Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1955)
f Tuesday, March 29, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 3 MARCH 29 & 30 Tuesday & Wednesday THE LOVE STORY OF THE PRINCE OF DANDIES! BRUMMELL % STEWART ELIZABETH GRANGER-TAYLOR ' PETER ROBERT USTINOV • MORLEY > MKTftO-OOlDWYN MAYER PICTURE LAST DAY ‘The Silver Chalice’ WED. thru SATURDAY 20*H Certtury-Fos presents KIRK DOUGLAS - BELLA DARVI - GILBERT ROLANS THE? GNbmavScOPE ce-ioe b, De Luxe TODAY & WEDNESDAY — Double Feature — w Bob Mathis Story and Billy Graham’s “Mighty Fortress” Ags Meet TCU Today — NOW SHOWING — First Show Starts 7:00 P.M. DALE ROBERTSON CARROL NASH—IN “SITTING BULL” CinemaScope — ALSO — “The Scarlet Spear” Color by Technicolor — Starring — John Bently — Martha Hyer CIRCLE LAST DAY MARILYN MONROE DONALD O'CONNOR JOHNNIE RAY Cinemascope —ALSO— “PRESIDENT’S LADY” Susan Hayward starring TONY CURTIS JULIE ADAMS L UNIVERSAt-tNTCRNATIONAl Ba,rnes & Noble COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES SHAFFER S BOOK STORE North Gate ( Advertisement) SOPUOKA.OPX-ti - 004'T e>E Die>- COUR.NC1E.O IF THE FLOW STENu VOOR. UNi\FOeLA e>E.FORE. THE ^>OPUONVOV2.E BNl_L_. Playf Nelson, ONeal Tangle In Mound Duel Here By RONNIE GREATHOUSE Battalion Sports Staff A mound duel between Jerry Nelson and TCU’s Dick O’Neal appears on tap for the Aggies’ Southwest conference opener at home today. Game time is 3 p.m. at Kyle field. A&M leads the conference in season play with a 6-2 record, and is tied with Texas in conference play with a 1-0 ■fmark after dumping Rice 7-5 at Houston last Friday. Nelson, sporting a 1-2 sea son record, gets his first crack at a conference foe. In his last two outings against the New Orleans Pelicans he turned in out standing performances, winning the first 5-3 and losing the second. He gave up only one earned run in the second game. O’Neal, the darling of TCU bas ketball fans, is also one of the Froggies’ top pitchers. He recent ly bi-oke the SWC season and con ference basketball scoring record. Dependable Les Byrd tacked on 19 points to his average in the Rice game to keep his number one position among A&M batters with a .400 average. Fred Ablon still holds down the second slot with .286, although he dropped 26 points in the Rice fray. Joe Boring banged' out three hits in as many trips to the plate against the Owls to hoist himself in to third spot on the Cadet squad with .280. Icy blasts from the north wind failed to cool tempers in the Aggies triumph over Rice last week, as a near free-for-all took place. Southpaw Joe Hardgrove spun a five-hitter to take credit for the win and preserve his perfect rec- oi*d. He now has a 2-0 mark. Joe Schero blasted a homer in the eighth and Boring duplicated the feat in the ninth. The Aggies pounced on Owl hurlers for three runs on three walks, a double and a homer in the top of the ninth to wrap up the contest. Tennis Team s U of H, Then UT, TCU Aggie tennis players begin a busy week today taking on the University of Houston here at 2:30 p.m. The Cadets meet Texas at Austin Thursday and end the week’s activities against TCU here Saturday. A&M trounced Abilene Christ ian college 5-1 here Friday, sweep ing all four singles matches and copping one of two doubles events. In the singles Gene Kinard drop ped the first set to ACC’s Max Leach 2-6, then came back to win two straight, 6-2, 6-3. Don Dixon dumped Jerry Griffitts of ACC, 6- 3, 6-3; Jack Bessellieu downed Ronnie Walcher, ACC, 6-1, 4-6, 7- 5 and Bob Kerr thumped James Tudox-, ACC, 6-3, 6-2. Kei’r and Bessellieu teamed up in the doubles to top Leach and Griffitts, 6-4, 6-2. Dixon and Kin ard lost to Walcher and Tudor in the other doubles match, 4-6, 8-10. A&M’s freshmen team is one of the stx’ongest in histoi'y, said Coach W. M. Dowell, and gets a chance to px - ove it against the pe rennial strong .Shorthorns on Thursday. “I expect the freshmen to show up very well against Texas”, said Dowell. Paul Wilkins,„ last year’s state singles champion from Baytown, leads the promising young Aggies. Rex Reed, John Medlin, John Young, Joe Simmons and Larry Patterson round out the team. Medlin and Patterson teamed to win the state doubles champion ship at Freer high school last year. Ag Soccer Team Blanks Allen 8-0 Thi'ee players kicked a goal each in the first half, then the Aggie soccer team added five more in the second period to shut out Allen academy 8-0 hex-e yesterday. The game was originally set for last Satux-day but postponed be cause of cold weathei'. Y r estei’day Jacintho lacovone scored the first goal, Roberto II- dari’az booted a short one and Joi’ge Hildago scored on a high shot to boost the Cadets into their eai’ly lead. The Aggies will play the Uni- vei'sity of Houston in Houston next weekend. Box Scoi'e A&M AB R H Ablon, rf 5 0 1 Schero, 3b 4 1 1 Byrd. If 4 0 2 Stockton, cf 4 0 O Williams, c 5 1 1 Boring, 2b 3 3 3 Hoyle, lb 4 , O 2 Bleckner, ss 3 1 1 Hardgrove, p 3 1 1 TOTALS 35 7 12 KICK AB K H Ludwig, cf ..1 0 0 Pollard, cf 2 1 1 Cox, rf 5 0 2 Forester, 3b 5 0 0 Reynolds, lb 2 0 0 a Teimi 1 1 • 1 Arhos, lb 1 O 0 Stgm’yr, ss 4 1 0 Chabysek, 2b 2 0 0 Trotter. If 4 1 1 Navarro, c 4 0 0 Wolda. p 2 1 0 TOTALS 33 5 5 a Teimi doubled for Reynolds in the 8th. Score by Innings: Texas A&M 000 010 213—7 Rice . 000 000 122—5 Errors: Bleckner 3, Schero 2, Reynolds, Wonda. Cox. Runs batted in: Bleckner. Ablon, Pollard, Trotter, Byrd, Stockton, Cox. Foerster. Two-base hits: Cox 2, Hardgrove. Boring. Eejml. Bleckner. Home runs: Schero, Boring. Stolen bases: Trot ter, Reynolds. Double play, Navarro, Wolda, Pollard; Chabysek, Reynolds; Bor ing, Hoyle, Bleckner. Boses on balls Off: Wolda 5: Hardgrove 4. Strike-outs, by: Wolda 4. Hardgrove 6. Hit by pitched ball: Wolda 2 (Hardgrove). Left on bases: A&M 7, Rice —. Umpires Griffin and Graham. OLYMPIA Portable Typewriters IMPROVE YOUR GRADES Use our rental purchase plan. $6.00 per month. Rent applied on purchase of machine. Also late model stand ard typewriters and adding machines for rent. Buy your portable typewriter from BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. We maintain a service department to place your machine in good operating condition before it is sold, and to give you your guarantee that the manu facturer wants you to have. As long as you are in A&M, bring your portable in. We will blow the dust and lint out with compressed air, lubricate and install a new ribbon, and only charge you for the ribbon. ENGINEERING STUDENTS! The OLYMPIA TYPEWRITERS has a standard key board, plus two extra keys (! over % and + over =), also half spacing for writing exponents, subscripts, and formulas. Furnished in a 9V2” and 13” carriage. We carry a complete line of special type which is installed here in our shop. We offer new ROYAL and SMITH CORONA PORTA BLES for $25.00 off. Bryan Business Machine Co. SALES — SERVICE — RENTALS — TERMS 429 South Main Street Bryan, Texas Phone 2-1328 Softball Team Loeffler Traveling ToPky w . th AU _ Stars Sam Houston A&M softballers entertain dangerous Sam Houston State here tomorrow night in the season’s first doubleheader. The Aggies dropped their opening game 5-0 to the powerful Phillips 66 Oilers of McGregox* hei’e last Friday in extra innings. Starting time fox- tomorrow night’s twin bill is 7:15. More than 25 candidates for the Cadet team are on the ros ter at pi’esent, said Barney Welch, team manager. The club will play about 18 or 20 games during the season. Starting lineup for tomorrow night’s game includes Sonny Jame son, first base; Dick O’Connox - , sec ond base; Buddy Smith, third base; Hax-vey Helms, shortstop; Pappy Papacek, left field; Bill Thomas, center field; Buddy Denton, right field and Bill Bates, catchex-. Stax-ting twirlers for the Aggies are Giles Schanen and Winfield Imel. The Aggies battled Phillips to a scoreless tie during the regular seven innings, but bowed to the no-hit pitching of Claytoxx Duggei’, as the Oilei's pushed across five runs in the ninth. Mural Highlights Dick Guthxue and Jim Moffit paced A engineers to a high-scox-ing 17-14 victory over B annor yester day in upp ex-class men intramural softball. Guthx-ie banged out two tx-iples axxd scox-ed two runs and Moffit hit two doubles and also scox-ed twice. Squadron 19 won over squadroix 13, 15-0; C arxnor beat B engineex-s, 5-4; C anti-aii-ci-aft ax*tillery down ed squadi'on 7, 5-1; A quax-termas- ter cox-ps whipped squadron 9, 8-2; and squadi-on 15 defeated squadx-on 21, 7-2. A tx-anspox-tation cox-ps won over A engixxeers in fx-eshmen softball, 8-6; squadi'on 17 beat A anti-aii’- cx-aft ax-tillex-y, 16-11; A chemical corps defeated squadx-on 16, 14-13; squadx-on 18 downed B anti-aii’craft ax-tillex-y, 6-3; C armor won over B engineers, 5-3; and Hax-t hall beat Mitchell hall, 7-6. Squadx-on 10 won over squadx-on 2, 2-0, in uppex-classmen volleyball; B fiel4 ai-tillery defeated A ax-rnor, 2-0; A field ai-tillei*y beat D infan- tx-y, 2-0; B infantry downed squad- x-on 6, 2-0; squadx-on 5 sank A in- fantxy, 2-0; and maroon band beat squadxon 3, 2-1. Ken Loeffler, A&M’s new basket ball coach, will make two appeax-- ances in Texas before xnaking his first visit here since the announce ment of- his new post. The 53-yeai--old Loeffler is one of the college coaches helping De- Paul mentor Ray Meyer with the Loeffler’s Box Score At LaSalle W L 1949 - 50 21 4 1950 - 51 22 7 1951 - 52 25 7 1952 - 53 25 3 1953 - 54 26 4 1954 - 55 26 5 Total 145 30 1950—lost in NIT quarterfinals ■1951—lost in first x-ound of NIT 1952— won NIT title, lost in semifinals of Olympic toux-ney 1953— lost in NIT quartex-finals 1954— won NCAA title 1955— runnemp in NCAA toux-ney college all-stax-s, currently touring the country with the Haidem Globe- trottex-s. The collegians play the Trotters in Waco April 10 and Houston Apx-il 11. Loeffler is due to come hex-e from Houston Tuesday, April 12. His contx-act at LaSalle doesn’t expix-e until June, and he will continue teaching law there until then. After that, he is due to tour South Amei*ica with a team of col lege playex-s, leaving June 26. Attention* College men— $175*00 LYNN & Also $225 to $350 Wedding Ring $100 Rings enlarged lo show details Prices include Federal tax Color, cut and clarity de termine diamond value. Keepsake diamonds are selected by experts for excellence in these stand ards — and are GUAR ANTEED PERFECT for your» pro- & Guaranteed by *"A lCCLlOlL V^Good Housekeeping y « iwmtp SANKEY PARK Jewelers N. Main Bryan UNITED AIR LINES needs pilots and flight engineers ! Wonderful career opportu nities with the nation’s num ber one airline now open to qualified men. Company benefits include excellent pay, broad insurance program, retirement income plan and others. Qualifications: Height 5'-7" to G'-J". U. S. citizen, com mercial pilot license with 165 hrs. or more, pass flight physi cal with no waivers. Age 21-28. Applicants who, in addition to. above qualifications also have Instrument Rating or Flight Engineer’s Certificate (or Flight Engineer’s exami nation written portion passed) will be accepted through age 29; with both Instrument Rating and Flight Engineer’s Certificate through age 30. United’s Flight Training Center at Denver will be at tended by successful appli cants who will also receive salary while in training. Classes are scheduled through March, 1956. Send resume of qualifi cations, including education and experience loi Mr. E. J. Nielson District Personnel Manager United Air Lines, TAM-1 Hangar #5, Stapleton Airfield Denver 7, Colorado HEY AGGIES — DON’T DELAY Now Is Tire Time To Buy Your New 1955 . . . MERCURY or FORD GOOD DISCOUNTS ON STRAIGHT SALES MORE FOR YOUR TRADE IN For your convenience we have tried to work out some finance plans whereby it will make it easier for you to get your new car. For Example: TWO AND ONE HALF MONTHS GIVEN FROM DELIVERY DATE UNTIL YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT. — Or — YOUR FIRST THREE PAYMENTS AT ONLY $25 WITH THE REG ULAR PAYMENTS STARTING FOUR AND ONE HALF MONTHS FROM THE TIME YOU TAKE DELIVERY. — Or — NO DOWN PAYMENT AT ALL IF YOU ARE A GRADUATING SEN IOR IN R.O.T.C. AND HAVE YOUR ORDERS TO GO INTO THE SER VICE. Don’t say I can’t buy a car, come by and see Johnny Abbott (’54) at Bryan Motors, Highway 6 South. Y’ou will be surprised at some of the deals I can work out for you. Call me at 2-1605 in the daytime or 6-5944 at night. Call for a demonstration ride at any time. If you don’t want a new car we always have a large selec tion of clean used cars priced right. BRYAN MOTOR CO. Highway 6, South Bryan, Texas