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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1954)
Wednesday, September 29, 1954 THE BATTALION Page 3 Department Heads Entertain Staffs Two A&M departments were honored with open house celebra tions Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Klipple hon ored new members of the ' mathe matics department staff at their home at 117 Pershing, and Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Jensen received members of the chemistry depart ment staff into their home at 204 Suffolk. About 60 guests were received at the door of the Klipple home by Helen Klipple. Dr. and Mrs. Klipple introduced new staff mem bers to the other guests. Mrs. W. L. Potter served cake, and Mrs. John Hillman and Mrs. B. C. Moore alternated at the crys tal punch bowl. A decorating theme of maroon and white was carried out through out the house. An oval centerpiece of maroon coxcomb and princess feathers was used with the white embroidered linen, cloth on the dining table. The floral arrangement was made by Mrs. R. R. Lyle. * * * Approximately 100 chemistry de partment staff members and grad uate students and wives attended open house given by Dr. and Mrs. Jensen. Ladies Golf Group Meets About 16 women met Tuesday morning at the College Golf Club house to form the 1954-55 Ladies Golf club, special interest group of the College Women’s Social club. Ladies’ Day for golf will be each Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the Col lege Golf course. Group lessons for beginners and those who wish to improve their golf will be held at the college course on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. 1 Mrs. William B. Martin, chair man of the ladies golf group, an nounced that plans are being made for golf tournaments to be held later this fall. Any member of the College Women’s Social chib is eligible for membership in the special interest group. Judgeship Fight In State Politics AUSTIN, Sept. 28 — (IP) — A judgeship fight deeply rooted in State politics will be aired in oral arguments before the Supreme Court Thursday. Attorneys for Eugene C. Wil liams today asked the court to re quire that his name be placed on the ballot for judge of the newly- created 37th District Court in San Antonio. Williams was backed by the Bexar County delegation favorable to Gov. Allan Shivers at the Sept. 14 State Democratic Convention. The convention nominated Wil liams. Also seeking the nomination was Adrian Spears, San Antonio law yer backed by the anti-Shivers delegation thrown out by the Sdpt. 14 convention. What’s Cooking Wednesday 7:15: Aggie Christian Fellow ship, 2C and D MSC. Rely On Us for Superior Service When you put clothes in our hands, you know they’ll be returned clean, well pressed and in top form. Our reputation rests on your satisfaction. OVERS-FUR ATORAOE HATTERo TTVOJ^iCclJnL White and orchid chrysanthe mums were the floral decorations in the home and on the tea table. Green candles in silver holders ac cented the white linen cutwork cloth. Flowers were furnished by Mrs. C. Winfield Burchard, and arranged by Mrs. E. B. Middleton. At the tea table were Mrs. G. M. Watson and Mrs. A. F. Isbel. Al ternating were Mrs. C. K. Hancock and Mrs. Middleton. Guests were invited to the serv ing table by Mrs. W. M. Potts and Mrs. T. S. Burkhalter. A New Kind Of Roll Flavoring If you like your rolls with mustard and tabasco sauce, go ahead and follow Thursday’s Family Favorites recipe faith fully. You see, we made a mistake. A line that said “Add a dash of Tabasco sauce and lYz ta blespoons of dark mustard” was under the recipe for re frigerator rolls, when it should have been under the recipe for shrimp remoulade. We’re sorry, but maybe those rolls would taste good with the added flavoring. Social Whirl Wednesday 3 p.m. Newcomers club will be honored with informal lawn party at home of Mrs. M. T. Harrington, Throckmorton Street. Mrs. C. D. Campbell will be guest speaker. 7:30 p.m. Architectural Wives society will meet in the South So larium of the YMCA for election of officers. Thursday 8 p.m. American Veterinary Medicine association student wives auxiliary meets in the social room of the MSC. Officials Queston Fort Bliss Charge EL PASO, Tex., Sept. 29—CP)— Ft. Bliss officials began an inves tigation of a charge by a Negro congressman that the Army post permits racial discrimination. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., R-NY, said in New York that he had complained of the alleged dis crimination in a telegram to Presi dent Eisenhower. A Ft. Bliss spokesman said au thorities will investigate and add ed: “We do not condone any segregation or discrimination at Ft. Bliss.” He also said that there is no segregation in service clubs, officers’ clubs, barracks, housing areas or anywhere else on the post. Powell sent the”' following tele gram to the President: “I have just discovered segrega tion and discrimination at Fort Bliss, Tex, 591st Military Police Squad. An order was posted Sep tember 21 ‘for Caucasians only.’ In the event that this is denied, I have just procured the original order signed by the company com mander and will be happy to turn this over to you.” EXPERT WATCH REPAIR Every watch tested and regulated electronically. J. Troy Wynn Next Door to A&M Grill North Gate SCHOOL HI, Student council officers were elected at the organization’s first meeting Monday. Clifton Bates, president of the student body, will be assisted by Vice President J. B. Carroll, Re cording Secretary Eugenia Rush, Treasurer Lucy Rogers, Corres ponding Secretary Anna Parson, and Reporter Betsy Burchard. Selection of class officers was completed Tuesday. The senior homerooms jointly elected Henry Philips, president; George Littofi, vice president; Martha Blum, treasurer; Jean Puddy and Anna Beady, secretaries; Eugenia Rush, business manager; and Betsy Burchard, reporter. Room mothers will be Mrs. J. S. Beaty, Mrs. I. G. Adams, Mrs. Bennie Marie Lewis, and Mrs. Blum. Room fathers will be Eu gene Rush, and Tom Puddy. In homeroom 9-3 Jeanette was chosen president; Jerry Holland, vice president; Amy Norcross, sec retary; David McNeely, treasurer; and Carolyn Wilson, reporter. Homeroom 11-2 did not complete their slate of officers. J. B. Car- roll will seiVe as president and Jean Ann Smith will be vice presi dent. Room mothers for the com ing year are Mrs. R. O. Berry and Mrs. C. F. Williams. Faye Simms was elected presi dent; Jack McNeely, vice-president; Ann Fleming, secretary; Grant Lindsay, treasurer; and Barbara Arlt, reporter for homeroom 11-1. Mrs. J. G. McNeely and Mrs. R. L. Simms are room mothers. In 10-2 the president is Bill Hite; vice-president, Larry Leighton; sec retary, Nell Ross; treasurer, Betty Mean; and reporter, Maurice Olian. Mrs. E. J. Ross and Mrs. R. G. Phillips serve as sponsoring moth ers. Dan Davis was chosen president of 10-3. Billy Taylor will serve as vice-president, Ann Hite as jec- CAIRO, Egypt, Sept. 29—-CP)— Egypt accused ■ a little Israeli freighter—trying to gain passage through the Suez Canal—of mak ing an armed attack yesterday on some Egyptian fishing boats south of Suez which left three fishermen drowned and several wounded. Officials said the Israelis opened fire with small automatic arms without provocation. Overturning of a boat was reported to have ac counted for the three drowning deaths. A spokesman for Egypt’s mili tary regime, Maj. Amin Shaker, said the 500-ton Bat Galim made the attack near Sharm El Sheikh, a village 25 miles from the southern retary, Sylvia Williams as student council representative and Mrs. John Way and Mrs. Raymond Hite as room mothers. The president of 9-1 for the com ing year will be Clyde Carey. Vice- president, Mary Margaret Hierth; secretary, Mary Linda Cathcart; and treasurer, Judy Bishop; com plete the slate of officers. Room mothers will be Mrs. M. S. Kava- naugh and Mrs. V. D. Thompson. Elected to office in 9-2 are Rich ard Allen, president; John Hamner, vice-president; Ann Cleland, sec retary; Sue Ellen Mowery, treas urer; and Christopher Kent, report er. Representatives on the student council are Patsy Byrd and Stead man Davis. Mrs. J. E. Davis and Mrs. S. M. Cleland are room moth ers. Students can now buy ice cream on the terrace and soft drink ma chines will be installed later this week. The teachers, the student council, and the senior class will receive the revenue from the ma chines during the year. Class pictures for the annual are scheduled to be taken Thursday. The seniors voted to wear caps and gowns for the pictures. Saturday night the homemaking class of CHS will sponsor a sup per-dance starting at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served and the proceeds will furnish the new homemaking cottage with curtains. The homemaking classes’ project for the past few weeks has been a powder room for the gymnasium. It is done in gray and pink and has curtains and a wall-to-wall mirror. —o— Homecoming has boon set for Oct. 15 and the Katy game. The senior class sponsors the election of a homecoming queen and the dance following the game. entrance of the 100-mile-long water way linking the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. The vessel, flying Israel’s blue and white flag, and its 10-man crew were arrested. The first Is raeli-owned ship to try to get through the Suez Canal since the Arab nations set up a trade block ade against Israel, the Bat Galim was overhauled by an armed Egyp tian vessel and towed into Port Tewfik Bay. In Jerusalem, celebrating the New Year holiday Rosh Hashonah, a Foreign Ministry spokesman de nied the Egyptian accusation.. He declared the Bat Galim was en tirely unarmed. The senior class netted $15 from the post-game dance last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Blum, and C. L. Byrd chaperoned the dance. Another dance, sponsored by the juniors, will be held after the Hempstead game this Friday. —o— Donald Barker and Horace Hol lingsworth, vice president and sec retary of the Future Farmers of America chapter, represented CHS at the area awards dinner in Hous ton Sept. 23. Also making the trip were L. S. Richardson, superintendent, and C. L. Byrd, chapter Sponsor. Four members of the FHA chap ter attended the area and district council meeting in Waco last Fri day. Chapter sponsor, Mrs. C. L. Byrd, accompanied Anna Beaty, area VIII president, Jean Ann Smith, distiuct IV song leader, Bonnie Carroll, and Elsie Richards on the trip. The group stayed until Saturday morning for a workshop on state degrees. France Opposes Rearmament Plan LONDON, Sept. 29—-(/P)—France, thrice invaded by German hordes, yesterday proposed a seven-nation armaments authority to put the brakes on any runaway West Ger-. man rearmament. The United States, Britain and Germany promptly opposed the plan. Premier Pierre Mendes-France made the French proposal at the opening of a nitie-power confer ence on granting West Germany sovereignty and rearihing the. Ger mans within ■ the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Difficulties cropped up but key delegations expressed cautious op timism last night that agreements in principle may be reached by the end of the week. West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer offered his own plan to the conference, calling fox' an end to the nearly 10 years of occupa tion of his country by U. S., Brit ish, and French troops. He re newed the Bonn government’s of fer to join NATO and an enlarged Brussels alliance in order to con tribute to. Western defense. He promised to limit West German rearmament to the quota^fixed by the French-killed EDC unified army plan. SMITH & WESSON K - 22’s • K - 38’s HILLCREST HARDWARE Israeli Accused In Boat Attack ‘Ladies Night’ Honors Squadron Wives Monday Ladies night honored wives of members of the 9807th Air Re serve squadron Monday. The af fair was the first get-acquainted meeting of this sort for the squad ron. Wives present were Mrs. W. S. McCulley, Mrs. Robert W. Thrush, Mrs. Ralph E. Miller, Mrs. James L. Liverman, Mrs. John H. Porter, Mrs. Malcolm R. Smith, Mrs. Charles C. Armstrong, Mrs. Jo seph N. Holmgreen, Mrs. W. J. Byford, Mrs. Joe W. Mogford, Mrs. William D. Scoates, Mrs. Dan C. Lowe and Mrs. John M. Prescott. The women were given a general picture of the squadron’s training periods by a panel of staff mem bers consisting of Lt. Col. W. S. McCulley, commanding officer; Jasper Hometown Club Organized The Jasper hometown club was organized Wednesday night, the first time for Aggies from Jasper to organize here. Officers for the new school year will be Tommy Durdin, president, Jimmy Jones, vice-president; Jer ry- Jones, secretary-reporter; and Jimmy Wilson, treasurer. Nine students and one student’s wife—Jasper’s entire representa tion at A&M—were present for the organizational meeting. Those present in addition to the newly elected officers were Jimmy Pace, Herbert Minyard, Gene Easley, John Bailey, Billy McFaddin and James Byrd. PALACE Bryan 2*8879 TODAY thru SATURDAY QUEEN Maj. William O. Davis, executive officer; Maj. Charles C. Arm strong, flight “A” commander; Lt. Dan C. Lowe, assistant flight “A” commander; and Capt. Richard C. Qualtrough, training officer. Business Wives Hold Meeting Mrs. Cynthia Allen and Mrs. Joy Jones were hostesses for the meet ing of the Business Wives club Tuesday night at the YMCA. A dance was planned for Oct. 29 to be held at Maggie Parker’s din ing room in Bryan. Mrs. Allen, Jean Holcomb and Jeanette Williams were winners of the bridge games. Next meeting will be Oct. 4 at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. T. W. Leland, 1307 E. Walton. SINGLE ACTION COLTS A few good ones HILLCREST HARDWARE LAST DAY JOHN PAYNE 99 EVELYM RIVER „ KEYES STREET Released thru United Artists Last Stop In The Waterfront’s Underworld! THURS. and FRIDAY Plus — EXCLUSIVE ! Official Files of MARCIANO - CHARLES Heavyweight Championship Fight BLOW BY BLOW ON GIANT WIDE SCREEN NOW SHOWING “DUEL IN THE SUN” Better Than a Ringside Showing THURS. - FRI. and SAT. NO INCREASE IN ADM. and how it started. TERESA WRIGHT says: "Up to 16, my knowledge of acting had been gleaned from seeing movies. When I saw my first professional play, that was it: I only wanted to act. I got into high school plays, wrestled props at Provincetown, understudied, sat for months in producers’ reception rooms. One rainy night, sick with a cold, I read for a good role, and got it!” AGREE WITH Camels ^OPUE THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE JL J® Reynolds Tobacco Comnaj^v. Winston-Salem, N- O,