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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1955)
Pa 1 Ir mr bal Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, May 12, 195^ Family Favorites J* By Mrs. George Ann dcMarrais (Ed note: Mrs. deMarrais is the wife of Gordon R. deMarrais, industrial engineering major. The deMarrais have one child, Terry, who is one and one half years old. They live at B-2-D College View. Mrs. deMarrais has prepared a lamb casserole for Family Favorites. She said this is a Northern recipe. She is originally from New Jersey.) LAMB CASSEROLE 2 pounds of lamb shoulder 1% cups potatoes % cup of flour 1 cup diced celery 2 tablespoons shortening English peas 2 cloves of garlic 2 tablespoons flour mixed 3 cups of water with water 1 teaspoon salt Biscuit recipe Dash of pepper Buy two pounds of lamb shoulder and cut into medium size pubes. Put approximately one half cup Of flour in paper bag; add meat and shake to coat well. Heat two tablespoons shortening in a large skillet over medium heat, add meat and brown well on all sides. Pour off excess fat and add two cloves of garlic, about three cups of water, and one teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet or Gravey Master, one and one half teaspoons salt, and a dash of pepper. Cover and cook for thirty min utes. Add about one and one half cups of potatoes, cut into small pieces and one cup diced celery. Cover and cook thirty minutes longer. Add a small can of English peas, drained, during last few minutes of cooking. Thicken broth with two tablespoons flour mixed with water, stir in slowly .and cook until thickened. Pour into two-quart casserole. Meanwhile, make biscuits from mix or your own recipe. Roll out and brush with melted butter. Roll up like a jelly roll and cut into slices. Place on cookie sheet and bake in a hot oven for about five minutes. Arrange on top of lamb mixture in casserole. Bake, ten minutes longer or until biscuits are brown. With this I serve only a green salad. Fill a large bowl with a mixture of salad greens (lettuce, celery, parsley, red cabbage, endive, green onions, and remain). Add slices of avocado and tomato wedges. Crumble about two tablespoons of Roquefort cheese over top. Toss with French dressing. GINGERBREAD Gingerbread recipe Orange sections Instant vanilla pudding Banana slices % cup whipping cream Make gingerbi*ead from prepared mix or your own recipe. Bake in layer pan. Make up instant vanilla pudding, using only one and one half cups milk, whip one. half cup heavy cream until stiff and fold into pudding. To serve, spoon pudding over gingerbread, adding orange sections or banana slices if desired. ■ isaal *• $ $ i "M • '1 Frank Ford, left, and Jack Weatherford Looking over barbecue-to-be Wesleyans To Have Barbecue Friday The Wesley foundation will have its annual spring barbecue and outing Friday. Cars will leave the foundation at 5;30 p.m., the Rev. Robert C. Monk, foundation director, said, and go to the site planned for the outhtjg. Tickets may be purchased from Wesleyans or at the founda tion building for 75 cents. Roland Bahlmann is in charge of the committees planning the barbe cue and outing. Those on the food committee are Frank Ford, chaii'- man, Tom Humphreys, Joe Fenton and Jack Weatherford. Members of the transportation committee are John Warner, chair man,; Bob Glaze and Sonny Tutt. Members of the publicity commit tee ai’e Don Houston, chairman, Brady Armstrong and Monk. Bill Stephenson is chairman of the recreation committee. Clay McFarland and Bill Ashburn are in charge of games and Bill Libby heads the entertainment group. John Chapman, Paul Mason and Mrs. Monk are on the guest com mittee. Jerry Ramsey, chairman, Cam Wook and Ed Chandler are members of the ticket sales com mittee. Games will be played before the barbecue’dhd a camp fire program will be held after the meal. There will be a planning retreat Saturday at Camp Arrowmoon for the old and new councils of the Wesley foundation. Members are to leave the foundation at 1 p.m. The installation of officers will also be during this meeting. New officers of the foundation are Bob Glaze, president; Harry Scott, vice-president; and Don Houston, secretary. New Wesley foundation council members are Bill Wafer, Bill Step henson, Vardeman Johnson, John Warner, Joe Fenton, Bill Libby, Tom Humphreys, Bill Riviere, J. P. Greenwalt, Jim Griffin, Ed Chandler, Vance Engleman, Paul Mason, Bob Teague, Curtis Shul- tze. Jack Weatherford, Aubrey Smith, Don Boehnke and Cam Wood. Wives Bridge Club Elects Mrs. Jones Mrs. Joy Jones was elected to be the summer pi’esidenf of the Aggie Wives Bridge club. Other officers for the summer are Mrs. Ann Perryman, vice-pres ident; Mrs. Aug - usta Sasser, secre tary-treasurer; and Mrs. Kathy Nienast, reporter. Intermediate hostesses for the last meeting were Mrs. Glenda Durham and Mrs. Joan Tiekep. Prizes were won by Mrs. Gladys Webb, high, and Mrs. Sara Nes- bett, traveling deuce. Hostesses for the tonight’s meeting will be Mrs. Erman Ingram and Mrs. Orla Powell. Regular hostesses for the last meeting were Mrs. Virginia Tucker and Mrs. Lucile Prior. Prizes were won by Mrs. Barbara Proctor, high; _Mrs. Nancy Larson, second high; and Mrs. Wanda Willand, traveling. Hostesses for tonight’s meeting will be Mrs. Teenye Price and Mrs. Francis Smith. -fo bate neei your \buc/geflj You must be pleased at Miller's or your money back- You know we have qual ity or such an offer would be impossible. Fresh meats make your cooking a pleas ure and its always wiser to buy where you can look at both sides of your steak then you know before you get home what is in your package- WarU S, r ec lb. Clean And Tender FRYERS CUDAHY’S GOLD COIN Bacon ...... lb. 43c Bologna .... lb. 33c ARMOUR’S JUMBO OLD FASHION—AMERICAN CHOICE VEAL SHOULDER Cheese lb. 47c Roast lb. 39c resit f-^roduce Crisp Green CELER1 f Nice Stalk ^ C Fresh Green ONIONS . . • • » • r " A , ;■ ti tm * . . 5c Fancy Washington State RED DELICIOUS APPLES. . . . . . lb. 17c 432 Sunkist LEMONS . . . • » • ' • • . lb. 10c 10c Coupon On ... COCA COLA-(with this coupon) . (Plus Deposit) 12 hot. 29c r 0 z e n o cl Grasso’s—10 Oz. Pkg. BREADED SHRIMP .... . . . 39c Libby’s—10% Oz. Size—CHERRY or FRUIT PIE SALE APPLE • • • • « . . 19c Sticks Packed By Hormel HAM 8 oz pkg. 55c 2), U Cj J 8 Oz. Bottles PINE-O-PINE Regular $1.00 Size LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO . (jrocerij imperial SUGAR 5 Gladiola Biscuits 2 lbs. Cans Val Vita Big 2 1-2 Can PEACHES Welch GRAPE JUICE - 24 Oz. Bottle 29c Del Monte C A T S U P—14 Oz. Bottle . . 17c Rotel Cut GREEN BEANS... TRAPPEY’S YAMS . . . Top Kick Dog Food Blue Plate—15 Oz. Ice Tea Glass SALAD DRESSING . 9c 2 - 303 cans 35c Can Large 12 Oz. Box POST TOASTIES Libby’s—12 Oz. Cans PINEAPPLE JUICE .... Lipton's 48 Count TEA BAGS . . . 19c 3 cans 25c p ecict is Carnation Slender or Regular COTTAGE CHEESE .... Lb. carton 25c Carnation Milk GOLDEN GLEN V2 gallon 47c Carnation Milk MULTI VITAMIN . . . . V2 gallon carton 47c MILLER '5 SUPER MARKET FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE .WE ARE OPEN . . - 7 AM. to 9 P.M. Everyday Specials for Thursday P. M., Friday & Saturday - May 12 -13 -14