Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1954)
■<'?fT"Tf r "7 T rT rr^f r f> Thursday, October 7, 1954 THE BATTALION Page 3 New "Silvered-Tip" writes the way you do . • • fine, medium or broad . . . with out changing points. Re fills available in blue, red, green or black ink. Get a Paper-Mate Pen todayl j • Bankers approve • ink can’t smear or transfer • Can't leak SSBvered-Tip refills. •. 49$ Light W orkout Loosens Aggies for Cougar Tilt Coach Bear’ Bryant limited Wed nesday’s workout to a brief 50- minute dummy scrimmage and the Aggies continued to avoid heavy contact as they prepared for Sat- SAYE YOUR MONEY SAVE YOUR CLOTHES CAMPUS CLEANERS Tire Sol©! You Save $2! Power Packed -Wizard "8Q” lO 95 plus tax & o!d tire 6.00 x 16 Reg. 12.95 Western Auto's famous Wear- well tire with a full year road hazard guarantee at this amazing price! Longest wear low cost tire on market! All sizes! Mounted free! 2A2344 Reg. $11.75 $8.25 Here's a power package of dependability at low cost for all normal driving and start ing needs. Full 80 amp. hr. In stalled free! Guaranteed one full year! DELUXE 00.00 D24/KM3 .Truetorae Reage, Green, $22.95 Red, or Ivory $19.95 Amazing now printed circuits. Su perb performance at low cost! G.E. Sealed Becsm $1.29 All glass, hermetically sealed for . 2L5293 longer life. Box End Wrenches Reg. $1.85 $1.49 Wizard Plugs 35c 15° box end. Forged steel in %" to 25/32" sizes. HR2227 Reg 42c Rsg. .00 Wheel VwScan.zer Cever :> '’ c Reg. 59c 44c 39c 5-min. 3 patches, Plostic, stitched in damp, etc. AR4527 ny!on. CRIlls Guaranteed 10,000 miles! Save gas . . . pep up your car. LR1202-63 WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE J. M. (Ben) Daniel GRAND OPENING SALE 707 E. Hyway No. 6 College Station, Texas Phone 6-4101 300 E. 25th Bryan, Texas Prices Remain the Same At This Store Phone 2-1214 urday’s game with the University of Houston Cougars. The squad spent part of the practice session working on setting up defensive patterns against Cou gar plays, then spent the rest of the short workout in spotting flaws in the Houston defensive plans. Coach Bryant announced there were no serious injmaes on the squad and that everyone would he ready to play Saturday. “Our defensive men were cover ing Georgia receivers pretty well Saturday, but our line could have rushed Jimmy Harper a little more,” Bryant said. “We’re going to have a lot of passes tossed at us by Jimmy Dickey, and if we don’t rush him all the time, he can cause us a lot of trouble.” Assistant Coach Jerry Claiborne backed Bryant up in his statement concerning Dickey. Claiborne, who scouted Houston in the game with Baylor, said Dickey completed several nice passes and could be dangerous to the Aggies if he’s given time to look his receivers over. “Houston has been juggling its lineup since the Baylor game,” Claiborne said, “and they’ve set tled on a very good backfield and a strong experienced line.” If Houston fields the team Coach Clyde Lee seems to have settled on, Claiborne said, they will out weigh the Aggies about 10 pounds per man. Present indications are that Lee will start Kenneth Wind and Ben Wilson at ends. Wilson weighs 210, while Wind tips the scale at 195. Tackle positions will be amply filled by John Dearen, 210, and Wayne Geddes, 220. At guard will be Jim Blackstone, 225, and Wayne Shoemaker, 210. Billy Mcllroy, a 210-pounder, will handle the center position. In the backfield, probable start ers will be Jimmy Dickey, a 170- pound quarterback; Kennie Stegall, 165, and Donn Hargrove, 180, at halfbacks and Jack Patterson, 195- pound fullback. ’Mural Swimmers Begin Qualifying Intramural swimming got under day last night with 20 teams qual ifying in the 400-foot relay. D Inf. posted the best qualifying time in the upperclassmen division with a time of 1:12.5 seconds, miss ing the intramural record by 2.5 seconds. B Inf. swam to the fastest qual ifying time in the freshman divis ion with a time of 1:16.3 seconds, 3.5 seconds off the record. Upperclassmen teams which qual ified were Sqdn. 20, Law Hall, D Inf., D Field Art., Sqdn. 7, B Inf., Sqdn. 9, A Ord., A Armor and Sqdn. 19. Freshman qualifiers were Sqdn. 5, Sqdn. 6, Sqdn. 2, B Inf., B Eng., Sqdn. 16, Sqdn. 17, Sqdn. 13, Sqdn. 25 and Sqdn. 10. One hundred teams took part in all, 50 upperclassmen and 50 freshmen teams. Four hundred swimmers saw action before the night was over. Ag Freshmen Win Over TGI] Wogs Based on AP Reports The largest crowd ever to watch a freshman football ganie in Fort Worth trooped into - Amon Carter stadium Wednesday night to see the A&M freshmen score a 7-0 win over the Texas Christian University Wogs. More than 18,000 fans saw the first year Aggies roll up an im pressive statistical margin before Fullback Ed Dudley, former Pam- pa high school all-stater, finally crossed the double stripe for the game’s, only counter. Both teams marred scoring chances by fumbling the ball to break up sustained goalward drives, but fans who came to see the power-laden Aggie freshmen in action were * not disappointed. The victory gives the freshmen a season . record of two wins against no losses. They opened the season Thursday night in a rainstorm on Kyle Field with a 31-6 triumph over a completely outclassed U of H Fish squad. Remaining games on the fresh man schedule show the next game on the road and the final two tilts on Kyle Field. They travel to Waco Oct. 14 for a game with the Baylor Cubs, then meet the Rice Owlets here Nov. 11 and wind up in a home game with the Texas Shorthorns on Nov. 20. The University of Texas fielded an all-America end in eight of the past thirteen seasons and had three honored within the past four years. TARGET X § TP O L S COLTS — RUGERS SMITH & WESSONS High - Standards 22s 357 MAGNUMS HILLCREST HARDWARE College Road THE FOOTBALL BERRYS—While End Raymond Berry Jr., co-captains the Southern Methodist University foot ball team at Dallas this fall, Raymond Berrry Sr., left, will be in his 16th season as head coach at Paris High School, where young Berry cut his football teeth. — (AP Photo) Your One Best Stop for Smooth Motoring Here’s one stop that keeps you going safely. Drive up for a gas-up, lube-up, check up. You name it, we do it RIGHT . . . with a smile! McCall’s Humble Service Station “Where Service Is First” East Gate — Phone 4-8884 Highway 6 College Station, Texas WASHING & LUBRICATION ROAD SERVICE A QUESTION ANSWERED NO MORE SUPER MARKET NO MORE TRADING STAMPS Remembering that, success comes with service, obligated for one more year on our store lease, and confronted with a competitive situation where sheer size is an overwhelming factor, we wanted to spend a year experimenting' as to how our store could best adjust itseli to changed times. We have an excellent location, an extremely high class trade, and many loyal friends and customers. With this as a starting point, there were three plain alternatives we could try. One was to continue as we were, perhaps promoting somewhat more vigorously. A second would be to curtail promotions keenly, reflect the limited savings in prices and render a community serviefe based on convenience and guality of service and merchandise.’ The third was to go all-out on a super-market type of promotional and merchan dising program, including the use of trading stamps. The third alternative, if successiul at all, offered a wider scope of service and success. Only a trial would supply the answer. We knew by simple mathematics we should have to realize an increase in our business volume of 33% simply to cover the cost of the stamps we would give on the business we al ready were doing plus one added clerk this increase would necessitate. We had investi gated other stores where the gains in volume ran almost 300 percent. When we recently joined a cooperative group and began giving trading stamps, we were ask ing, "Would this plan work in our case?" We did not have to cup our ears for the answer, An emphatic no was shouted at us. Our gain was between 5 and 10%. Other considerations impelled us to withdraw from the plan at once. For instance, on the cooperative ad being run this week, we should have had to add 110 new items to our stocks— mostly duplicating items of comparative price and quality to items we already carry. Such an ad would have been unfair to our customers had we not had the merchandise on hand, and ultimately would have hurt our store reputation. Yet, to have added them would have made our operation less efficient, because of our limited shelf space. That consideration, together with several other ■ more' important factors, convinced us that the connection was not suited to our size and oper ation. We concluded therefore that it would be better to withdraw at the earliest possible time. This weekend, therefore, we return to the status oi a completely independent store and will no longer give trading stamps. CASH FOR TRADING STAMPS We offer the opportunity, good until October 15th, for the particular benefit of our customers who have not already been saving trading stamps and prefer not to do so, to turn in their stamps to us in exchange for cash. We will redeem them for their value when applied to premiums—2%. For instance, for every $1 in Trading Stamps (10 stamps) we will pay 2 cents. We hope you will avail yourself of this offer. EXTRAORDINARY MEATS AT ORDINARY PRICES Fancy Plump Local FRYERS lb. 39c Heavy Fat Local Dressed HENS lb. 35c Decker’s Tall Korn—Sliced BACON Ib. 49c Freshly Ground GROUND MEAT lb. 35c 3 POUNDS—$1.00 Lean Meaty BEEF RIBS lb. 25c Sliced All-Meat Big BOLOGNA .... lb. 39c End Cuts—Fresh PORK CHOPS lb. 49c RED MEATS YOU CAN DEPEND ON. GROCERY Limit One Please—5 Lbs. CANE SUGAR each 35c Limit One Please—Package ADMIRATION COFFEE ea. 89c 13-Egg Size Colonial ANGEL FOOD CAKE ea. 39c 25c Size—Colonial VANILLA WAFERS pkg. 21c Giant Size—(Limit 1 Please) TIDE each 61c Giant Size—(Limit 1 Please) FAB each 58c (2 Box Tops Get You a Sleeping Doll Free.) 5 Lb. Bag—(Limit 1 Please) KIMBELL’S FLOUR each 39c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables U. S. No. 1 California BARTLETT PEARS . . lb. 10c Fancy Cello. Bags CARROTS pkg. 10c No. 1—Red POTATOES 5 lbs. 19c Fancy Sweet BELL PEPPERS lb. 9c No. 1 Flame TOKAY GRAPES 2 lbs. 19c FROZEN FOODS Vz Gal. Lilly or Sanitary MELLORINE. . . each49c Choice of 6 Kinds—Fruit or Meats—Morton’s FROZEN PIES 3 for 79c 10 Oz. Pkg.—Snowcrop STRAWBERRIES pkg. 29c 6 Oz. Cans—Snowcrop or Minute Maid LEMONADE MIX . . . . . 2 cans 35c SPECIALS 1 Lb. Cans—Kim DOG FOOD 4 cans 29c Bottles Sanitary Grade A Half Gallons PASTEURIZED MILK, 2 for 79c (Plus Deposits) Limit Two Please HORMEL OLEO ... 2 lbs. 35c Limit One Please—3 Lb. Carton—VEGETOLE SHORTENING . . each 59c Pint Bottle KRAFT MAYONNAISE . . . each 41c Fresh Cakes—Fleischmann’s YEAST 3 for 10c Just Add Milk-—Gladiola 53c Size BISCUIT MIX 2 lb. carton 43c Southside Food Market We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities SPECIALS STARTING 4 P.M. THURS. THRU SAT. — OCTOBER 7-8-9