Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1954)
gg- 'V Family Favorites By Mrs. Carl Lyman (Ed. note—Guest editor for this week’s column is Louise Ly man, wife of Dr. Carl Lyman, head of the biochemistry and nutri tion department. A native of Colorado, attended Colorado A&M and Oregon state college where she majored in home economics. Even now the Lymans’ first and foremost hobby is interior decorating. Mrs. Lyman is president of the Campus Study club and a member of the College Women’s Social club. They are members of the First Christian church in Bryan.) I think the way in which a dish is served is as important as the way it is cooked. I like a cake on a cake stand. The prettiest birthday cake I ever had was a surprise one that a friend brought to me on a old-fashioned tall cake dish. I put it in the center of the table. I like to serve cole slaw in a clear crystal dish. I have a lovely cut glass bowl that belonged to my grandmother that I use. I put tiny bits of pimento and green pepper on top for color. I think men like lots of good hot coffee, made in a fresh clean pot and they like it strong and served in cups that are substantial looking. They like to see a table loaded with food and to forget the calories. I make my deep dish apple pie in a yellow and brown casserole. Dutch Cookies For the bridge club. These are three layers. 1 cup flour Y2 cup butter cut into above. 2 tablespoons sugar Mix and spread thin on greased pan. Bake until light brown in 350 degree oven. Film Society To Show ‘Johnny Belinda , Friday “Johnny Belinda”, the movie that won an Academy Award for star Jane Wyman, will be shown by the A&M Film society Friday night. The film will be in the Memorial Student Center ballroom at 7:30 p. m. \\ PERFECT i n writing by: 1. Keepsake 2. Good Housekeeping 3. Sankey Park 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs (beaten until light) 2 tablespoons flour Vz teaspoon baking powder 1 cup coconut 1 cup chopped walnuts Mix and spread on first mixture. Bake until light brown, from oven and pour the following on while the cookies are hot. \ Take WIVES ELECT — Joan Walden (center) was elected president of the Architects Wives society. Other officers are (standing 1. to r.) Jackie Steinbring, program chair man; Kathryn Scott, secretary-treasurer; Beverly Jenkins, social chairman; and Win nie West, vice president. 1 cup powdered sugar 2 tablespoons melted butter juice of 1 lemon mixed together These can be cut in bars. Very rich and worth the trouble. ■« Lemon Butter Filling A filling for a fresh coconut cake instead of icing between layers. 3 eggs beaten until light j. cup sugar Juice and grated rind of 1 large lemon Stir and boil in a double boiler until it thickens, butter about size of walnut. Sour Cream Boiled Salad Dressing For that salad you carry to the next dinner. Add a lump of Educational Group To Give Program The Educational commission of the A&M Consolidated school dis trict will present a program for the public at 7:30 p. m. Monday in the CHS cafeteria. Speakers for the program will be Dr. Joseph Griggs and B. H. Dewey jr. Griggs, superintendent of schools 4 egg yolks or 3 whole eggs 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour Vz teaspoon dry mustard (dissolved in 1 tablespoon of boiling water) Vz cup sour cream 1 cup vinegar Beat eggs until lemon colored, add sugar and continue beating, add mustard, and salt. Mix flour and sour cream together and add to egg mixture. Heat vinegar to boiling then add above mixture to vinegar and cook until thick. Remove and beat very hard. Delicious served on cole slaw salad. Cabbage salad tastes better when Very finely chopped. This is for the men. Deep-Dish Apple Pie (,4 cup flour Vs teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup water 2 teaspoon vinegar 6 cups pared, cored green cooking apples (cut into eighths) Heat one half cup of brown sugar with the water and vinegar until sugar is dissolved. Add apples and simmer slowly until just tender. Lift out apple slices and put into a baking dish 10 by 6 by 2 inches. Combine remaining sugar, cinnamon, flour and salt and stir into syrUp from apples. Heat, stir constantly until smooth and thick. Add butter last. Pour over apples. Cover with pastry crust. Put several slits for steam to escape. Fit crust on top of apples tightly at edges. Bake 25 minutes at 425 degrees. Serve warm with ice cream. Battalion Classifieds BUY, SElili, RENT OK TRADE. Rates ... :ie a word per Insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 00c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received In Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. FOR SALE 1952 MG- $1195.00. -TD radio, heater, 23,000 miles R. Bell C-3-Y. College View. 1940 CHEV. Black, 2 door. $85.00. Car ter Price, 504 Guernsey or ph. 4-8618 after 3 p.m. 36” WINDOW FAN, also 16” floor fan. A-8-D College View. BOOTS Size 9 y 2 , 15-15 y 2 calf See at — Cooleys Conoco Service Station North Gate Have been worn 8 or 10 times FOR RENT AVAILABLE June 1. Four rooms. Nice ly furnished apartments in College Hills, summer rates. Ph. 4-7666. GARAGE APARTMENT. One large room, kitchenette, bath and garage. Electric refrigerator and wall to wall floor cov ering. Ideal for couple. Two blocks from North Gate. Call 4-4764. HELP WANTED BEAUTY Shoppe. OPERATOR. Pruitt’s Beauty SPECIAL NOTICE Math Majors—-Freshmen and sophomores can earn up to $120 a month during the summer by working in Dept. Oceanography. See Dick Adams, Dept. Oceanography. in Huntsville, will speak on “Legis lation, Past and Future, Which Will Affect Our Public Schools.” State Rep. Dewey will discuss “Legislation Enacted by the 53rd Legislature Pertaining to Our Public Schools.” “All patrons of the A&M Con solidated school, all teachers and all friends of education in the Col lege Station-Bryan area are especi ally urged to attend this important meeting,” said Charles LaMotte, president of the commission. Aquarium Group To Hear Dr. Reid Dr. G. K. Reid jr. will speak to the Brazos Aquarium society meet ing at 8 p. m. Monday. The meet ing will be held in room 103, Biology building. The topic will be “Native Fishes Suitable for Aquariums.” The public is invited. SPECIAL Smoked Turkey 80c lb. Whole, Halves, Quarters A&M Poultry Plan t Telephone 4-9044 $ 150 J LEE Also $200 - 225 Wedding Ring $87.50 Rings enlarged to show details. Prices include Federal tax. Choose Your Diamond ' with Confidence at SANKEY PARK Jewelers Bryan, Texas PREMIUMS Star! ing April 12, stive all your Cash Regtstcr receipts. They may in lots of $50 and more be exchanged for highly desirable premiums. Tuesday’s Green Receipts and receipts with large Red Stars on them count double. FROZEN FOODS Birdseye BROCCOLI CUTS 2 pkgs. 39c DAIRY PRODUCTS . . . are Your Best Buy Vi Gal. Holiday MELLORINE . each 49c '/2 Gal. Bottle Grade A Sanitary PASTEURIZED MILK ... 2 for 75c (Plus bottle deposits) Zi Pint Sanitary WHIPPING CREAM 35e (Plus bottle deposit.) Kingsville SWEET CREAM BUTTER lb. 81c ALMOST NEW portable washing machine. Cash or take over payments. See at 207 Bizzell, Bryan. Ph. 3-3408. EASY SPINDRIER washing machine. 540.00. D-8-Y College View. Official Notice Ring orders are being taken for those students who become eligible for the ring with their preliminary grades for the Spring Semester. The Ring clerk is on duty Tuesday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 12 noon. Delivery of these rings will be made August first. Rings will be delivered in person to the individual or they will be mailed to the owner at an additional charge of twenty- five cents. No rings will be mailed to summer camp addresses. All rings must be paid for in full (Including mailing charge) when the order is placed. H. L. Heaton. Registrar. Prompt Radio Service — C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Servicfe 712 S. Main St. PH, 2-1941 BEYAN UJi. ROSS LODGE NO. UiOO A.F. * A.M. Called meeting. Sul Ross Lodge No. 1300. Thursday, April 29, 7:00 p.m. Work in SC degree also exams. E. D. Madeley, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. WILL KEEP your baby while you work. A-4-A College View. WANTED: Typing. Reasonable Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) IF YOU SEE this ad, other people will see the ad you run. Call 4-5324 or 4-1149 for Battalion Classified Ads. READ BATTALION CLASSIFIED • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 TERRY’S ART SHOP Framing and Artist Supplies Plio. 3544 2617' Hwy. 6 S. BRYAN EXTRAORDIANRY MEATS AT ORDINARY PRICES Heart o’ Texas—(Whole, Cello. Bag) FRYERS . . .lb. 49c Hormel Pre-Cooked—Shank End HAMS lb, 63c Kraft’s Cheese Food—2 lb. box VELVEETA... 79 c VC Skinless Hormel—All Meat FRANKS. . No. 1 Loin End PORK ROAST Hormel, Midwest. Decker’s Korn Kist BACON Freshly Ground Choice Veal Choice Veal lb. 39c . . lb. 49c . . lb. 59c . . lb. 73c . . lb. 59c lb. 35c AND VEAL — . . lb. 78c . . lb. 78e FRESH FRUITS AND f [ VEGETABLES i Due Friday Morning—Fresh STRAWBERRIES pt. 29t Texas FRESH CORN 4 ears 25c Large Fruit BANANAS 2 lbs. 25c New Crop US No. 1 CALIF. POTATOES 5 lbs. 29c Medium-Large No. 1 Greeit CELERY stalk 13c Fresh Fancy YELLOW SQUASH lb. 9c Birdseye GREEN ■ jyrr' PEAS 2 pkgs. 39c Morton’s—Chicken, Beef, Turkey POT PIES choice, each 24c Birdseye STRAWBERRIES Snowcrop ORANGE JUICE pkg. 29c 2 cans 35c CANNING SUPPLIES Imperial (Limit One Please) CANE SUGAR. 10 lb. bag 89c 1 Vacu-seal Caps—Ball FRUIT JARS—Pints (Limit 4 Please) SUREJELL. doz. 89c ..... pkg. 10c GROCERY SPECIALS "i V Choice Baby Beef POT ROAST.. lb. 47« 39c Size Pillsbury’s—White, Yellow, Chocolate Cake Mixes choice 33c 5 Lb. Bag—Kimbell’s Best FLOUR . . each 43 c Kraft’s Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP, pt- 33c Mrs. Bickford’s (Limit 2 Please) 0LE0 . . . 2lbs-35 c Mrs. Tucker’s SHORTENING Mixed Sizes and Colors. Guaranteed- Eggs 3 LB. CAN ,. . 79c -(in Paper Bags) . doz. 33c 22 Oz. Sours, Dills, Kosher Dills Libby’s Pickles jar 29c Admiration—Packages (Limit One, Please) COFFEE... llh. 99c \ “ Popular Brands—(Others Proportionately) Cigarettes carton $2.09 Viviano—With Cheese & Tomato Sauce Only Brand Labeled, Extra Fancy—McCormick’s No. 300 Cans PREPARED Spaghetti 2 cans 25c 1 lb. Can Free with each Tea ™ 14 |>kg 25c Sunshine Krispy Crackers 1 lb. box 25c SHELLED PECANS—Halves or Pieces. In Cello.—lb. 89c 14 lb. 49c 4 oz.—27c A Southside Food Market WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS: 8 a.m. — 7 p.m. Daily Open 30 Minutes Earlier Fri. & Sat. — Closed 3 Blocks Due South of Kyle Field, College Sundays. A Complete One-stop Market SPECIALS STARTING 4 P.M. THUR. thru SAT. APR. 29, 30, MAY 1