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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1955)
nfi. Page 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, January 13, 1965 Fencers To Meet Middies Feb. 26 Conference titlists the last two 'ears, A&M’s fencing team will neet the U. S. Naval academy in i match at Annapolis, Md., Feb. !6, said Bill Huettle, cocaptain. Tentative plans are to fly to Vnnapolis, he said. Conference competition starts in April. The Aggies have won their mly team match of the year—with ^arleton—and members have en- ered several individual meets. : The team works out in DeWare held house every afternoon from > to 6. Anyone interested in try- ; ng out should contact Huettle or Vrt Garner, the other cocaptain. ;rt . otaff To Attend Workers Meeting < “Water and Texas Agriculture” -vill be discussed by members of he college staff at the Texas Ag- icultural Workers association neeting today through Saturday, n Houston at the Rice hotel. Mr. W. N. Williamson, assistant -irector of the Texas Agricultural Extension service, is president of Vie association. The association ,i sponsored by Texas organiza- <ions and individuals working for ‘gricultural and livestock develop ment in Texas. JOE'S FURNITURE S - A - L - E 2 Piece Living- Room Suit — Reg. 129.95 Now 99.95 2 Piece Bedroom Suit — Reg. 119.95 Now 89.95 5 Piece Dinnette Set — Regular 69.95 Now 54.95 Gas Ranges — Regular 139.95 Now 109.95 AND MANY OTHER BIG VALUES JOE VACANTA Owner Ph. 3-3606 206 S. College Bryan, Texas BATTALION CLASSIFIED J About half of Indochina is for- ’3ted. Official Notices i - Official notices must ho brongrht, mailed, r telephoned so as to arrive In the Of- ce of Student Publications <207 Goodwin, 101124. hours 8-12, 1-8, dally Monday tirougrh Friday) at or before the deadline f 1 p.m. of the day preceding puhlica- <on. — Manager. RtJT, SEI.r.. RENT or TRADE. Rates 3 cents a word per Insertion with a 2Jf cents minimum. Space rate In classified section, 80 cents per column Inch. Send or rail all classifieds to STEDENT PUB LICATIONS OFFICE. Goodwin Hall, Tex as A AM. All ads must be recetved by I p.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • TIRES, wheels, axle, tongue for two- wheel trailer. Phone e-STSt. Ut50 CROKLET Station Wagon, dark green, 10,000 miles.' Good condition. Price 5200.00. Phone 6-4851. ] The Estes Park Conference of Young 'on’s Christian Associations, Denver Col- -•ado. has several openings for summer ‘nployraent for college students, both men ltd women. The Park is a conference pounds and summer school for the Y.M.- •jA., Y.W.C.A. and many church and ed- •iational groups and organizations. Any- ~ie interested contact Placement Office -t address. TTENTION SENIORS! Next year, and the rest of your life, you •e going to want to contact your class- ates and friends. Have a list of names id home addresses at your disposal by lying a Student Directory.—75c while :cy last, Office Manager Student Publications Room 207, Goodwin Hall SAVE YOUR MONEY SAVE YOUR CLOTHES CAMPUS CLEANERS JERRY ANDERSON’S complete uniform for sale. Short coat, pinks, green and , summer serge. All regulation. Sale at 14 price or less. I.OU. SPECIAL NOTICE WtDIj- KEEP child for working mother. B-A-AC.V. CHILDREN KEPT for working mot tiers. Day or Week. Large fenced play-yard. Balanced meals. 709 Fairvlew, College Station. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 130» A.F. A A.M- Coliege Station Stated meeting Thursday 13. 7:30 p m. Members and visiting brethren cordially Invited. L. P. (Tarry) Cobble, Sec'y. N. M. McGinnis, W.M. 6 MONTHS OLD. 21-inch Motorola T.V. 50 ft. Rotor antenna, apartment size sofa. Mrs. Sharp. 4-8954 during day. REGISTERED Toy Fox Terrier puppie®. Phone 4-9519. EASY SPIN DRIER washing machine. Very good condition. Call 4-8184. AUSTIN-HEALEY Sport Car, late ’54, low mileage, good condition. E. E. Brush 4-1210 — 4-7966. ONE 1949 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan, Sealed bids will be received until 10 a.m., Jan. 20, 1955. Phone 4-7294 week days and 6-5802 after 5 p.m. and week ends. W. E. Street, Eng. Drawing Dept. • FOUND 4. WONDERFUL place to buy or aell. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-3224 or 4-1149 for prompt courteous service. LOST LOST In vicinity of College View. Ladies gold Hamilton wrist watch. Call 2-8934 Apt. C-l-C College View. WORRIED? Where In get cash for next, semester’* hooksf Bring the Text Rooks you no longer need lo .SHAFFER’S. Cash or Swa p for the hooks you’ll need. Shaffer’s Book Store North Gate Prompt Radio Service — CALL — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main SL PH- 2-1941 BRYAN • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN.TEXAS WANTED 100 USED slide rules. LOU. Apply Station PART TIME announcer. W T A W. ~FOR RENT UNFURNISHED two bedroom house with large screened porch and garage," loca ted in College Park. Phone 4-8896. NICE LARGE bedroom in my home. 401 Dexter South. Phone 4-7054. ROOM with private bath in Professor’s home. Near campus. Phone 4-8659. AVAILABLE February 1st, unusually nice one bedroom apartment in College Hills. Adults only. Shown by appointment. Phone 4-7666. CASH!! For your.Analtic GeornwJry and Technical Descriptive Geometry Books. LOU semiannual CLEARANCE SALE Stm In Effect—At FRANK COURT’S College Station Shoe Repair North GATE *>• DRYER! "•one machine! BENDIX DUOMATIC Washes and completely dries your clothes in a single unat tended operation. Makes wash day just a flick of the dials! The sensational new Bcndix Duomatic is the world’s great est work- and space-saving auto matic home laundry. It’s only 36 inches wide—can be placed in your kitchen, recreation room, bathroom ... wherever you want it! Come in for 4 DEMONSTRATION 13 Eas y Budget Terms! 4 1 Your choice of GAS or ELECTRIC DRYING JOE FAULK’S AUTO AND APPLIANCE fl Your Bendix Dealer 14 X. Bryan Ph. 2-1669 COME EARLY TO OUR . . . JANUARY 'u SALE O F BOOTS ~ SHOES BELTS ~ WALLETS & Other Leather Goods HOLICK’S BOOT SHOP “Serving; A&M Since 1891” NV a. . WM Hi TISSUES Scotties For FOOD Can Bewley’s Best FLOUR 5 lbs. C D M Pure lb. Lucky Strike Chunk Style TUNA 29-1 GUMS 3 5<i COFFEE 89 3 for 10’ 59 33 59 Rath Blackhawk Sliced U. S. Square Gut Shoulder BACON ROAST LOIN STEAK BOLOGNA D "’"" » FROZEN FOODS 49 Birdseye 10 oz. PERCH FISHJTICKy Birdseye 10 oz. BR0C0LL1 cm ii a »n Mm M P C pkg. Big PRODUCE SPEARS pkg. Downy Hake 5 oz. WAFFLES 21 c pkg. Tokay — Red 2 lbs. GRAPES 25= Cello (pack) 2 for TOMATOES . 19' Golden Ripe 2 lbs. BANANAS 25' 5 lb. sack ORANGES 19 SOUTHSIDE FOOD.MARKET We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Specials Starting- 4 p.m. Thursday Through Saturday, January 13th, 14th, 15th