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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1955)
Thursday, May 12, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 7 " * i IliWil ' 2 a v JU » f ' ski Toudoze Named Newman Club’s 1 New President Miss Susie' Thigpen Youngest dancer in dance revue ‘Come On Down South’ Dance Revue Theme ‘Come On Down South” will be |the theme of the annual dance reci tal of the Cai'olyn’s School of )ance and the Wee Aggieland kin- iergarten Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the A&M Consolidated auditorium. The revue is tinder the direction lof Mrs. H. S. Thigpen and will [include acrobatic, tap and ballet lumbers by her pupils. Costumes land., music of the production are ■typical of the old South, Mrs. Thig- Ipen explained. Mrs. Robert Smith Ijr. helped Mrs. Thigpen with the (designing of the dance costumes. The program will be divided into (three parts—the first and third (“Come On Down South” and “Cot- [ton Town Capers” will be put on [by the dance school, and the sec- lond, “Come to The Mardi Gras,” (will be given by the members of Ithe Wee Aggieland kindergarten. (The second part will include the I Mardi Gras king and queen, maids of the court, “can-can cuties” and “hula honeys.” There will also be (Indian boys and girls and clowns. C. K. Esten, director of the Ag- (gie Players, is supervising the staging of the show and Mrs. Chuck Moore and Mrs. Smith will | be accompanists. Soloists and their song selections I for the program will be Miss Jean Adams, “Lindy Lou” and “Your Land and My Land;” Betty Ivy, “While Strolling Through the Park One^Day;” Bill J. Newcomb, “Shoe Shine Boy;” and Bob Frazier, “Harvest Moon.” Those pupils taking part in the program will be Claire Rogers, Eugenia Rush, Rita Hughes, Mary Lou Ergle, Bicci Luther, Lorrie Woods, Cindy Hartman, Dianne Dulaney, Sandra Ann Sayers, Judy Mills, Nancy Beamer, Gwen Mount- ney, Susan Schenjber, Margaret Durst. Betty Ivy, Suzy Stevenson, Ann Loupot, Ann Richardson, Carol Jean Liverman, Helen Klipple, Nancy Rogers, Anne Ballinger, Cynthia Willets, Carolyn Jackson, Nancy Patterson, Janet Gould, Rita Hughes, Suzanne Sorenson, Kay Andrews, Jan Winder, Linda An drews, Pam Avera, Carol Sue Winn, Rosdlnary Thojnson, Becky Kahan. Ann Avera, Sally Sorenson, June Bearden, Sidney Armistead, Peggy Jan$ Breazeale, Julie Goode, Pam Adams, Allyn Phillips, Becky Mc Gee, Jan Butler, Virginia McAfee, Kathy Gould, Anne Williamson, Su san Brown, Jean Richardson, Mar garet Brown and Joy Thigpen. Kindergartners taking part will be Judy Davis, Robin Fitch, Bill Freeman, Linda Pavone, Nancy Roper, Gayle Matzen, Mary Dar- wall, Bill Vance, Mary Beth Bailey, Susan McGee, LaSandra Cathcart, Diane Garber, Kay Burkhalter, Evelyn Worley. Qhristine Waddell, Margaret Tender, Hattie Locke, Bill May- REMINGTON’S New Field Master Smooth, Short Stroke SLIDE ACTION .22 The newest .22 Rifle in the world $49.95 Hillcrest Hardware field, Cynthia Fitch, Timothy Lun- dergan, Kathy Anderton, Allen Riggs, Jean Ann Cowles, Bob Armstrong, Sharon Skrivanek, Ter ry Thingpen, Tommy Walton, Mike Gibbs, Jim Hannah, Bill Price, Bruce Lemmon, Lance Selva, Bill Landiss and Susie Thigpen. There will be no admission charge and the public is invited. Tommy Toudoze, senior ge ology major from San Anto nio, was elected as the new president of the Newman club at the club’s last meeting. Other officers elected were Tony Bolner, junior business administra tion major from San Antonio, vice- president; Louie Benavides, sopho more chemistry major from San Antonio, secretary; Harry McBrie- ty, freshman engineering major from Ennis, treasurer; Carl Brit ton, corresponding secretary. Webb Connelly, junior poultry major from Austin, Cadance editor; Rudy Rodriguez, freshman general major from Houston, reporter; and Richard Dilts, junior mechanical engineering major from Ohio, his torian. Awards were given to members for outstanding work done during the year which contributed to the betterment of the club. Those re ceiving awards were Jimmy Wend- land, Chuck Franz, Toudouze, Jim my Wheeler, Kurt Nauck, Bena vides, John Mcllhenny and Bolner. During the meeting it was an nounced that the club will have a barbecue for all Newmanites and their dates May 18 at the St. Mary’s Student center. This will be the club’s last social event for this school year. Social Whirl '] hursday The American Veterinary Medi i cal Association Student Wives aux iliary will meet at 8 p.m. in th( social room of the Memorial Stu dent Center. Friday The A&M Garden club will meet t 9:30 a.m. in the social room of the Memorial Student Center for the last meeting of the year and a coffee. Preceding the coffee there will be a tour of the greenhouse at 8:30 a.m. . V-V •jl* . n ! s %-a v Miss Jean Smith, left, anti Miss Anna Beaty Future Homemakers of America Future Homemakers Attend State Meeting Theriots Have Son Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Theriot have announced the birth of their first child, Timothy Michael Ther iot. Timothy was born at 1:45 a.m. May 5 in St. Joseph’s hospital and weighed 6 pounds and 12% ounces at birth. Three students of A&M Consoli dated high school, their homemak ing teacher and club sponsor at tended the State Future Home makers of America meeting of Tex as in Galveston recently. Misses Jean Smith, the club’s incoming president; Anna Beaty, outgoing president; and Mildred Dew, incoming vice-president; at tended with Mrs. Charles L. Byrd, homemaking teacher, and Mrs. Jim Beaty, club mother. According to a report of the meeting prepared by Miss Dew, the students spent two and a half days of “fun, meeting new and old friends, and learning more about FHA”. The theme of the meeting was “Peaceful Living - Peaceful Thinking”. One evening of the meeting was devoted to en tertainment in which each area of the state was responsible for a skit. Miss Beaty was the voting dele gate from the group at the meet ing. with the Pearl-Gray Activated Charcoal Filter , PRODUCT OF <xnjf "*czmrm i Make Big Savings on Famous Brand Watches; ★ 31I1MO ★ EMAiSW 1 ★ nVMSJH ★ Ma,M,SMOMS \ ★ LONGINES ★ HAMILTON ★ LeTOlLTRE ★ niTTNAUEH Choose from three i selected groups of fine watches hy world - famous makers \ FIRST GROUP V* °" SECOND * GROUP ! /s OFF THIRD “ | GROUP !/2 OFF . ~ vv' : ; j . \ \ L' '5 '' * is?' ' : HAMILTON AlMOta^itC K-450 Self-winding watch for men. Handsome yellow case. ' , : ■S -,y -j ty-.'-'r All Watches Are Fully Guaranteed By The Manufacturer and by Us ! 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