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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1955)
Battalion Editorials 5 a.?e 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1955 ;A Slight Shortage Elephants Lodge At Vet Hospital Last week, A&M hired a new basketball cnaeh, 10 days after the old one resigned. We’re sure the new coach is a good man, and we’re glad to have him at A&M, but his coming points up an interesting situation 1 ere. • The athletic department hired a high- prieed major-sport coach in less than two v/eeks, yet the college has vacancies in four dean positions. This is four out of eight or an even half. And three of these positions have been vacant for seven months—engineering, ba sic division, and the newly-created student personnel services. Of course, part of the reason is that deans are harder to come by than coaches, and the money being offered is probably an- • By DON SHEPPARD Battalion News Editor Two elephants, about 9,000 lbs. other reason, although the figures on the animal flesh, spent the weekend j j • j ’ the A&M Vetei'inary hospital. offered salaries for deans aren t being made ^ • * ° After Hag-en Brothers circus at- publlC. tendants spent most of Friday But still, seven months is a long time— i nij?ht pouring- bourbon and whiskey and the best promise the college has made is flown an 86 and a 50-year-old ele- that something will be done by the end of i Vaant to protect then- health ,, . against the cold, they decided it this year. While these positions are vacant, someone is having to do the job. Then someone has to do the job of the man that took over, and so on. The operation of the college is not vis- ably affected by these vacancies, because good men have taken over. But they’re spreading themselves out thin. There seems to be no doubt about A&M’s having an athletic empire in the near future. Maybe we ought to start trying for an aca demic empire, too. Cadet Slouch Earle Job Calls • Tuesday, March 29 — Texas Power and Light Co.—mechanical engineers for training for power plant operation; electrical engi neers to be placed in the Design division of the engineering depart ment in Dallas. • Tuesday, March 29—Gulf Oil Corp. (Tulsa and Fort Worth)— petroleum, mechanical, civil, geo logical, chemical, electrical engi neering-, geophysics, mathematics, and physics majors for positions in petroleum engineering, explora tion work, and gas engineering in the production department. • Tuesday, Wednesday, March | 29, 30—'Foley’s (Houston) will in terview for their merchandising trainee program, maintenance work, traffic work, production and warehouse problems. Majors to ) be interviewed are agricultural ; economics, business administra- j rion, economics, mechanical engi_ neering, industrial engineering, in dustrial technology. i • Tuesday, March 29 — Texas Power and Light (Dallas) — me chanical engineers for power plant ! operation; electrical engineers to • be placed in the design division of I the engineering department. • Tuesday, March 29 — Texas \ Highway department (Waco)— ci- ; vil engineers as engineering as- I sistants for county residency, the 1 District laboratory, and the Dis- : trict office. • Tuesday, March 2^ — Arthur ' | Anderson & company (Houston & j Dallas) representatives will inter- • view accountants interested in pub- ' lie accounting work. / , would be cheaper to house the ani mals in a warm building. Information as to how much in toxicants the two elephants re ceived was unavailable yesterday, but if it takes a half-pint to keep a 150 pound man warm, it would take about 15 pints for a 4500 pbund elephant. The circus which_ was brought here by the College Station Lions club was unable to give the two planned performances Saturday be cause of the cold and high wind. They could not set up their tent. To- fulfill legal obligations for advance ticket sales to Bryan and College Station merchants however, Hagen Brothers did hold an open-air show Saturday night. Even though all legal obliga tions were filled by the circus, Lions club members yesterday vot ed to refund the money to ticket holders. Those who wish a refund should contact the Lions club mem ber from whom they bought the tickets. All money which is not refunded will go into the club fund for crip pled children. Boy Scout work, school awards, and other Lions club projects. What's Cooking TUESDAY —Petroleum club, lecture 5:45—Ag Eco club, front of MSC, room > ^troleum Engineering build- , , . , , . . , ing, guest speaker, subject: Report retake Aggieland picture, class Eval y at j on _ "A” winter uniform or suits, last Freshman FFA chapter, cabinet chance to turn in Cotton Ball room YMCA, film: “The Care of a duchess picture. Tractor.” CIGARETTES Civilians (Continued from Page 1) they added that the council’s execu tive committee could review any problems arising from this ruling. The council agreed to sell dormi tory pictures, and profits fix>m the sales will go to the council treasury. The council’s next meeting will Tuesday, April 12. BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR . . . Best “TUNE-UP” In Town BRUNER BATTEKY & ELECTRIC CO. Bruner ’44 28th & Main PHONE 2-1218 Kent Elected Chairman For County Polio Board J. T. Kent of the mathematics department recently was elected chairman of the board of directors of the Brazos County Chapter of the National Foundation of Infan tile Paralysis. He succeeds J. E. Tatum of Bryan. Others elected were Mrs. Lucille Foster, vice-chair nmn; Charles Haas, secretary; Charles Hart treasurer; and Tatum, member of the executive committee. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. J. V. Perry, co-chairmen of this year’s March of Dimes drive, reported that $11,- 154.29 was collected during the campaign. NEW ARRIVAL? Call "Tha House Doctor" HE BUILDS — New Rooms, Porches, Cabinets, Roofs, Garages, etc. HE CONVERTS—Porches to Bedrooms, Dining Areas, Hobby Rooms, Break fast Nooks, etc. •. COPYRiaHT A. U. C. NO DOWN PAYMENT - UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAT •The House Doctor" ls_Prompt, Efficient, Available, Courteous, Economical MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. Wellborn Road Phone 4-4236 or 6-5211 The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published twice a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday and Thursday during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $7.00 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Bctered as Becond-class J mutter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi- cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in tho paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Righta } of republication of all othei matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or et the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Publication Office, Loom 207 Goodwin Hall. LOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER. Jon Kinslow Jerry Wizig Co-Editors Managing Editor T _ - _ Sports Editor • Don Shepard, Ralph Cole News Editors ! I ill Fullerton ^ City Editor ; 1 Connie Greathouse Sports Writer ! Roger Goad, Welton Jones, John Warner, f t Rube Repoi'ters ' / irs. Jo Ann Cocanougher —.Women's Editor ! Kiss Betsy Burchard A&M Consolidated Correspondent 1 ri^a^v 011 ^ V> ----A&M Consolidated Sports Correspondent : V™» d «Lw SSbaUm ’ Eomeo Chapa Advertising Salesmen lorn Sjler Circulation Manager I Casting Starts For Ag Follies Auditions for the Aggies Fol lies, titled “Hullabaloo Canek Canek” this year, will continue tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. in the Music hall. “Casting will start tonight,” said Charles (Chuck) Newman, head of the Intercouncil’s Follies committee, “but everything is still open.” ODERN SIZE FILTER TIP TAREYTON brings you the true taste of Tareyton’s famous quality tobacco PRODUCT OF c/Jvi ttftrnjc.’u&an cJuCajzcxAony&aviy I $25 OFF LIST PRICE New 1955 Models Royal and Smith-Corona Portable TYPEWRITERS Bryan Business Machine Company 429 So. Main Bryan, Texas PHONE 2-1328 LI”L ABNER By A1 Capp HILLCREST HARDWARE Offers the Following HANDGUNS K-22 Masterpiece FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY K-38 Masterpiece 22-32 Kit-gun 357-S & W Magnum, 4 357-S & W Magnum, 6 38-S & W Military 38-44 Heavy Duty 44-S & W Special. 4 in. Colts Match Target Colt Woodsman Colt Challenger Colt Trooper 22 Colt Trooper 38 Colt Officers Match 38 Colt Officers Match 22 Colts Cobra, 32 & 38 Colts 357 Colts Super 38 Auto. Colts Super 45 Auto. Hi-Standard Sport King Hi-Standard Elite King Hi-Standard Dura-Matic Hi-Standard Field King Hi-Standard Super-Malic H & R 22’s Ruger 22 Autos. SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS EASY TERMS you m eo THOUGHT&F&oi' to hav£ 02IN& TO TU&e PAC*A6£-PAZC£l,l OVU£IP M£N0 cont WHUN 1 AM /MAkS TH£PUP<3E-"VWAT<S ISTWgyPO. NO? tAlQAy SITAZOUHD AM'5AT UPHI/W NO? NCTM'ZieiiR PCXSO.THO, By Walt Kelly •fATiM'Of IT, I THUNK I'P <5AVg y<o tims BGNeiu' bac* th? box an' you coui,p pin, ir AGAIN AN'I'P(20 HOME" AN''