, including the own er’s living area, so that the prop- eidy colored decal can be issued.. About Violations What happens when a violation of some campus traffic rule occurs has undexgone a change. The basic idea of the system was outlined in The Battalion last spring, bxit for the sake of possibly saving stu dents some money here it is again. In the past, violators were given a ticket and when they had receiv ed a certain number of tickets their right to have a car on the campus was taken away. Under ar authorization granted by the A&M System Board of Directors last June, Dr. David H. Morgan, presi dent, was empowered to levy a fee for regaining college permits taken from violators of college ti’affic laws. He did. The maximum fee authorized was $1 for pax-king violations, $2 for moving car violations and $5 for violation of didving car on the cam pus after the permit had been with- diawn. Persons who get tickets should within 48 hours either repoi't to the College Fiscal Office, in the new Administration Building, whex*e a fee will be accepted for reinstate ment of driving privileges or re port to the Campus Security Of fice where notice of appeal may be prepared—if the driver thinks the ticket is unwai'i’anted. Day Classes Begin Sept. 12 Night Classes Begin Sept. 15 Time-saving courses, limited to practical business subjects only. Money-saving training — most graduates earn the entire tui tion cost within a few weeks. Free Placement Service Visit, call or write the school No obligation—Dial 3-6655 McKenzie-Baldwin Business College 702 South Washington Ave. Here’s a look at a facsimile of the parking decal that will have to be on all student cars starting this year. Ours is in black and white, but the real thing comes in various colors—your color to depend upon where you live. You get them free when you register your car, or, if you’ve al ready registered it, you can get them at the Campus Secur ity Office in Goodwin Hall. But you’ve got to have one if you’re going to have a car on the campus. It’s a part of the new traffic system which is starting this fall. More Names The appeal coux*t is to be open fi’om 4 to 6 p.m. in the Student Labox- Office with Col E. F. Sauer as appeal authority. Sauer’s decis ions on appeal cases will be based on the circumstances under which violations occux*red. Should a student lose his appeal or if he does not appeal, he must pay the fee to get his driving per mit restored. If he wins his case the ticket will be toi*n up. This fee technically is not a fine, for a student does not have to pay it unless he wants his driving privileges on the campus restored. A larger fee will be assessed if a student drives his car on the cam pus without having first gotten his permit back, either by paying the proper fee or by winning his ap peal to the traffic officer. Fur ther violations may cause the case to become a matter for disciplinary action. Courtesy Tickets Campus Security patrolmen will issue some “Courtesy Notices,” for the purpose of notifying and wai'n- ing the drivex* of the vehicle. This notice will be used in borderline cases where the patrolman believes that the driver will pai’k and di’ive propexdy in the futui’e. A record of all notices will be maintained. As usual, a pamphlet will be giv en to students when they register their cars. This pamphlet contains the “what you can and can’t do,” so all students should read it. Fred Hickman is Chief of Cam pus Security. Patrolmen are Olan Armsti-ong, Clenn E. Bolton, Ru- fur E. Batten, Ellis Folsom, Mor ris A. Maddox, Thurman Maxwell, Walter L. Rice, Ray S. Rosier, Al bert R. Ward and Hugh J. Wiese. (Continued from Page 2) tin; and Ray Chamberlain, Falfur- rias. Bruce R. Miles of Houson is first sergeant. Other sergeants are Robert A. Lee, James Stew- art, Ellison K. Kolinek, Eugene Voelkel, Ralph W. Clement and Ronald P. Pactoi*. D Field Artillery Commanding officer is Homer A. Martin Jr. of Falfurrias with a rank of cadet captain. His exec utive officer, a first lieutenant, is Wayne D. Dirks of Tuleta. Other officers are William A. TeiTy, Dal las; Ernest G. Pittman, Anson; Ronnie G. Bradley, Corpus Christi; and Kerry K. Whitton, Chireno— all first lieutenants. Sergeants are James E. Wheeler, James E. Terrell, Karl P. Kuehn, James M. Hebert, Gary N. Smith, Clai’k E. Holloway, Percy L: Bartula, Robert W. Roland, Joseph L. Curtis and Donald F. Garies. Headquarters Second Battalion Second Regiment Cadet Lt. Col. Joe Bill Foster of Gx*eenville is commanding offi cer; his executive is cadet Maj. Frank M. Richie of Winters. Ad jutant is Ti’uman O. Blum of Jonesboro and Billy B. Bex*ryhill of Gladewater is PI and scholas tic officer. Both are cadet cap tains. E. Jennings Bunn is a ca det major and operations and safe ty officer; supply officer is cadet Capt. Thomas W. Taylor of Rock- springs. James O. Manley of Bay- town is sergeant major; other ser geants are Ben V. Alcala Jr. and Gerald D. Thornton. A Anti-Aircraft Artillery Capt. Albexd D. Rial of Houston is commanding officer. Lieuten ants are David N. Bailey, Beau mont; Larry L. Px-iesmeyer, Fair banks; John W. Gi’ant, Henderson; William G. Morton, Kilgore; Gary E. Leslie, Dallas; and Martin W. Pux-sch, Alice. Larx-y W. McCurdy of Dallas is first sergeant. Other sergeants are Herman D. Avant, Merritt W. Johnson, Raymond A. Van Eaton, Glynn R. Chandler, Ronald J. Casey, Lloyd Barnhill and John C. Polk. B Anti-Aircraft Artillery Commanding officer and cadet captain is Jerry M. Sides of Tay lor; David G. Slemmons of Brad is executive officer and a first lieutenant. Other lieutenants are Rockdale’s Emory Grump Jr.; Don ald E. Williams Jr. of San Anto nio; John Albin Petter, West; Odes O. Mattiza Jx\, Port Arthur; Jack C. Lonquist, Dallas; Fred L. Haz elwood, Texaxkana; and James W. Jennings, Fort Worth. Sei’geants are Nathan A. Offield, Donald J. Bayer-, Charles C. King, Antonio V. Gonzalez, Lambert Joe Matl, Don ald Glenn Mayo, Paul Malcolm Duke, Nickalus U. Onofrio, Ramiro E. Salazar, Gayle H. Watt, Bill W. Wagnon, James R. Gipson, Richard L. Moore and Thomas N. Sudderth. C Anti-Aircraft Artillery Cadet Capt. Dai*rell L. Steakley of Novice is commanding officer. Executive is Granville W. Glezen Jr., first lieutenant, from Beau mont. Other lieutenants are Ken neth L. Steelhammer, Brady; Al fred C. Estes Jr., Houston; Fxed- rick A. Thomason, Houston; Glen F. Oglesby, Weatherford; and Richard C. Dux-bin and Robex-t E. Bohne, both of Dallas. First ser- geaxxt is Edward C. Gilmore Jr. of Galveston. Other sergeants are John A. B. Terry, Andrew M. Johnson, Raymond Dolezel, Regi nald L. Chesser, Ray C. Simms, Jamo C. Powell, Robert R. Arms, Lyndel R. Sanders, Richai'd L. McGown, Dudley M. Brown Jr., Carl C. Carrico II and Ted H. Hrabal. Phone'2-8159 Night Phone 6-8053 BAKER TIRE COMPANY N. C. BAKER, Owner "I TRADE FOR ANYTHING" One Way and Local Trailer Rental — Firestone Tires/ Tubes, and Lindley Batteries — Tires Repaired and Recapped Liberal Allowance for Old Tires Wetcome Back Aggies Gr ci n n i e 5 Red t Breakfast Lunch Dinners a u r a n t Short Orders Fountain Service CLOSED — SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 103 Boyett Next To Campus Theatre When your courses are set And a dream-girl you've met,.. Have a real cigarette —have a CAMEL! pufe pleasure It's a psychological fact: Pleasure helps your disposition. If you're a smoker, remember — more people get more pure pleasure from Camels than from any other cigarette! No other cigarette is so rich-tasting, yet so mildi Gttwe/ a. i. Tobacco Co.. Wiaotoo-Solos. N- C. Headquarters Third Battalion Second Regiment Commanding officer is Robert L. Fuller of Beaumont, Lt. Col. The executive officex- is Maj. John R. Hai-i-is of Wichita Falls. Ad jutant is Capt. Lloyd E. Fite, Pox-t Arthur; PI and scholastic, Maj. Davis M. Denny Jr., Houston; op erations and safety officer is Maj. Marvin J. Noble, Houston; supply, Charles D. Stringer, Cx-ockett, Capt.; sergeant major is Vernon L. Hohensee of Columbus. Other sergeants are Jerxy L. Cremer and Joseph C. Sanders. A Signal Clyde J. Wharton of Laredo is captain and commanding officer. George A. Davis of Fox-t Worth is first lieutenant and executive. Oth er lieutenants are Robert R. Moon ey of Beaumont; Henry C. Coutret, San Antonio; Donald K. McCon nell, Fort Wox-th; Thomas L. Ham mer, Dallas; Jerry F. Bowen, Dal las; and Fx-ed Waltex* Stoerkel, Houston. Bobby R. Ammer of Dal las is first sergeant. Other ser geants are James C. Fitzwilliam, Richard G. Dilts, George W. Coff- (See HERE’S MORE, Page 6) We’ll make you the LONGEST DEAL you’ve ever dreamed about on a new ‘‘-’Ford during out* SUMMED BAND WACOM SELL A BRAT10E1! Ccmie iti, tfafaii Trade-in allowance is WAY UP 5 Down psyBK-ETtt WAY DOWN! I • Terms are LOW AND EASY CADE MOTOR COMPANY v our Friendly Ford Dealer