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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1954)
Battalion Number 279: Volume 53 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1954 Price 5 Cents THAT TIME OF YEAR—Students and the rest of the college community have gathered in the Memorial Student Center to watch the Giants and the Indians battle it out for the championship. Civilian Voting Is eavy Four Changes Expand Student Life Program Four changes designed to ex pand A&M’s student life program have been approved by the Aca demic council. The changes are 1) establishment of a student health services board, 2) establishment of a foreign stu dent committee, 3) dissolvement of the Memorial Student Center board, and 4) clarification of dis ciplinary regulations. “These constructive changes,” said President David H. Morgan, Georgia-Bound 31 Aggies Leave Today With Coach Paul Bryant and his staff still trying to inject more spirit into them, 31 A&M varsity footballers left this morning for the University of Georgia game ^ Saturday afternoon. Bryant announced three changes jn his probable starting lineup, a naming Bennie Sinclair instead of < Gene Stallings at one end, Norb Ohlendorf in place of Darrell Brown at a tackle and Bobby Drake Keith at a halfback, replac ing Don Watson. The complete probable starters: Jack Pardee and Sinclair at ends, Ohlendorf and Bill Powell at tackles, Ray Barrett and Dennis Goehring at guards, Lloyd Hale at center, Elwood Ket'tler' at quarter back, Keith and Joe Schero at halfbacks and Don Kachtik at full back. Pardee, Powell, Goehring, Hale and Keith are sophomores. Bryant said that Sinclair and Ohlendorf, the Aggie cocaptains, Allen To Assist Seminar Planning Clark Lee Allen, head of the eco nomics department, has been ap pointed to a committee to plan a central banking seminar to be spon sored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas during next spring. Morgan H. Rice, vice-president rof the bank, has called the first meeting for Monday in Dallas. Other members of the commit tee are Dr. Charles L. Pi’ather of the University of Texas; Dr. Aldon S. Lang, of Baylor university, and Dr. Roy L. McPherson, of South ern Methodist university. Dean Walter H. Delaplane, dean of arts and sciences and formerly head of the economics department, has served on the planning com mittee for similar conferences held in recent years for teachers of money and banking in colleges and ’tiniversities in the district spon sored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. had earned starting chances after their performances against Okla homa A&M and in practice this week. However, sophomore Stall ings, who also turned in a good job last week, will see much action at Sinclair’s post, and Brown should get in lots of time at Ohlendorf’s spot. The 31-man traveling squad is: Barrett, Brown, Henry Clark, Bob Easley, Billy Cranberry, Goehring, Hale, Charlie Hall, Gene Hender son, Billy Huddleston, George Johnson, Kachtik, Keith, Paul Ken- non, Kettler, Billy McGowan, Ohlendorf, Pardee, Powell, Schero, Bill Schroeder, Charlie Scott, Sin- lair, Stallings, Troy Summerlin, Marvin Tate, Sid Theriot, Richard Vick, Don Watson, Larry Winkler and Herb Wolf. Extension Workers End Meeting Today The annual conference for ex tension workers in Texas, which ends today, climaxes a week of training 'in fields of agriculture and home economics. County agents, county home demonstration agents and other extension workers attended the conference. The men received training in all phases of animal husbandry, crops and soils, dairy husbandry, ento mology, horticulture, marketing, pastures and poultry husbandry. The women received training in foods and nutritions, clothing, home furnishings, landscaping, and fam ily life education. Dr. Evelyn Duvall spoke Thurs day on “What 1 Teen-Agers Are Really After” and “The Profes- New FFA Chapter To Be Organized The first meeting of a new chap ter of the Future Farmers of America at A&M will be held Tues day night in the basement of the YMCA. The new chapter will be the Freshman Collegiate Future Farm er Chapter. It is for freshman ag riculture students who were mem bers of the FFA in high school. J". R. Jackson and O. M. Holt of the agriculturel education de partment will serve as faculty sponsors of the organization. sional Person as a Family Mem ber.” She is family relations consult ant with headquarters at Chicago, Ill. A nationally known author, her books include “Building Your Marriage,” “Facts of Life and Love,” “Family Living,” “Keeping Up with Teen-Agers,” “Marriage is What You Make It,” and others. Other speakers for the meeting were Frances Scudder, director of the Federal home economics pro grams; Reba Staggs, of the Chi cago Livestock and Meat board; Dr. Sumpter S. Arnim, University of Texas dentistry school; William Kramer, Sears, Roebuck, and com pany; and L. R. Quinlan, Kansas State college. Meetings were held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. each afternoon and one night program each day. G. G. Gibson was director of the conference. Sauter-Finegan Will Be Tuesday Town Hall’s presentation of the Sauter-Finegan orchestra, originally scheduled for next Monday, has been changed to next Tuesday. The All-College calendar shows the orchestra set for Monday, but it was changed after the calendar was print ed, said Bill Johnson, student entertainment manager. “are part of our forward-looking, long-range plans for the college. The Executive committee of the council is to be eomplimafftted on its exhaustive study and fine recom mendations.” Here are the changes in detail: Health Services The student health services board will replace the hospital commit tee, which is composed of five members of the Academic council and six students elected by the Student Senate. The new board will have broader functions than the committee, which was charged only with “ad vising on operations of the college hospital.” The board has been set up to make recommendations on any phases of student health, reporting to the president through the dean of student personnel services. The board will be composed of five faculty members and three students, all appointed. Foreign Students Committee The foreign students committee will replace the present Latin- American students committee. Since an ever-increasing number of A&M students are from coun- tiies other than Latin-America, the Academic council felt that the new committee would serve the foreign students better. It will be composed of faculty members appointed by the presi dent. A sub-committee on Latin- American affairs may be set up, Morgan said. The original committee was set up when almost all of A&M’s for eign students were from Mexico or other Latin-American countries. Now a number of students from the Far East and other countries ■are among A&M’s 150 foreign stu dents. MSC Board A board of faculty members re sponsible for the operation of the MSC has been dissolved. Under the new setup, the MSC council, composed of faculty, stu dents and former students, will be a standing committee of the Academic council. It will be re sponsible for the policies and op erations of the center. All fiscal matters of the MSC will be channeled to the president through the college business man ager. Disciplinary Regulations The disciplinary code and appeals part of the college regulations were clarified to specify acts of mis conduct and punishments. The penalties include demerits and extra duty tours for cadets, separation from the cadet corps, and suspension and dismissal from the college. The Battalion will carry a full explanation of the new regulations next week. E. W. Harrison Services Set for Board Member Funeral services for E. W. (Hook) Harrison, 62, member of the board of directors, will be held at 3 p.m. today in Graham. Har rison died Wednesday from a heart attack in his ranch home in South Bend. Appointed to the board in 1944 to fill the unexpired term of F. M. ^Law, he had served continuously iiince that time. The Campus Security office announced that the flag will be flown at half mast Friday in respect of Harrison. Al though it is not the practice to fly the flag at half mast in the death of former students, the security office said this exception was being made be cause Harrison was a member of the board of directors. Transferring to A&M from Bur- After his graduation, he was oil was struck on the ranch and superintendent of the experiment Harrison was able to pay off his station at Spur for two years, purchase debts soon after they had then farmed two years in Hunt been incurred. county before serving in World The p artnership with Graham ^ ar lasted for approximately 25 years Shortly after the war ended, and after the death of Graham, Harrison worked in various oil Harrison bought the other half in fields about six months, but re- terest in the ranch and went into turned to A&M to accept employ- the cattle raising husiness on a ment in the extension service as Iarge scale Hig cattle bugine6S assistant county agent for Brazus along ^ the royaltie3 in oil and Harrison’s death leaves the board leson junior college in Greenville, county. Ten months later, he pur- ^ otber p ro p er ty holdings pro- ■with eight members, but a replace- Harrison was graduated in 1913. chased half interest in the 3,000 y| ded w ith a substantial in- ment probably will not be named While at A&M, his activities in- acre Graham farm in South Bend come until January, when the governor eluded membership in the Ross and left the college to assist in will have to fill two expiring Volunteers, editor-in-chief of the managing the ranch. He is survived by his widow, terms, Henderson Shuffler, Sys- Student Farmer (the agriculture Although he obtained only one- who lives on the ranch in South tern director of information and magazine of that period), and a twentieth of the oil rights to the Bend, and a son, E. W. Harrison publications, said Thursday. member of the student council. farm at the time of the purchase, jr., presently living in Fort Worth. At the Academic council meet ing, Morgan announced three addi tions to the council, the heads of newly-created departments: W. L. Penberthy, student activities; Ben nie A. Zinn, student affairs; and C. A. Roeber, business manager. Five new heads of departments appointed since June 1 were also seated on the council. They are Dr. C. L. Allen, eco nomics; Dr. R. W. Steen, history; Dr. G. P. Parker, education and psychology; Col. R. D. Offer, mili tary science and tactics; and R. L. Whiting, petroleum engineering. Saturday Is Last Day For Filinp's Filings for positions of ci vilian student senators, civil ian student and corps member student publication board members, and a senior election commission member will close tomorrow at noon. Civilian students living in Bizzell, Law, Puryear, Leggett, Milner, and Walton who have a 1.0 grade point ratio, and have attended A&M for the two previous semesters may file for student senator. Student Publications repi-e- sentatives must have a 1.5 grade point, ratio, and election commission members must have a 1.0 g.p.r. to qualify. Election for these offices will be held in the Memorial Student Center Wednesday. Denton R. Wieland Given Fellowship Denton R. Wieland, graduate stu dent was awarded a fellowship from the Stanolind Foundation to continue his studies in the field of petroleum engineering. Wieland will work toward his doctorate in this field. The award is one of 15 fellow ships given by the Stanolind Oil and Gas company in the United States. Wieland, a native of Yorktown, attended elementary and high school in Falfurrias. After 30 months in the air force, he enrolled at A&M. He was graduated in 1953 with a BS degree in petro leum engineering. As an undergraduate he had an outstanding scholastic record and was active in many student organ izations. He served as president of the Petroleum club and also headed the Student Engineering council. Dorms Choose Representative s By JON KINSLOW Battalion Managing Editor Heavy voting Thursday for civilian dormitory floor and ramp representatives marked the first step in the forming of the newly-created Civilian Student Council, with most dor mitories reporting more than 50 percent participation in the election. Incomplete and unofficial returns received by The Bat* talion last night from the house masters indicated strong interest by the civilian students. By midnight, returns were in from all areas except Mil ner hall, Walton hall and the project houses. Rain hampered the election in College View, with only part of the voting being completed in that area Thursday. Rain ruined some ballots and voting boxes in^ this area. Day students will vote on their representative from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today in room l-H of Puryear hall. A tie vote in ramps four and five of Puryear will be settled in a run-off. Bernard Polzer and Zach H. Byrnes each received 13 votes in the election. The number of representatives to be elected from each area is Biz zell, 3; Mitchell, 4; Milner, 4; Leg gett, 4; Walton, 3; Law, 4; Pur year, 4; College View, 8; project houses, 1; and day students, 1. From these representatives will be chosen 11 members of the Civ ilian Students Council. Also on the council will be the three civ ilian representatives on the Stu dent Life committee. Dormitory representatives from the Student Senate will not be members of the council, but they may be called to meet with the council if they are needed to discuss a particular problem. The council will handle problems arising from the civilian students if the problems affect all non- military students. At least two days before each council meeting, the floor and ramp representatives will meet with the dormitory stu dent senators and house master to discuss any problems that have arisen. If the cadet corps is also con cerned with any problems brought before the council, the cadet colon el will be called in to help study the problem. If, after the matter is handled by the council and it still remains unsettled, it will be taken to the Student Senate. House masters reported the fol lowing unofficial returns to The Battalion last night: Puryear Hall Ramps 1, 2 and 3—Billy J. John son, 26; Howard Tiller, 2; Henry G. Ash, 1; Gilbert Garza, 1. Ramps 4 and 5—Bernard Polzer, 13; Zach H. Byrnes, 13 (tie); Mu tilated ballots, 4. Ramps 6 and 7—R. L. Triddy, 15; John Clanton, 3; C. D. Fox- worth, 1; Albert R. Jenkins, 1; Joe Hershey, 1. Ramps 8 and 9—Ted B. Mitchell, 19; Thad E. Johnson, 10; John Evins, 5; James Jongeward, 1; Raul Z. Trevino, 1. Law Hall Ramps 1, 2 and 3—Pete Good win, 32; James Henson, 22. Ramps 4 and 5—Dennis Wil- (See CIVILIAN, Page 2) News of the World By the ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.—Russia’s Andrei Y. Vishin- sky yesterday proposed the elimination of all atomic and hy drogen weapons by stages and the eventual use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes only. Vishinsky put before the U.N. Assembly at the end of a speech lasting one hour and 41 minutes the most complicated and detailed resolution on disarmament so far offered by Moscow in the 9-year history of the U.N. * * * SAN DIEGO—The Duval County Grand Jury yesterday returned 21 indictments against a number of unidentified persons—bringing to 101 the total number of indictments returned since the panel be gan its probe of county financial affairs several months ago. "A" "if WASHINGTON—Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-Wis.) served formal notice yesterday he will resist at length a special investigating committee’s report urging the Senate to cen sure him on misconduct charges. ■^r 'A' AUSTIN—Atty. Gen. John Ben Shepperd said yesterday he has filed in the U.S. Supreme Court a supplemental petition for rehearing of the Phillips natural gas case. Group Names 15 Finalists For Sweetheart Fifteen finalists for Aggie sweetheart for 1954-55 have been selected by a 17-member selection team, according to W. D. (Pete) Hardesty, busi ness manager of student activities. The finalists were chosen from a group of 57 pictures of girls chosen by the student body at Tex as State College for Women. The pictures are numbered from one to 57. No names are given. The numbers of the 15 finalists are given to the dean of women at TSCW. She informs the girls who have been chosen. After meeting the finalists in person, the Aggie selection t«am will choose the sweetheart Satur day. The winner will be presented during half-time ceremonies at the corps trip football game between A&M and Southern Methodist uni versity in Dallas, Nov. 6. Corps members of the selection team are Frank Ford, Conrad Cum mings, F. E. (Sonny) Tutt, Dale Fisher, Pat Wheat, John Leim- brook, Bill Utsman, John Bene field, Wallace Eversberg, Jerry Ramsey and Roy Cline. Civilian students members ar# Pete Goodwin, Art Garner, Allen Pengelly, John Cozad and Dick Crawford. Don Shepherd represents The Battalion as a non-voting member of the selection team. Three Aggies Get Awards In Houston Three Aggies received awards at the Area III Future Farmers of America awards banquet in Hous ton recently. John Hagler of La Grange re ceived the state officer award and $75. Arvill Newby from Spring- town and Dannie Gansky of Schu- lenburg each received the Santa Fe award. This award was a certifi cate and $75. Jimmy Gartrell of Bay City, Bruce Reat of Lexington, Eugene Voekel of La Grange, J. L. Keohl of Fayetteville and Jack Herzig of Schulenburg were also honor ed. Professors Henry Ross, J. R. Jackson, O. M. Holt and M. N. Abrams on the agricultural edu cation department attended the meeting, which was held Sept. 23. Jackson Honored J. R. Jackson of the agricultural education department will receive the Honorary American Fanner Degree at the 27th National Fu ture Farmer convention in Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 12. This award was based on Jackson’s work as a teacher of vocational agriculture at La Grange. Weather Today PARTLY CLOUDY Continued cloudy with thunder storms and rain showers tonight and tomorrow morning. Yester day’s high was 87, and the low, 72.