Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1954)
Page 4 THE BATTALION cive Thursday, September 30, 1954 / ddniou ^Jhe (f3esti oneij. ^y^inci ^nioij BIG VEAL SALE 17 , |^0 the Lovers of finest Veal we invite you to try F 1/11 your favorite cut of this superb quality guaran teed tender young, milk fed quality this weekend. Yf IT T not only get this fine Veal at low special prices I. U U but you also save money by our exclusive Table Trimmed process which assures you of meat with less bone, less fat, less waste and more edible meat for less money. Weiugartcn’s Table Trimmed VEAL ROAST Weingarten’s Table Trimmed VEAL CHOPS Weingarten’s Table Trimmed VEAL SIRLOIN Crown or Square Cut Shoulder LB. Choice Shoulder Tender Steak LB. LB. Weingarten’s Table Trimmed Economical VEAL BRISKET Weingarten’s Table Trimmed VEAL RIB CHOPS Weingarten’s Table Trimmed VEAL T-BONE STE Weingarten’s Table Trimmed VEAL FOR STEW Delicious When Served Cold lb.49c Weingarten’s Table Trimmed VEAL ROUND STEAKS . lb. 59c lb. 59c Weingarten’s Table Trimmed—Pikes Peak or Hump VEAL ROAST . lb. 53c lb. 49c Ground Fresh .Several Times Daily FRESH GROUND BEEF .... . lb. 29c lb. 29c Top Frost Frozen OCEAN PERCH FILLETS .... . lb. 39c MRS. TUCKER’S SHORTENING pounds for BUY 3 LBS. FOR 69c AND GET 1 LB. FREE a ■" n ? ELMA SOLID PACK TOMATOES 2 No. rig E" 303 I 3c FLOUR FINE ENRICHED FOOD CLUB 10 Pound jjjr 3 Bag Vc For RIOGRANDE GOLDEN CORN Fresh New No. Pack 2 Good Quality Can 10c MISSION TENDER GREEN SWEET PEAS Fresh New No. Pack 303 Fine Flavor Can 10c Gold Medal Black Pepper 4 Oz. Can for TOP FROST FROZEN GREEN BROCCOLI The Very Finest in Quality 10 Oz. Pkg. For EVERYDAY LOW PRICES DRUGS & TOBACCO BAYERS ASPIRIN 49c CIGARETTES TOBACCOS Chesterfield Reg. QO Philip Morris size ^ w Raleigh ctn. Chewing Tobacco DAYS WORK Half and Half 19p 15c size Xi-iU Viceroy L&M King *> C Winston Si “ Ctn. I TOBACCO Pocket Tin_„ 10c Size 2 for 25c BUGLER TOBACCO 3 for 25c LUSTRE CREME 7 r 5 c 3)reslier 7 TJine (c^nalitij cJdarcjer ^Assortments ojl BAKERY GOODIES Here’s A Treat The Whole Family Will Enjoy Pineapple '' Cake 79 e Three big luscious 8-inch silver layers, iced with scrumptious Hawaiian pineapple butter cream and dredged with tropical coconut soaked in Pineapple juice. Truly A Value For Only Cherry Layer Cake 8-inch silver layers with luscious butter g Q la icing. Danish Coffee Cake mam Two rich 8-inch Devil’s Food layers with creamy chocolate fudge icing. Al ways a treat for the fam ily. ® Apple Sauce Bars Moist, spicy bar cake with 7-minute brown sugar ic ing. Wonderful for school lunches. 43c Devil’s Food Cake 65c A rich Danish coffee cake. .. This is a real delicacy. Idt^cIiciouS HjJresh CdcinclieS MELL - O - SWEET Orange Slices Fresh 1 Lb. Fine Quality Bag ^ Box of 15 CRYSTAL PURE KIDDIE POPS ... 17c 16 Oz. Bag MEL O SWEET MARSHMALLOWS . 27c 8 3 /£ Oz. Box BKACHS CHOCOLATE PEANUTS . 37c PltilG DEP'TS' WEEK-END SPECIALS! MODESS Box of 12's Regular, Junior or Super Reg. 31c! c Box 63‘ Size B«r Economy M $ 1 00 Helena Rubenstein Lipsticks 59 Plus Tan on Taxable Items DULANE FRYHYTE List Price ^ $ 29 95 17?! 12.07 ■I IS1I1 m $ 'Yf With $1.09 Gillelie Super-Speed Razor and 6 Blades vw Gillette Blue Blades package of 20 ijfCI COSTUME JEWELRY Values necklaces ■ _ EARRINGS to $2 bracelets for $ 1 59c Each METAL FOLDING LAP TRAY 77* $1.95 Value! For Bed or TV! General Electric Fully Automatic Pop-Up Toasier $21.95'! IW List Price! Layaway Toys l\©w for A-mas! 50c Deposit Holds any Doll Until Oct. 16 8" Pedal Bike 3.9S GREYHOUND WAGON . 4.49 30"x13 1 / 2 "x ZVz" size for 10 c L0VERA CIGARS 5 r SAFETY MATCHES 2 “..s Box $^88 of 50 ^ 15* Suzan Stroller Large 23 inch Walking DOLL $1Q95 $15.95 value 24" MAMA DOLL $5 00 30" PLUSH BEAR Values Your Choice 299 -.r-: